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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:26 pm

Once more, This is not a part of ShadowAle, nor will this Rp be continued.
We just had fun creating it, so I though we might as well put it up here.
Do mind, this Rp contains Mature content. Sadly there is not much I can do about minors reading this, but on the other hand, at least they ear reading instead of watching porn. Thank you.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:28 pm

There was a time , where before the realm of Adolescence and Sin have crumbled and fell into utter chaos, an old empire flourished. The Officinale empire had remained unchanged for some time, apart from the recruiting of new demons into their halls. Eventually though, as fate would of had destined ; the realm itself collapsed within itself, and the realm of Adolescence and Sin took a new physical look as it tore apart. Within the space of the realm shifting and collapsing within itself, a small worm hole was formed at the centre of the realm, and the worm hole lead to another galaxy. The Officinale’s of course, being the only means that could of possibly saved their home, lead by their empress Mist focused their abilities as energy demons. In doing so, the enhanced the chains that had been wrapped around the realm and strengthened them to keep the realm intact as it was sucked through the small yet brilliant blue worm hole. As the realm was pulled through, the end of the worm hole had opened up to a planet right before the realm. As the realm was thrown out of the worm hole, in what seemed like a long stretched out rag, due to the small hole's gravity. The realm struck the worlds crust and collided with it, the chains of the realm saving the majority of the realm itself by absorbing impact of the collision. Due to the planets alignment of a sun being in the centre of this new space, the world the realm of Adolescence and Sin had collide with was the third large plant in line. The plant itself was vastly more massive than the realm, by up to ten times. Just outside of the suns gravitational pull, were three small black holes, exactly 1/8th the size of the sun itself. While any of these black holes could collapse within self before shrinking back into the original mass it started as when it first tore through the space time continue ; before exploding into a much larger black hole that would upset the perfectly ninety degree triangle the black holes had positioned around the outer gravitational pull of the sun. The worlds themselves of course spun faster than normal making the time between complete rotation around and that of the gravity rotation around the sun were much shorter. Because of this rapid rotation, when the realm struck, it was somewhat dragged across the surface of the world, forcing the realm to tear and expand, with parts of the unknown world's mountainous jungles to project directly through the realm. It was as though these two planes of exist had made a complete connection, the dark chains of the realm were a mess, coiled, and warped, twisting through the realm as though someone had reached into the sand with their fingers. The majority of the realm however was in utter chaos, destroyed by the sheer force of the impact and shaken and torn apart. Where there was once a great barren waste land, was now completely a lust jungle like forest. For hundreds of miles just thick endless jungle, until the other side where the land seemed to cave in and steep lower, where there was several ideal locations for varies metals and gems alike. After the realm had more or less splatter against the world, the worm hole vanished just as quickly as it appeared. Around the vast jungle, and oceanic plant were three moons, one rather large by being a quarter of the size of the plant itself, and the other two smaller by half of the other moon. The second plant, from the sun, which for a plant was oddly close to orbit with that of the third, was small in diameter and mass, and appeared a light blue in some parts while the rest of the world was a dark red, as though it had large quantities of iron within the crust. The first plant that was hardly to be seen however, shimmered as though it was burning, but was actually infect a plant made mostly of mercury. Due to being close to the sun, it made the mercury run like water, and made it shimmer like a second sun, with only the gravity from the plant to keep the mercury in check. The sun on the other hand, in the centre appeared huge compared to even the plants. The very plant the realm was on would of only of been 3/8th of the sun. The bright light pounded against the realm for a moment, the place was a disaster, but what of Mist and the Officinale? One of the moons pasted by, blocking out causing what would of been a common appearance, a solar eclipse. During this time, when it should of been day, the night blocked out the light and the ruins of the Officinale looked as though a god had laughed at them before lifting a hand and driving it into the heart of where their empire once stood. Many of the buildings completely leveled, with the thick bamboo and larger trees surging through some of the buildings, still holding them up, while different species of wildlife and insects began to run amok within the realm. One room strangely, the highest within the empire's housing, where Mist resided, remained standing held up by a tree. Standing at the window, a different breeze blew through the window, a more thicker, moist like breeze that would of almost misted one's face. This caused the woman's brilliant snow like hair to blow behind her, while she kept her hands rested upon the window seal. After some time, eventually Mist opened her eyes to what was left of her realm.

