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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:40 am

: After having place Felie into the book, Mist caught up on Blane’s comment and nodded with a light smile upon her lips as she watched him take off, Mist didn’t waste time by placed the codex back upon her belt as she rushed after him, light steps upon the dirt as she tried to keep up with the Jag’troa while dancing past braches and other forms of plants, she making sure she didn’t get stuck with her tail anywhere which was rather hard as the demoness ended up dragging a plant along, a pretty flower a that yet even so it was not the time to mind such, even though Mist had always been a fan of the beauty hidden in a battle field. Working on follow behind Blane, and also letting her inner eye look freely Mist noticed the four energy traces a head of them before Blane even had a chance to slow down, as Mist had come to creep up next to him instead of following behind, even so he ran straight into them. Mist sighed to herself as she came out in the visible to them, also being able to see the sources of the four energy traces, which once more was lizard men, Two with spear like weapons, one with a round shield and one with that weapon that Mist couldn’t name yet. Even so as taking the moment to watch over them, Thermal energy squirmed around these lizard men who also to Mist where butt ugly, but on the other hand like Blane some kind of kinesis users most likely Pyro due the amount of thermal energy around them. Glanced to Blane Mist couldn’t help to lay an eye on his ass, she was going to give that a fair squeeze later. Yet retaining her focus Mist looked over to the lizard men “ what are these… butt ugly lizard men even called Blane?” Mist asked while grabbing a steady grip of Niveus vox’s hilt with her right hand, before pulling the double bladed katana like weapon out of its hilt in one shift movement, the energy gem was fully charged and ready to use at the very least as the one with the un named weapon was aimed at Blane who in respond Mist more and likely face palming herself as she watched his maneuver of rather blunt “whoops what do you see, I didn’t see you four being here hehe.” Actions that lead to another as even Blane dropped his gun, Mist simply arched a brow and let her blade come down to the point where it touched the ground and Mist let her Ergo kinesis play out and slowly released the energy from the gem into the hollow between the blades, reading it, theses men where enemies right? The wink from Blane set a almost tingling sensation through her body and a grin upon her lips as she pulled back her right leg and while she her left knee forwards and pointed the tip of her blade into the ground as Blane set of a hell of his own, Mist didn’t see it clearly but as Blane crotched down and used his Kinesis, He blasted away a fair bit of the jungle ahead of them. Bits and scraps the threes and vegetation raining down upon the lizard men were of two energy traces faded almost directly and In all honestly Mist hadn’t expected such a destruction coming from Blane, even though she like it a lot as he screamed about leveling things he did it very skillfully. Giggling slightly the Energy demoness remained focused and drew more energy into her blade, this time absorbing it from the ground where the tip of her blade had been tucked into as it slowly turned lifeless and cold. She knew what to do and it was something similar to Blane yet this would surely rid the strange weapon and the things falling down upon them almost like baseball, even though such a thing wasn’t in Mist knowledge. “ Be careful” Was all Mist needed to hear as she watched Blane take off in the direction of the lizard man without a strange weapon and so, her que was given as the demoness less than a moment after changed the grip on her blade also making sure that Blane wasn’t in the way to get blasted away from what she was about to do. As Mist then twisted the hilt in her hand enough to make the sharp edge of it turn upwards taking a moment before she just let the energy in the blade blast away at full force towards the lizard man with the weapon that he was busy using, this emptying the energy gem completely but the energy wave that rose from the ground almost like a wave with a foreplay debris that sucked the falling forest straight in before blasting it outwards at the lizard man and all around them before the wave itself fell down upon him and crushed him to the point where the armor broke and limbs were sent flying before dissolving due the overload of energy along with the vegetation that had been in the way, this leaving the area where Mist had sent her energy wave, empty and life less. Letting out a soft sigh, Mist stood straight and looked over the destruction that they had created, it was quite lovely. Yet Mist thoughts once more fell upon Streea, if he really was gone, then would it be okay for her to move on with Blane? She had taken a strong interests in the man already, yet what to do. Mist knew and admitted to herself that she had feelings for him and his splendor, whist the feelings for Streea was fading due his absence. Letting her blue Feline eyes fall upon Blane’s figure, Mist couldn’t help but to smile softly as she spoke “ You be careful to Blane” even so Mist was pretty sure Blane was too busy with his prey rather than listening to her.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:40 am

