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A New Era (Shadowale)

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:07 pm

Being thrown somehow kicked Mists new body into gear, somewhat as she could actually help the female with the few steps she weakly took. What big plans the female had she really wanted to know, still it seemed like words weren’t ready to form on her tongue as she tryingly moved it around inside her mouth. As a door opened and then closed Mist felt wetness against her skin as the snow flakes melted against it, she felt something she had never felt before. Freezing. Goosebumps forming on her skin and her nipples getting perky, this was a Thad embarrassing for the demon. She grunted silently ‘ wanting to get warm quickly as she even leaned against the female to get it.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:53 pm

Celestine couldn't help but smile as she noted the sudden embarrasment on her normal quite composed new partner. Even more so was she amused at the grunt which was accompanied by further contact between the two, obviously seeking to get as much body warmth as she could from Celestine. She simply wrapped her arms around her shoulders and held her closely, pulling them through the cold snowing town, luckily avoiding any prying eyes that may have fallen upon the bare naked Mist. Flicking her head a little, a door swung ajar near them, and Celestine pushed Mist inside, before pulling the door to behind her, a sheen instantly crossing over the doorway. Another barrier stopping intrusion and escape. "Someone looks a little chilled." Celestine mocked, as she pointed at the two erect nipples upon Mist, smiling softly. "Or maybe just a tad excited. But come. A nice warm bed awaits." She cooed lightly, as she pointed inside the small building. Which consisted little more than a bed, fireplace, and a place to cook food over the fireplace. The rest of the building seemed bare, and barren. Most likely for good reason, that would be revealed in the future to Mist. Her art took space, and to observe the universe around her, she needed a lot of it. Less clutter, was more space. She lifted a hand to her shoulders and pushed at them, the shoulderpads that sat upon them sliding to the floor quickly. Her belt was removed and tossed aside, and the rings and jewels that adorned her fingers were suddenly dropped from her hands to the floor. Yet bizarrely, as rough as it seemed, it maintained itself in a neat litlte pile. Celestine spent a few moments lighting the fire, which instantly cast a warm glow, and heated the air. "Come, come, make yourself at home my dear." There was less warmth to her words now however. Her eyes transfixed upon the flames. Her empty, blind appearing eyes.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:53 pm

As they walked, well the female walked and Mist kind of got pulled along until she had actually managed to stand on her own, even so unsteadily. But it was progress as they finally got inside, the demon managed a nod from where she stood leaned up against a wall, still naked and cold shaking like a leaf in the wind. At least it was warmer in side than outside, even if it wasn’t by much. Her vision was back to normal, even if her inner eye was still a bit out of whack. She looked at the female as she spoke, nodding in response and commenced in watching closely while she striped herself of metallic objects and the like. And she started wondering, who was she, and how come she had been watching her life. Mist felt a chill coming up her spine where she stood. A light illuminated the room and warmth spread in the air, preying its way up to the sealing first, and working its way down. As the female sat down, Mist remained standing for a few moments. Her body felt stiff when she got to moving it, slowly towards the woman. Keeping her eyes on her the whole way in a steady stare. Knees first she slid down on the floor besides the fire place, the heat licking at her skin. It felt good, warm and good as her eyes slid shut for a few moments as the demon took in the feeling. Once warmed up she eased herself into a more comfortable position, with her legs crossed and her hands tucked in between them, to cover up her private parts. Her teal stare once more upon the females face as she parted her lips, trying to slowly sound the word out “ wu whooo?” Mist stoped and bit her lip lightly. “ Who.. are yo” the demon asked, twitching a brow.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:06 pm

