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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:10 am

Still charging up electrical energy Mist saw the attack from the Bronze snake coming yet even Blane who was up and moving, He successful blocking yet another speak like attack from the snake using his abilities yet something with him was wrong, even though he played out as strong. Giving him a wink Mist didn’t say a word before activating the dash step, Now aiming to get close to the snake which Mist could see with her inner eye, radiated energy that she could absorb yet mostly thermal energy from forming the bronze after its will. Dashing forwards Mist aimed her eyes upon the snake, yet knowing better than to dive head in first with such a thing Mist Jumped to the side about ten feet before it moving in a speed where her body outlines became blurry and hard to see, Twisting her body in the air as she then leapt of further against a tree as her feet hit it and now rather much falling down behind the snakes Head after less than a second where Mist would gently try to place her right hand upon its scales on the back of its head only to after a mere second release a part of electrical energy she had charged, into it. The electrical energy sizzling and being lead right into the creature due Mist manipulating the electrical energy with her electro kinesis, The Bronze metals which had a lower melting point was to melt and seep of the snakes body where Mist had placed her hand along with the air around the snake heating due the electrical discharge, giving said chance to get to a rather soft parts of the snakes body Mist drew back her hand before ramming it into the snakes body, at least sinking her nails into its hide yet that was all she needed before releasing the rest of the electrical energy, which boomed out from her hand and straight into the snakes body and would most likely open up the snakes guts from the sheer force from the surge electrical, arches hitting out from the two of them yet the ones that went to Mist was directly lead on by the rubber she had placed into her attire and back into the snake, this would hopefully be enough to hurt the snake from the inside and Much less decease its brain captivity and movements.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:10 am

Blane turned to look at the snake as he opened his eyes, his sphere barriar returned back as to it was once, a blade with his hand, he walked over to where Mist had more or less finished off the elemental. Blane walked over towards it, the body of the snake still continued twist and flick as it still remained somewhat alive, the constant twitching however, soon got on Blane's nevers, considering in his mind the creature shouldn't be moving after what he had just witnessed. Lifting his sword up and around behind him, so that the blade was facing downwards, vertically with his back, he closed his eyes once more before bringing it over his shoulder and down towards the serpents head. As he did this, his blade grew in length to ten foot, while the blade itself compressed and become extremely dense, the steel glinted in the light as it begun to rip through the elemental. The blade screeched through the metal which sent a parade of sparks in Mist's direction, the hot embers would of been enough to sher her outfit ; the blade tore through the fleshy insides as though they were butter, the only challenge was the bronze armored hide on the outside, but even as Blane's blade passed through the beast with little effort, blood sprayed from the open wound as the sounding of cracking bone and twisting sinew filled the air with a deathly stench of what the snake last ate. Opening his eyes slowly, Blane's blade returned back to it's original state and once again he placed it back inside his stealth before saying with a soft grin " I guess that was a shocking experience for it ". Though the smile soon faded as he said lightly " I warned you two not to get poked by the thorns and instead I get poked by them. ". Still Blane remained his stance, he was to proud to allow his body to fail him, and his mind of course was over powering the pain that he was feeling in his back from forcing it to move the way that he did, when the muscle tissue constantly fought to remain paralyzed.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:11 am

As the snake went down and mist rather much went with it as the snaked twisted in its death, that had been easier than she though Mist pondered as she withdrew her hand from its body and stepped down to the side, Blane soon was there to give it a finishing move, the sparks sent in Mist direction rather more fading as Mist dissolved their thermal energy as she saw then yet the slight rain of blood she had not seen coming and soon was stained from it. “ Well so much for keeping clean” Mist muttered before reaching up a hand only to wipe away the stain of blood she had gotten on her face. Letting out a light giggle at Blanes comment Mist soon got silent and stared at him, he had gotten stung by the thorns huh? Shaking her head Mist walked over to him and around him, pulling energy with her as she moved and gently placed her hands upon his shoulders and closed her eyes “ Just relax” Mist said with a warm and rather soft tone to her voice as she let her inner eye take a closer look at the damage, in this case the paralyzing poison running through his body which came out as green glowing dots in his energy. Letting out a soft sigh Mist focused and let energy radiate into his body from her hands as she then focused the energy to the parts infected by the poison and as far it had spread in his blood stream, Taking a few moments Mist then channeled a weak pulse of electrical energy into him, not strong enough to damage the nerves just sending a motion of satisfaction through him more or less as Mist begun to drain the poison out from him and also activating his owns body’s cell regeneration and thus healing the damage the poison had made as soon as it seeped out from his body, along with the thorns falling out as his skin would close from the inside out pushing them away along with the poison. As soon as it finished Mist let her hands rest on his shoulders, healing someone rather more drained her a bit than healing herself, since after all it was not often she had to heal others. The gash upon the outside of her thigh slowly closing as the black blood left its marks on her pale flesh already stained by the snakes blood, Now she was in need of a bath. “ Next time, make it less messy” Mist said with a light giggle as she let her hands fall down to her sides as she now waited for Felie to come back out.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:12 am