Last edited by Admin on Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:29 pm

Ruins and green trees was all she saw as she opened her eyes and glared out from where she was, a breeze knocking away her hair and filling her lungs with air, so different. Everything was different, and in total chaos. Where was she? And where was the rest of the Officinale? The jungle before her letting out sounds of scared life’s and trees whining where some pierced ruins and others simply had been pushed over by the realm. Black chains roaming down from pieces of ruins and parts of mountains, like snakes seeking their way through the jungle down below. For indeed the chains of adolescence and sin had their own life, as well she they were connected to Mist herself. The confusion screaming through her mind as she remained partly frozen by fear and devastation, was this supposed to happen? A chill going down her spine as another breeze rolled into her, sweeping her hair and bringing a smell of dirt and decay yet also a smell that reminded her of her home.. Which was shattered and spread out all around her so no surprise there, yet the others? What about her family? Or other Officinale, she found it hard to believe that she was to be the only survivor amongst the chaos and destruction. Streea she knew had been out of the realm before this, no him she had not seen for quite some time, yet in this case maybe it was for the best. Felie and her uncle? Where were they? Dead? Shaking her head the white demon looked up towards the sky, even though the chaos, it was beautiful where ever she had landed. And what now? Maybe it would be the best to go look for survivors Mist pondered as she glanced down from where she was, in a three and the way down was a bit far, yet only way down was to jump right? She looked down and took a deep breath before jumping out and down towards steady ground. After landing without and major trouble down amongst ruins Mist glanced around in silence, the trees where much bigger than she had thought and where to begin to search? The energy traces where everywhere yet none she knew.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:31 pm

Blane had been sitting in one of the trees upon the a place where he knew none of his kind could find him. As he sat there, he leaned back and looked up to the sky, wondering when the war would finally be brought to a stop. For to long, had he been involved in the blood shed of his kind, and that of the demons of the forest they faced. But such was life he shrugged, only to notice the sky had shifted and what appeared to be a worm hole ripped through the very fabric of space. As this event acquired, Blane saw for the the first time in his life a world changing event, and let alone one that would impact his life so drastically. He watched as another existence of life passed through the point of origin within the hole, and begun it's decent down upon his reality. " I swear, if this is the gods sick humor, I will not be fucking happy. " Standing up on the branch he was on he watched as large black chains begun to project down to the world, several miles from where he was. Even as the chains struck the world, the realm above collapsed down to the world, the after shock of the impact from the chains alone sent out a fifty mile shock wave that devastated the jungle in that region. Even as Blane watched the land scape change, the after shocks struck him and the tree causing the tree to bend to the point it begun to make cracking sounds and soon bark from all of the tree, including several of the branches creaked before shattering into bombs of throned shrapnel. Blane had no choice, due to that and the major factor of the realm above was about to come crashing down him, he reached down to his left side with his right hand, the chains on his hand jingling and echoing a metallic sound as his pale finger tips touched the hilt of a sword known only by his people's tongue as " Va'pus " and ripped the blade from the stealth. Even as the blade moved from it's case, the world around Blane vanished, and all he saw was a blackness, though he felt the shocks of the realm crashing around him. His home, here on the world of Mino'Rasiji , was completely changed. For what seemed like hours, he let his mind wonder, curious of the events that had happened, and either or not the air was still suitable for him to breath in. Eventually as some time passed, Blane brought his sword back to it's stealth, and in doing so the world around him changed from the blackness he once saw, to a place where it seemed like a twisted reality of his own and another imagination. Takes in a deep breath, he exhaled slowly before his pale blue eyes glanced around. In the jungle there were odd buildings of a culture he had never seen before, completely different to that of his people nor that of the blasted Oi'kai. Curiosity struck him more, as he saw the vegetation of the dense forest had already given the image that the ruins were ancient and long since forgotten by a fifth civilization. However, there was something in the air, a strange scent that Blane didn't recognize. Proceeding with caution, Blane picked his way through the dense forest, as though he was hunting once more.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:32 pm

