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A New Era (Shadowale)

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty A New Era (Shadowale)

Post  Admin Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:03 am


Mist: The demon stared in disbelieve as her eyes laid upon the devastation the demon king had left behind him, it was chaos as healers and soldiers alike tried either to help the wounded, and to carry away the dead.  Shaking her head Mist giggled silently, lucky her this was not the main army, just the front line. And lucky for half of the front line that had yet to arrive. The demon was pissed off to say the least, Gorgoth was going to pay for this one way or another. Not wasting anymore time, Mist went into the carnage and spent the next few hours helping to heal the hurt. While a normal energy demon could close and heal fatal wounds, Mist was one of the few who could restore the bone structure. Having spent hours upon hours helping the wounded the demon was almost completely drained of energy. She needed rest, badly. Yet there was no time to stop, she had to gather to troops and station them. Standing up Mist wobbles slightly, she was exhausted. But still, inhaling a deep breath and exhaling a thin vapour like steam as she pushed forward heading for the nearest commander ''Back to the capital, gather all the troops and wait further orders there.'' Mist yelled out to her soldiers, whom promptly followed suit. Portals opening left, eight and centre as the demons stood silent watching the soldiers take off to the capital. Waiting until the last of them had left Mist rushed into one of the still open portals, and arrived outside the capital where most of the soldiers had been on standby. Murmuring arose from the crowd of soldiers as their queen arrived, with a fatigues look upon her face. She gave them all a blank stare as she searched for a higher place to speak out to them from, and there it was a statue of one of their pre sensor’s. Breaking into a quick run the demon made it up to the top of the statue in a single leap, now overlooking the thousands of Energy demons and Jinx their army withstood of. They all looked back at her, faces of sadness for the lost ones, frustration and determination, mixed with sternness. Indeed the soldiers where trained to be stern and merciless during combat. Mist only hopped in her silent mind that no more blood would have to be shed over Gorgoths stupid ass. Having dragged out a moment of silence the queen decided that it was time to bring the news to the ones who still did not know, yet she did not know where to start. How could she tell them that she had let their realm be merged and that they most possibly would meet a bloody end? Gritting her teeth the queen finally broke the cold silence ''the realms have been merged'' was all she said to a beginning as a murmur of voices broke out into questions and discussion, some screamed asking her how she could let such happen and what would they do now. ''Silence!'' Mist broke them off with a scream. ''Would you rather all be dead than have the realms merged?'' She asked them as they all fell into silence ''I had no choice other than to let this happen.. Now gear up.!'' I want what’s left of the front line to take defences, healers and the Jinx to these points. I want a front line encampment at the centre of the frost planes, a second main camp at inficio waters, bring the chanters and have them try to control the serpents residing in its waters. I want a backup battalion at frostmourn. And I want a special flank troop of Jinx in the northern parts of the vox Voice Mountains ready to defend there and help the first encampment. Then I want a main force of the Jinx army at their home base, I also want the eye guarding the main city’s walls. Bring along every battle ready Jinx and energy demons, also bring forth the miners battle ready ogres.:: Mist knew the ogres where a risk, but rather that then being invaded. The soldiers just stared at her for a moment before they rushed into action. Mist sighed as she jumped down from the statue.

And now what to do, she needed rest, but she had no time. Looking over to Odist’s the demon beckoned her to come forward ''I want you to keep things in check and brief the commanders to do whatever they deem necessary if we get invaded, once you had done that, get some rest'' With that, Mist turned on her heel and walked towards the castle and her chambers. Once she arrived at her room, she collapsed onto her bed and tried drifting off to sleep. But could not as she twisted and turned, she just could not get any peace with everything that was going on. Sitting up in her bed, Mist let out a frustrated growl as she changed into Banes form and after placing her gear back on, she opened a portal, leading to the place that gave her the most peace, silence pond.  

Troops: At the same time, the troops gathered and made their way to their posts, finally battle ready and on the alert. Once at their posts they begun setting up camps and having patrols on look out. At the base in the frost plains there was what was left of the front line, around two thousand men in total, five hundred of the Jinx soldiers up in the mountains and frost mourn had around a thousand men. The Jinx base had around three thousand and the flank unit by the Inficio waters had another one thousand men. Now battle ready as the serpents had been taken control of by the path. Everything was sett.. Now for the wait.

Bane: A shining light piercing the damp darkness of the Silence pond as Bane arrived through her portal, she was weak and worn out at this point, but she knew she needed backup. Anything would do, and now she was there, about to awaken the twins. The two tainted energy demons, whom she had only read about in books as a child. But as research found itself, when Bane had discovered the truth behind the legend and the fact that the twins rested in this pond where the taint was at its finest was like something out a nightmare. The water of the pond laying blank like a mirror, despite that the cave roof did not mirror in it. The energy spectrums even reached within the cave as the light bounced on the walls of the gloomy cave. Even if the cave seemed gloomy at first sight, the walls hid scribbles and seals upon its walls. Getting closer to the edge of the pond some of the seals glowed ghastly white as they activated. What this triggered was the release of the protector of the Taint not to protect the taint, but to protect others from it, As the protector arose from the pond it started to ripple. Bane watched silently as she arose, the protector. They had meet a few times before but not for this matter. The protector herself was chained to the surface of the water, she wasn’t in a material state as her white gown flowed through the air and her hair framed her petty face, so pale. Her lips where plum and her eyes pale green as they were the only thing that stood out from the ghastly demon. ''What brings you here again my child?'' The protector asked where she hovered calmly in mid-air. Bane glanced up at her deciding to keep the squabble short ''You know why I am here protector.. I need their help. As you are connected to the realm you know that is happening, you see everything through the chains.'' Bane said as she moved closer to the pond, now staring down into its once again blank surface, feeling the temptation of the taint within. The protector held her silence for a moment, while simply staring  at the demon a small smirk upon her lips ''But my child, you are in no condition to unseal the twins of Taint… And you know it comes at a price.. are you really ready to pay that price?'' Bane had never head of a price for awakening the twins before, but oh had she been naïve to believe it came without one. ''What’s the price?'' Bane bluntly asked while raising her eyes back up to the face of the protector straing at her intently. Whom in return giggled softly and twirled around, chains and all swirling with her making the air around her vibrate. ''Oh my child, you become one of them'' she said as Bane blinked a few times in a slight shock ''o-one of them?'' she stuttered softly while looking very confused, for in truth she was. The protector came to a stop and leaned forward to Bane with a stern look upon her face ''If you had been a normal energy demon you would of simply become a tainted soul demon.. but since you aren’t just a normal energy demon.. not even I know what will become of you my child.. are you still willing to pay that price?'' the protector asked while arching a ghastly brow. Bane started walking on and off in the cave, taking her time to think it through. What would become of her? Would she become some kind of monster? Or would she lose all control? Or would she become something much worse like an angel? No, no it could not have that effect now could it? But what else would help secure her kingdom? Was there another way? Was the change going to be direct? Coming to a sudden stop Bane asked quietly ''Will the change be direct?'' the protector remained silent as Bane stood with her back to her, staring at a wall waiting for the answer. After a few nerve wreaking silent moments the protector answered ''No, It wont be direct.'' she finally said. Bane remained quiet and went back to walking around while arguing silently within her own mind. Was it worth it, would it be worth it? If she could save her people it would be worth it right? What would Felie and Odist think of her? Gorgoth would surely laugh and carry on like the dick head he was. What would her people think of her? And what if she became a monster and turned into a bigger threat than Gorgoth was? The thoughts surging like a hurricane in her mind as she raised her hands to her face and scratched her cheeks bloody before turning back to the protector. Her eyes glowing golden as tears rolled down her cheeks, mixing with her black blood that dripped down in the form of tiny chains of her face. The protector cracked a sad smile as she watched the demons desperation silently.''Will they ensure safety to the realm? And will they obey me?''  Bane asked while letting her arms fall to her sides. ''they will see to your every wish, they are after all bound to the realm just as you are my dear Mist..'' Bane nodded as the image of Bane slowly fell to the ground like shattering glass only to reveal Mist.

Taking a few moments to collect herself Mist stood silent as the protector watched, seemingly amused, the ghastly chains rattling where they flowed. ''tell me what I have to do?'' Mist asked. ''you have to come to me my child, embrace me and I will make your wish come true.'' The protector said as she held her arms out to Mist. As she did, all the scribbles and seals came to life as they lit up. The chains binging the protector came un-done and now wrapped around Mists limbs, leaking their taint into her veins. A burning sensation filled her veins as she struggled for a moment, her inner eye going out of control as it felt as if it was going to break out of her. Despite the pain Mist soon became subdued. Falling limp into the chains she was slowly moved towards the protector who patiently waited as she softly whispered  ''As the Bane of the Officinale becomes your saviour, the chains bind you and finally release you to something greater or worse..'' the closer Mist came to the edge of the pond, the more the cave started to tremble, crakes formed in the walls and sparks flew from the now breaking seals. Just as Mist fell into the arms of the protector spectrums of energy was released through the cave, the tremble of the cave stopped as the Demon slowly became engulfed by the dark waters of Silence pond.

