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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:43 pm

Twitching his nose slightly, Blane scrunched up his face as he looked at her with great questioning. " What's a human?.. " was the only sensible question he could come up with at the given time before leaping off of the stone. His red hair wavered as several of the stray stain’s remained lifted from the air has he leaped to the entrance of the cave before his hair fall back into his place. The pale blue of his eyes looked down into the place " Silent Pond eh.. And yes, I get the vibe that you are apart of this place.. However, what about the other being that is in there? One that is not of my imagination nor dreams? ". Tilting his head back, Blane lifted his powerful arms across his chest as he brought them around himself, the chains themselves rattle lightly. After a small amount of silence, he let out a soft laugh as he looked up to Mist, the hair around the base of his horns ruffled slightly against the bone, while the light of the sun caused his several facial pricings to shimmer and sparkle as though someone had wiped glitter upon them. " Do you think there is a bed in there so we can finalize the factor of you taking up my lustful offer? ". Holding the smile for a moment, it wasn't until a sickening smell struck his nose, that Blane's head snapped back to the opening of the cave. The green mosh lingered along the lining and walls of the cave, while several broad leafed vine plants hung over the opening. But it wasn't this that caught his attention, it was the fact that he felt the darkness within the cave stir, and oddly, for a moment, he thought he heard it call to him. " I think we should check it out all of the same. ". His voice was stone cold once again, as he reached to his side and unclipped the small firearm he had when him and Mist first met.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:44 pm

Mist arched a brow at his as he did not know what a human was, how could one..oh yeah, she didn’t know much of this place at all so faults on her “ A human is.. a being, none less than an Animal, no power and no real reason to be… they also feed upon material things.. and are rather stupid. “ Yes that was the best explanation Mist could give him at the time “ at least they sound funny when they die.” Now watching as Blane leaned off onto the caves entrance, that was rather.. plants? There was plants? Mist had never seen plants around silence pond before yet it didn’t matter as she followed him to the caves opening in a steady leap. And it seemed he at least had begun to understand her connection to the place. And the other being? Mist tilted her head at him and let her inner eye have a look around, and true as said, an energy trace remarkably much like hers was inside. This made Mist blink a few times and put her being on fullest attention thus completely ignoring the once more sexual comment and without a second thought yet after a few moments of getting her hopes up of there actually being a survivor she begun heading inside, yet upon hearing his offer of checking it out and the cling of metal “ That won’t help, not what the thing that goes at you can’t be touched. So be careful Blane.” Mist said before heading inside, luckily the insides of the cave had not changed much and the pond was still there along with the numerous of markings upon the rather moist cave walls only think lighting the place up as the energy spectrums that still remained inside, like a pale every changing flow of smoke, casting light spectrums of light and making the still water inside glow with its usual black and bottomless insides, now where was the survivor?

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:44 pm

Felie heard the sound of movement outside the dark cave she found herself in. having no idea what happened and how she went from the abyss to suddenly being in this cave that looked like she were at silence pond but she knew it was different as well. she stayed still and waited to see what approached, as her hand crept out and closed around a rock she felt. Felie was still pale and her horns glistened with a reflectiveness from their crystal makeup as her eyes swirled with a red glow instead of the usual silver and her hair darkened to the shadow look she used when she felt unsafe. She was ready to slam the rock down and then run till she recognized the energy of her Mother and she dropped the rock and crouched sensing more than her mother and waiting to see what was approaching with her.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:46 pm

Shurgging off Mist's caution, he said with rather much pleasure " You know, you avoided the whole us thing scenario once again. " Still, he walked behind her, while bringing his eyes to a close. The reason was simple, in the dark, well he couldn't see jack shit, thus however by tapping into his magneto kinesis, he was able to see the many deposits of steel around them, which provided him in a sense with better eye sight than as though his eyes were open. Turning his head from side to side though, he noticed there wasn't enough to give him a true outlook of the cave nor the so called Silence Pond itself. Eventually, his gaze fell back to the demoness, and before him he saw her in a different light than before ; due to the magneto kinesis, her entire embodiment appeared bluish, and from there he could literally see the veins in her body pulsing with each step. How her muscles contracted as she stepped, the gracefulness of the roll of her hips. Her hips? Why did his eyes seeminglessly trail to them? They swung from side to side almost at a hypnotizing pace. Curiosity sparked as he said with a soft grin creeping across his lips " You don't get much sex do you? ", even though he could tell she had breeding hips, either or not she exercised that area of her body had yet to be known. Still he paid no heed to caution, as he opened his eyes once more to see her for the flesh she truly was, and not the metallic liquid metal that flowed through her body. What am I going to do with you? Blane pondered for a moment, there was no way in hell he was going to take her back to the city, oh no. The others of his kind, would rather enjoy getting their hands on her, not simply for her beauty, which Blane was sure she'd be used for, but also and more so the metallic liquid inside of her. It was far more complex and rich than the minerals his people and those of the Ea'kish from the industrial depths on the other side of the city of Urkatrio. Shaking his head slightly, he said softly " We are getting closer to whatever it is. "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:47 pm

