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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:56 pm

Getting up, Blane knew he wouldn’t get much sleep with the pair of chatter boxs constantly talking, perhaps their kind didn't need to he thought. Whatever they were, Felie the new one that him and Mist had found was a very curious one, having taken several samples, though Blane had to stop her a couple of times from touching the poisonous plants that were around the outskirts of the jungle area they were in. " Some Elementals are weak, others however can be rather bothersome especially when they tend to group up. Thankfully it is rare that you see many of different kinds together though, unless you visit the capital of course. ". Walking over to where Felie was standing, Blane came up next to her looking down at the little spike with a slight smirk across his lips. " It works by however I will it to work. My race can twist selected forms of metal to their desire. Such as a son of the iron god, a demon born of our race has the ability to manipulate iron. In most cases, our kind can manipulate several kinds of metal per being. However, they must touch the metal in order to be able to manipulate it. ". Turning his attention back to Mist, Blane shook his head slightly allowing his hair to waver and fall in a new form as he spoke to her in a sweet, yet playful voice. " I know your kind doesn't simply just fuck, so care to enlighten me on what it is that you two are?", Blane gave a wink to Mist as he then continued with his peaceful taunts " You said you were an energy demon, yet you've made no effort to burn some of that energy on my offer of finding a bed. ". Flicking his gaze between the two Demoness’s, he noticed several of the same characteristics. The white horns of course, and the smaller dark ones, and the long tails was rather hard to miss, though one thing did puzzle Blane slightly, and that was why only Mist contained the alien metal that she had within her, and not Felie as well? Perhaps such a question though is better saved for another time, instead Blane turned his gaze back up to the cave and asked in a more serious question " So, what is that place really.. There is an evil there that I've never felt before ". Twitching his lips for a moment as they curved into a smile " I am also interested to know what is in the bottom of that pond, I saw an odd greenish metal far down below, one that almost mimics bronze, yet this was different and laced with red. Almost as though they were like your black chains that here are upon the surface of the world. " Bringing his eyes back to stare into Mist's once more, he said rather playfully " If it's a dark demon, can I play with it? I promise to rechain him after I am done "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:56 pm

Opening her eyes Mist sat up as Blane stood up, So they had elementals of different strengths and such forth, Wasn’t unusual. “I see, so the Capital.. I want to go there someday “ Mist said as she glanced to blade as he went over to Felie and told her about his Kind, Metal manipulation? Mist nodded her head while staring at him, tilting it slightly to the side as she pondered, if they could manipulate the Titanium inside of het, she was in for problems with a sneer to her lips a rather playful grin grew on her lips, She didn’t mind a challenge yet as it played out in her mind he attention was drawn back to Blane “ What we are? “ Mist pondered for a moment, trying to think out a decent way to describe her kind while reaching up a hand and running it through her hair and glancing up at his pale blue eyes with her own deep blue feline ones. “ Well you see, an Energy demon is a Demon whom feeds upon the natural flow of energy. We don’t eat material things, only need water. My kind can posses many different abilities, some elemental such as fire and so on, Others have more… rare and delicate abilities.. and I’m a married woman Blane. “ Mist finished before arching a brow at him and giggling softly, he was a funny one. “ And that place is Silence pond, partly connected with the realm of Adolescence and sin which fell down upon this shithole of a world. “ Mist said with a rather blunt tone of voice, yet a smile spread on her lips that mean that the Officinale Empire was gone, and she no longer the Empress so in big, she was free. “ And the evil you felt is in short corruption of the soul and mind, it brings out the ‘Bane’ of a being. Its evil, brutal and harmful.. Not a pretty story but I can tell you about a event it caused around.. 350 years ago, It lead a Energy demon to in big massacre a large portion of the citizens in the realm and kill the king. “ Letting out a sigh, Mist had left major details out of the history but hopefully it explained how bad it could get. “ And the metal you saw, is most likely the same I have yet corroded by the water.. or whatever is at the bottom. I didn’t spend my time in there as young trying to find out.” Mist explained while laying back down “ And yes, do play with it but don’t get killed” Mist finished with a light shrug to her shoulders.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:56 pm