Barely conscious Mist fell deeper into the seemingly endless water, white circles of seals and scribbles whirled around her body along with the white chains now emerged into her body, soon they became one with her as she came to a slow stop. Her white hair glowing as it spread out around her face, before her laid two bodies, one female and one male. The female had plum coloured hair and pale skin, tattoos on the right half of her face and two big horns curling alongside of her face.  She seemed so peaceful were she was, almost a shame to wake her. The male demon was hid in shadows as Mist could not seem to fasten her gaze upon him. Flickers of the past coming before her as she saw something she had never seen before, the chains of adolescence and sin ripping apart a demon and picking out a small babe out of its mother, only to engulf the babe and fuse with it. It was only for a moment but before Mist could react the images were gone, and the two demons before her came to life, laying their cold gazes upon her. Mist meet them with more calm then she thought she had as she murmured ''As the Bane of the Officinale becomes your saviour, the chains bind you and finally release you into her command.'' With that, time seemed to stop before they were all violently flung out of the broken mirrored pond and up on the cold cave floor. Followed with a tremor which could be felt out through the lands of Officinale and beyond. Mist laid upon the floor, eyes half open as she watched the waters of the pond over flow only to let a black oozing fluid, almost like the metal within Mist, but tainted. Mist watched half dazed and powerless as she was washed over by the water from the pond, only to see the liquid make it way towards her as the water sank away. Mist wanted to move, but this was the price she had to pay for her actions. As it crept closer and close to the demon she tried to move, but twitching her hand was all she could manage while the oozing liquid came in contact with her skin it felt like she was being pierced by blades, first her hand then, slowly it worked its way over her body. The pain was worst she had ever felt as she struggled in vain. Tears falling from her closed eyes as she waited for the torture to end, as it soon did and she became limp and cold. And finally darkness..

Vesica laid upon the cold and wet cave floor slowly coming back to conscious after a long rest filled with dreams of the ongoing ventured of the realm they were connected to, so of course she knew what was going on. Even so the first thing that came to her mind was her brother as she opened her eyes in search of him, only to be meet by his sleeping face straight in from of hers. Arching a brow she thought silent to herself ''he was always the lazy one..'' rolling over on her back her hand hit something cold and wet, glancing over she saw a demon in white, and immediately recognized her ''Mist'' she said in a breath as she sat up and pulled the seemingly dead demon over to her. She felt sad for her, oh the hell she would go through only because she wanted to protect her people and her land. Placing a hand upon Mist’s cheek Vesica closed her eyes and though her inner mind she sought up the white demons, there was a life force even so it was petty and weak. Hopefully Mist would wake soon, even if she would be weak. Vesica estimated it would take a few days for her master to regain her full potential, and when she did.. The change would slowly begin like a disease.

Last edited by Admin on Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:27 am; edited 3 times in total

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Felie

Post  Felie Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:41 am

<Nodding the affirmative to Mist's commands, Felie glanced over to where Jace was. He had once been one of her father's closest friends but as Gorgoth changed so did Jace's allegiance and now he was her mother's man all the way.  Felie did not dislike Jace or like him, she did what she did with most of those around them, she tolerated him. She knelt down and let her  hands splay over the ground around the crater; feeling the combination of the  cold snow and the sharp jagged edges of the rocks that had erupted as the crater was formed. She   gasped deep breaths, trying to subdue the chaos that lie within her, for as the daughter of Gorgoth and Mist, Felfaina Shadowcaster-Officinale had always lived a torn life.   Caught between the discord between her  parents realms she was devoted to both, while in her there was a storm that was only quelled when she retreated to the sanctity of the abyss that was the Soul Reavers Domain. But here she was once again, helping one parent fight the other and knowing she carried the same taint of madness that had driven Gorgoth to become what he now was, a creature who  presented no love for anything or anyone but himself, a creature that thrived on destruction and feeding his ego-maniacal cravings. Giving  up on trying to calm the turmoil within she jackknifed back up to stand, her right hand crossing over to press a button on the codex strapped to her left wrist, which then emitted a small beam that displayed a keypad of odd icons, runes, and mathematical symbols onto the air in front of her. Pressing a few in a certain order she set up a base portal for ground zero of the newly aligned realms and then activated it on this end. "Jace, we can start reconnoitering now." she said, turning  to follow him as she spoke and closing the codex at the same time. As Jace spun off towards the North she began to jog along behind him, her hair flying out behind her as she ran, her boots creating a clunking thunking noise as she trekked along.  They traveled across the open plain  until they reached a fringe of trees, stopping to rest  before they entered,  then Jace inserted his body  carefully into the  fringe of trees that could cut into  your skin like a blade of glass  if one were to inadvertently  brush against the branches. This made for a slower pace as they maneuvered  among their trunks, ducking swerving and twisting through to the other side where Felie made the second portal just as she had the first and activated it.  Jace muttered " I will test it" and he quickly popped into the portal, slipping back before she had time to blink and with a curt nod  he grunted out " it's all good." then he  stepped back from the edge of the trees  to make sure that travelers on the road would not see the portal readily.  Jace grinned as all one saw were intertwining branches that formed an arch, "Nicely done"  he turned and grinned at Felie, almost shocking her into immobility for a second, for  the only time she had seen him smile was when him and her mother were chattering in subdued tones by the fire. "Thank you" was all she said as she  stepped forward onto the road glancing at the snow capped trees of the forest to the North. They turned as one towards the East, with Jace taking the lead tersely setting out the route he planned, "We shall continue East  then circle down between the Shadow Spires and the Wastelands.", then setting action to word Jace began trotting ahead and Felie quickly scurried to match his pace.  Their travels would have taken four days and nights thus far if they were humans, thankfully they were not and  they truly had no need for sleep, instead a two hour meditative state was enough to renew their energy and let them resume their pace.  When they reached the end of the road they had the choice to go North again or curve South-East which was the path they chose after pausing only long enough to set up another portal and blending it into the rocks and having Jace once again test it. From here on out they would have to move stealthily to avoid any creatures that ventured out of the Shadow Spire Mountains to attack the Officinale Realm's dwellers.  As the hours progressed they both grew sweaty and the most action one would have seen outside of their jogging was when one or the other stopped to tighten a bootstrap or retie their hair after it has been jostled loose from its binding. Finally they reached another branch in the road, one leg leading East and one leading South down to the Northern shore of Lake Inficio. She set up another portal and they followed the same routine they had set up. While Jace tested this portal and checked that it blended with the landscape she glanced down the Southern path. Felie longed to turn South for she had often  hidden half submerged under the docks  at Officinale Castle when she wanted to hide from everyone. She had always felt a strange kinship to the Lake as if it sang a song  to her as its waves crashed and tumbled over the shore sending her a message that she was never able to decipher. But they had no time and the sooner Jace and her completed the task at hand the sooner she could return home, so she turned to the Easterly path and resumed jogging along between the Shadow Spires  to the North and the Wasteland to the South. They stopped to meditate once more  for a scant twenty minutes, then Felie  set up another portal under a barren tree  just within the Wastelands Northern borderline, Jace  popped in and back again , then they took off curving North-East now.  A few times they had slunk back into the foggy mist of the Wastelands as they saw a shadowy figure leaping down the mountainside of one of the many spires of Shadow Spires and  there was a mild debate over whether or not to kill them, but Jace and Felie agreed  only if they must for killing one may call others to arms and they had a mission to complete before they could enjoy  such a sport as the bloodletting of their enemies. So they continued the trek North-East and at the next junction Felie set up a portal in a copse of trees near a small lake in the Southernmost end of the Frost Mourn region. They swiftly  repeated the  process of testing it out and then took a sharp left and headed North to Frost Mourn itself. About halfway there they set up another portal at the base of a rather large hill and after activating and  testing it, they  took another ten minutes for a final  meditation then  as they rose Felie, in a voice of softly melodic giggles, uttered a challenge "Last one to the pass to Frost Mourn City has to buy the drinks at 'The Highland Getaway'." then took off as fast as she could run, hearing him swear "What the fu.." and then the hammering of his boots as he ran after her. They raced North, up the road between the Shadow Spires on the left and the Frost Mourn's outlying villages on the right til they reached the pass into Frost Mourn's city itself and she skid to a stop shouting "I won, I won"  and she placed the next portal so fast that Jace grabbed her right forearm, mentioning "I know you won I will gladly pay for the  drinks little minx, but have a care that you  make sure the portal is securely connected and veiled." Felie nodded and slowed down, doublechecking everything before nodding that he could go through  and as soon as he had popped back and gave her the thumbs up, she took off for Frost Mourn City and the placement of the final portal. They strode straight through the city to the port and there she  nonchalantly leaned against the sculpture made of obsidian and white marble  chiseled into a giant Anchor  with the  white Officinale Rose  entwined within its chains that signified this as  a port of Officinale. Felie worked swiftly , but surreptitiously as she placed the portal under the leaning anchors crosspiece  and set a chain border on its edge before shrouding it  so  it was not noticeable to any who did not know it was there. Jace  winked,  stepped through and came back to stand there  sniggering at the  young lad trying to tell his mother "that man over there with the girl  disappeared Mama!" Felie grinned and slapping Jace on the back she said "I believe you owe me some brumbleberry brandy" then took off for the tavern. As they passed the woman and child they both bit back the laughter quelling up as they heard her bemoan "why must you constantly make up these rediculous stories?" to the poor lad who after all, had  been telling the truth. Jace and Felie sauntered into 'The Highland Getaway' and striding to the counter they gave their order to the barkeep. Jace set down the coin to pay and as he did he also slipped a small wooden token with the Officinale Rose carved on it to the barkeep. Within the next hour word would be all over the city and on ships venturing for other ports that Officinale was at war. There were many loyal members of the Queens espionage/counter-intelligence division who  had never grown complacent about the possibilities of enemies resurfacing, they and their  ranks would swiftly make their way to Officinale Castle to receive orders. After quaffing their drinks Jace and Felie headed back to the pass and slipped back through that portal  to reappear at the home base portal, located within Castle Officinale itself. They didn't take time for anything as mundane as washing up, instead heading straight to the Queen to give their report.>