A few hours passed, maybe it wasn’t that long but at this time while walking around in the ruins searching for either energy traces or voices of her family and empire, all she found was corpses though, some crushed and others just hanging in the trees. The double set of pale white horns upon the demoness head along with the spiked tail swinging behind her in a slight frustration gleaming in the dim light of the ruins and even at this time the chains of adolescence and sin rattled up along the shafts of the tress around her and out over the ground. Mist glared to them, yet she could not blame them since they had saved her and the survivors, if there were any.. sighing Mist glanced around while pondering, letting her inner eye search for energy traces once more, and there something was moving around not too far away, yet what it could be Mist had no knowledge off. And so, she stopped where she was tapping at the black chain wrapped around her left arm and letting it fall out to its full length of four feet and a silent killer, and just waited meanwhile the black chains filler the silence with their charred sounds.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:33 pm

Several hours had pasted and Blane had continued searching the ruins for some form of treasure to sell, yet instead ended up empty handed. As he moved back out of the ruins, he caught the scent once more, only this time it was far stronger, and what else? There was something else about the scent that puzzled him ; a metallic scent? There was a small possibly that Blane was wrong, and he was just miss smelling the scent of the various iron ore deposits around the area. However, as Blane continued to move the jungle silently, he soon saw what exactly was giving off the scent. Though he stood several meters from her in the thick jungle, he could see a kind of metal coursing through the woman's veins. Stealthily, Blane withdrew his pistol that he paid a small fortune for, and of which only had fourteen shots with. But the upside about the pistol was that it was silenced, and of course there was Blanes ability to manipulate certain forms of metal through his use of Magnetokinesis. Stepping into the small clearing of the jungle of where the other being was, Blane's longer ruby coloured hair flowed across his head, and down concealing his facial features ; his ear's were lined with several metal piercings, as were his nose and lips. Blane tilted his head back slightly, his hair parting just enough for his pale yet piercing eye to be seen as he looked at the woman more clearly without the use of his magnetokinesis. Blance's red hair flowed down to his shoulders, covering most of the top of his long black trench coat ; the slick black leather had a white liner that went around the trim, while the back contained a celtic cross, a symbol of the faith in their bronze lord. Though of course, the Jag'troa had several metal gods, Blane had chosen to worship a god he was more or less rejected by, due to his incapability to manipulate bronze, the only metal he could not control. Over his back, hung a blade of black steel, while containing nothing but a few blueish runic engravings, the sword didn't seem like much. But in truth, it was the swords of Blane, that were his greatest assets.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:34 pm

So what now? Mist had no idea what to do when the energy trace moved closer, coming up from her side where she only could glance at the being, just as human reminding as a human, yet she couldn’t place her mind onto what separated him from one, maybe the horns upon his head? Mist at her fully grown five foot eight feet and with a thin and almost fragile looking body yet womanly curved as she with a rather simple attire in black leather being only a pair of shorts and a corset like top along with gloves and boots upon her feet. Even though the thin and fragile looking body of hers many would surely deceive many yet inner beauty had always been a good thing yes? After all Mist had Titanium fused into her being which at the time was used to strengthen her bones, yet by the use of a simple enchantment tied to a necklace around her neck she still regained a light weight it did not hinder nor was it a burden to her since after all it was a curse she had been born with, no choice in the matter. Her tail swaying slower and the chains hanging from her wrist moving slightly as a breeze moved in over the two along with her long white hair releasing its strains into the winds grasp. The man dressed in black and with various metals to his face. still the Codex hung upon her shorts side where she could access most of her belongings and so on, yet not the sword she had left behind, only thing she had against her was the whiteness around her being which made it hard to hide if needed, almost making her shine out on the dim light with her pale skin smothered by black bane marks, that would be rather odd for most demons since they usually would dwell in dark and reign on sucking souls. But Officinale was still different and remained neutral. The black chains around them beginning the move as he came closer, the answer was as obvious to as why she had survived? Or maybe she had just been lucky. It didn’t matter anymore though, Mist was lost and had nothing left, not even ruins. And here she was, she hadn’t even brought her weapon from her room. With a sigh Mist tilted her head towards the male, looking straight up at his face before turning enough to face him. “ Erm… Do you happen to know where I am?” She asked with her husky yet sweet voice as she did not let his being go with her eyes, also ready to move if needed and wondering if he even spoke the same tongue as her.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:35 pm