<Felie listened to his explaination and was satisfied ..for now... she knew she would eventually get one even if she had to steal it and take it apart but she hoped she would be able to see how they were made instead. She had appreciated his concern about the poisonous plants and she mentally catalogued them for further reference. Her head came up as they spoke of Syphon , well that was her name for the creature. Felie and Kali had often snuck down and swam near the surface of the pond but knew when to avoid it and she felt Syphon was much closer to the surface now that they arrived here in this place. She didn't know if it was because of the crash or the new place that disturbed the creature , but she did know this man would not be able to "play" with it as he seemed to think, the thought alone made her giggle to herself. But seeing they were supposedly safe in this seal she relaxed and enjoyed the rest.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:57 pm

Blane chuckled softly as his eyes glanced between the two females before saying with a smile and a slight shrug of his shoulders as his eyes fell to Mist once more while speaking " My culture allows the affairs of others if the spouse of the affair approves for reproductive reasons. Basically, we just ask the male if we can bed their wife or daughter. If they ask for a test of strength, or find something of value that can be acquired from that being, they allow us to reproduce. ". Blane turned his head and looked over and saw that Felie was still eyeing off the shoulder spike before a crude grin crossed his lips. " Tell you what.. I'll give you an example of what we really are, and you can return the same yes? ". Blane lifted his right arm, and turned his hand over so that the palm faced upwards with his fingers spread out. The different tattoo markings over Blanes arms changed as he turned them, each a given symbol of an award of war, though he never bothered to bring that up. The silver chains glittered from the sun light rays, Blane cleared his mind and allowed his magnetokinesis to fully open up. Each of the spikes seemed to change, the head of the spike expanded and changed into thousands of small steel needles, razor sharp. From there after Blane had changed half of the spikes all at once, he closed his fingers towards the palm of his hands and in doing this, the steel needles surged forward. Blane had used this style several times before during the war, the needles because of the density while being made hair like allowed them to move anywhere in the squire within a blink of an eye simply by Blane manipulating it. As Blane focused on Mist's neck, the needles surged forward and before even heart beat had begun and finished, Mist would become surrounded by over ten thousand needles, still connected to the spikes in the ground. Turning his head slightly, Blane looked over at her and grinned somewhat while saying " Nothing gets in or out of the square. It's really as simple as that. ". After a few lingering seconds, Blane then opened his hand back out as the needles retreated back to the spikes, exactly as they were before he changed them. Turning his head slightly, he looked at Mist while letting his arms fall to his sides. " Let's see what you've got energy demoness. " was all that Blane said with a gentle yet more funny smile upon his face.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:58 pm

Listening Mist snickered as he explained abut his kinds mating habits, fair enough yet Officinale weren’t the same yet she simply smiled and nodded to him, relaxing where she sat yet reacted to the fact that Blane were up to something, Energy contracting and releasing as he made maneuvers with his hands and the chains glimmered, It was beautiful even for her inner eye that now was watching. Clearly it was not magic, but something resembling her own kinds abilities, a Kinesis. Watching mist raised her gaze and watched as needles spread out in the air, before surging towards her, not even in the blink of an eye and she was surrounded by countless of hair strain thin needles threatening to pierce, Amazing to say the least and Mist just stared a bit baffled yet her gaze was drawn to Blanes as he grinned and made a rather important point “ I see, Wonderful” She responded and before she knew it the needles where gone and all she could do was to shrug her shoulders to the challenge she got, to show off. “ I don’t know.. Im not that Mighty but I could show you a simple trick of mine.” Mist said as she then stood up from the ground and stepped a bit away from the two before coming to a stop and turning her body to face them and giving Blane a wink. Only too then release her mind threads, collecting the energy from the ground beneath her which rather quickly faded into a rather lifeless color as the energy and life was drained from it, Plants withering and the air turning slightly chilled as Mist absorbed the energy into herself, channeling it into her right arm that in which she raised towards the sky before focusing slightly, allowing the electrical current in her body feed upon the energy and grow in power as Arched of electrical energy begun to emit from the very flesh of her arm, Radiating out and around her as she kept on building up power and causing the air the sizzle and crackle in-between her fingers as she flexed them and then As she felt that she was satisfied she released it, a clear steady arch of electrical energy shooting out from the tips of her fingers and lighting arch booming out in the air space above them, Ear deafening as it hit the skies and the lightning arch boomed out into the clouds almost as if the wrath of gods had been awoken. Nearby birds and wild live making a damsel as they fled and angry shrieks emitting from the jungle “ Is that good enough?” Mist asked as she tilted her head at Blane and lowered her right arm back down to her side, flexing it once more and riding the last of Electrical arches.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:59 pm