She stood up as Mist began to move towards the fire and went over the bed, stripping one of the many blankets that lay on it, and moved to wrap it around the shoulders of Mist, allowing her to cover up and be warm. "Sorry, I don't really have spare clothes. I'll figure something out in the morning." She shrugged lightly, as she sat herself down near the fire, placing a hand to her face, before replacing the blindfold upon it. There was a furrow in her brow, and she seemed to be in a little bit of pain. The smallest dribble of blood slipping from her nose, quickly wiped away. "Went more beyond my limits than I should've. Ha." She mock laughed at herself, as she appeared to be staring at the flame through the blindfold. She turned to face Mist as she tried the words. Struggling the first time, managing to squeak them out the second. Celestine simply shook her head, and shrugged her arms a little. "I am, Celestine. A Soul Devourer was we are so lovingly refered to. Easier to think of myself as that, then anything else. It is far too complex to simply explain. What you really want to know however," She allowed her lips to twitch into a pained smile, as her voice dropped deeper and lost any warmth. Returning to the harsher, blunt and venomous tone she had used earlier. "Is why I know everything that has happened, and why I am here." Shaking her head slightly, she rubbed her temples a little. "The reason behind me watching your existence is simple. You have power. You have status. Your blood was pure. I have seen the rise and fall of many empires. The beginning and the end of many rulers. The climax and demise of Dynasties. And the destruction of my entire family, and race, at the hands of supreme overlord, much like Gorgoth. Well, Mist. I have watched you, because I could see that despite your strength, you are reluctant in domination. Yet you refuse to submit as would be asked. I respect that." She nodded gently, as she waved her hand over the top of the flame. "Without me, you'd be dead. Officinale would be crushed under Gorgoth's rule, and your people enslaved for his whim. I come, to ensure that when the time comes. Gorgoth submits to you." She allowed the smile to cross her face completely. "Plus, it's been a long time since I've had a partner of any kind, and to bed alone is a shame." She laughed lightly, as the warmth returned to her voice, and it returned to the nicer, chirpier sounding tone.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:18 am

Mist listened intensely as Celestine spoke, leaning her head against the soft fabric of the blanket. Ah that explained a whole deal, as Cel’s words travelled into her mind and got stuck in there. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad decision after all, she was prepared to go any lengths to ensure her peoples survival, but she really didn’t wish for the throne, never had. But she did feel responsible for what she had done, let happen and she was going to take responsibility for that. And now her connection to the realm was gone, and she wasn’t sure if it would return somehow, or even if she wanted it. Her gaze looking into the flames as Cel’s voice became brighter once again, the demon could not help to wonder what really had happened to her. Mist felt odd, energized but with a achy body at the same time, and tired. But she wanted to know more. And so she asked as she let her eyes travel back to Cel’s empty eyes. “ What now? What is this body? And… ” She felt more confident in her voice, even though it was hearse and her words slow and clumsy. Fumbling with her hand only to raise it up and sweep some of her white bangs out of her face and to behind her ear “ what am I now” her eyes glowing with interest of what was to come. She vaguely remembered what Cel had said about the soul sharing part.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Losara

Post  Admin Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:50 am

Blane had said his good byes to his son Tpolemos before he had gathered his things to set out. He had given his boy the advice of not falling into any of Gorgoth’s entrapment plots that would cause future puppetry of his son to their forced leader. Tpolemos had said he would do as he father had wished, and that was all there was to it. Blane had met with Aktrious in the great hall that housed the entrances to the three great houses under the Shadowcaster. The halls and were littered with various forms of artwork, ancient scrolls, weapons and armour of runic or magical based properties’. From the exit on the south wing, the walls were a greyish in nature before changing to a bluish aqua marine colour that went to towards the east wing and iron glad doors of the Jag’troa. The west wing was painted in swirls of crimson that surged in various shapes and symbols. Every so often, as though on a timed circuit of a sort, the panels of the walls on this side of the wing would extend outwards before flipping around to reveal another side before slotting back into the wall. After a sudden quake and temor, Blane was almost thrown off balance. After the aftershock stopped, he turned his attention back to the west wing. The mystery of this always puzzled Blane, though he wasn’t surprised when Aktrious suddenly appeared from the wall as though he were a spectrum or a ghost. “I’ll still never understand why the Jul’vin requires such hefty wards around their quarters. “ Atrkious’s gaze fell over the demon before he gave a shrug of his shoulders. “My kin’s experiments are not for the eyes of all to see. Which is why, Gorgoth never questioned us when we put the wards up, and in fact he didn’t even ask of their origins. “He replied from under cloak that concealed his mouth. “So who did Kendra end up giving us as our sub-ordinates for this mission? “ Blane turned his attention his comrade and said bluntly “Like I have a clue, they’re probably already with the solders. “ They’d turned their backs to the northern wing, past the dual staircases that lead up to Gorgoth’s throne room. The purple walls of the north seemed to contrast and blend in with everything, there was next to no way to tell where the colloums that held the awning above unless they were nearly touching them. It was then that a pair of shadows moved forward from behind their hidden stages to move at such a speed that neither Blane nor Atrkious had known they were there until they were a mere foot away. “This is unexpected, I thought we were going to get lowly ranked leuitents. “ Blane said before turning around to glace at the pair of Unuako. The pair were both dark skinned females, though unlike the more commoners of the race itself; these two were of nobility to some degree. They stood there in silence for a moment before Blane eventually broke it. “Wow, the Unuako are shorter than the rest of them. “ The female closest to Blane moved with moved with an elegance and speed that surpassed even his own as she brought a hand up before flicking him on the nose. “Watch thou tongue child, we are still far superior than our lesser brethren. “ The darkly stained leather armour let off an aroma that flooded both of the male’s demons noises. The scent was from the oil that they had rubbed into the fleshy leather armour that clung to their slender yet robust frame. The other woman reached up and brushed her fingers through her long black hair; the strange runic tattoos sparkled and shun upon her arms. Such symbols could only have been guessed to their purpose, though Atrkious believe they were part of some sort of ranking system within their house. “Let’s not stall; the time to get moving is upon us. We’ll exchange formalities on the way. “, with that both women took lead leaving Atrkious and Blane slightly puzzled before following in their steps.