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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Odist/Odila

Post  Odist/Odila Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:33 pm

What she had just witnessed almost killed her. Not because her home was in destruction, but because her queen was; her precious Queen. She listened to the instructions given to her and remained silent and obedient. When the queen left the little demon stood there motionless, her brain fuzzing trying to make sense of what had happened. She couldn’t, and it made it so much worse. She slowly began to walk towards the commanders as they were all yelling at each other about what they should do. She stood still silent watching them, until she kicked the dirt below her feet and raised herself above them, her voice bellowing into the winds. They grew silent and looked at the heavily breathing figure above them. She stared down at them, and briefly, they appeared as nothing but animals in a pit. ‘We are to be invaded, whatever you deem the correct action to be, but know that you must work together in this perilous time! We have civilians to protect, villages to arm and armies to raise. We don’t know our enemy, not as well as we think we do. We cannot and will not act violently until violence is shown. Dismissed!’ She closed her eyes as all of the commanders left.
Her father stood watching from the distance, looking up at her. ‘You’ve grown impressive.’ He whispered quietly, rubbing his neck softly. She remembered the Princess taking him away, and wondered briefly if she felt relieved or not. She couldn’t remember. ‘I thank you for the compliment, General Beyu, but I must no go- General!’ Her father had jumped up and hugged her, his hand clutching the back of her head tightly. He inhaled softly as they stood there, Odist unable to move. She slowly put her hands against the older dmeon’s chest and pushed against ti weakly. ‘General, please I… Daddy.’ The last word slipped out and she froze, her entire mind caving in on the realisation. The general shifted and looked at the younger one with fond eyes. ‘Your mother apologises for not finding you.’ He whispered, before jumping down from the pedestal and walking away. Odist stood there completely perplexed and confused about how she should react. In the end she ignored it, she ignored it completely.

Walking slowly towards the Officinale castle, she allowed herself some emotional breathing room to allow some frustrated tears to pool at the bottom of her eyes, before pushing them again angrily. ‘I am the Queen’s rock, I am here to protect her, I… I.’ she stopped speaking. She couldn’t take it. Bending her knees,a and flinging her arms out she kicked form the grounds and allowed herself flight once more, her faces relaxing instantly. It was a queer sensation, flying into the sky and seeing her home below her. It was even stranger knowing that everyone below would see her and look away. She didn’t know why. The merging of the realms had been unsettling, so very unsettling. Spotting the castle, the little girl descended quickly and landed roughly in the courtyard. Rising, the leaves rustled softly, allowing her a little moment to take in the peaceful silence.

She slowly began to walk into the castle, through the winding staircases and into her room. It was dark, it was musty and it smelt stale. She closed the door behind her and undressed herself while she walked towards the window, dropping items onto the floor as she went. Soon she stood there in a simple vest and underwear, feet bare, arms bare, legs bare. Everything that was a weapon and gone and she felt herself open to the world briefly. The window was seconds later thrown open, and the curtains blew towards her. She looked at it quietly, she felt the wind, heard the people laughing, crying, living… She felt her body ache from exhaustion, but denied it even a moments rest. She slid onto the floor and let the light curtains blow into her pale face. The satin soft fabric touched her childish skin and she lay down slowly, finally allowing herself a few moments of rest, just a few seconds.

The Ancients watched the child fall asleep on the floor. They watched her breath even out and sighed in relief. They had so many grievous tasks for her in the future; they knew that this rest would be the last one that she would ever dare call a peaceful sleep.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty ScarInteriumVerin

Post  Admin Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:39 am

-Scars eyes would flash open the red crimson hues glowing as he focused his eyes after such a long slumber, frozen to sleep forever..there eternal suffering. There connection to the land of Adolescence and Sin allowed them to see the events unfolding like a movie in their minds, The war was on the border of letting lose blood serious bloodshed. Scar glanced over laying his eyes on his dear sister Vesica and shook his head at the Demon in white that lay in her arms.- “Master..” –He spoke the words in disgust and anger, If she were someone worthy of him calling Master she would not have needed to call on them in the first place. He didn’t care though..she would grow strong or die with the events unfolding now, the curse setting in. He turned his attention to Vesica as he spoke- “Its time to have some fun sister…show the ones hurting our Master that they have chosen the wrong prey…” –His voice was dark and bloodthirsty a mischievous grin across his face, The mask of bone running under his jaw making the smile all the more intimidating. He stood and stretched the leathers wrapped over his body making not a sound as his body moved, He wore a black leather long coat over his bare chest the sleeves folded to the shoulder to exposé his pale spiked arms a single blade strapped to his right wrist. He flexed his hands testing them as he searched around the darkness for his Cane, His skull capped cane known as “Torment” It was the only weapon he had ever used or even touched other than the break in battle. He smiled and raised his hand forward as he laid his eyes upon the staff it crooked between two rocks a few yards away his body beginning to glow with a red aura as he used his Metalokenisis to pull the Cane to his hand, Spinning it in glory as if it were a part of him the second it touched his palm. He turned and spun the long coat spinning around his leather adorned legs as he turned back to his sister his armor spiked shins gleaming a bit in the dim light his Long spiked metallic like hair covering his eyes, the color of blood stained steel a light glow of red coming through from his eyes.- “It’s time we gather our Master and move…she needs rest but she does not need it here…nor do I wish to stay here any longer than we must...-His eyes were now on the pond that had for so long been his cage, but now he was free and now all hell would break lose in the field, He had one thing on his mind as he looked over the still waters. “Gorgoth” His tail moved the bone wrapping around his waist like a sash and he tucked his Cane inside of it ready to move. The bloody seal stained onto his flesh was his seal of power and soul, from a dragon its mind and power now belonging to Scar, the middle of the seal split open a little of his black tar like blood leaking out as a bone skull protruded out from the blood hole in his chest a thin snake like body following the skull out of his chest and soon a tail came whipping the bone like creature spread out its body stretching from its long slumber inside Scar its arms and tiny bone wings spreading out as the space between stems of the wings filled with dark energy and the empty eye sockets filled with a red glow the hole sealing up almost as soon as the tail made its way through. He smiled holding the skull of the creature in his hand, the soul of the dragon taking its place in the bone vessel scar had provided through his Skeltokenisis. He stood and waited for his sister to grab there “Master” Him not wanting to touch her.-

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Xiaa Vestatia

Post  Admin Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:53 am

Under The dreary sky and amongst the newly settled buildings, with their dark bricks and imposing magnitude, the drumming thud of boots on hard ground echoed like the chorus of war drums within the town square. It was a calming and well suited sound that seemed to put everyone at ease. No one slacked at their duties, and for once it was not out of fear of punishment but from the surging ecstatic pride of accomplishment. They had done it. Finally, after long hours of planning and many a dead-end they had set out and completed their task. They had merged the realms.