While walking, Mist caught onto his statement of avoiding the scenario of them two, her answer was simple “ Indeed I did.” Nothing more said as they continued forwards, due her demonic eyes she could see in the dark pretty well and they soon reached the centre of the cave along with the glow that casted a faint light upon the cave, the energy trace was close and it was Felie, and the sound of stone scraping against stone made it obvious yet Mist was to happy to care of the second comment Blane made “ Felie.. Come on out..” Mist said straight out, not holding back on the tone of her voice as she crossed her arms under her breast and glanced to the at the time flat surface of the pond, that soon begun to stir. Showing fear in here only resulted in bad things, she hoped that Blane wouldn’t be hurt, or else she would be a perfect guide short. The stirring water now emitting a stronger glow of light even though the darkness within could be clearly seen from where they were “ Keep your eyes away from the water Blane..” That was the only fair warning Mist could give him as they waited for Felie to come on out, in all truth Mist missed her a lot and but now, at least she knew there was survivors.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:47 pm

Felie blackened her horns and extracted her tail with its razor edge and spiked length as she crouched there . she reached for her daggers filled with the toxin that smothers the neuron receptors as it moves through the brain and long before that affects the mind so that one is unsure of reality versus delusion. She knew the minute one blade sliced or lodged in her opponents skin the tip would dissolve and the toxins would start their job. She grasped one in each hand and pulled her small lithe body from the shadows into the light from the entrance as she heard her Mother speaking in a somewhat calm voice with its lyrical tones wrapping around Felie and reassuring her she is safely amongst friends. As she rose she re sheathed the one dagger , but kept the other at the ready in case danger still lurked . Felie exited the cave and shuttered her lens to a blood red filter to meet the brightness of the sky as she flicked her black and red hair over her shoulders and let it drop behind her. She wore leather gloves that protected her hands and helped with gripping when slashing with the daggers, her jacket, shorts and boots were all leather as well and she had piercings through her lips and around her face. She ran to her mother and hugged her then turned and stared at the male before them and she exposed her teeth as she gave him a smile that was not comforting.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:48 pm

Blane watched as the pair were reunited, and within the moment he sensed no possible threat and as such he put his pistol away. Giving a nod to the new comer, Blane simply stood there in silence. His eyes trailed along the walls of the cave, seeing the almost disturbing stone with several different markings carved into it's surfaces in a crude tongue almost. Turning away from the pair, Blane made his way back the way he had come, but as he left, his eyes fell upon the pool that Mist warned him about as he seemed to drink in the pool. There was something within, something steering beneath the calm surface, a darkness that was darker than the blackest void. Tearing and forcing his eyes away from the pool, he stepped back through the cavren as he made his way out into the sunlight. Looking down the jagged rock face, and to the jungle that expanded outwards across the world. Down below he saw the faint outlines of the ruins that he had found the first of the two so called energy demons as he stood there. " Things just got more complex I guess.. " Blane muttered to himself rather than the pair that he had left in the cave.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:48 pm

smiled warmly to Felie as she hugged her close, her child. After taking a moment just to look at her Mist glanced to Blane who made his way out of the cave “ Smart.” She implied before looking back to Felie “ You okay my child?.. “ Mist said in a damp and rather worried voice before light sounds off chains clattering echoed through the waters of the pond and it begun to coil. A bad gut feeling stuck Mist from the core and she flinched from the intense feeling almost as if her blood was boiling. Mist gripped Felies arm before rather much dragging her out of the cave and into the light, Mist didn’t like the feeling and the new world seemed to inflict with the taint, making it more aggressive. It had never been as intense as that as Mist was to let go of Felies arm before sinking down to the flat ground before the cave, taking a moment to shiver and shrug the feeling off even so, It didn’t cease leaving Mist sitting onto the ground as the moving of chains echoed out from the cave. “ Lets get away from here.. Ill find a way to seal off this place later..” Mist huffed as she reached up a hand only to run it through her hair and taking a deep breath.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:49 pm