Looking down at the elemental, he saw the full after math and his eyes veered up to Mist as he saw the blood splatter upon her. Tilting his head slight, he felt the thorns dig themselves deeper into his back, some threatening to strike spinal cords. The neron toxicons traced throughout his body by this stage and already he could feel his internal origans beginning to fade. That was until Mist came over to him, and placed her hands on his shoulders. Listening to her as she told him to relax, Blane felt the odd sensation emit from his back as he could feel his blood hastily replicate. The poison was pushed out the way that it had come, completely reasing all known exist of it. Blane's back twitched slightly as several of the needles before finally all were pushed out of his back. Feeling Mist finish this live saving " trick " as she would of said, he took this moment having already completely regained his strength. His species was an odd one due to how their cells would replicate to fight most poisons, and infections. Reaching up, he took each of Mist's hands in before lifting them over his head as he turned around ; the dense red ocean of hair wavered as Blane turned his head, the sunlight caused his pale skin to shine ever so softly. Looking down to Mist, Blane gave her a wink before a smile crossed his face. Reaching out with his hands, his chains jiggled lightly as he wrapped his arms around Mist and pulled her close. Still looking down to her, Blane reached down with his finger tips gliding along Mist's lower back down to her ass, where he placed his fingers inbetweem her cheeks and grabbed hold of her firmly but still with a gentle touch. Lifting the demoness up, the Jag'troa brought her to his eye level, before finally saying with a grin " Well, do I get a thank you? You saved my life ? You are the most amazing demon in the world? ". The cheeky grin on his face was only added to by the glitter effect of his pale blue eyes.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:13 am

Feeling rather satisfied with Blane still able to move Mist was just about to draw back her hands as he grabbed a hold of them and turned around to face her, Mist glancing up to his eyes which held a rather soft feel to them as she looked into them and was pulled close Mist didn’t mind that, a rather soft smile spreading upon her lips yet being replaced with a rather question expression as she felt his hands trail down her back and to her ass, cupping her ass cheeks and going to close to a certain place before she was lifted up as she rather much wrapped her legs around his waist and clinged to him to rid that light odd feeling e gave her while glaring at him “ I think we are even Blane” Mist said to him as she arched a brow and wrapped her arms around his neck, being careful to avoid the spikes upon his shoulders before sinking her nails into the back of his shoulder blades while leaning in closer to his face she took a moment to stare into his pale blue eyes with her own deep blue feline eyes. His eyes reminded her of Streeas before she had left him on the brink of death, oh how she missed him. Sighing out softly, straight into Blanes face Mist peered at him “ Let’s make a deal Blane? If you ever save me from the brink of death, I’ll let you bed me. But until then, hands off? “ Mist said as she tilted her head slightly, rather more hoping such a day wouldn’t come and if so he wouldn’t be the one to save her, she was after all Streeas.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:13 am

Blane continued to grin as he had gotten his answer from Mist, but still her glare made him giggled inside. Moving the index finger right against a special place, Blane pressed against it as he lift Mist upwards to place her back on the ground. Taking his time as wiggled his finger harder against it, he finally sat Mist down while releasing her. Shaking his head slightly at her, he reached around to his back and into his back before taking out a snake that he then gave to Mist and said with a grin " Eat that, it tastes like chicken, and has plenty of liquid. " Turning back around he glanced at her at said with a slight smire " Just so you know, I'll take the deal, and I'll go out of my way to save you, even if I must attack you myself. ". The way Blane said it was joyful and hurmors to him, yet with a hint of seriousness that made one question if he'd actually do to that extent. Turning back to the jungle, Blane moved back into the jungle heading in the direction they were originally heading. Turning his head back as he glanced over to Mist say light heartedly " It'll be a few hours to the water hole, we might run into trouble there, we might not, either way, we all need to clean off, so I vote for a swim. Of course Mist, you have to swim naked. ". The playfulness in his voice was followed by his eyes quickly flicking to Mist's then back to the jungle ahead.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:13 am