The one to truly witness the change in the people, the one to take note of it, was the freed Cryonic Voidling. Her duty placed the Cryo-femme in the centre of the peoples and their work places. She expertly dodged the men and women trampling the ground on their way to battle stations; avoided each and every out thrust hand harbouring fruits and meats of various colours, sizes and smells. Her path was dictated and smooth and whenever she stopped silence seemed to linger around her cold presence and the ground would crackle with frost when she moved on. Of all the beings within Gorgoth’s rule she was perhaps one of the most peculiar; though it may have been her comfort with close proximities with the Warmongering leader, that made people stare at her. She was 5 foot and 6, average height for the people of her race and built much the same, athletic and long and sharp. Her skin was pale, as white as snow but without the sickly tones to it. In fact, if not for her hair she would be invisible amongst the ice and snow of the lands. As it was she was blessed with vibrant blue locks which she kept cropped in her own unique style. The shortest length was perhaps half an inch below the nape of her neck, the longest reaching her chin, which accentuated high cheek bones, pointed chin and a strong jaw line. The only length allowed to her hair was on the left side. There she allowed a thick lock to grow below her shoulder and curl where the rest of her hair, excluding her bangs, remained straight. The style was unique amongst her people and had added softness to her sharp features the other women had lacked.

A chill had picked up in the air now as her heeled boots crunched stones with each step, and the shouting of merchants was rattling the Cryo-femmes mind. She was used to silence, not this racket and though she should have adjusted by now, her heart could not refrain from conjuring up images of her previous life. She was just pulling herself from this reverie and had stopped at the blacksmiths, the next on her list. Her visit was short and as sweet as the rugged, sweating creature she conversed with could allow it to be. He grunted at her greeted, snorted his replies and only spoke when she pressed him for a proper, articulate answer, though it was clear he barely considered what she was doing as a job. The Cryo-femme had been sent out to ensure the town was being erected properly after the merging, that everything had survived and if anything still needed to be transported into the keep itself. She suspected that it was a fool’s errand; Gorgoth’s way of keeping her busy, useful and out of his way whilst he declared war on the Officinale, and she found herself content with this. Let it be a fool’s errand, it was necessary otherwise there would be a flood of people demanding the King’s attention and receiving a beheading for their efforts. Or whichever form of punishment he chose for them. With a casual salute at the blacksmith and a pleasant goodbye from the woman she exited the stifling heat of the smithy and back into the crisp, chilly streets, checking against her clipboard where she needed to go next. A humourless smile pulled at her blue lips, which were not painted or dyed but naturally that shade of hypothermia, as she made her way up the crowding street toward her next stop. However her intention was interrupted when the ground began to shake violently, wrenching the earth and stones into the air, uprooting the firmer buildings and completely demolishing the smaller, weaker hovels dotting the town. Shrieks of fear and shouts of anger accompanied the thunderous rumbling as the ground settled back and the Cryo-femme’s eyes darted left and right to ensure no one had come to harm. She was disappointed and moved with a surreal calmness to one of the wooden shacks that had toppled. Finding the main beam she lifted it with relative ease and allowed a few helpful passers to drag the trapped old man from beneath the wreckage before dropping it again. Again she turned, saw no one in danger within her immediate area and began her duty once more; only stopping to help straighten stalls and produce of the shops she passed.

The quake had caused the people great distress and the Cryo-femme could feel it creeping into her glacial hardened veins, her mind racing to piece together a puzzle she did not have. What caused such a tremor? Was it one of Gorgoth’s weapons? Was it the merging? Was it... Them? The people’s questions echoed in her mind, not through some unwelcome telepathy but simply because that’s what she was asking herself. Another wind picked up throughout the town, carrying droplets of water that froze into snowflakes upon making contact with the Cryonic-Voidling. She paused in her travel; tilting her head back enough to allow pale eyes, the colour of dirty ice, to stare at the sludgy grey sky hanging overhead. Her lips pursed for a fleeting second before the stony mask was set back into place and she centred her attention back into the town, the people and her Master’s will.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist/ Vesica

Post  Admin Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:45 pm

Watching the form of her brother take life again for a moment Vesica then looked back to Mist, who looked way to peaceful for what was to follow. Poor queen didn’t even know half of the truth of what had actually happened when the two had been sealed away, and what the realm had inhabited to begin with. Nor the pain that would slowly change the Queen until something Vesica did not even know what to call “ Let’s take her back to the castle” she stated as she swept up the demon in her arms and stood and then headed for the exit of the cave in gentle but quick strides, handling her master carefully on her way out, taking a moment once they had gotten out of the cave to glance down on the realm a reddish glow at the far ends of it, it was nothing else than the shadowcaster region that had merged with the realm. Shaking her head slowly Vesica looked to her brother “ I can understand why she called upon us Brother, this is something not even we could of stoped if it had meant purging the realm into depths of hell. “ She knew her brother was not too fond of having a master, but some things could just not be changed. Heading down the mountain path that lead back down into the forest of Silva per Caliga. The sky as dark as night with only the moon as a real source of light, even so the demon noticed that the realm had changed more than she had seen from the top of the mountain while they had been asleep. Now it was even more ‘magical’ and enchanting, the sharp rocks and peddles making soft noises and they walked down in a slow paste, why rush to the inevitable? Lost in thoughts Vesica was rather surprised when they had arrived at the foot of the mountain sooner than she had thought. “ Brother, do remember that once this is over, we will regain what is ours. Until then just bear with it.” The demon said as she looked up at the moon, spectrums of energy falling down in-between the tree branches giving the forest an illuminated effect as they continued their journey.

It was cold for the first time of her long life, and the demon froze where she laid, naked and exposed. She was awake she thought, every inch of her body ached as she tried to move, slowly but surely she got up, grinning in pain as her muscles didn’t seem to obey her mind. Opening her eyes slowly the demon found a blurry image standing before her, looking just like her. Blinking her eyes a few times the creature leaned down to her and opened its mouth and spoke “ ''As the Bane of the Officinale becomes your saviour, the chains bind you and finally release you to something greater or worse..” the black tainted liquid from the pound running down its naked body as it spoke. Mist stared at it, still dribbling the liquid in which turned into the black chains of Adolescence and sin. Whom in turn started wrapping around Mist’s body, If she had been able to move she would of, but as it was the demon remained still despite her own will. Watching the image of herself as it turned into one of the ancients with their white robes and the masks, only thing that differed was the wings upon it’s back. Turning her attention back to the chains as they now lifted her up into the air where she hovered in the midst of them. Silently watching as a few more emerged and merged into a claw, the claw headed for Mist as she panicked, trying to fight back. The cage of chains opened up to it, and let it through. As it commenced in sliding into the demons belly, Mist felt the pain, this was not a dream to her, but reality. Feeling the claw searching through her being it finally caught onto what it had been looking for and ripped it out. Bane.

Watching in horror as the image of Bane was crushed by the claw, black tears ran down the demons face. Bane has only been a second identity to her but still precious. Her escape, though the demon now knew, there was no escape from this. “ The change is not commencing, prepare yourself Child of chains, because you will grow wings” the ancient said, Mist could barely lay her eyes upon her shape before she was suddenly falling, down down and down through the sky and into a forest and suddenly, she hit the ground. Vesica was startled as her Master suddenly became too heavy to carry and feel down on the ground, creating a crack in the earth. “ Master?” Vesica said as she knelt down by Mists said, seeing how the demons face now was stern and her eyes slowly opening as she then sat up in a rush only to fall back over, wriggling in pain as sparks flew of her body. “MASTER?” Vesica said a bit louder as she reached out a hand towards the white demon “ What?” Mist groaned through clenched teeth as she dealt with the pain surging through her body. “ are you okay? How do you feel? “ Vesica asked carefully. “ Fucking great, I’ve been through worse” Mist lied through her teeth as she now was slowly but surely making her way to standing up on shaking legs, her body was starting to go numb and she could feel the taint pulsing through her veins. Taking a few moments to catch her breath Mist then stretched her limbs. “ Let’s get going” was all she said before she started walking towards the direction of the castle. They did after all have Gorgoth to deal with.