: She awoke to find herself in a darkness that would seem total if not for the unique swirls of a language unknown to her that flashed by her eyes in chains and sequences. Felie lay there starring as the sentence fragments continuiously flowed by time unknown to her in here, until the letters and symbols seemed to create a structure she could visualize as certain strands of them swirled and flowed to create things and the one that she stared at the most was the one that showed a book much like her mothers codex falling open over and over again. Felie kept trying to sound out the lettering of the strange cryptology until she finally uttered it in such a way that the darkness around her shimmered as the words pulsated as if they had a life and she felt the tingle that meant the presence of energy. Felie repeated this phrase "Lanua mihi patefacio prolixus" over and over as the pulsations increased intil she saw a sliver of light break apart the darkness as if it had caused a rift in the fabric of it. She reached out and felt the edge with her fingers , it was smooth and sharp and the slit was so slim one would not be able to pass through it. Felie pressed aganst the sides and she saw out of the corner of her eyes more lettering flowing, but she didnt want to wait and so she ignored the chance to learn more of this language and she shifted her genetic makeup around; turning bone, skin, and sinew into a vapory shadowy fog that swirled and oozed its way out of the sliver of light. The rest of her followed until soon Felie'e essence began to swish and heave as it reformed into a humanoid shape and she stood staring at the codex that she had just slid out of with a dawning comprehension she had been inside a place where she could have learned so much more if she hadn't been so impatient. But Felie also had a pragmatic side to her nature and knew things would happen in their own time , so she looked at what was happening and espied Blane busy with some slain lizardmen while her mother stood there grinning at him. Felie knew she had fallen , she remembered an exhaustion like she hadn't felt since the time she used the screaming souls as a child to voice her anger at the world she lived in. Felie tapped her mother lightly on the shoulder and tilted her head as if to ask "so what have I missed?"

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:41 am

: Blane was once again at it as he darted through the tree's that still fell. Having returned his claymore to the original size and even compressed it and caused it to shrink more, this allowed him much more flexibility as he ducked and weaved through branches and debris that flew up into his face. Having made his way through the forest of maddness, Blane broken through with a burst of speed as he rushed towards the Ea'Kishi warrior. Though, this reckless rush was not without fault, as the scaled beast seemed to know a better understanding of his ability to manipulate fire as he moved his hand to the blade and formed a small fireball before launching it directly infront of Blane. At the last second however, the Jag'troa threw his body to the left, only to dodge the majority of the blast that had erupted once it struck the earth sending forth stone and dirt, not to mention small fire balls that singed Blane's jacket. Getting to his feet, Blane let out a soft huff. He was already beginning to strain himself, and this Ea'Kishi seemed alright. Even so, the demon lifted his claymore, bringing the hilt above his head while he crouched down. The broad side of the sword's blade came to rest upon Blane's forearm as he watched the lizard, waiting for it to strike.
However, the Ea'Kishi took a different stance than what Blane had expected. Instead, it reached down to it's side and twisted the hilt of a short sword. After waiting a few seconds, the Ea'Kishi ripped the blade forth from it's case, causing sparks to emit which in turn set the blade ablaze. Refining the flames, the soon turned from a shade of red, to a dull yet bright orange. By feeding large quanities of oxygen to such a flame, it would of acted like an oxy-touch and would simply cut straight through metal. Tucking the long halbred slightly under it's arm, the lizard drew it's head back as it begun to suck in a lung full of oxygen. Blane pondered what the creature was doing, only until it threw it's head forward while moving the burning blade of the halbred infront of it. As both of them became pointed at the demon, the lizard unleashed it's breath as it forced the flames to shot outwards towards Blane. One could of imagined this as an intense flamethrower that burned the very ground it passed over. Blane of course had little time to react, and instead redirected his blade as he closed his eyes and expanded it around himself. However, this didn't stop the flames from striking the steel, which in turn heated the up the area around Blane. Hoping to wait it out, eventually the flames stopped coming as the Ea'Kishi had lost it's breath. With the shield like barrier infront of the Jag'troa that he had created to defend himself, several spikes projected from the smooth surface almost instantly. Several of these struck the Ea'Kishi, while others merely passed around him. Though the lizard only took minor wounds from this, it wasn't until Blane formed more spikes from those that were near and inside of the scaley beast that it became impaled over one hundred and thirty-six times. As Blane withdrew the spikes from the corpse and lowered his defenses as his claymore returned to normal and he hoisted it once more. It was easy to see that while he skillfully executed the creature, his pale skin still had a hint of red to it as though it had been burnt by the intesnity of the heat.
Turning back around, Blane eyed the destruction that Mist had caused and a light smile crossed his lips. So she wasn't half bad at all. Also seeing Felie out, the Jag'troa walked back over to where he had left his pistol before reclaiming it once more as he went to join the girls. " I hardly think you missed much, just a little bit of fun. " was all the demon said as his eyes veered to Mist's before he gave her a light wink. Stepping around her, he lightly reached out and ran his finger tips along her shouldes before giving her snow like hair a playful flick. " Your mother fights as brillantly as you do Felie. Only difference is, she does it and makes it look sexy. Pushing her ass out, poofing out her - " though Blane was pulled up short by a jab to the ribs from Felie and a slight glare from her. In the distance, Blane heard another burst of rapid fire from one of the Ea'Kishi's weapons. It'd seem Linura and his men were still having trouble over-whelming them. Glancing between Mist and Felie, Blane said with a slightly labored breath " There's still more of them. We need to help out Linura, and try to save the lives of those that are left. Otherwise we risk the possibly of becoming out numbered should we run into more. This seems to be only an advancement force, if they are using their macina. Well, they could very well level this entire area. So let's keep moving ", With that Blane turned his back on them while still having the short sword and pistol in his hands while moving over the barricade that stood before them.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:42 am