<Felie knew Mist had great power as she was pureblooded and even though Felie was considered pureblood she had other things from her father within her blood so her talents took a different twist. She never shared what they were althought she was sure Mist knew for her mother had watched over her progress as she grew with a vigilent eye. Felie thought what the man had done was interesting and she liked watching it but wasn't impressed because she'd seen her mother and others do more, but she had a feeling there was more to this man than he was showing them despite his talk of using anothers wife or daughter making her growl under her breath. Such was Felies gift, she could feel others strengths, weaknesses, fears, and hopes. Anything that created an energy trace could be seen by her if she focused enough. But she wasn't ready to use her skills just yet for there was a backside to her skill , she absorbed the emotions of each feeling as well as the energy that created it so she had to be careful how she pulled and used anothers energy.So she went from her seat to a squat incase she needed to move and resting her head on her hands as they crossed over her thighs , she waited for Mist to take care of the spikes and she observed as she always did, letting her fingers wriggle as she did trace readings on everything except her mother that was within the square. When satisfied, she stretched and rose to stand then turned and stared outward wondering not about her or Mist , but the others , who had survived who had been left behind?.Those were her concerns now.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:59 pm

Blane Raised an eyebrow as he nodded to Mist, " Impressive I think. I don't mind light shows. ". Blane of course was expressing his sarcasm. He knew that Mist possessed a superior kinesis than that of his own, but it didn't overly seem to bother him, since the difference was his was instant. Was half the reason he carried a pistol, he was able to expose several abilities that the rest of his race could not. The other Jag'troa couldn't manipulate metals at a range. Rather having to rely on getting in close in melee, any armor or weapons the Jag'troa carried into battle, they could manipulate them into a devastating force. Blane however, could manipulate it at range given the perceptive he can't manipulate bronze. Turning away from them, he looked into the jungle again, before shrugging his shoulders and asked lazly. " So do you want to get some sleep then go visit the water hole and search for others or go to the water hole instead? "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:59 pm

“ You wouldn’t be complaining if that stuck you though.. You’d be dead” Mist said as she winked at him, They all seemed to have their special traits which could come in handy. Yet even so, with the abilities Mist possessed she still had her thing for swords play and close combat, Letting out a soft sigh Mist laid back down and closed her eyes “ Sleep sounds good to me.” Was all she said before trying to get some.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:00 am

Sitting back down in the middle of the square, Blane glanced back over at Mist once again, and was curious to how her husband would take his offer to breed with her. But letting it go, his eyes returned to the jungle, scanning it one last time, before each of the spikes extended from the tips to connect to each other forming a square completely all around, before raising upwards to a height of 16 feet, it was though Blane had formed a steel mesh barrier around them to literally keep every out, and everyone in. Letting his thoughts wonder of how the war was going and when he shoulder probably get back to his post. Finally letting his mind gave into his bodily needs of sleep and Blane eventually passed out.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:00 am

