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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:22 am

: Being released and put back up on her feet Mist let out a soft sigh, her legs where trembling and juices sipping down her thighs, yet she couldn’t careless at the time. Even as Blane held her up and supported her Mist didn’t look at him, since after all there was a chance he was right. Hearing his apology Mist glanced up at his face, seeming the serious and almost regretful expression he made, yet it was for what he had said not done. Mist nodded to him “ It’s fine.. Just the slight possibility is there though.” Shrugging her shoulder the demoness went back into the water and begun cleaning off as the uneasiness on her mind did not let go, and the thoughts made her mind wander off where she stopped in her movements and stood still letting a few moments pass by as Mist then made her way back up and got dressed under silence.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:22 am

<She'd been gone for at least an hour and it was turning into dusk, Felie didn't care if they were finished she wanted her wash before it became totally dark and the predators came to sate their thirst, so she pivoted around and trotted back the way she'd come until she reached the water where she saw Blane dressed and Mist washing herself. Felie carefully took out her samples and added them to the others she'd bundled earlier, adding her daggers as well and stripped to nothing and ran inot the water and dove , relishing its briskness after the hot jungle heat. She dove to the bottom and grabbed a few sample of the purple plants and as she surfaced , leaving a trail of bubbles streaming behind her , she tossed them out onto the ground and then waded to shore to grab some mud and wash her body in it. Then she dove again and rinsed, grabbing a few more aqua ferns as she kicked her legs and came up, grabbing a strange fish as it swam by, clasping it tightly in her grasp as she surfaced from the pool and strode to shore. She never tried to compare with her mother for Felie knew Mist had an appeal males could not resist, whereas Felie was more like one of the creatures of the jungle around them and only appealed to some even though her breasts were pert and full, her waist slim and curving to a firm but small ass. Felie tossed the fish to Blane seeing he seemed to need to eat flesh and went to squat beside her clothes as she wiped them down with this set of ferns she'd brought up with her . As she worked the last of the days rays dried her skin after relieving herself in the foliage , she came back and redressed, then repackaged her specimens so that the breakables were cushioned within the soft fauna and then that was cushioned between the bronze scales of the elemental. Felie retied them all together and looked to Blane to ask him if they would travel by night or fine a safe haven such as in the trees and sleep.>

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:22 am

Blane had noticed that Felie had come back from her walk, just as he had finished putting the claymore on to his shoulder. Without a word to either her nor Mist, Blane made his way to the jungles edge before vanishing. Moving around silently and stealthy , being cautious Blane portalled the area. Every so often Blane would stop and collect something before putting it back in his back. Seamlessly , an hour had already pasted, and already they well into their fourth hour of sun light. Heading back directly to the pool of water , he approached as he had left, without a sound as the demon returned. Saying in a gentle voice so that both Mist who seemed ready and Felie who was just finishing getting dressed. " The path up ahead is clear as far as I could tell , so when you two are ready to move, let's get going."

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:22 am

Letting out a soft sigh Mist pondered while waiting from Blane to come back from whatever he was doing and Felie just kept quiet, Taking the chance Mist filled a few small containers with water and placed them in her codex, it could after all be good to have later on. The thoughts in Mist’s head reminding her of how she was before as she picked up her weapons and put them into place, that cold hearted killer that had killed the Grey king and a civilization, Since when had Mist become so.. soft. Shrugging her shoulders Mist looked out over the water hole, She didn’t like how easily she had given in so something had to change. And as Blane came back and asked if it was time to move on, Mist just nodded and walked in the direction they were heading.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:23 am

Blane of coursed lead the pair into the jungle, though he walked beside Mist, try walked in utter silence. The only sounds that were heard, were the natural wild life roaming around, while answering the odd question from Felie. Eventually to break the silence as he walked beside Mist , of course steppig away from her every so often to avoid trees. His eyes flicked over to her and though he kept his voice extremely serious, yet of course Blane couldn't help but smile " I like you .. You're an amazing demoness. ". Knowing his statement would most likely be met with silence or a crude , Blane said shortly after, his voice dropping as he spoke to her " I'm sorry for losing control ... It won't happen every often so no need to walk around so tense..". Of course Blane didn't expect her to say much to him before he shot her a look of seriousness once again, this time being more .. Heart filled " What is he like?.. Your husband? ". Blane only asked out to curiosity to see if he was like her husband at all, then he could tell she may see something in him or not. –

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:23 am

During the silent walk Mist pondered, Streea could be dead, but as well alive since she knew he was strong. He had after all survived her once, only to come back to have revenge and in the end they got married, talk about a twisted story. Yet Blanes voice disrupted her thoughts as she glanced to him and arched a brow upon the compliment “ Thanks” Was all Mist said to that yet as he kept on speaking Mist listened “ You did it once, so you might do it again” mist answered bluntly while walking on forwards only to almost stop in her steps as Blane asked how Streea was. “ Streea is great.. In many ways, but also strong to the point where he can easily kill me, the kind of emperor to lead wars and such… Once human, Archon, until the day I left him on the brink of death only to have him return for his revenge.. which he got so to speak. “ Mist told as she sung the tale of lovers so to speak, even so, her eyes stared on forwards and the expression on her face was stern as she walked out of the way from a tree.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:24 am