Feeling it being grinded upon by his finger Mist squirmed where she was and let out a huff while tensing up from the rather odd feeling, glaring harder at him as she was put back down on the ground. Soon after that, her glare was disrupted by a snake, what was it with this place and all the snakes? Not taking the Snake Mist looked up to Blane and arched a brow “ We still don’t eat material things Blane, so we will have to wait.” Yet snickering upon his next statement Mist tilted her head his way “ Best of luck.” Those words she uttered from her lips in a slight sarcasm yet that utter sweetness to it. “ And a swim sounds good, and If I have to go in naked, you have to too. “ Mist said with a devious grin on her lips as she began walking forwards as Felie roamed out from her hiding and walked up besides her, casting a glare at Blane, of course she had heard them all along.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:14 am

As the party headed deeper into the forst, Blane would stop from time to time and kill a creature before putting it into his bag, or to stop to pick berries and samples to give to Felie. Coming closer to the water, Blane sniffed the air as he smelt the water, his body was already of coursed covered in sweat from the humidity of the jungle itself. " Come on, the water hole is just up a head. " Blane said in a rather cheerful voice. Still being cautious, the demon strolled through the trees as though he was stalking his prey, constantly alert for any signs of movement. Once Blane had gone to the hole and come back he nodded to Mist and Felie as he said lightly " It's safe as far as spirits and little boys go. " of course his sense of humor never left him as he turned around and walked back towards the watering hole, reaching up as he did so his finger sliding underneath the clip machine that kept the long claymore upon his back. With a simple click, the sword was released and Blane moved it down and sat it upon some rocks. While moving his other hand down to the buckle of his second sword, he soon had it removed and placed down beside the first. Reaching down, the Jag'troa kicked off his boots before reaching up with his hands and letting his trench coat slide off his shoulders. As the coat was removed, a slick glittering stream of sweat could be seen down Blane's well tone musclical body. Placing the coat down, he then brought his hands around and unbuttoned his pants before dropped them to the ground, the leather being slightly awkward to get off due to the stiffness of the several layers of buckles. Walking over to the water, Blane called back to Mist with a grin " I always swim naked regardless. ". That was all Blane said, before he waded out into the pool of cold water. The water hole was mostly protected from sun light which in turn allowed the water to stay cool, due to the many trees around. Still were the sun did hit, cause the water to glitter and sparkle and was slightly warm in temperature compared to the shaded area's in the pool. Blane dived into the water head first, and opened his eyes, seeing the sand floor of the pool, to the small purple bushes that grew underneath it. The hole wasn't overly big, thirty meters by thirty meters roughly. Still as Blane came up, he flicked his now shimmering brilliant red hair over his head and down his back, sending a spray of sparkling water. Standing in the water waist deep, Blane turned back around and looked over to Mist before saying with a light giggle " The water is nice "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:14 am

After walking for a few hours even Mist had a light layer of moist upon her pale skin and was rather relieved as they came close to the water hole, yet while waiting for Blane to come back from securing the waters, Mist looked to Felie who was in the midst of researching plants, Mist could help but to smile in pride over having such a wonderful daughter. As Blane came back Mist and Felie followed him yet Felie sneaked of to the surroundings and researched some more as Mist now watched Blane strip down naked and toss himself into the water, he wasn’t bad looking to say the least nor shy for that part also had a rather nice bum, yet his private parts Mist looked away from. Mist on the other hand, never had the intention of swimming nude, not with a sexual predator such as Blane near at the very least. Unhitching the Katana and the two short swords Mist placed then leaning against a tree as she then striped down to her underwear, the slender yet womanly curved body of hers gleaming lightly while still having laced underwear to cover up her private parts, then Mist took a moment to seal of the electrical current in her body, not to get in trouble for taking a bath. After just a few moments Mist made her way into the water, it was more than refreshing and her tail almost like a snake seemed to play out of the enjoyment before Mist jumped into the water completely only to slowly look up from the water’s surface as her white hair played out in the water, gleaming lightly and sticking to her face and body as Mist stood up a bit further out in the water hole, it being a bit deeper there yet the water only going to her waist as she begun to wash of the dirt and blood not saying a word.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:15 am