Blane raised one of his dark brows as he glanced at her. She was rather different from most females from his home, which was a few hundred miles to the north, perhaps it was crushed with the colliding of the realms he thought. Letting the silence draw out as he looked to the chains around them as the moved and rattled lightly. It was obvious that this woman was somehow able to control the blackened chains, but how? A few seconds pasted as he eyed the woman in her stunning beauty, before letting his eyes flicker to the chains " Of course " Blane thought to himself. The chains contained traces of the demons blood. Lowering his pistol slightly, he drew in a sharp breath. His facial features remaining passive, while his pale skin shun slightly as the sun light rays passed through the trees over head. His eyes, drawn to hers as he over looked her before saying in a somewhat thick and slightly deep voice. " The valley of Jie'tara.. Or rather what's left of it. " It wasn't odd he thought, he was able to make out the majority of her words in her husky voice, though his native tongue also contained many of the same words. Shaking his head slightly, causing his red hair to conceal his eyes once more, he allowed his body to relax as he stood up straight rather than in a slightly crouched position ready to strike. Letting a few minutes pass, as the different variety of birds begun singing from the tree tops above, it was obvious they remained unharmed by the sudden change of reality. Moving his left hand down to his side, the chain around his wrist raddled, mimicking that of the chains around the woman. " And who are you? " Blane's slightly asshole like tone echoed from his crimson lips. There was something about him, a roughness yet youthful look that made him more appealing to the masses than it dared to please him. With a sudden gust of wind, several small limbs and leaves blew past them at ground level as he looked her over once again, the wind carrying his hair free from his eyes.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:35 pm

Mist waited and watched the male as he seemed to be pondering about something, glancing from her to the chains and back before speaking, at least she could understand and such a thing made her display a slim smile upon her pale pink lips as the irony in what he said hit her mind, yet also made her feel a bit guilty “ Ah I see.. Thank you.” Mist responded as she glanced around in the ruins the answer told her nothing since she wasn’t from this world as simple as that, the birds song echoing into her ears and she shivered, at least something survived she thought as she lifted her left hand and re wrapped the chain around her wrist, and still the chains moving around them took no rest. Mist had no direct control over them, yet they had seemingly been protecting her through life and even given her one. The male spoke once more and Mist’s deep blue gaze sought back to his as she answered “ Mist Verus Officinale.. Empr-.. Erm.. Well…” She broke herself off while pondering about what to say taking a deep breath before continuing “ Well.. It was my realm that fell down through the hole.. and from being in a place that is not mine.. I guess I’m none more than me..” She smiled slightly and nodded to him. “ And you? “ she asked as she tilted her head at him.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:36 pm

Blane tilted his head to the side slightly. Had this woman hit her head and lost her mind or was she merely rambling over confusion? None the less, he watched as she put the chain back around her, something told Blane they shared a very deep connection, which of course he understood. " You may address me as Blane.. And this world is known as Mino'Rasiji. ", his tone was much smoother this time as he spoke to the woman. Looking from her to the forest he placed his pistol away in the holster under his jacket while his eyes scanned the area. Bluntly, he asked simply out of curiousitly " Wanna find a bed among these ruins and fuck? " the question of course was blunt, but what better way to study her inanity than to be in it? Letting his gaze veer back to her, he looked at her through both of his eyes amongst his hair as he watched her facial expression with interest.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:37 pm

“ Blane huh.. and Min-Mino’rasiji?” Mist stuttered before looking upwards and then around, so that was what the world was named. Well it seemed like it would be her home from now on, she thought as she let her eyes fall back upon Blane and just as she was going to tell him thank you, a rather un suiting question was asked and the question itself made Mist arch a brow, yet nothing more as she just as bluntly answered “ No thanks, but thank you.. Energy demons don’t sleep that often. “ that was her answer, and it was good enough for her as she turned away from him and looked around and took a few steps “ But I would like to find survivors.. if there are any “ she muttered while looking around again, not for a being but something else, water. “ So, anywhere there is an good access to water around here? “ Mist asked without looking back to Blane.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:37 pm