As she realizes her mother seems to know this male well enough to stand without an caution to her stance, Felie started to release Mist , but just then she heard the chains of the "thing" that dwelt in Silence Pond . her head pivoted around for she knew it usually kept to the depths of the pond i n the murk and mire under the mud on the bottom. Feeling Mist's concern Felie backed off from the cave even as she felt drawn to the thing as she always has. but she still did not understand why or even what the creature was. Grasping Mist's hand she was dragged away as swiftly as Mist could tug her, to join the man and quickly leave the area

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:49 pm

Awaiting for the two women to appear outside of the cave once more, Blane stood still with his back to them, looking out across the land, seeing more and more of the change between the colliding of the two realities. Without turning around, Blane said in a chuckling voice as he spoke to Mist once again " So it does seem you have sex somewhat often. " Looking over his shoulder to the pair of them, he raised an eyebrow and said with a slight shrug he said somewhat at ease to them " Well.. Where to now? ". Of course, he had the intentions of returning home until Mist decided to follow him. Turning his head and body as he stood side on to the women, he reached up with his left hand and brushed back a few of the stray strains of hair that was blowing about his face as he glanced at them, his pale gaze locked on Mist as he awaited for her ideas.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:50 pm

She watched her mother as the man stared at Mist and from past experience Felie could tell he found Mist to be pleasing to look at. Felie was proud of both her parents and the gifts she inherited from them, amongst them though her mother outshone Felie and her father Gorgoth with her porcelain beauty , whereas Felie's tended to vary as rapidly as her moods from icy whiteness to the dark shadow colors of her father's race. She smirked as she thought how easily Mist seemed to make men willing to follow her instead of lead, perhaps it was so they could watch the soft swaying of Mist's hips as she walked . But as they moved away from the cave Felie marked it in her mind.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:50 pm

Oh dear creator, why did others still rely on her for directions. Mist let out a soft sigh as she stood back up and forced the gut feeling away, while stretching lightly “ Well, I don’t know.. I have no knowledge of this place, so where do you think would be best we go next? “ Mist asked as she looked to Blane and arched a brow “ Maybe finding a safe place would be good?” Tilting her head she turned fully to him and placed a hand upon her hip “ Maybe your home would be good? If you don’t mind that is?.. I’d rather not stay here much longer. “ Mist said as she looked to Felie, at the time she just wanted what little she had left to be safe.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:51 pm

Blane shook his head slightly as he moved back to with his back to the pair before looking out across the land, once again bringing his arms towards his chest as the chains echoed his movement. " As much as I'd die to take you home to my bed dear Mist, I don't believe my kind will be so delighed just to look upon you.. If you understand what I mean. ". While deep down, he knew what he meant, and it wasn't simply her beauty. " Did you wish to search for more survivors or shall we find a place for the three of us to pull up for a spot of tea and camp fire? " Sure the sarcasm in his voice hinted that stopping was probably an ill fated idea, but none the less he knew he could make an area that would be safe for them for the most part.Turning his head back to her and nodded for her to step forward as he said softly " Well, tell me what looks like your land.. Most of it's pretty fucked up now.. " turning his back as he surveyed the land. " Even the jungle plate called Tew'thasa has been changed ". Pointing out a small bastion of forest that rose above the tree tops of the others, there was several dark black chains draped over the bastion itself, with several splits within the stone face itself. " I think, in a way, we are both lost.. Behind us, and continuing us in that direction will lead to our most northern city.. " Blane then lifted his right arm up and pointed off in the distance to his right " Two other cites from my kinsmen are that way, while the third was somewhere in that direction. The left side of us and that section of the jungle is completely off limits.. So it's a simple choice for you, since you aren't acting guide in this crusade master Mist. Search for others, take you home were you'll be ripped apart for the metallic substance that I assume you require for blood, or stand here in complete and utter silence with that pond behind us. "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:51 pm