Kendra had been lurking in the shadows of the streets. She did this often when she was watching the life that Gorgoth had forged for them all. Moving from stall to stall, looking at what the vendors had to exchange all while remaining hidden away beyond their eyes; it was just a game to her. However her eyes eventually fell to the Voidling. One of Gorgoth’s trusted advisers, and one of Kendra’s few desires. She waited until the girl was just within reach of her, though she knew she couldn’t sense Kendra. She was looking up to the sky just after the quake had hit and seemed lost in a day dream. Kendra of course giggled and couldn’t help herself as her embodiment vaporized and became solid behind the girl. With shift nimble reflexes, she reached out wrapping her left arm across the Voidling’s stomach while the other hand came up and her right arm only to bring her fingers to cup around the girl’s mouth to prevent any screams. Leaning into her Kendra said with a delighted giggle. “Once more little Voidling, I find my hands upon you. Gorgoth wishes to speak with you, so you’ll be coming with me. “With that Kendra slowly walked backwards while letting Xiaa’s feet trail along the ground; until Kendra and the girl in her arms were completely consumed by the shadow of a building. Breathing heavily in the girl’s ear, Kendra spoke in a more sinister yet seductive voice. “But first, we are going back to your place for a few hours for some... Entertainment. “Kendra was sure that Xiaa started to protest, however as their bodies dissolved into shadows with the sound of Kendra’s laughter fading.

Several hours had passed since the quake had shaken the very foundations of the realm. Gorgoth stood on a balcony looking down to the training grounds. It was there where he observed and watched as Tpolemos honed his skills against his brethren. The demon king had watched the boy grow into a fine warrior, nearly surpassing the abilities of even his father. “Ah, Kendra. You’ve brought little Xiaa to us, good.” He turned around to look at them, he could tell by Xiaa’s posture she had recently indulged in something that Kendra most likely forced her to. But it wasn’t his place to question neither her reddened face, nor the way her eyes darted from Kendra and then to the ground. Walking over to the women, Gorgoth said simply to Kendra. “Leave us, tend to the rest of the matters at hand. “ Kendra of course nodded before flashing a smile and a wink at Xiaa, before vanishing once more. Gorgoth shook his head before reaching up and patted Xiaa on the head. “Kendra always had an interest in you. But we’ve asked you here not to discuss your personal love/hate affairs. We need a status report of the city. “

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Twins

Post  Admin Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:48 am

Back at the capital Vesica was pacing her room back and forth, Mists energy trace had vanished a while ago. Had the taint turned her into a monster or killed her? The hall outside had been quiet all this time, so it was hard to imagine that a crazed monster would of passed through. So Mist was dead? Then she and her brother were free to do as they liked? And so, Vesica and her brother had kicked down the doors and headed out of the capital. After going to the queen’s room and finding nothing but an open window and Mists blade on the floor, So she had grabbed that with her in case it, It was all so strange Vesica thought to herself as the twins sat and held an eye out for Mist’s monster, just to be on the safe side. Watching over the main encampment of the military, few were moving around preforming their duty as everyone took shifts in resting. An hour later, Vesica felt something click within her mind and her inner ego awakened, at fucking last. Only to tell her the were about of the queen, frost mourn. Although something was off with the queen energy trace, it was taint free. “ found you” she whispered as her brother nodded at her side, lifting a hand only to slowly slice it through the air and with it, open a portal to frost mourn.