Shrugging his shoulders, Blane moved his eyes from the woman and said in a sly voice, with a hint of a smile crossing his lips " I never said anything about sleeping. As for water, that's something we both need to know. Since your place became my place, I don't even know where to begin since there was once water a mile to the south. " Lifting his right hand, he pointed over his shoulders with his thumb towards his back, obviously giving her the direction. " There once use to be several lakes, but I would assume they are mostly gone now with the merging. ". Looking down at his feet, Blane saw a strange looking spider crawling across his boot as he leaned down and grabbed it by the back of it's legs and lifted it up to eye level and inspected it's fangs, the fur and the markings upon the creature before tilting his head back and lifting the spider up and dropping it down into his mouth where a single loud chruch was sounded. Swallowing down the spider, Blane turned his attention back to the woman " You can look for surivors if you want, but I'd say good luck to you.. I don't even know how you managed to live, then again the same could be said about me ".

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:37 pm

Mist turned back to him once more ignoring his comment and sly smile she had someone already she thought while tilting her head and bluntly listening before taking a moment to think. As he pointed her directions and explaining, all she did was to nod and look around trying to memorize what he said. “ Sorry.. and thank you Blane “ Mist said as she nodded to him, yet he was seemingly busy with eating a spider from the looks off it. Mist just shrugged and thus released an electrical arch from her body none more none less, only to have it seek its way back in after a mere second and rejoin the stream in her nerves. As he went back to speaking, Mist wasn’t sure about survivors, since her inner eye could pick up on them yet it didn’t so in all, all she could do was to hope. Meanwhile, water. And so she would “ Thank you Blane, once more and dont ask me how we survived, the birds did so too. “ she gave him a faint smile before turning and walking the direction of the lakes he had pointed out, since after all, even if the ground had been leveled the water had to go somewhere right?

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:38 pm

Blane merely nodded at her as she repeated her thank yous. He was never one to say such a thing, thus never felt the need to say " You're welcome " to another being. Turning away from the female, Blane begun making his way back into the dense Jungle, taking his time and carefulness as his eyes were constantly moving and glancing around, taking in the world around him. Passing under a low branch he ducked, and soon he was out of sight. Was it possible that he'd ever see the female again? Unlikely, no he needed to return back to his slavery of a life and fight the war that his fellow kin tell him that he was meant to win.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:38 pm

Mist stopped in her steps as his energy trace became faint, now she was alone, somewhere alone. It was scary and that man seemed to know his way around, and in a scenario like this, she really had no choice. As she with a slight frown ran back, following his energy trance and rather quickly making her way through the jungle towards him

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:38 pm

Blane watched as a large snake slithered between a couple of tress that had several low vines that seemed to appear black, but was actually a darkish green. The black appearance was due to thousands of small spiders moving along the vines. Hearing the woman before come up behind him, he said with a soft laugh in the thick tone " Guess you reconsidered the offer eh? ". Blane spoke with all the arrogance of his era , but there were many hidden reasons behind that. Shrugging his shoulders , he nodded to her before moving away from the tree , his eyes trailing the ground here and there making sure there were none of the small spiders. Lifting his left hand , he pushed a large leaf from a bush like plant with fan leaves. Moving it to the side silently , he held the branch there stopping, his nose taking in sharp yet deep breaths , before slowly releasing it , he kept his eyes constantly on the twisted jungle. Tilting his head to the side, he said softly to her " Keep your eyes open, to many big creatures that fall from the tree tops.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:38 pm

She had caught up to him and stopped her steps as she came closer to him never in her life time she had been that happy not to be alone, tilting her head and watching him as he seemed to head caution over the little spiders. “ Indeed I have. “ Was all Mist said completely ignoring the tone of his voice before inching closer to him and glancing around, yet also watching her steps, who wanted something creeping up their leg either way? Rather more it seemed to be the time to move forwards, and as given chance she slipped right past him as he conveniently held away a leave and opened a way for them. Yet also heeded his warning with the “ creatures falling from the tree tops.” Mist could not help to wonder what kind of creatures, as she lifted her gaze for a second only to glance upwards while walking on forwards, yet being quick enough on lowering her gaze and letting her hearing do the work of keeping track of falling objects.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:39 pm