Still watching Blane in all his glory as he finished of the Lizard man, even so it seemed to Mist that he was getting tired. As long as he didn’t get hurt or at worst killed yet it didn’t seem possible, Maybe Blanes kind did not hold the same stamina as an Energy demon? Mist pondered where she stood, yet twitching slightly as the Codex let out Felie on a black smoke. Only to be tapped upon the shoulder and asked what she had missed, Mist smiled lightly as she watched Blane pick up his gun “ Oh not much more from what you achieved Felie “ Mist answered still keeping her eyes Upon Blane who joined them. He looked tired but even so he kept a smile upon his lips, he was always so headstrong it seemed. Winking back at him Mist grinned slightly as he stepped around her, Feeling his finger drag along the skin of her shoulders Mist shivered as she kept her eyes upon his still smiling as her heart seemingly skipped a beat, that was unusual and caused Mist to blink for a moment as Blane did his thing. Yet interrupted by Felie as she jabbed him in the ribs and Mist just giggled and shook her head “ What can I say, It’s in my blood even though my ass surely taste of a throne” Mist said with a light laugh as she reached up a hand only to sweep a few white hair stains out of her face, this had indeed tired even her but that was what one would expect from sitting to many years on a throne. Oh god how she had hated that, royal duty wasn’t suited for her at all. But now at the very least, even after the destruction and chaos her realm had created when crashing into this planet Mist was at least free from it. And so the battle was still going on from the sound of it, as Linura seemed to have a hard time. Listening to Blane Mist nodded and glanced to Felie nodding with a smile “ That wont be a problem “ The energy demoness said with a smile, what were the chances that Felie could accomplish something like that again in such short time, Not big. But on the other hand Mist herself had not brought out her full game yet either. Tilting her head to the side Mist let her neck pop before she closed her eyes, focusing on the titanium on her blood for a moment, It could be keep flowing, or as protection for her bones and in this case, Protection it was as on a given command, the Titanium flowed out from her blood veins and deeper into her body, letting it collect around her bones and layer out in a thin layer covering most of her skeletal structure, keeping joins free but also leaving the veins close to the bones free to the point that her black blood still flowed freely. This took nothing less than minutes to perform, even though it wasn’t a painless method Mist endured it and stood tall. Only thing with doing this, was that it set the electrical current in her double nerve system free and thus made thin arches of Electrical energy emit and flow out in the air around her before returning into her body, manifesting in her muscle cells, preparing for moving at high speeds. Once this was done Mist looked to Blane who was in process of moving over a barricade long with Felie, and the Energy demoness of course followed behind, looking over him as they went. It seemed he had gotten a few burns, but that she would take care of later. “ Does the burns hurt Blane?” Mist said as they had come over the barricade and moved towards the battle, snaking their way back through the jungle and leaving the destruction they had caused behind, and Mist of curse at the given moment let a hand drop down behind Blane only to give his ass a fair pinch before passing him by, winking at him as Mist almost hit her head in a low brash yet avoided it by squatting down in the last second, being carless wasn’t a good thing. Shrugging Mist let her eyes travel along the ground as they went forward, also letting her inner eye flow out and keep a check on the energy traces, A bit a head there were a few, Linuras including a few Jag’troa but also lizard men who had almost surrounded them and seemingly was bringing something bigger in, for a trained Mind seeing through the Energy field that seamlessly was an ever-changing flow of energy that looked like smoke from a cigarette flowing through everything on numerous of colors it was in fact beautiful to see. Pondering what it might be, Mist noticed something all too familiar across the whole battle field that the group was heading towards, The chains of Adolescence and sin was stretching out even here, and to them it was an advantage as Mist took a sprint forwards, The black chains partly covered by dirt in the meadow that the fight was taking place had laid in active but as soon as Mist came closer, they begun to move, causing the ground to crack as they slithered up on it and towards the Energy demoness as she took a final leap out on the battle field, Landing just before being meet by the end of one of the chains as it stopped before her. Mist smiled deviously as she glanced around, the lizard men troops came closer and they had a few of the weapons that Mist didn’t like with them for the outlook. Sighing softly Mist stretched out her hand towards the chain and the chains on their own having a mind of their own, it slithering up and seemingly caressing her hand for a moment but in all reality it cut her palm open, letting her blood flow out slowly as the rather oil like substance it was and drip down upon it. The blood meeting the surface of the massive blackened titanium chain caused a reaction as Mist glanced to the enemy and then pointed her bleeding hand towards them “annullo ” Was all Mist had to say before the chains of Adolescence and Sin abided by her will and the connection they had by blood and rose from the ground and up in the air avoiding Linura and his men and took a path around them, like bad omens the Chains cast shadow upon them while rising up, shaking of dirt. As the chains arrived about fifty feet up on the air the chain links grinding against each other but instead of a horrible noise being made, only light chirrs could be heard as soon eight ends had collected up in the air, The Ea’kishi clearly seeing this and aiming their weapons against them, shooting away. Yet even thought the fire and bullets the Titanium remained unharmed and as Mist snapped the tip of her fingers, The chains dived down upon the Ea’kishin’s with the fire weapons causing tremors to rumble though the earth below their feet as the Chain ends collided with the ground at the speed they went down and not to speak about the immense weight, like spears sent from the skies. Craters on about twenty feet each completely destroying Most of the Ea’kishins most powerful weapons and also killing a few of those who didn’t move in time, even though most would have gotten damaged from the debris of stone and metal shards that came from the destroyed weapons.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty General Malick