Moments later they arrived at the out skirts of frost mourn, glistering white snow cracking under their feet as they set foot on it. They had arrived at the south part of town, since the west one had the military camp with its soldiers, frost mourn had been well equipped with its own force of about 300 soldiers, and with the backup battalion there was around a 1000 men there, energy demons and jinx there ready to fight. Making their way into town, it started snowing and the town started to wake up bit by bit as they pair made their way through a warehouse district. Following the ego as it lead them towards the queen. After a little while of more walking they came upon a place where soft light shone out of the frosted windows. A tavern? What the hell? Vesica peeked in through the windows, and saw the typical tavern make up on the inside. Was the queen inside? The ego had never been as good as the inner eye, since it only showed where a fifty metre circle where the trace might be. Vesica looked to her brother and he only shrugged his heavy shoulders before knocking on the door. They didn’t want to gain attention, so getting inside before playing would be the plan.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty The Coming of The Fang

Post  Primus Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:41 am

Youth only occurs once in our lifetimes. It is a shame how cruel the world can be to some of us. This story begins not that of a small vampire boy growing into a fearful monster by the name of Vlade; but of the chronicles moments of his past have caused. The weight have which changed the shape of not only that which he was aware of but that entailing even deeper. The Time of day was not possible since in this realm there was no time. There was no day, All things occuring never happened and always were. All moments occurred at every interval yet it usually is expressed in a rather random amount. For instance the concept of a single second could laps a millenia, and vice versa. This moment in particular that we are foretelling happened just after the arrival of Vlade to this particular realm.

Bloody and weak after his last battle with the enslaver of his being Khaos Vlade had finally conquered the aspect of his past, of the deads his host Draeko had suffered. Finally accepting the oneness of their being the blood of which was falling upon the realm began manifesting beast of a horrible sorts. The names of which are not very needed but their names include: Daemonrai, Feral Shades, Deadlings… After much work on Vlade’s part he finally managed to exert enough force to not only heal himself but use his blood to bind the realm around his manifest locking the harsher of the beast in a crystal at the heart of this realm.

Many moments passed since that occurrence. Every so often he must sacrifice blood to this crystal to keep its captor locked, but the longer he imprisoned it the stronger it became.
finally reaching a point of strain The entity that was now the morphed abomination of those several beasts tried to assert its mental capabilities over this strange realm. The result was a total explosion and expansion of their conflicted wills. This exponential war relapsed Vlade’s constant illusion of whichever reality is considered present.

Everything blanks out for merely a moment. When it returns there is nothing in sight. No Vlade, No Crystal, nothing. The only thing left was the Curse placed upon the lands. The rivers to the north of constant blood had long since dried up. The realm was a slowing dying one. The energy exerted during the mental warring used up most of the realms reserves of being.  Darkness and light went from their separate ways and  become one again like they were in the olden times. The remainder of the realm collapses in upon itself within the time span of what seems to be five minutes.

The Ancient BloodBayne of Vlade was the last thing to vanish and collapse upon the remainder of the realm. As it’s bloodied Blade sinks into the oblivion, almost everything gather within is released into the fabric of Existence.  It’s form shatters into twelve shards, The final piece the hilt fades into which ever darkness claims it. Each shard holds a branch of the Insanity that held Vlade for so long. The shattering of the blade as well caused the shattering of his own essence.  each shard gleaming as they too are dispersed through the collective Chaos of Void.

It was said that darkness attracts itself; and truer words were never spoken. At the collapse and dispersing of this powersource through the vast nothingness of non-existence a purging began. All things in this location brought forth from manifestation begins to unravel making way for a new Realm’s fusion. Cataclysms of light illuminate the primordial soup of energies as they begin to constantly turn and bubble. It gains volatile mass as its surrounding display finds form. Within the darkness it came apart and now it slowly was pulling itself back together again. Shards of blood rain from the nether. It falls neither upon the air or earth in a glimming magical dousing of energies and conflicting masses it stays unified swirling around the new forming masses around the cosmos.