Continuing to lead them through the jungle, Blane finally came to a thicket of the jungle before it changed completely. The land scape was vast jagged shaped rocks projecting towards the sky. As the grim view expanded onwards, he noticed that it arched up into a small mountain, and at the top was the enterance to a cave. Turning his head slightly, he looked back to Mist before asking rather politely he thought " So I take it this is part of your shit hole? ". Casting his gaze down the line where the jungle met the sharp jagged rocks, he wasn't sure if there was a around it. Standing there somewhat dumb founded, he had already considered an idea to get himself across, though the woman on the other hand would more than likely have to find her own way.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:39 pm

Mist who had went back to following gin his steps almost stumbled upon him as he came to a stop, sudden to her since she had been in her own mind. And now, before them sharp rocks and a small mountain, with an opening an the top, Yes this was indeed a part of her home, Almost looking like the mountains of the far north, yet the opening at the top claimed it to be a part of mount Sarlin. But on the other hand.. it wasn’t covered in snow nor was it showing signs of having melting ice slipping downhill. So it was most possibly, a part of the of the Vox Vocis mountain chain. “ Yes, This is indeed a part of my shit hole.” Mist remarked back at him, arching a brow while glancing around trying to find a way to pass it around, yet climbing to the top and then back down would not be too hard? Glancing to Blane Mist stepped forth “ So we need to get past this? And if so, how do you plan on doing it?” That was all she asked before tilting her head and looking back to the small mountain, enough energy and speed and the cliffs and steppes wouldn’t even be a problem for her to get past.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:40 pm

Blane tilted his head slightly and smirked at her before shrugging his shoulders. Some moments passed as Blane examined the land scape, while looking at more than simply the grinate stones. Searching through the jagged stone pillars, that threatened to tear apart the sky should they ever reach, he saw several with large iron deposits. Letting out a slight chuckle that seemed to rasp in his throat before escaping his lips, Blane said lightly " Come on, and keep up. " Leaping forward, his left foot landed dead center on the very point of one of the rocks. Due to his complete bodily control, Blane was able to keep his weight evenly spread, and prevent even the slightest of harm with such grace and balance. Leaning forward once more, he begun leaping from pillar to pillar, at a somewhat rapid rate, working his way towards a more darker pillar than the rest before finally landing on top of it, both of his feet balanced evenly on either side of the rocks razor sharp point. Turning his head back, Blane glanced back to see if the white haired beauty was indeed keeping up.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:41 pm

During the time Blane stood and overlooked Mist wasn’t one to wait with letting her mind threads out only to drag in the thermal energy around then, as well as she very essence of life from nearby plants which withered only after mere seconds. Mist did this only to absorb the energy into her body, channeling it out through her body and into the cells of her muscles ready to use when given command, yes this was the too Mist the very simple art of a so called Dash step. After a mere minute or two she was ready, and now glancing closer onto the sharp rocks and natural stone pillars, also spotting a rather flat edged pillar further ahead, that would be the stop of her first dash step. She would have to jump off on a few edges and so to get to it but she could surely do it. Blane was a bit ahead of her and had already made his way forward and so, Mist did to as she squatted down lightly bending her knees as she leaned her upper body forward and then sprinted forward in a single leap, gracefully stepping onto the side of a pillar only to jump off it while letting the energy in her limbs drive her body into working at a unnatural quick pace almost like a blur through the air, yet with trained ease as she now made her way forwards to her target, the few jumps resulting in a final thud as she landed on the place she had wished, a bit further forward than Blane. Where Mist rolled her shoulders and glanced to him, he was quicker than she had thought at first place and at that the view from where she was were quite interesting as she took a moment to watch.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:41 pm