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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Artifact

Post  Admin Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:47 pm

The awakening of the demon Vesica had left large amounts of residual energy flowing throughout the realm, which had been causing issues with dimensional travel around the universe throwing people astray, redirecting their travel, otherwise as a whole the event went largely unnoticed throughout the multiverse except for those who were looking; once upon a time, someone had commissioned a weapon to be built for the white demon, a katana like no other made to the makers knowledge the weapon itself supported a dual blade rather than a classical singular blade, The creator of the blade had kept close watch over his creation taking pride in its world and continued existence through the use of the white demon; but how the sword had aged though still useful he’d deemed it time to forge a new blade, upon checking in the his creation he noted that another note-able demon had appeared in this realm his observation of her first few hours of existence ask beknownence to him inspired him for forge a second weapon for the creature, already he had ideas flowing through his mind many different possibilities scattered through his thought process as he gathered the building blocks he’d require to form the weapons he would no doubt form; the star dust was easy to find in this era, so many younglings destroying planets for no reason other than to keep themselves entertained, though disappointing it had its upsides. As he Amassed the dust around the fiery ball which was his non-humanoid form, to anyone observing the stars this far out there would seem to be no change other than small astral winds ebbing and flowing around the system of stars he fit into, collecting the star dust needed to create what he desired. <c>

Now he had to find someone to carry the weapons, someone he could trust with his creations, these kind of people were few and far between eons had been spent waiting for these kind of people to emerge, eventually he picked Feras, a skittish priestess of an obscure sect which worshipped a golden god, In her mind He who had contacted her few times in her life was the god whom’ her sect worshipped making her submissive to his wishes under fear of the golden god’s wrath, his mind brushed hers after he reached out; She sighed with an ecstasy only a believe could ever experience, her skin shuddering with joy of the vast mental presence which was now contacting her. She was a pretty girl in His opinion Short and fragile looking; it was almost completely undiscernible that she was part of some obscure religion or even a supernatural creature, she was a fae witch someone who used the spirits of the deceased to do her bidding which she could tame them; a dangerous art if performed by those soft of heart and weak of mind. His contact was short and sweet and it left her shuddering. <c.>

Artifact: It happened again, this time it was while she was preforming her duties of an acolyte of the Golden God, she had been working her fragile pink fingers raw all day cleaning the sect, and the golden alter which stood in the midst of the offerings people had made to the Golden God. Even though the religion was obscure it had become very wealthy due to the nature of donations said to please the Golden God; much like his name he was said to be pleased with the offerings of gold and other rare metals found within the planets crust. She felt important; she was the only one the golden God had ever spoken to in the recorded history of the sect, she was seen as an oracle by her peers which helped her a lot in social standing away from the sect, which higherclass ladies and gentlemen would tip their hat and curtsey to her made her seem like she help power among the upper-class which kept her family fed, she had two children born to a half werewolf fae and herself. The communication between her and her Golden God was swift. He told her what he wanted and the terms on how she was to complete his wishes and what she would get in return for her services; she was promised the tributes given in the past three days, which was a noble sum alone. She agreed feverishly willing to please her God. <c>

He was pleased with her complacency It was good to have trustworthy followers; even if he had to masquerade as the god her people worshipped and donated their lives saving to in hope of salvation, the idea of this made him feel sick, people going hungry just so they could feel like their god loved them. He went to work creating the weapons, the first was a blade which measured a good seven centimetres across with some very strange lines which cut the blade into three sections two outer edges and a centre each measuring in at a 2.333 centimetres across, the blade was in fact three blades nestled together with a mechanism in the hilt which was Destin to allow separation of the three blades to make the weapon take a W like shape, it was created from a titanium gold alloy which was moulded from the star dust, the hilt was hollow with a diamond vacuum tube at the core used to accelerate and amplify energy through the vacuum and into the blade. The tri bladed weapon was longer than any known blades which had simular functionality measuring at a full metre and another twenty centimetres. The blades themselves had the inscriptions of its creation in the Language of the stars to those who couldn’t read these words the simply looked like elegant curving likes which loosely resembled some particular constellations in deep space. When he was happy with the blade he’d created He began work on the second weapon, this was a less complex creation, the hilt was formed from the dust into a bright silvery metallic substance which was an alloy of titanium silver and the substance found in the bones of dragons. The blade was a little more intricate, the outer layer of the blade was thin enough to be transparent and was formed from a ruby and aluminium alloy which was reasonably touch and would withstand such impacts likened with that of a bullet form the human world, this layer was simply a hollow tube though shaped as the blade of a sword, within the tube a liquid took shape a silvery liquid known as mercury which would remain liquid at normal temperatures; the liquid itself toxic if ingested would add to the weapons lethality in the hands of its destined wielder. <c>

Given her mission and the package Feras Was ready to do the bidding of the Golden God once more; she stood holding a large tome, whos’ pages were varnished in dust and wrinkled as though brittle from the sunlight, she stepped into the shimmering gold portal which had appeared in front of her without question, the pull of transportation already coming over her. Thrown off by the ambient energy in the universe the portal opened high in the air, and Fera’s was launched from it into the open void above the grounds falling she quickly used to skills as a spirit tamer to try cushion her fall, crashing to the ground amidst a Forrest she clung to the tome and groaned in discomfort; The golden God had some answering to do this wasn’t like him to put her in danger. The same ambient energy which had caused the malfunction in the portal also prevented The creator of the blades form contacting The white demon to tell her of Fera’s arrival.<e>

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:26 pm

The group of three had been walking in silence, Mist leading the two tainted energy demons as they exchanged looks with each other. Mist was pondering on what their next move was to be, and if she should announce the twins existence to the kingdom, maybe it would be for the best to be silent about it all. She could foresee a lot of complaints about her actions, and what one does not know, does not hurt one. But what would Felie think about her? Mist froze in place as she pretty much stumbled over a woman in the forest, Why had not her inner eye told her of another energy trace? Glancing a the woman holding a big old book Mist glared at her with her clear teal eyes glowing and her white long hair falling down behind her back.“ Who are you? And why are you here? Did Gorgoth send you?” She asked while as her tail whipped behind her with twitches as she had been quick to become annoyed, Mist allowing sparks to emit from her hands in case of something was about to go down, having a quick look into her inner eye she found that the energy was incredibly dense and she could not even see the twins energy traces yet she had no time to think about that at the moment. Vecisa had been quick to come to her masters side, Like a cat ready to pounce she had crutched to the ground. While her brother had only stopped in his stride and was silent watching the woman with a smirk.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Artifact

Post  Admin Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:26 pm

This must be her Feras thought; The white haired demon; My mission is almost over, thank the Golden God I can leave this place get my payment and rest, everything hurts… twitching on the ground she pushed the book towards the white haired demon; If the book was opened one could reach inside the pages to produce the swords, much like an infinity portal the book was used to store items of importance, currently it only contained the two swords and a small glass jar of diamond dust, already as she pushed the book away from herself He was focusing him mind to cut through the static energy to attempt to take the poor girl back to her home, this attempts so far had started to cast away the static and already the golden portal started to form behind feras. She whimpered out loud before the portal swallowed her up. “The golden god sent these he said you might need them on the road ahead; please take care of them He made them with his own hands. And just like that She was gone, the only traces of her existence were the book and the disturbed ground of her crash site and the residue from her hasty spirit summoning and small flecks of blood staining the paths pebbles. The blades creator flittered his mind down around the figures sending a quick message. ‘I hope these are of use, a replacement blade for one I made once upon a time; and a new one for your underling, respect the blade and it’ll respect you.’ And just like that the presence left the world.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:41 pm

Fucking bright light swallowed the strange woman up as Mist glared after her “ golden god? “ Mist said with a arched brow as she looked down at the open book before her feet. Her inner eye suddenly picking up the energy traces once more even so, it was like the woman had never even set foot in the realm, no trace of energy from her. Hearing a deep un earthly voice tremble thought the dim air the demons eyes remained fixed upon the book. “ Hmm..” kneeling down upon the dirt only to reach an arm down into the midst of the pages of the book. It was almost like her codex, but not from her realm, fumbling around for a moment before finding its contents that Mist pulled out one after the other and ended up with three objects. Two blades and a bottle of what looked like diamond dust. Both of the silver colours blades had text upon their hilts. One Mist would read “ white demon” the other one only looked like scribbles in which where un readable to her. Picking up the blade that she figured was hers she weighted it in her hand, It was light to her, but not to light more so perfect for only her hand. Unsheathing the blade the demon brought it up to her face to have a close look, her inner eye informed her of the hollowness within. In which would be good to fill up with energy, the blade also could be separated into three different and thinner blades, or a W shaped one. At the same time Vesica was inspecting hers too, and had already strapped it to her belt as she now stood and waited for the queen. Mist shrugged her shoulders as she gave the blade a flick of her wrist to make it reunite into its original form. Placing it back in its sheet the demon then picked up the little bottle and stuffed it into the bosom of her attire and then the blade onto her hip. “ let’s go.” Was all she said before they once more, headed towards the capital.