Mist simply tilted her head and listened, pondering on what to do and even letting out a light giggle on the tea deal. “ What’s tea?” she jokingly asked before going back to listening. Yet arching a brow at the last part he said “ Metallic substance? Required? .. Oh right. Titanium that is.. so we can’t go that way “ Mist said while pointing to the parts of the jungle that where off limits “and we can’t go there, there and there?” Mist said while pointing in the directions of Blanes kind “ Which reminds me.. wouldn’t others start showing up here soon? I’m pretty sure the ruckus has made itself known?” Mist stated while looking to Felie, she could still go to the abyss right? It would at least be a safer place than this at the time “ Felie, why don’t you go and play with the soul reavers until I come and get you?” Mist asked of her daughter while pondering over what to do next, From here she could see the ruins of the Officinale Manor yet not the old Officinale Empire.. Silence pond where at the time where they was and the black chains roaring through rumble and jungle only made everything a mess to spot out. “ So..erm.. any other civilization where they won’t rip me apart?” Mist asked while letting her inner eye sweep over the area, No energy traces she knew was close so they might as well head back into the jungle and search after clear water.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:52 pm

" Well there is the Ea'Kishi that might not unless some of my kinsmen are living among their kind, in which case they will sense you. But due to all the trade reasons you will be fine. In front of us, past were your hell landed on my peaceful forest , is a small nation of dryads, they may take you in. They are generally friendly for the most part. " tilting his head back, Blane looked over Mist once more before turning his head upwards and looking at the sky. But it wasn't just the sky Blane was looking at, it was the moons above and how they were revolving. If one were to stand in the same spot even for an hour, they'd see the noticeable difference in such a short period of time. Turning his gaze from her he said softly " Night will fall soon.. Well camp at the end of the jungle there were the edge meets at rocks .. " Shaking his head slightly , that was a choice against his better judgment. But at the same time it was a tactical advantage since nothing he knew could sneak behind them with ease.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:52 pm

Listening Mist nodded ” I understand, To the Ea’Kishi after rest then?” Mist implied before looking to Felie who didn’t seem to do as told and just shook her head at Mist, who in response simply nodded and looked down the small mountain, traveling down was easier than up at least Mist thought to herself as she saw a neat spot to land upon if she was to open a portal, which she could but was in plain words lazy. “ So show the way Blane?” She said with a rather sweet smile upon her lips before tilting her head at him “ So what does your kind feed upon? Spiders?” Mist asked while glancing to Felie for a moment and then back.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:52 pm

Leaning down Blane repeated his actions as before , with the use of his ability , he could already see a clear path all the way down the jagged mountain. Closing his eyes so all that he saw was the darkness, once more the world around him changed and before him there were hundreds of orange dots throughout the mountain in almost a straight line to the base. Almost as the by command, all the way down the mountain the ground shook slightly, as though there were small tremors coming from the line of ore that Blane saw. After a few moments, the tremors stopped, and suddenly that path within the rocks . The granite rocks shattered in a loud screech as the stone literally exploded. Blane opened his eyes slowly as the rest of the debris of stone landed down like stone clapping against water . Rising back to his full height of 6 foot three inches , Blane turned his head slightly and looked to her. His eyes seemed at peace with himself yet his face remained passive, almost sad at first before breaking into a smile as he said softly " Spiders are just a trawl snack, our main delight are little white haired demonesses with bodies to bleed for. " with a wink, Blane stood back up as the dust down the path settled as he turned away to walk down it towards were they first begun.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:53 pm

Mist stood silent, waiting while Blane did his thing the energies contracting and the ground shaking, lightly to a human yet Mist noticed it a lot stronger due the double nerve system. After a few moments pieces of rock flew through the air like shrapnel and Mist just stood there, despite being hit of it or not, she couldn’t careless. Yet as Blane stood back up, she noticed the difference in height of the two and to his answer of what they ate, she could only giggle and reply “ must be hard to find food then. “ the change in his expression didn’t go her by unnoticed and only made her wonder what kind of person he really was. And as he begun to walk downwards Mist and Felie followed behind.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:53 pm

Walking down a rubble path, Blane turned his head slightly as he said with a soft laugh " No, but when we find one, we generally keep them. ", before turning his head back down the road. Looking down into the jungle, Blane pondered what sort of new creatures would surface, and either or not they'd be pleasant to be around. Leading the pair down the track, they soon came to the base of the mountain and was once again confronted with the jungle. Blane broke away from the group as he reached up with his left hand to the spiked shoulder cauldron. Lightly twisting four of them, each emitted a click before Blane pulled them away and held them in his hand. Walking five meters forward from the pair, he dropped one into the ground point first, so that it sunk in half way. Moving ten meters to the left he placed another, before moving another ten to the left, before repeating the process once again so that they were sealed within a square. Though it was not really a seal sort of speak, Blane could use them to ward off anything that came to close