Blane stared at Mist as she ended up sailing past him, his eyes drawn to her hips and her legs which to Blane was of course natural. As she came to a stop on one of the rocks up ahead from him. " Not bad " Blane called out to her. His eyes seemed to be asphyxiated upon the demoness as she stood there. Finally coming about his senses, Blane leant down before reaching out with his right hand and placed it upon the granite stone that contained the iron ore. At first nothing seemed to happen, before suddenly the rock itself seemed to stretch and expand upwards towards the sky. As Blane manipulated the iron within the stone, he then willed the very metal and the stone he was upon to move. With the sound of cracking and crumbling stone, several high pitched screeches emitted as the stone begun to move. The pillar surged forward up the side of the mountain, chipping away around the base from the other rocks it shattered and smashed through. Still remaining in the same position as Blane came to beside Mist, he tilted his head and looked over at her before saying with a mere shrug of his shoulders " Sex is to hard to do while running. And this of course, is the easier way so jump on "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:42 pm

Not bad? Well at least she wasn’t half assed unlike many other demons she had meet though her life, such as Mist though to herself as she lifted a hand only to brush away a few strains of hair that had fallen out of place while practicing the maneuver. And so, Mist could not help but to catsh up on the movement of energy due her inner eye as Blane supposedly was up to something. And indeed he was, such as he made the pillar he stood upon grow and move and Mist only stared while slowly arching a brow, manipulating the rock itself? Or something within it? She could only ponder at the time as she glanced back to the red head who now was hovering on a pillar a bit above and besides her laying out yet another comment about sex, Mist only shook her head before Jumping up onto the pillar he was on and giving him a devious smile and a wink “ To bad I’m marked already, and not up for the act of sex at the time…. Maybe in a two hundred years if your still alive.” Mist didn’t know what he was exactly, nor how long his species life spawn was, Maybe the fact that she could as well be much older than him would make his sexual desire cool down.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:42 pm

Grinning slightly, Blane simply shook his head as he looked up at her while speaking in a somewhat lax and dull tone " Marks don't stop the primal urge sweet heart. And two hundered years is a fair time to wait, but for an ass like that, I believe I can do so. ". True was the fact that Blane might not be around in two hundered years if he happened to be killed in the war, but at least he knew he'd die knowing one of the treasures of the world. As his smile slipped away from his lips, that passive look returned as the pillar once again begun moving up towards the mountains. A feeling of unease set across his mind, as he veered his eyes over towards the cave once more. There was something about it that he couldn't place, a darkness that lived inside of it. As they came up close to the caves opening, Blane brought the pillar to a stop before saying in a soft yet cold voice, the kind of voice that would of put off someone if they were trying to make sexual advances " What the fuck did you bring to my world? ". The question of course was straight forward as he kept his eyes on the cave's enterance. Still drawing in breaths, he looked back to the demoness and raised an eyebrow at her as his eye's fell upon her and spoke in a more at ease and delighted tone. " There is something inside of the cave.. Rather several things.. But one smells like you do, yet different.. "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:42 pm

Well damn, there was no end to that man was there? Mist let out a soft sigh before glancing around, being careful not to be too close to the edge of the now moving pillar. The higher they went, the more Mist picked up on the familiar feel of Silence pond, yet the new looks of it baffled her for a few moments. Shivers going down her spine and the stream of electricity disturbed resulting and a few tiny arched of electrical energy flinging out from her pale skin as she almost glared at the cave in a distraught dislike. And so Blane spoke as the pillar came to a stop before the caves entrance, asking what she brought into his world. Oh Nothing big.. Just something that MIGHT kill a few and lead many into insanity, Mist blinked a few times before looking up at him with a rather stern look on her face “ I didn’t come here by choice.. but Silence pond.. I actually did not think that it would be intact.. but seeming it is.. I have brought in a Bane.. and something that would kill a normal human upon even daring to get close to it.. See it as.. the very essence of a Energy demons bad side.. yes.. “ That was the best way that mist could put it, She herself could enter there and go unharmed, but that was only because of who she was and the fact that she had lived through the taint once. And as a finish touch just to make it clear how bad it could be “ Havoc” was all she said before glancing back at it and then back to Blane who where arching a brow at her, he wasn’t that bad looking nor as dull as most a rather sharp man amongst most. “ Yes, it contains many things, evil things and dreams most can’t imagine, and yes it might smell of me since.. well I’m the chain and bane of the Officinale.. Ill explain later.. “ Mist said before shifting her gaze back to the cave

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  Empty Re: Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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