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:42 am

-Smoke tainted the blue skies above the shattered forest, now burning with the war machines that had been destroyed by the Jag’trao invasion force. The initial battalion of response units had fallen dead to the cold, metal hearts of the ones who had sought to claim their ore. The Ea’Kishi would not allow this to happen, what had been a neutral relationship had now turned into one of bitter spite. Hell-Keeper Artillery had positioned itself on the far side of the hill in which lay on the far side of the now destroyed forest, waiting for their cue to rain shells of thermite-covered shrapnel onto the battle-field. The thermite would act as napalm, sticking to whatever it collided with and burning into it until there was nothing left to burn. The Ea’Kishi would not allow these brutes to get a hold of their ore, even if it meant destroying the mountains. By now, the cold, reptilian corpses of the Ea’Kishin soldiers were now stiff with rigor-mortis, their suits de-active and most likely being salvaged by the Jag’Trao. A lone Ea’Kishin stood among the hilltop, his rugged H.E.V. suit had seen better days by the look of the dull, red paintjob in which shown. He was not like the other units of the battalion, he had been sent by the council to repel these vermin from their lands. General Malick watched the smoke rise from the visors of his helmet, smirking a long, crocodile smirk as he let loose a growling chuckle.- “I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy” –He said into the receiver of his helmets microphone.- “Wait until the recon units have gotten cloaked and ready to go, tell them to use thermite shells for this batch of heretics” –Malick let out a short sigh, turning around the battalion of roughly 300 units, varying from normal soldiers to Heavy weapon units. Each of them were armored, each of them were implemented for this fight.- “Keep that cannon fire coming, we want to lure them in” –Malick explained to the captain who would relay the orders to the battalion, his eyes looking to the line of awaiting soldiers ready to greet the invaders with a hail of gunfire.- “Fire when ready” –Was the command given when all pieces were in place, the deafening sound of artillery shells being shot into the air could be heard even through the helmets of the Ea’Kishi forces. As the first thermite shell hit the ground, exploding into a fury of fire and molten steel, the snipers would begin their routine.-