Blane turned his head as he looked at Mist, she was a funny cute little thing and whoever Streea was sure hit the jack pot with her. But Blane also knew that if he perused her enough, she'd eventually turn to him. Blane walked over to Mist before splashing some water on her, soaking her from head to toe as he looked her over again. This time Blane saw her for her real beauty, the innocence that came with the rain as one might say. As Blane's eyes locked onto Mist's, he reached up with his right hand and lightly placed his finger tips against her cheek while leaning into her as he lightly placed his lips against the white Demoness’s. Felie of course seeing this, decided it was best to go and investigate the area, looking for new samples to catalogue in her books. As Felie moved away, Blane kept his lips pressed against Mist's while moving his other hand down in-between her legs, his finger tips going straight for the wet fabric of her panties as he presses his finger tips against her clit and started rubbing it through her panties.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:16 am

<Feeling the sexual tension didn't take an energy demons skills it was too evident and their sweat had that scent that only comes when one is aroused so Felie dropped her bundles of scales and arced off to a side path slightly visible , but clearly being retaken my the jungle. As she walked she continued to gather specimens of everything and she killed a few more of those damned snakes. She loved snakes usually even venomous ones, but these ones were starting to piss her off because they kept trying to drop from the branches above or come up under the leaves and vines and bite her. They kept this up and she was going to forget they may play a part in this world's ecosystem and she would do a meld from one to many and fry all their asses with an implanted thought of them dying in a huge inferno. Otherwise she was rather enjoying her sojourn into this forgotten pathway and she planned on diving into that damned pool as soon as she sensed they'd be too wrapped up in each other to care who was there, because she wanted to bathe as well. But she had patience and if she got impatient, well, she knew how to make herself known. So Felie continued a bit longer with her exploration, blending in when she needed as a predator passed and interacting with the birds, lizards, arachnid and others that were benign as she collected so manta samples she was wondering if she'd be able to add more to her haul.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:16 am

: Being in the midst of cleaning herself of Mist caught onto the sound of water being splashed and turned its way, getting hit by it in the face and if possible even more wet. Just standing there Mist stared at him with rather big eyes, blinking a few times as he came closer he locking his eyes with her and she staring back, the thought rushing through Mist’s mind as he placed a hand upon her cheek and soon after his lips against hers. Mist continuing to blink in a moment of slightly confusion for the demoness soon regained her senses and brought up her hands and placed them on his shoulders, clawing at his skin as she pushed away slightly while pulling her head back, Blane surely was inviting and not to speak about handsome but Mist was still married to Streea, so trying to avoid it all. The direct touch to sweet spot gently being rubber through the fabric through her panties didn’t make it better as Mist now more forcefully tried to pull away from him letting out a single sweet moan as their lips parted a pale red blush was already upon her cheeks as she glanced away from him, taking a few steps back only to trip on her own tail ending up falling backwards akwardly.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:16 am

Seeing as the moment was pretty much now nor never to molset the poor demoness, that had somehow backed and tripped over her own tail in confusion. Blane walked over to where she had fallen and knelt down to her at her feet. Though instead of doing what he knew was the right thing and that was to reach out and help Mist up, a creepy yet lovely grin appeared across Blanes lips. After a moment, he reached down and grabbed Mist by the ankles and lifted her up before hooking either of the back of her legs over his shoulders, with her tail trapped between them. As he did this, Blane then reached down with one hand first and placed it along Mist's hips. Digging his fingers into her flesh he let out a soft giggle as he could already smell her sweet scent and juices flowing. Moving his other hand down in the same motion, he placed his other hand on her other hip before lifting Mist's entire body to his face as he stood up, lifting her up off the ground like a doll. Moving his lips down in-between her legs that he forced through her thighs, since Mist of course wasn't exactly being cooperative. Blane let his tongue out of his mouth, and strangely he had a seven inch tongue. Without a second though, Blane moved his tongue down to underneath Mist's panties, where his tongue lightly brushed along her moist clitoris, rubbing it with the tip of his tongue. After a second, the demon moved his tongue down and allowed it to slide into Mist as Blane moved his head down closer to mist so that his lips were pressed half on her panties and half over her vagina. With his tongue nearly seven inch’s inside of, Blane spin it around digging the entire tongue into the walls of her insides as he did so, while moving his head around so that his nose still brushed against her concealed clit that her panties hid. Mist's juice's and cum filled Blane's mouth almost instantly as he tasted her sweet and utter goodness, and even as he continued to spin his entire tongue hard around her pussy, he used his lips to cup over his tongue as he begun humming, causing his entire tongue to vibrate.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:17 am