Few hours later, as sun was about the hit the dawn and a lucid light fell upon the night sky yet it was still rather dark where they were and Mist woke with a twitch forcing her eyes wide open, she was hungry and felt a bit dirty. And hungry in an energy demons way, was her body aching for its revilement. Listening for a second, it seemed as if both Blane and Felie was sleeping so at least changing her clothes would work, it was after all rather dark still. And so she would while standing up and silently brushing the dirt of her body, the chain around her left arm on the other hand letting out soft chirrs, hopefully no one would wake. Reaching for the codex placed on her right hip, mist unhitched it and opened it wide open, the perfectly black pages not even fully visible in the dark as Mist silently whispered the command for it to open its container mode “Lanua mihi patefacio prolixus “ A mere second later the container opened and looked just like before, only thing now was that Mist stuck her hand inside and picked a few cloths out from it and a white sheathed Katana also named Niveus Vox. After placing the katana on the ground along with the cloths Mist begun her change as silently as possible as she stripped down into her nudes casting a quick glance to Blane before proceeding she had after all taken out new underwear too, not that she wanted him to see them either way it just felt a bit odd for her since she had Streea. Her pale soft skin casting a faint glow as it got brighter yet the bane marks upon her body seemingly glowed black against it along with the rose shaped bane mark in the middle of her back that was unveiled as Mist swiped her hair out of the way. Wasting no time Mist pulled up her new attire and put it on, a black leather shirt going out in one sleeve and pants that exposed her hips at the sides in a soft leather like material along with the same gloves as before, seating down Mist begun stringing her boots on, a new pair leaving the front of her feet bare yet with a titanium heel going out in a soft curl, a good attire for moving around at the very least Mist though as she remained sitting, waiting for the other two to wake, unless they already where.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:01 am

Blane, having of course only ever lived on two hours of sleep every day since the start of his life, was already up before the women were. Getting up from the sitting position he had fallen asleep in, he had moved into the jungle as he begun looking for plants and small animals to eat. As he ducked and weaved his way through the jungle, he killed a pair of long dark skinned snakes that he placed within a traveling back that he had hung over his back. As he made his way back to the encampment, he took his time, as he walked along, almost crawling as he picked various berries and vegetation that grew upon the jungles floor. Still he searched until he came across a pair of what looked like yellow squishes before grinning as he picked them and mumbled softly to himself " Well, they'll do to substitute for water for now. ". Making his way back to the encampment once more, he walked silently as he approached, his magnetokinesis of course was active so that he could see if the women were alright. However, what Blane didn't expect was to see Mist getting changed in the dark. Without a word being said, he continued his silent approach until he was about three meters away and released the magnetokinesis as he merely stared at her through his own eyes. The moon light above shun down on Mist as her pale flesh almost shun under the moon light, Blane of course was caught in a trance as he watched wordlessly as she stripped down to next to nothing before getting dressed once again. Of course Blane admired the demoness for her perfection body, and had smiled to himself as he watched her hips and ass as she pulled her leggings back up, notching how her pants would get trapped around her ass before she finally would pull them up at the back. After Mist had gotten dressed and sat back down, Blane walked over to her, no longer being silent as before and sat down next to her before reaching around his side as the chains of around his wrist raddled lightly and he withdrew one of the squishes and passed it to Mist before saying with a nod " Eat, it's 95% water and will help you rebuild some of your strength til we get to the watering hole about noon time. ". Letting silence befall them, he let his thoughts linger and pick up, as he wondered how many of them there were, and what purpose they would eventually several on the world. For some time, Blane remained silent before turning his head to Mist as he said with a slight grin playing upon his lips " You know, the next time you intend on getting naked, do invite me and let's find a nice soft path of grass. "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:02 am

<Hearing chains jingling earlier and then again now, Felie knew she was up for the day but she feigned sleep a bit longer to slowly stretch her toes ankles and leg muscles, while she listened to the soft sounds of her mother and then Blanes return to them as he plopped by Mist. When he made his desire known to Mist Felie almost laughed and had to swallow it back, but when he came and nudged her she opened her eyes wide and was too dumbfounded by his casualness with her that she popped the yellow orb in her mouth without thinking and swallowed it before even tasting it. She sat up then placed her palms flat on the ground and pushed herself up to a standing position, and as she saw Blane remove the spikes , she dashed over and squatting down, yanked her thong aside and pissed on a poisonous plant and watched it wither from her urine as steam rose from it. She yanked a few leaves off a nearby bush and wiped then she jumped back up and adjusted her black tunic and yanked her thong back into position and yanking on the leather pants she wore today and her boots before she yanked on her gloves and tied her daggers back on her thighs, making sure each was within its sheath and tucking the samples back into the waist of her pants before joining the others.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:03 am