Felie grinned at Mist's remark although she knew Mist was receptive to the man's advances so was far from a victim. But she had gone through this many times with her parents, Gorgoth and Mist both had mated with a few people , but then didn't most demons enjoy a lusty sex life and some weren't even picky as she well knew, having walked in on some demons in group ruttings before. She preferred her abyss and the shadows or nature and its wonders to always having fun so she knew she was seen as odd by many of the demons she had met. She trudged along and hummed to herself, just absorbing trace energies from such a variety of life that teemed in this jungle that she was quickly sated. Her humming had a melodic sound that drew the night birds closer as they started arriving and the day birds would trill back before settling in their nests , so the air was filled with the music of them all.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:24 am

Letting Mist veer away from him, Blane continued in silence, his head ducking to dodge vines while relocating his whole body to avoid trees completely. Several things in Mist's answers puzzled the demon, yet of course he kept what he thought under wraps " an emperor.. Basically what I will be once that other bastard falls off the perch " Blane thought to himself. Of course, he wouldn't be emperor, he was only the second to the general of the Jag'troa agents, a secret yet not secret service force to the Jag'troa. Though Blane continued to pounder this as he finally brought himself and the girls to a halt. Turning around to them, they were in a little meadow were various forms of flowers were growing. " Don'T pick any unless you have me look first " Blane recalled tell Felie as she sprang along admiring and observing the different assortment of flowers. As Felie went off to do as she did best , Blane of course once again sat up the square , only this time making it five meters by 5 meters , using the shoulder spikes again. The area was plenty big enough for the girls and he didn't need to sit within it. Instead , the demon moved an left Mist to do as she pleased an Felie and found a tree on the edge of the meadow that Blane sat down next to before leaning against as his eyes drifted up towards the sky , becoming lost in though.


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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:24 am

Having come to a stop in a meadow filled with flowers and the like, from the looks Blane put up camp once more. Mist didn’t question him as she looked to Felie as she did her research. Mist glanced around, wondering what to do as her eyes landed upon Blane who sat leaned against a tree, seemingly lost in the sky. Continuing to glance around, Mist found a rather comfortable looking spot against a three on the other side if the meadow and placed her bum there, before leaning backwards of course after checking so no unwanted wildlife was there. Yet in case if, Mist let out a faint pulse of electricity which most likely would scare the bugs and minor things away as she closed her eyes and let her inner eye keep check of the surroundings.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:25 am

She raced over the field and stopped here and there playing with the petals of the flowers. Glancing back to make sure Blane wasn't looking she knelt down by a poisonous one and shocked it with a scant electric charge and then bagged it , she had been doing this with the venomous things all day and had quite a collection of toxins in her store already. Felie then sank her hand down into the soil and flexed her hand letting a charge off and then digging deeper til she reached a type of grub-worm creature that had a circle of teeth at each end of its body and she scooped up a handful and placed them and their soil in a small jar and stoppered it with a top that let air in. Then she sucked deep energy from the soil and felt for nuances of the things that grew and burrowed there, this was part of her gift or trait, the way she used her energy often depended on the mood of the thing giving her the energy even the shadows had a life . Felie found it astounding how often others forgot that almost all things had a type oflifeforce. Blanes metals did as did all elementals , the problem for one such as Felie was she had to make sure she absorbed things in the right amounts and with the right frame of mind or else she fell victim to the emotional state of the thing she was syphoning energy from. But few knew of her weakness and the shadows always aided her as did things thats were at home in darkness. She knew if Blane were to focus his attention on her as much as he did Mist he wouldn't see much because the darkness obscured others from being able to read her. This was just another form of camouflage her body used to protect her and had been learned as had most things she was able to do, by trial and error til she was happy she had figured out how something worked. She withdrew her hand from the soil and scuffed the earth with some pungent leaves to mask her scent and then she wandered back to her mother and Blane, veering off to chase one of the flying creatures every now and then just out of boredom.