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty Linura

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:43 am

Having grown so use to this jungle, snaking their way through it, keeping in formation didn’t seem like such a feat. Their golden armour shimmered slightly in the light, causing them to stick out like a sore thumb in the dense of the jungle. Perhaps idiotic, or for something more alarming then what was initially considered, it was a surprise to Linura as they stumbled out into what appeared to be a Ea’Kishi infested area of the jungle. An Artillery party perhaps, moving huge weaponry and machines into position, looking ready to rain down hellfire. “Battle party! Form up, on me flank. Ye best not let me down. Phalanx formation!” Years of training and in-field experience had made the next few movements so smooth, so quick and slick. The ten men created a circle around Linura, as they began to manipulate their armour, forming a solid wall around themselves. Linura raised his arm as his armour began to melt upwards, creating a roof over the top of the group. By this time, the Ea’Kishi troops had begun to respond, Linura’s squad waiting for the command to move forward. Feeling the steam-powered rifles begin to pummel the metal wall, Linura felt the heat, a bead of sweat appearing upon the demon’s brow, before his voice boomed out, commanding the small group. “Battle party! Strengthen defence and march. Even the field!” As the words left his lips, the entire group began to move forward on cue. Small holes appearing in the solid dome that had been created around the group, as repeater pistols and rifles were shoved in the holes. “Release!” The booming command was followed by the thunder of rifles and pistols going off, thudding against the armour of the Ea’Kishi warriors, the tell-tale sound of bodies dropping as battle cries resounding among the numberless group of enemy warriors around them. Linura grunted slightly along with his fellow soldiers as they dome was rammed by a group of the Ea’Kishi. The distance screams, commanded the warriors to direct all fire upon the Golden dome, and caused Linura to cringe slightly. He could only hope that help was on its way. They wouldn’t last long under a full assault, their numbers too dismal to keep up a formation for long, against such force. Breathing deep Linura swallowed hard and tried to keep calm. Level-headed. “Spike!” On command the shape of the dome changed and golden spikes five to six foot blasted out of the solid dome all over, piercing through those who were stupid enough to keep close. The holes in the dome opened up again and another barrage of bullets was fired off, more tell-tale thuds of falling bodies dropping to the ground. Heaving slightly as a solid shell hit the dome, the group was thrown backwards a few steps, the formation almost breaking the dome with it. “Regroup and stand strong, lads!” With a grunt, the group erupted into a battle cry as they stood tall and strong, opening holes in the dome again as the pistols and rifles were shoved in the holes again, bullets firing off. There was a scream from behind him, being suffocated quickly in choking sounds. Linura spun on his heels, as a gap in the dome was fixed, the men bunching tighter together. Kneeling, Linura stretched his free hand out to one of his warriors. His face had been burnt nearly clean off, blood gurgling down. Linura grimaced as he looked up the two near to the fallen one with burnt faces, standing strong. Gazing upwards Linura shook his head and mumbled. “The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked.” He looked around the group, as they all shook their heads, and held form. “Well. If that’s how it is lads. Let’s bring the fight to them shall we? Wall formation. We dine tonight lads!” There was a roar around the group as the formation quickly changed Linura stepping into line beside his men, forming a solid wall. Their rear was clear for the moment and that they were glad for. Each stuck an arm forward, as their armour melted into a shield wall in front of them. “Hold steady… steady!” They line was held, remorseless fire and weapons now slamming against their shields. “March!” With a grunt they remaining nine, ten including Linura moved forward their swords and axes stabbing and slashing at gaps in the shield wall meeting armour and flesh, dropping those who tried getting in their way. “Hold on fellas, ye will get out of here.” Linura broke formation for a moment, and stepped forward. “Two lines, Centipede formation!” Nodding, the men fell into line, just in time. Three on one side, three on the other, and one on either end, their shield wall forming around them, standing as a tall golden wall, seemingly impenetrable. “Release!” Again holes appeared in the wall, and pistols and rifles were shoved through, bullets being fired off in every direction, hitting the enemy left, right and center. “Get ready for it lads!” A grunt, and then a sonic boom of war cries erupted all around, Linura smirked. They’d shed their fair share today. “Release!” Once more the holes were opened, more bullets screaming across the battlefield, dropping more lizard bodies to the ground. “Rain the shells on them!” The group froze, and swallowed hard. They had all heard the order, they’d all accepted the fact that they might not survive the next blow. “Golden sky formation!” All at once they all dropped onto their backs, and thrust their arms upwards, their armour taking a moment to react to the sudden change, before throwing up a golden curtain over them, two by two wide, fifteen or so feet high. They were unaware that the ‘cavalry had arrived’, and Mist was about to do something that could very well save their lives. One shell, followed by a second was all that hit the ‘golden sky’. The formation held strong, but the group was slammed into the ground quite roughly, one of the earlier soldiers who’d been burnt ribs was now crushed due to the force of the shells against the curtain. Heaving slightly, Linura managed to breath out a command. “Stand fast…. Wall formation.” Grunts and heaves echoed about as the curtain dissolved back onto them, all of them looking pretty worse for wear, their armour all dinged up. Standing fast, they created a small shield wall as they stared into the distance. They now released why so few shells had fallen. A woman had dropped spears of destruction from the sky, destroying the bigger weaponry and machines, crushing those who got in the way, and injuring all those who attempted to flee. Being struck with a bit of dust and dirt, Linura heaved a sigh of relief. Gazing around the battlefield he shook his head a little, and barked one more command. “Join up with Lord Westh. We’ll assess the damage later lads. Ye did good. Keep formation and move up.” Crossing the field towards the woman who’d rained down the spears of destruction, Linura narrowed his eyes, as he cast his head upwards. Shells began to rain down, hellfire and fury spreading in their wake. Swallowing hard, Linura looked between his men. They were all pretty battered and bruised, and they wouldn’t last another skirmish like they’d just had. They needed to meet up with Blane, and get his orders. “Steady on your toes, and move fast. If ye die, you burn in bloody hell! Cause I ain’t picking you up.” With a nod, they all took off across the battlefield, sniper bullets whizzing past their heads. Linura swallowed hard and hoped for the best, thundering across the field at top speed, his men following behind.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:43 am