Suddenly getting handed a yellow thing by Blane, Mist noticed he had not been asleep at all and rather more froze into her spot almost glaring at Blane as her cheeks actually heated and turned a bright red while staring at him before after a few seconds regaining her senses and glancing away from him, had he seen her naked? Did it even matter for that part? Letting out a soft sigh Mist took the berry off him and rolled it in between her fingers, glancing at his with a rather questioning gaze how would it taste? Mist herself was not used to anything else than liquids going down her throat. “ I see” was all she said before hearing his comment and actually letting out a giggle “ and let ants have a go at us? Hah. “ Mist said with a rather sarcastic tone as the berry was left uneaten.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:03 am

Reaching down, Blane picked the berry up form Mists hand before bringing it to her lips and lightly pressed it against them as he glanced at her and said with a soft laugh " The ant's and I will end up fighting over who gets to bed you then I guess. Though I could always just lift you up against a tree, or bend you over some rocks. Though I still like the idea of going back to your ruins and finding something that at least resembles a bed. ". Forcing the berry into her mouth somewhat, Blane withdrew his fingers, not worried about whatever aftermath such an act would invoke from Mist's behalf, she, like him still needed to eat. Withdrawing one of the snakes from the back, he brought it up to his mouth before placing the head of the snake within his own jaws before crunching down on it, severing the head from the body as Blane swallowed it whole. " You have remarkable beauty, espcially when so little clothed, and the sweet scent your.. You know, it was sweet anyways ". Blane of course, was being completely honest as it was apart of him, though he knew it'd probably earn him a slap, he didn't care.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:03 am

Getting her berry stolen only for it to be pressed against her lips made mist arch a brow as she looked to Blane, wondering if it was long he got something or if he just was very, very horny. Not being able to answer as the berry was pressed into her mouth and Mist rather much swallowed it hole, it tasted oddly disgusting to Mist and made her shrug and cough lightly. Yet she did nothing and just remained there, even though the crude comments and suggestions Mist assumed it was just Blane being Blane “ That tasted horrible “ Mist said while reaching up a hand to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand, before catching Blane eating a snake while Mist blinked a few times as he then swallowed it whole. Yet the next comment he laid out made Mist blush and face palm herself before letting out a soft grunt “ Keep your nose to yourself next time.” Was all she said before looking away from him, waiting for the unexpected blush to fade, it wasn’t like Mist to blush at all maybe it was the fact that she was hungry.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:03 am

Shaking his head slightly as he smiled, he looked up at her as he said softly as he tossed the remainder of the snake away. " They generally have a bitter or next to no taste at all.. I guess that one was a bit under ripped, but the liquid will help you. " leaning over to her he lightly brushed her hair back from her cheek with his left hand as he brought his lips up to her ear. Breathing his warm breath into her ear, he said gently " I'll mind my nose, but my tongue I'm not so sure about.. It did look extremely tasty, and I do believe from the sparkling shine from the moon light it was in fact a bit wet. " Letting a soft giggle echo from his lips into her ear, Blane got up before pulling the other squish like berry from his bag as he knelt down beside Felie and gave her a nudge awake. As Felie opened her eyes, Blane held the berry infront of her eyes and nose and said softly " Eat it, it'll help rejeviunate you ". After that, he walked around picked the spikes up once again before placing them back within his shoulder pauldron and screwed them back into place. Turning his head, he looked to the girls and said lightly " Ready for a big day? "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:05 am

Nodding slightly as she still held her face away from his sight she did not see the forwards movement he made, and thus felt his warm breath ripple out on her skin and into her ear, which for her tickled and sent tingles of sensation though her body, listening and not moving nor replying to his comment, oh dear what would Streea say about this. She loved him to death, yet he not being there made it a bit hard for her as Blanes giggle echoed out into her ear, sending more tingles through her body. Shaking her head Mist hit the thoughts away and stood back up as Blane went over to Felie to wake her up, ate the berry she did yet grunted somewhat to the feel of it. Picking the white sheathed katana up Mist attached it to the left side of her pants, the weight of it was something she had missed yet, as Most objects Mist wore they regained a rather weightless existence due the gravitational spell upon her necklace. Taking a deep breath Mist then turned to the two and nodded “ Yes, I believe we are?” Felie had risen from the ground and made herself ready to leave, also picking up the samples she had collected and her rather much few belongings. “ So where now Blane?” Mist asked as she glanced around, letting her eyes fall upon Silence pond and then back to Blane.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:05 am