After have fallen Mist stared at Blane awkwardly, what about the deal they had? That was all the demoness could think about as Blane knelt down before her legs were lifted up and placed over his shoulders, he even trapped her tail. Trapping her further Blane did as he took a steady grip of her hips and held her onto place lifting her off the ground like a doll, Mist squeezing her thighs to prevent too at the time hard to avoid event Blane still moved his head down to her private parts. Mist let out a damped yelp as she felt something wet grace her clit, sending tingles through her body and making her cheeks blush. It felt so wrong, yet so good at the same time and only left the Demoness more confused and agitated as she struggled trying to gain some kind of escape path even kicking her feet at his back and swinish her tail back and forth. Yet as Mist for the feeling of something filling her up and swirling around inside of her sending thrills of pleasure through her she placed her hands over her mouth, damping the soft moans that broke though her lips and that only got louder as Blane begun to hum, the pleasure causing her back to arch and her legs to tremble as her body only got hotter and pants where the only resolution to get air as her struggle seemed to wear off slightly as her body caved into the pleasure.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:18 am

Blane continued to force his tongue deeper inside of Mist, even grinding it harder against her insides as he swirled his tongue around still humming. Hearing Mist moan, sent a wave of pleasure and joy through Blanes body, as he kept engulfing her juices and cum that spilled from her little pussy. Moving his tongue slightly, as Blane's own private area became incredibly aroused ; he moved his tongue against Mist's g-spot and begun rubbing around it hard and fast. Blane moved his hands down one by one from Mist's hips down to her breasts her he grasped them and gave them a squeeze as he used them instead to hold her weight up, knowing full well the demoness would enjoy the pain. Bringing the tips of his fingers along, Blane lightly begins rubbing Mist's nipples as he holds her into position.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:18 am

As Blane became more rough and forceful Mist let out pleasure filled wines and moans, and with her legs trembling to much to even dare to use them to kick. Even as the pleasure became even more absolute from having her g-spot gravely molested Mist’s body arched again and sweet moan filled pants emitted from her yet even as Blane Moved his hands to her breast to hold her up while playing with her nipples Mist took away her hands from her face and gripped a steady hold of his wrists, digging her nails into them while holding herself up to, squeezing her thighs around his head as she rather much stuttered out “ w-what about the deal?!” She questioned yet the sentence being interrupted several times by moans.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:18 am

Blane drew his head back as he looked up into her eyes, the tip of his tongue licking his lips as he continued to taste her sweet flavor. " Deal's off, I really don't want to pass you up, and to be honest, I'll give you a hard feeling " Blane said to Mist with a grin as he moved his hands from her breats down to her waist once more as he lowered her down nice and slowly. Blane could already tell by how tight Mist was, that he'd need to take care with her otherwise he might rip her. Moving his hips and the tip of his dick around, he lightly brushed the tip of it up and down against her clit before using the tip to push her panties to the side. As Blane did this, the thought to himself " Who ever said demons were gentle ", and as he worked the tip of his cock into her pussy, he clinched her waist and drove her downwards all the way hard. His penis speared into Mist's tight wet, juicy pussy as he felt her pussy walls being forced apart as excess juices squirted out of her pussy and onto his testicals.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:18 am

Meeting Blanes gaze with her bright red face and still utterly confused gaze Mist glared at him as he said the deal was off, now rather more fearing the worst Mist took the chase as given while he lowered her down onto the ground yet only problem was his hands taking a steady hold on her waist. “ Aww fuck you Cunt “ Was all Mist could say as she felt something brush against her clit and then inching inside of her, only to brutally be slammed into her as Blane drover her down onto his cock hard, Mist let out a short yelp in pain that soon went over in pleasure as her pussy clamped down on his cock and Mist body once more went spastic as she gasped for air from the slight shock.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:19 am

Blane moved his left hand down along under Mist, his fingers snaking there way into the gap between her ass cheeks as he then used his other hand and wrapped it around the back and pulled her up to him. Slowly, letting her get more of a feel for it and being a bit more gentle, Blane lifted the demoness up and then down his thick shaft, his dick spreading her insides once again as he lowered her back down it. Leaning his head down to hers, Blane was careful not to let his horns thump her on the head as he continued to lift her up and down. Hearing Mist's comment, in regards to fucking him, Blane said with a smile as he stared into her eyes while he felt Mist's body twitch and spasms in joy. " See, you just offered yourself anyways. You can't say you aren't enjoying it, your keeping your pussy clinched around it to much to not be enjoying it "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:19 am