Blane landed on the other side of the barricade, before looking across to see a field were Linura and his men were driving through bomb exploding land. The Ea'kishi never let up, keeping up their constant fire. Blane considered several options, if Mist used her ability again, she'd more than likely kill herself in the process. Blane knew if the barriage kept up, Linura and the others wouldn't last long. Stepping foword, he simply walked while in slow motion brought his claymore up above his head. The light danced off the blade , reflecting it towards the Ea'kishi. If anything, it would seem that the demon was using the shimmering rays to draw the attention of the Ea'kishi. Bringing the blade more vertical, the tip pointing to the heavens. A few seconds pasted before a smirk played across Blane's lips, the sword itself explodied in a manner that was controlled by the Jag'troa. Thousands of small fragments, which Blane then compressed and hardened the steel peices making them much larger than before. But it's only been - ok done now, the demon thought to himself as the metal plates that were once shards of his claymore begun to rapidly spin around his exterior in a diametre of ten feet. Moving forward while breaking into a run, Blane glanced a head as he moved to relocate himself between the Jag'troa and Ea'kishi. A move that may have been proven faulty if it didn't work out well in his favor. But all the same, Blane charged at at the enemy even as they brought their weapons to bear down on him. Noticing the several heavy Ea'kishi unites, he supposed they were going to be the crowd control for any thing attempting to break the line. While Blane was somewhat tired already, he pushed himself to keep the plates rotating at a rate that it almosted looked like a hurricane. The Jag'troa continued to sprint foward, all while several of the automatic rifles were turned on him. Even as more single shot rifle rounds slammed against the iron wall he had made, the bullets themselves flying off and striking the dirt here and there infront of Blane. However his advance was stopped when he noticed the four hellfire cannon units stepping out of the left front of the Ea'kishi, the closest position to Blane. " Ah fuck, just what I needed. ", already annoyed by the fact that this briadge of Ea'kishi stood between him and the city the demon changed his battle plan instead.