Blane moved back to Mist, walking around behind her and coming to stand directly behind Mist as he reached over her shoulder with his left hand. The chains on his wrist shun in the awaking sun light and caused them to reflect the light into Mist eyes for a brief moment as he extended his arm and pointed ahead " Back through the runs then from there down south, towards the east a little where a water hole is within the jungle. We will need to be careful of any wild life, or elementals lurking in the area since the watering holes and pools throughout the land are hot spots for such life. " Withdrawing his hand back from over Mist's shoulder, Blane said with a soft yet simple tone " Then down to the Dryads in the south. Only thing that'll be in the area down there will be them and the lesser kinds of earth elementals which they control, so don't attack unless attacked. ". A small smile crossed Blane's lips as he moved his right hand and gave Mist a light slap, with a soft squeeze on the ass as he urged her forward, before walking around to the side of her as they continued into the jungle.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:06 am

Listening as Blane pointed out directions and so forth Mist nodded and smiled lightly before saying “ Well we do have out guide to show us the way,, so we should be fine.. And okay, No attacking unless attacked ” Mist said and played out a disappointed sigh before having her ass molested, she would of slapped him yet feeding was a priority of hers at the time. Turning and walking on forward Mist came to stop and waved her hand at Felie and Blane “ Gimme a few, I have to do something.” Mist said before closing her eyes and letting her inner eye awake, Mist now watching the energies around her and indeed it was a great feeding spot, due the ground beneath her feet and the plants. Letting her mind threads Mist collected the energy slowly, the plants withering and turning to mere ashes while the ground grew black and dead beneath her and the warmth in the air being drained only to leave it cold as Mist then absorbed the energy into her core taking a bit more than usual, only to let it flow out in her body and activating the cell regeneration. Black dust like particles emitted from her skin, almost like smoke as they flew out in the air only to give her skin a renewed glow and look. Letting out a soft breath Mist concluded her feeding yet also left her core charged with energy in case if battle was to come, lowering a hand down onto the hilt of her katana Mist channeled some energy into the energy gem hiding beneath the sheath, which would become handy to say the least. Turning her head she nodded to the two before continuing forwards in the directions Blane pointed out, with her tail rather much swaying happily behind her.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:06 am

Watching Mist, Blane was curious as to watch she was doing, as he watched her close her eyes, and soon after the black dust like particles left her embodiment. As soon as Blane noticed this, he closed his eyes and looked at her through his magnetokinesis and noticed how the color that was usually blue, was now a deep green and constantly flowing around her at a much more rapid rate. Opening his eyes slowly, Blane was beginning to understand what these energy demons could do, and surely they would be a challenge if push ever came to shove. Looking to Mist, he gave a mere nod as she walked past them, both Blane and Felie following her in her wake at first before catching up in strides to her sides. The Jungle floor was uneven in the area, making it somewhat easy for one to trip over one of the many tree roots that were often concealed by the low level bushes. As they continued, avoiding another nest of the small spiders, the went into an area of the jungle that was on the other side of the ruins of Mist's home. The jungle was extremely dense here with bambo looking plants, that had vines that ran down the trunk of the trees with thousands of small needles. " Be careful of those, they generate a paralyze effect once stung. If stung enough, it'll shut the body down by slowing and even paralyzing the heart, and not simply the muscle. " As they continued in, they came deeper into tree leaves, first it was simply leg height, then it became knee height. Blane's eyes were constantly moving around, studing the jungle and looking for any sign of movement. Having already drawn the silent nine millimeter pistol, he had a bad feeling that something ill was about to happen. As it was, there was in fact something ill about to happen, little did any of them know, under the leaves that they were treading through, there were several of the vines from the plants around them, and even they were stepping directly over them, lucky to not get struck in the foot due to the thorns being needle like sharp. Blane stopped for a moment, as he lifted up his left hand to both Mist and Felie for them to bring themselves to a stop, and then said softly " Did either of you feel that? "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:07 am

Wandering into the jungle, they had to constantly watch out and both Felie and Mist did their best in doing as Blane said. Avoiding spiders and what not and Mist taking certain caution to the paralyzing poison Blane spoke about as he pointed to vines with thorns, Mist nodded and watched her step yet and with the heels she wore it wasn’t that hard to balance and use the heels to walk instead of the front of her bare feet, Mist even let her inner eye have full watch over the life around them, and there was a lot some weak and others stronger yet Mist not knowing what kind of creatures it was that possessed the strong energy traces. As Blane clearly reacted to something Mist came to a sooner stop than Felie did her right hand seeking the hilt of her katana in a pure reflect as she stood silent and listened while glancing to Blane “ there are a few strong energy traces around here.. “ Mist said with a rather damped voice as she looked back onto the view her inner mind gave her “ Yet I don’t know what’s behind the energy traces.”