Regaining her breath somewhat Mist was then lifted up to Blane, only to be slowly worked up and then down his shaft, letting out a soft moan straight into his face Mist locked her eyes with him, hearing his reply as what he said was true, her body said yes but her mind shouted for an escape. “ So tell me, why are you doing this Blane? I know it might be custom amongst your kind but our culture is different” Mist shuttered out while her body continued its spa zing and trembling while the pleasure didn’t cease and now Mist’s concentration was fading as she placed her hands against his chest and gently moved them up his shoulders where she nailed her claws into his skin.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:19 am

Blane looked back to her eye, a smirk crossed his lips as he watched her before speaking " Because me, as a creature, takes what it wants and desires. ". Leaning his face closer to Mist's, he lightly let the tip of his tongue slip across her lips before he leaned in and playfully bit down on her bottom lip and pulled at it. At the same time, Blane felt the sharp pain that soon changed to pleasure as Mist's nails dug into his back. Lifting her up his cock till the tip almost came out, he then pulled and drove her down his hard dick once more. Holding Mist down, with his penis all the way in, Blane then swirled his hips around in a circular motion, causing it to rub along the entire length of her dripping vagina. Lifting the demoness back up once again, the Jag'troa then drove it back it, their bodies hammering and clapping together.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:20 am

twitching her eye a bit Mist arched a brow “ desire huh? Just because I’m something you don’t see everyday doesn’t mean in special in anyway Blane.” and glared at Blane as her lip was bit and pulled at, yet after that Blane lifted her back up and then slammed the demoness down, who in fact let out a faint scream of pleasure only to have a have a chorus of soft moans and pants leave her lips as Blane swirled his cock inside of her, Mist digging her nails into his skin deeper, not caring if he ended up bleeding from it as the pounding continued and Mist moaning got more intense and the trembles of pleasure from her body graver and even more intense as Mist winced slightly and begun tensing up more.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:20 am

Blane continued to pound the white haired demoness as he felt the sting of her nails digging into his skin. Lifting her all the way up, he moved an around around and under Mist's leg before lifting it up over his shoulder, before placing his hand on her outter thigh and squeezing it as he moved his other hand in the same motion and placed her other leg over his other shoulder. After doing this, Blane drove her back down his shaft, forcing it deeper than before, as he felt the tip of it press against her womb. Blade looked into her eyes, and said with a soft and caring smile " What if your husband is already dead? Would that not make you a widow? Besides - " Blane's smile turned into a more warm harded grin as he heaved her back up and down, pounding her little tight pussy as he spoke light hearted lightly " You didn't put up much of a fight dear. "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:21 am

Changing the position once more the moans didn’t cease yet she felt the tip of hit against something that made her whole body twitch a loud moan was let out and Mist scratched her nails along his skin as she glared at him, panting trying to regain focus and hearing him speak, Mist went quiet, and just stopped and stared at him for a moment no breath no motion at all as her face went paler than ever, that even someone dared to say such a thing. “ If so then I don’t know about it.. haven’t seen him for quite some time “ Mist whispered as she looked away from Blane, a rather distant look in her eyes even as he went back to pounding her and even though the moans emitted from her lips Mist was rather more stuck with something that might be true, she had her doubts and missing someone wasn’t easy.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 4 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:21 am

Even by the whisper, Blane could hear the uneasiness in Mist's voice. Letting out a soft sigh as he brought her to a stop, he lifted the energy demoness off of his shaft before gently removing her legs from his shoulders as he then placed her feet lightly on the ground, while still holding her by the waist to help her keep balance. After a few moments of silence, Blane's face became serious, one of the first times of course Mist would of seen it as he said in a sincere and meaningful voice " I'm sorry for bringing it up ". With that he could feel that Mist had regained her balance after instead he walked back over to his belongings and begun getting dressed once again. After pulling up his leather pants, Blane looked over to Mist, before tilting his head to the side as he stared at her before saying with a soft smile " You'd better finish washing up.. You still got blood on you ". Even with the blood on Mist, Blane thought that she still looked rather stunning, but considered Mist's feelings after the event that stating so might of put her off more.

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