A few hours later they arrived at the outskirt of the capital, Mist headed straight to the army encampment to see in how things were going. Soldiers and alike running about doing their business as she strode forward, casting eyes after her While some nodded her in a sign of respect. One person caught her eye over by the main encampment, and that was Felie and at her side was Jace. They must have completed their mission, Mist thought as she came to a stop behind them while their gazes turned to her, both of their eye brows raising as they clearly could tell that the twins were not supposed to be there. Felie opened her mouth as to protests but Mist cut her off by raising her hand as she knew what was coming“ We will talk about those two later, all you need to know for now is that they are on our side.” Both Felie and Jace nodded while eyeing the twins of, but quickly re focusing on the queen. Mist did not want to bring up the subject of the twins origins just yet “ We have completed out task my Queen. “ Felie said as Mist nodded in response, so that meant that the men defending Frost mourn where ready and portals had been set up. “ Well done, Now go rest, you two have deserved it “ Mist gave the two a weak smile before stepping towards Felie and gave her a tight hug before whispering in her ear “ everything is going to be fine..” only to ensure her that all would be fine, even if that might have been a lie. With that done Mist stepped back as Felie went off to get her rest. Jace on the other hand took another moment to stare at the twins who stared back in disgust, after a few moments of silence Jace nodded his head to Mist and then went towards the portals with a concerned look on his face.

Letting out a tight breath from her lips Mist turned to the twins, eyeing them for a moment. “ Let’s go get some rest shall we?” the due nodded in short and didn’t seem to want to protest. Turing around they headed towards the castle. Not long after they arrived at the chambers of the Officinale, and mist pointed the twins towards two rooms of to the side, empty vacant rooms with beds and all that good stuff “ take those two rooms until I can find something better, you are dismissed until I call upon you, you don’t need to stay put, but it would be best if you did. Call upon a servant if you need anything” The two nodded and went to their rooms, like obedient children. As their doors closed Mist headed to her room in a rush. Making it into her room and closing the door before collapsing to the floor, barely making it. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, muscles seizing under an unknown pressure. A cold sweat breaking out over her pale skin as she laid in a bundle upon the soft carpet trying to keep her arms and legs from flailing all over the place. Her white hair sprawled out around her and the crown of the Officinale laying silently not far away. Arching her back up as the burning went down her spine soon after the pain started to fade and go away into a numbness, strangely enough the demon started relaxing, slowly. Easing back into her own being even if it feel like a stranger’s body, her skin just didn’t seem to fit her anymore. It would most probably get a lot worse than this, Mist though where she laid with a tear falling from her eye lashes only to get soaked up in the carpet. Maybe she should try to get up to her bed, but that was too far away she found as she eyed it. And she was just so tired..

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:51 am

Celestine had grown weary with her isolation. The world had turned about her, and she had watched it flow. The wars, the fighting, the lovers. The rise and collapse of the most powerful of dynasties, and families brought to rubble under the traitorous actions of others. And yet, watching these things happen, she could not help but feel. Left out. She had long since abandoned the Cruxificus Dominari, the religious quelling that had rumbled the lands. And thus, she had grown, dormant in her boredom. Observing those who could pique her interest, and watching as one by one, they collapsed under their status. Their own inability. She grew doubtful. More and more so that any would ever be worth her time. Worth her saving. And then, it happened. A lady. By the name of Mist. A pure energy demon. Officinale. Thus, she had spent her days observing her from her peaceful sanctum. Watching every little part of her life. It was almost amusing to her, to know that this woman’s life was completely under watch, and she would never know. Well, not until it was far too late to stop her. Time was growing closer. There had a sudden shift, two realms merged, and she was worried. Celestine did not know of these others. Only Gorgoroth. The others made her uneasy. Especially Aktrious. He possessed similar sight ability, though not as powerful she assumed. Her days however, of peaceful ‘stalking’ grew numbered if he did. “I must save her, now.”<c>

What Celestine meant by saving, was that she would take the burden of leading away. She would rein control of Officinale in place of Mist. And allow her to see her own people flourish and grow, and not be belittled, and controlled by these newcomers to their lives. No, she would ensure that they would survive. And that would be how she found herself, now stalking her way to Mist’s sleeping quarters. She feared only that more like Aktrious existed, and that her natural ability to fade away would come to naught. This acted only to hasten her step, and quicken her actions. She knew exactly where to go, but she had not thought ahead to document the movement of guards and others. She cursed herself for being so insolent in this nature. “You must think more Cel. Think before you allow such actions to be your undoing. You aren’t unstoppable despite everything.” She muttered lightly under her breath, before sharply inhaling as she noted one being turn their head in her direction. She sprung, leaping from stalking walking, to a leaping dash. Springing from tree to ground, to wall, to building, and then through a window. “Her chamber. Her chambers where was it?” He scolded herself. Her haste had caused her a loss of position and she could not allow this. Checking that she was clear, she removed her blindfold and splayed her palms.<c>

Strings of different colours screamed from her fingers. In her vision at least. Her brow furrowing as she sought the beige one that would take her to her prize. To Mist. She spotted it, and smiled, the rest of the path clearly in mind. She returned the blindfold to her eyes, and took off at a sprite pace, once again fading to the world. Rounding the corner, she soon came face to face with her chamber, a palm splayed to the door, and a click, as it unlocked and swung open slowly. She inhaled deeply, and stepped inside, closing the door silently behind her. All she needed to do, was kiss her. The soul kiss would drain her of her strength, and then, she’d be all fair game. If things went awry, then she would have to get physical. Like that was a bad thing. She smiled, as she slowly allowed her body to return to existence. Removing her blindfold once more, she observed the aura that flowed from Mist’s sleeping body. She note if there was a sudden change, and thus detect her awakening before it happened. The issue was that she could not fade again. Not for a little while. So she would be stuck trying to kiss her, whilst she was resisting<c>

Oh how Celestine loved her well thought out plans.<e>

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:27 am

She was so tired, so the sleep came as a blessing. Yet as always, energy demons always slept with an eye open, in a sense. So when a unknown energy trace came out of no were, Of course Mist was quickly sprung out of her beloved rest, only to find a female in her room as she opened her eyes where she laid. A teal shine piercing the darkness for a short moment before the demon made a shift move to get into a defensive position. However, from the earlier strain of a spazz attack caused by poor and desperate decisions had left her muscles weary, and her balance of as she trotted back on her ass hitting her head against the wall. Head spinning around, this wasn’t good at all, what would happen to the heroine? Or so most comic books would describe this situation. But as reality had it, the demon’s deal had left her at an un wanted disadvantage. But how the hell would she of known that her private room would be invaded by some strange woman. “ and who the fuck are you” Mist snarled as she glared at the female, almost defenseless where she sat up against a wall. Her limbs not working as they should, but she could at least release the electric current in her body so that whom ever would dare touch her, would get a nasty surprise.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:59 am

Celestine almost swooned at first sight. Something unforeseen must’ve happened during her travel time, and this was perfect for her. She almost rushed to leap upon Mist, before she remembered. “Tingly, lightning stuff.” She referred to the electrokinetic powers that Mist possessed, but spoke in a way that allowed her to keep her stay. She simply smiled, as she returned the blindfold to her face once. The shift had been so sudden; she’d barely had it off. “Fear not, Mist. I know who you are. And I can see the struggle you’re currently in. I can help you.” She splayed her palms out in front of herself, to show that she was ‘unarmed’ and meant no threat or harm. “Officinale. I want to help you ensure it remains in dominance. That it doesn’t become waterlogged, and outdriven by the arrival of Gorgoroth once more. I want to ensure that Officinale reigns supreme.” She smiled warmly in the darkened room, placing one of her palms to the door. A sheen would’ve been visible crossing over the door. This was a protective measure. If anyone tried to enter they’d be blocked by this sheen. She had Surgeon to thank for that. His runes were engraved all over the kingdom. “Now, the only thing that needs to be talked about is how we’re going to proceed with this. My initial thoughts were to simply place these lips,” She pointed at her own lips. “To yours, initiate the soul drain, and take over forcefully. However.” She began to pace the room, her gaze never leaving Mist. “But, I’ve had different thoughts now. You lack foresight, to see the future. You lack the ability to stare into the very events of people’s lives. Though they are, faceless, they all hold an aura, a string, and an image. I can trace these strings, examine a person’s entire existence by their image, and detect their movements by their aura. Alas, I lack the ability to act whilst doing so. This matters not, when I sit aloft a lusty throne, protected by mind-warped minions. However, I feel a change.” She smiled, and knelt down near Mist, able to spring backwards on her hind legs if she attempted anything funny. There was about a metre between them, and she could leap back to the door within moments if necessary. Celestine extended a hand to Mist, palm open, as if to take her hand. “There is another way. We can bond, Mist. Two souls, bound together. Sure, this runs danger in the essence that, I can be killed and with my death, a chunk of your very own soul would be stripped. And the same vice versa. However, bonded, we can use each other. Like a parasite. My eyes can become yours. And your power of the tingly lightning can be mine. Side by side, we can be goddesses, Mist. The power you will hold, will be beyond your wildest dreams.” She smiled, leaving her hand extended. She put a lot of trust in Mist not sending jolts of electricity through her body. Though, she wondered the strength of them in her current state.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:59 am