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:08 am

Blane turned his head back from them as he looked into leaves around them as he once again closed his eyes and tapped into his magnetokinesis as he looked down and noticed the redish colour that was under him and trailing upwords along the front of mist before wrapping back down where one of the ends was looking at Blane. Blane's eyes snapped open as he said in a jagged voice " Oh fuc- " and even before he could get the words out, the leaves around him seemed to have exploded as though a large gust of wind blew them from underneth. Amongest the walls of leaves that the earth elemental creature had made, as it surged it's large snake like body upwards, the leaves flickered and danced blocking out most of the vision of the beast and Blane. Blane only just had time to react as he threw his left arm upwards, the chains around his hand condensing and expanding to form a sort of round shield. In the same motion of doing this, Blane had tried to dig his feet into the ground to steady himself for the blow but to no avial. The snake was simply over powering, the body of it nearly two foot around, and in full length twenty metres ; as it moved and struck the shield, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoed, and a figure went flying back wards from the screen of leaves. The bronze of the snake shimmered, as the head of it veered towards Mist, the emerald eyes focused on hers as it opened it's mouth and let out a loud, pericing roar. At that moment, the elemental shut it's mouth as it manipulated the bronze metal around it's head to make it's head form a spear like tip, while the metal covered and protected the eyes and mouth. The issue with an elemental like this is of course, they are heavily armored all around. Surging forward, the snake aimmed it's head towards Mist's torso, as a barriage of leaves were thrown from the snakes movements. Even while the snake moved to attack with it's head, a large spiked tail threw up leaves as the tail had been snaked around to behind them and was coming up the back of Felie. It was obvious that the snake was use to fighting several creatures at once, to make such a two proned attack. Blane on the other hand, as he was thrown back, his landing was rather hard, and even though the leaves provided some form of concussion for his landing, it didn't stop him from sinking all the way down and having several of the thorns from the vines pierce and project into his back. Knowing better than to move, Blane simply laid there as he begun counting the number of thorns he felt within his back, and quickly estimated there were roughly 60 from his shoulders down to his waist. Hearing the snake let out a deafening roar, he only pondered on the events to come, before he slowly rolled forward in time to see the elemental luage at Mist.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:08 am

Mist had not seen a event like this coming any time soon, yet as it came Mist didn’t stumble back in surprise yet rather stood still as Blane and a vast amount of leaves flew away gripping the hilt of her katana, a strong pulsing energy trace revealing from under them in the form of a large snake shimmering in a bronze metallic color, Mist being quick on the details drew her hand away from the hilt and aiming her eyes upon the beasts eyes. Felie on the other hand did her thing, and just melted into the shadows and dispensed into protection just before she was to be hit by the snakes tail, meanwhile the snake rather much formed a speak like spike upon its head and surged towards Mist, who did not see the tail coming in from her side as she in pure reflex tossed herself upon the leaves and rolled away from the snakes head and the direction the tail was coming in from, only attaining a small gash from the tail on the outside of her thigh, rolling around only to end up stopping in a squatting position with her hand grasping the leaves and her right leg stretched out to her right side while her left was holding her body up, Mist now squatting down amongst the bushes and leaves remained there as she released the electrical current in her body fully and feed it with some of the energy she had stored in her core, this resulting in arches of electrical energy surging out from her being and the plus point was that she could without any time loss drive her body into the dash step. The gash upon Mist thigh bleeding out an black and rather thick oil like substance that ran down her flesh, yet Mist not bothering much with a bleeding gash as she quickly overlooked the snake like creature, judging it to have a appreciated length of fifteen to twenty feet and a scaled metal body Mist felt as if she had done right to have avoided to slash at it with her katana, casting a glance Blanes way she didn’t see much more than his hair sticking out from some bushes yet not moving, his energy trace was still there either way so Mist didn’t mind him much as she kept on charging the electrical energy.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:09 am