Running forward, still at full pace, his eyes widened slightly as he noticed one of the hellfire cannons became focused on him. Already all four were starting to charge up their ferious attacks which with the three targeting the one area of which Linura and his men fought to contain, it would of easily leveled the reigion they were in as well as them with it. fourty feet, then thirty-five time was running out and he was out of options. Before he could do much of anything, the cannons released their destructive charges of fire. Blane glaced towards the there that were targeted on his men before assitmating the flight path and time difference before shutting his eyes and using the rapid rotational pull of the plates that he only had within ten feet of himself, he forced three of them that had come around at top speed directly infront of the the fireballs from the Ea'kishi weapons. Still Blane added to the discs speed as he forced them away faster before at the last moment expanding their size just a foot larger than before. With that taken care of he hoped, he brought his focus back infront of him. The fireball was already about to break through his barrier, instead at the last moment, he drew his hand that held the claymore's hand back only for ever peice of the blade to rapidly reform, save the three that he had sent towards the other barriage. Crouching slightly as he surged forward, Blane procceded to leap up and over the fire ball that exploded several feet behind him. Flipping over in the air, he landed just a mere fifteen feet from the special heavy unit. Without a moments thought, Blane swing his arm outwards, slashing out the sword. Yet as he did so, thin hair like needles and extend a full twenty feel from the blade. Several of the needles protruded through the end, this was to focus and harness the full potential energy of his swing while using littler effort to achive the same effect. As the needles sliced through the Ea'kishi, the creature more or less sort of stood their dumb founded as to what had just happened to it. Blane on the other hand, didn't even wait, looked just long enough to see that he managed to stop one of the three fire balls and only hoped Linura had seen them by now to devise a defense. Moving down to the last three of the damned green skins, Blane made instead brought the claymore over his right shoulder ; still he held the blade in his left hand, while in his right he had withdraw the smaller broad sword.
Dancing the dance of death was always something that Blane had been able to do since the day he arrived back from the land of the elementals. Bringing the smaller sword, he waved it around himself as though it was a wand. Yet even as Blane did so, the blade became like a razor whip. Dancing inbetween each of the hellfire cannon operatiors, the wicked blade passed through the harden scaley skin as though they were mere butter. Without the slightest bit of hesitation enough though exhaustion was already beginning to take effect, the Jag'troa raced from the spot towards the line of Ea'kish that of course by now noticed their comrades were no longer alive and were preparing to open fire. With a single motion that he had done once before with the claymore, he had hoped to at least cause some interference amongest the Ea'kishi line, and of course take out as many as possible. Leaning into the swing, he brought the claymore around once more in a wide arc. Being only five feet from the actual front line, that ensured his attack would reap the most havoc at once. The claymore's blade expanded while Blane's eyes were of course closed, the blade's particales once again seperated and begun rotating at a high verolicity. Once again, the wave of death was performed as the Jag'troa warrior swept aside over fourty of the Ea'kishi in a single blow. But the strain had finally taken full effect and Blane collasped to his knees. Looking up, he glanced over to where Linura and his men were, only to see the area concealed by dust. ' They may have made it through ', Blane considered to himself. However, it was the commotion that came from the right flank of the Ea'kishi that drew Blane's undivided attention. A soft smile grew upon his lips as he saw about sixty of his brother agents spring over the hill before colliding with the enemy, followed by at least a hundred of the skirmish soliders. Looking up on the that was to the Ea'kishi's right flank, a single Jag'troa stood upon it. The same dark cloak like that of which Blane wore danced lazily upon the wind. Of course, Blane knew it was Raphial, the shimmering warhammer that rested across the Jag'troa's shoulders was his signature mark. A mark of which, Blane had known for a long time having fought with the demon in several battles.
Raphial held the hammer with rather ease as he looked across the battle fight. " Heavy arms units every where in this mob. Who the hell is leading them? Haven't seen this kind of force from the Ea'kishi in some time. ", his accent was rather thicker than Blane's yet the words seemed to roll just right off of his tongue. A slight breeze picked up, as the smell of death blew into his face causing his long raven black hair to spiral behind him as though it was apart of the ruffling black trench coat. After his gaze followed the hellfire cannon blasts as he saw them when the first struck the area around Linura, which of course the agent had no clue whom those of that regiment were. It was clear however, his battle brothers had become lost when the dust settled reveiling an area of fire and the several burnt corpses. Casting his gaze to the left front, he noted that the agent that was there had demolished half of the forces on that side. " Damn, you work fast Sadist. " Raphial managed out in half laugh or rather partly chuckle. After that he charged down the hill, following his breathen down the hill and into battle. He lifted his warhammer above his head, the head of the achient looking weapon crackled as eletricity flowed around the head as he shouted out " PUSH AND DIVIDE, FIGHT TO THE SADIST. LORD WESTH IS IN NEED ". Eventually as the battle raged on, Raphial however knew that a general or commander of a sort must of leaded the Ea'kishi. Barking more orders to his men as he drove them deeper into the enemy line " FIND THE COMMANDER OF THE EA'KISHI. HE MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF, THE ENEMY WILL RETREAT ONCE HE IS DEAD! " Though the battle was far from won, he knew that his arrivial had helped to even the odds a little.