As the female spoke and showed her hands to Mist. The demon arched a brow and blinked a few times. To stunned to speak at what she was hearing. Taking a few moments to watch the female as she placed her hands upon the door. The inner eye caught the act that was going on, she was being sealed in. Watching the female carefully as she came to squat down before her, Mist stayed perfectly still. Foreseeing ability? Where had she read about that before? Noticing the movement the demon stared down the females hand, reaching out to her. What the hell was this mad woman talking about? from taking over, to becoming gods? And protecting the Officinale kingdom. Mist had already made a great sacrifice for that. Looking up at the females face, Mist made not of the blind tied around her eyes “ I don’t think you would like to fuse your soul with mine Female, not take me over. You see, this body of mine is going to.. Change soon. Into something ugly. “ a soft smirk of self-defeat played upon the demons lips. “ and I am very tainted, are you sure you would be able to handle the madness that comes with that? My body is pretty much poison woman. “ lowering her head slightly Mist pondered for a moment. Maybe this Female could help her in some way, without having to fuse the two. “ hmm.. You could just.. be my advisor to a start until I trust you enough to go any further than that. And I have no desire to become a god, I just want my home to be just that. “ Still with her head down. “ Hmm? So what do you say stranger with no name” Shit, she was feeling another spazz attack coming on as she gritted her teeth and exhaled, sweat pearling on her forehead as she did her best to remain sitting up against the wall. But she her vigour ran out, the electric current returned to its place and her hands fell to her sides as she held onto the carpet for dear life, they were coming soon.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:32 am

“Oh Mist, my dear. I know. I know. I have watched you; I have seen what will happen. Do you not think I offer such a thing without knowing how to help you?” She smiled softly, as she shook her head. “You may be unstable. I however, am not. My body is pure, clean, and without taint. And I have something, you don’t.” She smiled lightly, as she ran her palm along her stomach, runes carved into her flesh began to glow a dull blue in the darkness. “Surgeon. You may not have met him, but he is the reason for these runes. And all others you will see around here. His medical runic knowledge is unparalleled, despite his own psychosis.” She smiled as she smoothed her palm across her own stomach once more, and the runes faded. “They are sealing runes. They maintain a hold on the soul. They keep creatures from destroying one’s body. They allow you to be the controller.” She smiled as she lowered her hand, standing up once more. “You mock me, Mist. I cannot help you, as an advisor. And you know very well, Gorgoroth will not simply let your people be. If you do not rise, he will destroy you all. Slaves under his thumb. Slaves to his bidding. They are things happening, that none of us can comprehend. Sadly Mist. Whether we fuse, and bond. Or I drain your very essence; there will be no way out tonight. I will be taking control. I will not see, something great and powerful, wrought into dust. Please, understand what I am saying to you.” She shook her head, as her tone suddenly changed. The light, helpful one suddenly became hard, and blunt. Rough and brutal. Her voice deepening slightly. “Is it so wrong, that I want to have you as my own? Alive or dead, I will have my way, Mist. You are in no place to argue with me. And there is no way, anyone here can help you.” She hissed the words, venom flowing through them. “So. Let me ask again. Do we bond, and take this the easy way? Or do you let your body destroy itself with its own toxicity? You don’t have long, I don’t think.” She smiled softly, as she turned to face her once more, extending a hand again. “Let me, help you.”

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:32 am

In the moments she had left before her spazz Mist listened, shrugged as the woman’s voice changed and to how she changed, but they all had a dark side, and en ever more chaotic one. The demon was not liking this one bit, but it was true what she said about Gorgoth, he would do just that and without remorse. Mist felt defeated, and her thoughts went to the people of the Officinale. Was she really going to let Gorgoroth do that to them? And Felie.. what would become of her. She knew she needed power to defeat the demon king, power she did not have anymore since her body was deteriorating faster than expecting. Exhaling once more, she looked up at the female. Taking a few more moments, with a stern stare. And just as she reached up her hand the burning sensation hit her, limbs first causing her hand to be pulled back before twisting along with the rest of her limbs. The burning traveling down her spine as her limbs flailed momentarily, taking its time. Through the pain she glared up at the female, hating herself for being so.. weak. Tears started streaming down her face as a shout escaped her tightly pressed lips as her head felt like it was going to implode. The taint inside her body making itself known on her pale skin in which was glistering with sweat from the spasms. Circular black dots bloomed on her skin, starting at the tips of her limbs, and slowly working its way in towards her heart. But before it could reach there, it stopped. And laying there on the floor was Mist white pure hair polling out around her face as her eyes were still feasted upon the female, barely conscious as she twitched her fingers, trying to control her body, a shaky miserable hand reaching out accepting what was to come. She wouldn’t live much longer anyway, not in the condition she was in.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:23 am

She watched on as she struggled. Was Celestine too late? Was she unable to save her from this? Surgeon would not be happy if she turned up without a soul. He had already gone about procuring another body for her. “Shit.” She muttered beneath her breath. She watched as she broke into tears. Collapsing in the pain wracking her body. She watched as her skin become toxic, threatening to destroy her heart. Then, just before they reached it, it stopped. And she saw the hand coming out. Celestine smiled. “They always come around.” Within moments, she had swung her arms around her frame, and the runes on her own body glowed, the light dancing onto Mist’s flesh. This would only maintain her form for long enough for her to drain her essence. And bond them within her own flesh. “Do not worry. I will give you everything back. At my disposal. We can help you, Mist. We will. Surgeon and I.” She smiled, as she caressed her face gently, before placing her lips to Mist’s. Light screamed from Celestine’s eyes into Mist’s. The kiss locked their bodies together, and within moments, Mist’s own essence would slowly be sucked free from her body, all her memories, thoughts, power and knowledge. Added to Celestine’s. This is what she was. A parasite. Accumulating power by devouring the souls of others. Living their lives, within moments. And just like that. The two, had become one. ‘How do you feel? Lighter? I get that sort of reply a lot. Come, do you know a quick route out to the nearest town? Surgeon will be waiting there for us. With your new body. He is good that one. Able to recreate a body, with only the soul’s thoughts of it. Isn’t that amazing? Oh well.’ Celestine smiled, the runes on her body glowing brightly. The issue now, was that she stood out like a fire, and was still unable to fade. ‘I will ensure your people are not quashed by him Mist. And you will be at my side. Isn’t that lovely?’ She giggled, spinning on her heels, as she moved to deactivate the barrier over the door. Mist’s soul and essence would be left within a world created by Celestine’s mind. Beautiful gardens, endless meadows, flowing waterfalls. People, hundreds of people. Children, running and playing. This was merely to keep her occupied. And not floating in darkness.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:06 pm

It had all passed in a blur for Mist, and as she opened her eyes again she saw the Females face close up, within the blink of an eye. Their lips were locked and Mists body started to be filled with a buzzing feeling. It was as if she had been taken out of her own body, and into someone else. But still was kind of there. Hearing the female talk Mist only listened in silence, everything was so peaceful and she did feel light. ‘ Yeah, there is an hidden door just underneath the red banner in the chambers, Most would be resting at this hour “ she said as she started walking towards the door and proceeding with opening it, only to head down the short flight of stairs and towards the banner. “ it has a special mechanism so its soundless” The dazed Demon murmured as she reached out a hand and let three digits slide down the cold stone in a row. And with that, the stone slid away, and revealed stairs going downwards. Leading the way for the female it took them a fair few minutes to reach the bottom in which revealed three tunnels. The one to the north said ‘ frost mourn’ to the east there was ‘forest’ and to the south ‘ capital’. Mist stoped for a moment and glanced back at the female, smiling softly in her daze before she made her way into the tunnel leading to frost mourn. To save travel time the tunnels were actually portals that were kept active at all times thanks to the castle servants. So traveling to Frost mourn didn’t take longer than a few seconds as they then would step out into an empty alley way in the midst of the snowy silent town.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:36 pm