Interdimensional rifts open and close as the energy created from this dispersing and gathering of mass in turn creates a massive degree of gravity becoming such an overly small point It creates too much pull from the surrounding nothingness. That results into a cataclysmic explosion of energy similar to the big-bang   The energy particles in the clashing dimensions brings forth a new form of mass to add to the current disarray of forces in effect. Giant explosions of light shoot through the cosmos recycling used energy and matter. The graviton waves from this massive energy collapse destroyed what little nothingness there was forcing it into being. This cause major wormholes to rip through the remaining realm and force its merging with another.

The shadow mass of its creation causing an existential differential in which said realm would be merged. The ShadowAle Realm. Few other realms would be able to take the energy. Shards of debris rain down from the skies, the clouds darken over the expanses of a great mountain chain. Dark and purple the clouds take form each moment lightning blacker than night strike down upon the mountain chains expand to the north and south. Great vats of dark substances rain down from the skies just over the border within the mountain chains betwixt the Shadowale, and those of Officinale’s lands.

As the skies divided among themselves the Great dusts of the primal plane begins to settle into the density of the clouds. Eventually that density would grow so extravagant that it falls through the atmosphere. The Second it reaches the air of the realm; wavelengths similar to electricity supercharged these dust particles. The relating disturbance from the applied entropy from this cataclysmic event would influence the non-particle based mass of the surrounding area including that of the dust. This would cause the fluctuation in their mass altered by the energy of the realm to cause the foreign substances masses to alternate between exothermic and endothermic reactions within them. A large torrent of blood then begins to pour out of the clouds.

No one would know the its source came from the shattered blade. All the bloods collected over countless years began falling from the sky. The nature of the dusts’ origins were not lost to it and the arrival of this oh so familiar substance. Evidently this blood from the BloodBayne forces an analog of genotypes to be released over the particles causing them to begin glowing ever so slightly. Eventually do to the amount of absorption the for lack of better word non-matter recieved it forced it into a common form. The wildlife of the land begins to gather around this pooling of blood as the dust took shape.  A golem of sorts takes form after that ten others follow. It reaches its arms into the pooling of blood. The animals begin whining furiously at the golems.

The leading Golem’s arms and body begin to glow It’s body begins to crack down the center as its likelihood alters. This one adapts its family mark of a Dragon with a stake in its jaw. This marks him as the Primia/us for the new forming race of beings. There were 6 other golems not taking too happy to the fact that they were not marked stick their arms into the Blood pool as well. The ground shakes ever so slightly as their bodies crack down the center as well, They still were their golem shells like the first one did. Three of the Golems developed interwoven marks displaying A bat in flight on some it is in mid flight, on one it appears to be dead and bleeding. On the last  It is a bat and a snake battling each other.

The other set of three gained marks symbolic of the phoenix burning itself away into ashes, The second one had The phoenix Defending its young, and the third one Had a Phoenix being attacked by a snake. Each marking Identifies them as the individual families. The remaining six golems remains still, their heads turned toward the others. No sound was uttered from them. One second they were nothing, dormant, and now; now they could be. As the last drop of blood and particle of dust falls, shattered among the dust twelve shards lay. The only remains of their origin. Among them was the empty golden hilt of a long destroyed blade.

The leading golem being grabs the hilt immediately, This causes the ground to wait and the blood to speak. In a rampant explosion of knowledge the golem screams. “Kog’mar!” The energy in the air shocks the golem through the cracks in its body. It falls to the ground upon one of the Shards. Pain blinds it for a moment and makes it scream again, its voice echoing through the mountains on either side of the boundary between the warring nations. In its eyes the realm swings from light to dark. Its vision then slowly fades. He walks toward his brethren at this point and chuckles to himself as he begins to quickly eviscerate them, “There can be only one Primus. Find your blood and join me.” And with that he absorbed their family rites. their body freeze up around the pool of blood. Their massive bodies circle the area their blood quickly begins forming walls.