<Felie really didn't speak much around strangers and being in a new place wasn't about to change that. Instead she touched a tree, letting her hand caress its bark as she passed and let the energy she drew from its spirit aid her. She did the same with a few vines,plants and flowers as she asked permission to take her samples and energy from them. She sensed there were blooded creatures within this jungle,some seemed friend as were the bright ones that soared overhead, although the ones that moved on their bellies like her beloved darklings were not friend, two of those she had siphoned energy from as she passed and heard them fall lifeless to the ground, only the grin that flitted over her soft petal pink lips and the swirling of black and red in her silvery eyes gave a hint that she was feeding from them. She ducked, climbed over and maneuvered her way through the jungle, trailing Mist and Blane as she kept stopping to gather a sample or feel an essences energy. Typical Felie! Her hair falling in loose tendrils from the knot she had tied the red and black streaked curls into on the back of her head. Her pants and gloves already covered with stains from the foliage she kept touching. This was one of the reasons she liked leather , it would wipe clean at the end end of the day and over time had formed a softness as if it were a second skin adhered to her own. While it didn't leave much of her shape hidden it was more efficient than people thought, because this second skin was fairly good protection from most casual damages such as scraping or bruising. As for when she were attacked thats what her babies were for, she caressed the onyx hilts with the etched silver runes inscribed within them as she walked whenever she was planning a course of action. Today she was just taking in the surroundings and letting Blane lead. She was suddenly slammed by a strong energy trace and she surged forward to help, when a head erupted from the ground in front of Mist and Blane. Felie froze as she felt the energy and she rapidly darkened to a olive green tinged black and calling to the vines and leaves and bushes , she seemed to disappear as they helped to camouflage her just in time for the snakes tail flew up where she had stood just seconds before. Felie waited her hand going not, to her dagger but instead pointing to the ground where she sent threads of her energy flowing with a thick fluid that she was absorbing with her other hand from one of the bushes that was next to her knee, the sappy fluid seeped into the ground and thickened even more til the ground held what was left of the snake immobile while she let Mist and Blane deal with the parts that were exposed to them.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 3 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:10 am

The elemental reared up from the leaves, it's massive body swaying like a blade of grass in the wind. As it lifted it's head up, the elemental's eyes could be seen once more as they started to glow a bronze aura smoke like substance, dense and thick rolled up from it's eyes. Blane tilted his head as he looked over at the creature and recognized this as the elemental getting ready to unleash a destructive attack, his eyes veered to Mist appeared to be charging herself up full of energy. With effort, Blane got to his feet before running towards Mist, taking a moment to glance at the beast. The elemental's armor hide changed as thousands of long spear like points projecting through the metal on top and continued to push outwards. The sun light caused them each to glitter as though they had been set on fire, and after they were approximately ten feet out of the elemental armored hide, they turned on Mist, traveling insanely fast, the ends constantly swirling into a big single tip as it moved in. Blane knew he but a less than a second or the energy demon would of been crushed into the ground by the snakes barriage. Coming to a running slide right in front of Mist, Blane's hand had already reached down to the hilt of the sword that he had at his side. Pulling the sword free, Blane at the same time closed his eyes, his eyes becoming completely shut once the tip of the blade had emerged from the stealth. Focusing his magnetokinesis, Blane willed the blade to change and the blade did change to what he pictued within his mind. Within that single heart beat before the elemental's attack struck Blane, he had managed to draw his sword and force the blade to turn into a half sphere with a dense ten millimetre shell around him and Mist. Just as the shield had begun to form, there was an screeching smash as the elemental's attack slammed into Blane's barrier, but instead the elemental's attack was completely shrugged off by the shield. Blane turned his head, with a slight grin still upon his lips, his eyes remaining closed " I hope you have some grand idea to take it out, or I'll need to do it myself. ". Of course, even the look of Blane, it was somewhat obvious by how stiff his back was that there was something wrong, but still Blane remained the cocky almost mad man that always was.

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