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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 7 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:44 am

The battle was on and mercy wasn’t known to none of these warriors as Mist had used the Chains of Adolescence and sin to wipe out a few canons even so, that was the last she would do in this battle, What these two races fought for and why Mist had no clue about, maybe it was the mating habits of the Jag’troa that teased the lizardmen, or maybe something else. The chains themselves buried underground with their tips And now pulled themselves lose, rattling and shaking of the dirt as they rose back into the skies, standing tall and proud gazing down on the raging battle field as more troops of the lizard men prevailed, was it never going to end? Mist thought as she let her inner eye lose and started looking over the mess of energy traces. Best to seek cover, since the demoness knew she wouldn’t last long due the energy drainage and the exhaustion of overriding her abilities, as with that the heat raging the field and the Demoness herself sweating due it glanced to the nearest safe place yet with a good outlook, she found one. And with that the chains fell down limp to the ground as Mist dashed to the side and released her control over them, and headed back to where they had come from, quickly and keeping as close to the ground as possible as the sprint took the last of her strentght only to trip over a rot as soon as she reached the outline of the jungle and falling against a tree, that in which she sunk down against, the chest raising from her breathing and her pale skin dirty. And somehow, she was tired to the point of passing out, feeding of energy here, wasn’t the same as close to the parts of her realm. This had been tiring and left a heavy feeling in the back of her head, she missed her home. Leaning up against the root of the tree the demoness stared out at the battle field, Linura and his men seemed fine from what she could see purging through the battle, yet where was Felie, and was she safe at that? Mist pondered as she glanced out at the battle, the chaos supreme and a heavy yet sweet smell of burnt flesh and blood in the air. It brought back memories to her where she was as the black chains sneakily regained their own mind and life and rattled their way towards her, Mist didn’t care as she stared, the exhaustion horrid and her muscles aching. But her attention was dragged somewhere else and Blane was the center of attention as he purged through the front lines of the Lizard men. Metal meeting metal and the sound had never sounded more symphonic to her ears. Almost like a lullaby to the Demoness as the chains came close and begun wrapping themselves around the tree and her, Embracing the Demoness only to protect her from the raging battle as she was suffering from a moment of weakness, even though the exhaustion would render the demoness tired up to a few days after if not sleeping through a few. Energy absorption was hard far away from the ruins of her realm, but at least at the time, she got what was needed from the chains anchoring from that place.

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