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:54 pm

After arriving down at the bottom of the mountain Mist could not help but to glance back up at the opening of Silence pond, how would it affect this world? She could only assume things and ponder on about that question, yet Now as Blane walked away a bit and seemingly placed with metal spikes placing them in a square Mist silently watched until he was done “ And that is for? And care to tell more about yourself Blane?” She asked while stepping towards him tilting her head slightly to the side and glancing to one of them and then back at him, she really wondered what he was since he already reminded her of a demon.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:54 pm

Blane moved to the center of the square before sitting down and crossing his legs over one another while bringing his elbows to rest on his knees. " I'm a solider for the third army of Jag'troa. Been trained to kill for as long as I can remember my childhood, and killed for the majority of my life. As for them- " Blane lifted his right hand and gestured towards the spikes in the ground. Saying in a rather relaxed voice, a small sly smile broke across his lips " Let's just say, they are to keep you in, and everything else out. ". It was easier to dodge the question of explaining himself completely to her, than it was to actually sit there and tell her all of the events that he has seen.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:54 pm

Watching over as Blane moved and sat down in the middle of it all Mist and Felie did the same Felie at a corner, and Mist almost in front of Blane. Listening and thinking, well that was one way of life Mist thought while glancing at him. Also the usage for the spikes made her snicker, the man most possibly would not last long if he tried to go at two energy demons at once, but that was not the case at the time. “ I see, That explains a bit.. so do tell me more about this world? Or do you want to save it for another time?” Mist asked while laying down and crossing her arms behind her head, also swopping her tail enough to lay comfortably and not get tangled into the spikes upon it as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:55 pm

Blane tilted his head to the side and raises an eyebrow before saying in a mellow voice " There are now six races on this plant. The Oi'Kai, whom my people have been at war with for nearly three hundred years over the several rune mines within their homeland. Then there is the Ea'Kishi, they do the black smiting mostly and trade their goods to my people." Shaking his head slightly, Blane looked down to the ground before lifting his gaze to the jungle. " The smallest nation are dryads, kind of like a elemental. Then there is of course, the Elementals. They are every were and there are several kinds. No one really knows much about them, apart that they scared the world to the north of them with their gifts. "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:55 pm

Mist listened and nodded a few times as he spoke, this she would take to mind. But a small ticking motion was created as he mentioned the Elementals, she had encountered and killed one before, and It wasn’t that hard to do. But on the other hand, many elementals at once place and even Mist would thread lightly. “ Elementals and Dryads huh? “ Mist said still with her eyes closed “ Elementals aren’t that strong if you know their weak points.. Once a Elemental threaded into my domain and stirred up things, He got.. disabled for life. “ Mist said with a calm voice. “ So besides the Dryads and Elementals, there are no others that have Elemental Abilities? Or such?” Mist asked, yes this was a question needed to be asked to at least have a bit of advantage if combat would take place. “ Any questions you have Blane? About the shit hole that fell down upon your home or such?”

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:55 pm

: <As they sat there Felie noticed that she moved easier which led her to believe this world had a lighter gravity than theirs, but she had also felt the almost imperceptibly slight searing each time she drew a breathe in, not overtly painful or damaging but again showing a difference in the atmosphere. She marked these differences in her mind as she perused the fauna around them. The grass, trees, bushes , and flowers all were similar yet there were differences that she knew they would have to study and adapt to if they wished to survive here, so she had lagged behind every time she saw a new plant or leaf and took a sample to study later while they rested. She tentatively sent out a few energy trailers to test that they could still absorb it here and she was happy to find out that she seemed to be able to garner energy from the living things to feed from it. Felie turned so she could hear what Blane and Mist talked about while she was also obliquely facing the spikes so that she could surreptitiously study then. After observing nothing special on the outside although she felt the slight energy discharge coming from it as she was sure Mist did as well, Felie's curiosity finally won and she turned back to speak to the stranger, something she never liked to do even at the best of times. "Blane, how do they work? I mean is it magic or something else?" She expected a short simple answer from which she would then study the spikes further. The only reason she didn't touch one now is she didn't wish to disturb his grid although she felt no need for it and thought he was simply trying to impress her mother, but then he didn't know what Mist and Felie were so had assumed they were weak, always a mistake males make with them because of their size and looks.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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