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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:25 am

Still Blane continued to sit in place , his thoughts constantly crossing his mind with questions such as " how would the others react to her? Would they like her for who she was and not the liquid metal? ". Blane had esbilisted that Mists blood was indeed metal, when he saw the colour though his - kinesis name here ( don't know how to spell it ) -. Sure she was an incredibly rare being, yet even on this world , she was no rare than Blane. Of course , Blane never mentioned his past , how could he really ? One of the most achient of his race yet only four of his kind knew so, and of course the majority of the - insert major nation name here -, which he had little choice in knowing. No he thought to himself , and soon brushed the fairy tail away. There wouldn't ever be a her and him , so log as she remained married , though he could just take what he wanted , but to take for something he knew he'd develop feelings for simply didn't seem right. His previous actions of course , weren't right though heknew Mist, dispute the plies in the beginning , loved every moment of it. Openin his eyes faintly , first his gave fell to Felie who was off playing with dragon flies, before his eyes narrowed in on Mist. Yet rather than doing anything , he stared at her , not for the creature she was , but for the treasure he knew shed come to be for him should they remain in one another's company

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:26 am

The thoughts running around in her mind over the past events, the realm crashing down over a unknown world, so long only two survivors and most dead. The Officinale Empire was no more, Nor did Streea have a home to return to, Where was he even? He had been gone for what felt like years.. not a thing she had heard from him either. Maybe he after all was dead.. The thought made Mist wrinkle her eye brows yet soon she regained her composure and a rather calm expression where she sat, the subject of Streea was at this time rather sensitive. Yet Letting her mind wander over to Blane, despite what he did it didn’t feel bad, Mist just felt guilty towards Streea. Maybe she owed him forgiveness after all he had helped her and Felie with? Opening her eyes Mist glanced towards Blane, who sat by his tree sniffing the flowers, I mean.. staring at Mist. Mist arched a brow before standing up and walking over to him, glancing down upon him before seating on his left side before leaning her head against his shoulder “ I guess we can call it even” Mist said as she closed her eyes and remained still.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:26 am

Tilting his head slightly upward , Blane slowly opened his eyes as he heard Mist speak. " Call it even ? " What the he'll was she on about, Blane's mind questioned him. But the faded ad he felt Mist bring herself against him more so were she brought her head to his shoulder. Blane's eyes veered over to the white demoness before he raised a questionable eyebrow and said to her with a smile upon his face as his light toned voice filled the air " So I guess it's true about if they like it, they always return. " Though Blane somewhat understood what Mist had meant , perhaps she ha finally come to terms with Streea's dead and the only form of male contact she had for now was him. But ya would eventually change , and someone else will shine in her eyes the demon considerate within the confines of his own mind. Eventually saying to her in a soft voice " You plan on seein this journey out until the end, whenever that may be? "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:26 am

Mist could not help but to smile lightly at his comment yet staying where she was and not commenting upon it would be for the best. Yet as the question came, if she was going to see the journey out until the end, when ever that might be, Of course she would she was rather more excited to. Blane was after all their only rather reliable connection to the new world and seemingly knew a lot about it. “ Yes, I will “ Mist answered as a soft smile played out on her lips, she might felt guilty but having someone close was something she had missed for a long time. And so, there she sat while cuddling up against him.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:26 am

Grinning slightly , at least the demon new this would be the adventure of a life time for him. Though he saw Mist's smile, he respected the factor of keeping her tongue still, and even as she cuddled up against him, Blane leaned over to her , and lightly brushed his lips against her cheek, his head coming to rest against hers. Speaking in the soft tone that he was still growing use to while speaking to her, Blane spoke lazily to her " We will be within the Dryad lands within a week and a half if we travel by the six hours of day. That is assuming we have no issues at all "

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:27 am

Hearing how long it would take to go to the dryads Mist opened her eyes and glanced up at him, wondering if they ever used portals or anything of the like “ That long? Well not much to do I guess“ she questioned before accepting the fact that it would take longer than she expected while staying like that with him all snuggled up. Well they were going by foot, and by the short period of time that there was sun, yet Energy demons had no problem in traveling at night due them coming from a realm with nothing else than moon light. “ So, tell me more about yourself Blane, anything” Mist said as she closed her eyes once more and smiled faintly.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:27 am

Reaching up with his left hand of the arm he had placed around her and lightly brushed a few of her strain hairs over her shoulder and tucking it behind her ear. As he did this, he smiled a true smile while speaking " Well.. I'm a one of a kind, even amongst my race. Apart from that , there is nothing special about me. ". Although of course Blane was lying , his species and even their Enemies recognized Blane for being a one of a kind demon. While the Jag'troa on the other hand considered Blane a god send. Changing the angle of which is head rested upon hers he said softly, his voice remaining placid now as all emotion was drained from his facial features and his voice " I'm from - insert city -. A city based around war and the complete conquest of the lands of the Oi'kai's. A war that started about four hundred years ago , when the Jag'troa finally decided to break off the alliance so that they may step up and take the iron ore under the Ok'kai's only city. To this day the war continues to rage." While Blane continued to fill her ears , while still eluding the majority of answers he could of given her, he closed his eyes , allowing his mind to return to harmony