"Thank you my dear." And as they reached the snowy silent town, she took Mist's frame into her arms once more. "The issue. Is my ability to stop the taint from destroying this body, won't last much longer. But don't worry. Surgeon will have you a new one. Just you wait. Free of taint and all. But, that means, this one. Well, I'm going to have to take all of you, into me now. Sorry, lovely." She cooed gently into Mist's ear, before placing her lips to hers once again. This time, her eyes did not stream into hers. However the last lingering parts of her essence would be drained from Mist's body, and into Celestine's for the moment. When she released the body, it would simply collapse, whether the taint continued, was irrelevant to her. She had what she needed now. "Off we go!" Replacing her blindfold upon her face, she took off at a sprint through the town. Surgeon's warehouse was obscured, but easy to find if you were meant to. Rounding a few corners, and buildings, Celestine knocked upon the door, and awaited the answer from within. The screams of fury were a good sign. "How do you like the little world I've created for you? I think it suits you well. Of course, you'd probably kill everyone to vent your frustrations. You are omnipotent in my thoughts, afterall." She giggled lightly to herself, talking to the essence of Mist within herself. It was almost like having a conscience with a different voice. It was a feeling she had grown to adore. "What took you so long?" The near eleven foot monster tore open the door of the warehouse, his breath heavy behind his leather surgical mask, eyes bloodshot and bulging behind half rimmed spectacles. "Hurry up, hurry up. Work of this magnitude takes time, and I have none of it. Hurry, hurry, hurry." With that, the man known as Surgeon stormed back into his warehouse. "It's okay. He'll let us have our alone time after he's done. Isn't that wonderful, Mist?" Celestine was obviously smitten.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:36 pm

Being pulled into a embrace the dazed Mist only smiled as their lips locked once more, but this time she was taken away as she for a split second saw her own body go limp and fall to the ground. Only to slowly turn to ash as the taint took its full course ‘ what have I gotten myself into now..’ was all that went thought Mists mind as she now appeared in a strange place. It was bright, too bright as she covered her eyes to stop them from stinging. After a while, Mist’s eyes had gotten rather used to the bright light and she was actually able to see a few things around her, Flowers, grass. Suddenly something bumped into her leg and she fell backwards onto her ass with a thud. “ what the..” As Mist focused her eyes upon what had bumped her, she saw a face full of happiness, it let out a giggle in which sounded wrong in Mists mind. More giggles joined that one until there was a constant high pitch noise that made the demon curl up into a ball. It was maddening, painful and enraging to the point where Mist felt for her blade, and sure as it was still at her hip. She had to bring an end to the awe full noise. And so, she started painting the pureness red.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:37 pm

"What the?" Celestine shook her head. She could feel Mist destroying the beauty of the world she had created for her. She could feel the screams of the children as she slaughtered them. It was somewhat saddening, and somewhat interesting. "Surge, where abouts will this be taking place?" She spoke lightly as they entered his 'experimentation lab'. It was more like an asylum of torture. People's bodies split open, their insides bleeding and dripping out. Screams muted by mouths sewn together. People were unsure of who Surgeon was, and what his race was. There didn't appear to be others like him, which many were grateful for. He took payment in the form of a cure for his dying girlfriend creation, or some such. Her body destroying itself from the inside. Even disgusting creatures could love. "You rush me girl. My work is an art, and requires pecission. Do not rush perfection." He howled at her, as he booted open a door to a side lab. A chamber lay within, filled with a clearish green fluid. Within that a ball of black floated. "Anti-matter. Destructive beyond all belief. And I have contained it. Oh yes, this is something special. And with it, I can recreate a body. I do not need a genetic code. I will simply manipulate nothing, into something." He hollered as he strode around, slightly hunched forward to keep from bashing his head on the somewhat low hanging lights. "Go stand over there. Go, go, hurry!" Celestine merely strode on over to an empty chamber. Within moments it closed on her, and a needle slammed straight into her ear, and pierced deeply into her head. The discomfort was evident. "Could've warned me." Surgeon simply grunted. "Should've been ready." Within moments, it began prying through the memories of Mist's that had come with taking her soul and essence. And in reaction the ball of anti-matter began to spin rapidly, bulging and twisting only for the moment. Meanwhile, the little scenario inside her head, that Mist was currently butchering was filled with screams of terror as children lay slaughtered. The sky itself darkening, as people ran to flee and hide from the murderous creature that now lay in thier lands.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:54 pm

Not knowing what was going on, on the outside the demon continued her rage, now not only using her blade as she actually used her hands for some, their giggles had turned into horror filled screams as she went on her massacre. Like a crazed animal she slaughtered and killed. Adults and children alike dead upon the ground, the grass and flowers covered in a thick crimson glaze. Until finally, it was silent and that’s when she came to a stop. The demons chest heaving with her deep breaths as she exhaled a cold vapour from her lips, The blade dripping with blood just like her body was. Her hair smeared to her shoulders and waist due to the blood, while the cold glow her eyes emitted anyone could tell that she was nothing more, and nothing less than what she was. A pure form of taint.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:50 pm

“Oh, how sickening this is. What a waste of such good material.” Surgeon sighed heavily and shook his head as he continued to meddle with levers and valves, the needle in Celestine’s head twisting and turning, going deeper and retracting. The dark matter began to sharpen more, and take form. It had lengthened, arms and legs sprouted, a head with a face. Body shape, definition, skin tone. All within a matter of minutes, the anti-matter had been completely reformed to flesh, muscle and bone. And like it was nothing of a deal, the needle retracted from Celestine’s head, and Surgeon stormed over to her, yanking her over towards the newly formed body. An exact doppelganger of Mist’s original one. “Is that what she looked like? Why are these demon folk always so goddamn ugly? Hopefully Marionette’s looks aren’t tarnished by the constant disgusting folk that pass through here.” He shuddered, as he pressed a buddy, and the chamber drained away, and opened, the empty body collapsing forward. “Get to it. Bring it to life and then get out. I have research to attend to, and a cure to find.” He grunted, as he tapped his foot. Celestine smiled as she took the body into her arms, and placed her lips to it. Within moments the soul of Mist was streaming out from Celestine’s eyes and mouth and into this new body. The room filled with a bright light as the transfer of souls took place, and only a mere moment later it stopped. “Mist, my dear? Are you awake?” Celestine held her closely, her arms embracing her deeply and her face in the nape of Mist’s neck. Gentle kisses dotting the flesh. It would be a miracle if she could talk. Celestine didn’t expect much, but Surgeon’s medical knowledge was a wonder. She’d seen zombies brought back to life and have fully fledged conversations, walking and eating within minutes of their revival at his hands. So anything was possible. “Don’t mind the surroundings.” She smiled. The copper metal coloured surroundings, with blood strains, iron smell, and bizarre machines, lights and surgical equipment could be a little daunting after the last few sights she would’ve experienced. “And now. Officinale is all mine. And together, we will make sure that Gorgoroth keeps his place beneath us. Isn’t that lovely?”

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Mist

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:50 pm

As she was standing there, regaining her mind from the madness that had over taken her. Everything was so still, calm and silent as blood slowly dried on her skin. Peace finally.. Until of course she got pulled out of her dream and put into something cold, harsh and unfamiliar. Heck even getting born was better than this. She could feel her mind being forced into something that wasn’t hers, it felt empty even if she fitted it perfectly. With a twitch as the transfer was complete, Mists eyes flew open. Looking just like they had in her original body, all was the same. Except it wasn’t, but who would ever find that out? Mist though as she stared at a wall with hazy and blurry eyes. At least the thought it was a wall. The feeling of kisses trailing down her neck unfamiliar, being held also felt.. like it had been the first time ever. Even the hard cold floor was something new and at that, the cold air surrounding her naked body was.. frightening, she just didn’t have the same warmth that she had before, but her mind felt strangely light. Within a moment she understood what was missing, and it came with more joy than sadness to her. Opening her mouth to speak all that came out was a wheeze, and made her strength drain. All she could do was listen for now and try to focus her eyes. Although, she didn’t like the fact that Officinale had been taken over. But at least she would still be there, and have aid in the battle against Gorgorth. Oh how she felt like a fool.

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A New Era (Shadowale) Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:50 pm

Celestine smiled, as the heavy footsteps of Surgeon crossed over to them. The large man gripped them within his hands and lifted them off their feet raising them to eye level. "You got your prize, little one. Now get the fuck out." He snarled as he half dropped, half threw them towards the door, and kicked a table over in his turn around. "Don't mind him. He's just a little angry because his lover is dying. Come; come let's get you out of here. And rested. We have big things to do." She smiled, as she stroked Mist's face once more, before taking her hand and pulling her along slowly, however standing close enough to pick her up if Mist's strength failed her once more. “How does it feel? It might take some time to get used to. Your mind has to settle back into place, but you’re walking. So that’s good. At least I think you’re walking. Maybe I’m just dragging you. Oh well! You’re alive at least. Isn’t that wonderful?” Celestine seemed over joyful at the outcome of the events. However any smart person would know to keep their guard up. Especially after her little display earlier. Not everything was pleasant about this girl. “These a house, very nearby that I’m currently inhabiting. We can rest there. Well, you can rest. I have things that need doing. But. Oh, right.” She seemed to have just noticed that fact that Mist was in fact naked. “We’d best get you dressed. Though I prefer this view much more.” As she pulled her outside the warehouse, and closed the door, the screams and cries of rage from the beast inside were silenced. “Cover your nipples before they drop off. It isn’t far.” Talk about a bad night for it to be snowing.

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