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:27 am

Feeling a hand stroking over the side of her face Mist glanced up and was meet of something wonderful in short, a smile. She of course, returned the smile and listened to him, nodding one to two times to prove that she was still listening to his rather interesting story even the change of voice and behavior, they had common traits after all. “ one of a kind? “ Mist asked as she closed her eyes once more and enjoyed the calmness and what was that feeling, something was off but yet Mist could not put her finger onto the feeling in her body. Shrugging it off the demoness licked her lips, they tasted odd for some reason yet she didn’t Mind it and remained cuddling with Blane.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:28 am

Continuing to run his finger tips through the demoness's hair as he lightly nuzzled his cheek against hers. " Pretty much, I'm the only Jag'troa that can control metal at a distance. ". Considering he had failed to mention this once before , however it was the only way he could put it simply that he was special. Leaning into Mist, Blane caught the sight of Mist licking her lips and made a slight chuckle to himself . The world at the time , seemed at peace. A gentle yet warm breeze blew through the meadow as Felie walked back over and sat down at their feet with her eyebrow raised. Of course, the look she had upon her face was more of a death stare , almost as though she was trying to say without using words " You are not my father , remove your hands from her now ". The demon of course simply smiled at Felie before shaking his head slightly as his eyes glanced back to Mist.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:28 am

“ Oh then I see” Mist replied while he nuzzled his cheek against hers while Mist pondered on about what the odd taste on her lips was, Must have been the squishy he feed her before. Not minding that anymore Mist leaned her head against his and closed her eyes until Felie made them company. She glaring at Bane which made the Demoness giggle lightly and smile before closing them again, the energy field rather calm besides Felies out beats of energy from her mood which was getting bad. Mist not really knowing what course of action to take remained still and just looking at her with an arched brow

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:28 am

Plopping down in front of them, she glared at Blane wanting to smash that smirk off of his face but knowing Mist would be angry at her for it, but still she growled deep down in her throat and she thought of how much she would love to unleash the souls that she carried as a defense inside her. She sighed and bite back her natural inclination to destroy any man that touched her mother, after all she had grown to love Streea over time and even set up the wedding room for Mist and Streea's wedding. It's just no male would ever take her fathers place in Felie's heart and soul. Bastard though he could be he was also the only one who understood some of her darkest thoughts and the one who had taught her how to hold her anger in, so she could use it as a force of offense when she needed to.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:29 am

: " It'll be night fall, I'm not sure how long your kind sleeps, but I'll be up before first light. ". Blane allowed his eyes to sleep close as he leaned back against Mist, the natural effects of not sleeping enough took over Blane as shortly after he had finally fallen asleep, still holding Mist. It was not common that Blane ever allowed his defense to be so low, but at that point he didn't seem to mind. While he slept, dreams filled his mind , memories of his past experience with the - insert major race name here - , how they had trained him and honed his skills. Then finally of course, there was the nightmare that always followed when Blane would kill his last kinsmen, leaving himself to be the last of his kind. Only this time around , the nightmare was odd, he didn't feel alone, and the last of his race apart from him was a small demon with white hair, his dark horns and of course a tail. Abruptly awakening from the dream, Blane snapped his eyes open as he begun looking around his surroundings that were now covered in twilight

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:29 am

Felie went to sleep as soon as Blane had, yet laying inside of the square for a rather comforting feelings, while Mist just sat there wide awake, Energy demons didn’t need much sleep at all and thus, Mist thought she should play the guard this night, Still with Blane close as the hours passed on by and Blane seemed to dream firstly peacefully then more actively so to speak. Mist glanced to him from time to time, while keeping her surroundings in check with the help of her inner eye. As twilight came onto the skies Mist still sat cuddled up with Blane, who had moved in his sleep and somehow got placed with half his body into her lap, And Mist just sat there, slowly running a finger over his horns while waiting.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:29 am

Felie rolled over and even though she didnt need sleep all the time, she still needed to rest in her own way. She had the ability to put her mind and body in a type of trance status that allowed her to drift within herself and connect with the feelings she had absorbed all day. So Felie turned inward and after setting up her own perimeter of shadows that slid up her body encasing it so she seemed to half disappear into the very ground under their feet, Felie became lost to Mist and Blane as she floated within.

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Mino'Rajin (RP not a part of ShadowAle, just an old Rp line we once played.)  - Page 5 Empty Blane

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:30 am

The demon had come awake and found himself half way sleeping against Mist. Feeling the light tingle from her finger tips brushing his horns, Blane moved his head slightly as he looked up to her. While Jag'troa's didn't have the best of eye sight at night, Blane merely kept his eyes closed and focused on her using his abilities , so that he could see the constant moving of the blue cells within her body. Bringing up his right hand , he gently brushed his finger tips across them and along her cheek before letting his finger tips trail down her chest , making sure he let them pass between her breasts as he brought it to sit in her lap. " You can get some sleep now Mist, I'll be ok watching over you two.

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