The rains continue to fall, many manner of Animals are still attracted to this new arival of life as if their very life force were somehow intertwined with that of the surrounding wildlife. They walk up to the feet of the golem and begins nuzzling into his legs and tugging at it trying to make him follow. Eventually it takes the hint and follows them away not before waving the hilt across the newly made walls of the enchanted blood now scabbed into a barrier. He commences the ritual of blood locking it so that only beings made from the same genetic similarities would be able to gain access. Should someone try to force their way in the temple would collapse and all the blood within would sink into the earth. Likely to tain the ground, yet this would be unknown.

He continues to follow the animals He stumbles a few times having very poor motor functions having only just being spawn. The animals jump into a chasm and the golem follows them. Each step that he takes jars more and more of the rock covering him off. His exposed skin was raw and bare, deep divots were in place within its anatomy at its shoulder blades its skin was a rather beat up shade of red but soon turns to a fainter shade, dulling tot a tanish color. From this new place hidden from most of the surrounding beings He looks to the skies and sees the events that unfurled are a bit more sporadic than he already thought. At the rate things were going there was going to be many more of his kind around. At every moment or so the hilt he kept upon him begins to heat up almost to the point of being unbearable even for his to touch. This would be unknowned to him at the time was due to the increase of his kinship.

He finds himself looking down upon the hilt. Many questions filled his head and at first they scared him. But the surrounding nature of the manner of wildlife around him seemed to ease his troubles. After a while he begins to look around, veins of ore begin catching his eyes like the full moon on a starless night. The name of which seemed to just appear into his head. “Iron, copper, Hematite…” He just lists them subconsciously as he sees them. There were a few he had no names for, as there standard metals in his vision had a reddish tinge to them; namely Iron and other metals of similar density. There were metalloid type veins that portrayed as two separate color signatures depending upon the angle he looked at it, It was a sif the substance was of. Considering his vision was based on density it would appear some of the metals would be of two separate densities simultaneously. This bewildered him and for in a moment he reaches out and touches the vein only to get shocked by the energy it contained. There were a vast many metalloids of this type to which he gives the name of Brontea/broteanium literally meaning Thunder-stone.

Though there are different varieties of this thunderstone, it would be later discovered that they are actually materials bound with different energy mediums. Some would actually be thunderstones, other fire, some water...etc. With nothing really else to do in this strange manner of actually being, he eventually gets caught in the whirl of his own mind only to peacefully drift asleep. When he awoke he found a half eaten carcass in front of him, the animals seems to have taken him in their pack. A feeling of nausea overcame the giant as he finds a new sensation that was horrible it never felt before. A feeling that made its blood run cold at the memory his blood had of it. He was hungry, famished in fact. And it wasn’t until the moment that He fed did he experience one of the most terrifying and exciting things to happen.

One moment he was inside of his head the next moment he was running through a forest or something of the sort, maybe it was the mountain scene it was hard to tell with the emotions running through his head. He had to run get away, and he felt like he was almost there before he felt a mouth close around his throat a sudden pressure around his head then all went dark. Flashback of the beast he was eating’s life flowed through his head, different paths it took, mating schedules, Migration patterns, edible foliage drinkable waters and things of the such. And just like that it was over. He was kneeled over staring at a particularly odd rock when he reentered his own mind. He tried to fight against the urge to eat more afraid that he might get thrown into yet another freakish mindmeld again. Eventually his physical needs overpower his mental restrain and he eats again just this time his mind stays as it was.

It was going to take a while for him to get used to this new realm. Something told him he would have to do so very quickly as if his own blood had a plan and was only using him as its medium. It occurred to him from the brief exposure to his meals mind that in this realm many of his newly spawned kin would soon be destroyed, or enslaved due to their naivety. Ignorance was his kins biggest weakness at this point. However the question still remained in his mind. “If I am ignorant how do I know that is metal and this is flesh?” He thinks that over for a while before eventually discarding the whole thought. Where he knew or not it would bring nothing to benefit to the moment on how to deal with the manner. He devises a plan at this point using only that which he does know. He had seen where many beings flock for their sustenance to keep living. Rather than going out and getting killed he decides to keep a low profile, at least for now. As his plan would note that he gains knowledge about his surrounding from eating his first meal he will do the same until he has enough knowledge about what is around him to better prevent what happened to the animal he just ate to happen to him. A simple thought, but then again, what more did he have to build on upon this point. Unknown to him his life was about to get a lot more complex. Mainly having to do with him being within one of the miners tunnels within the Vox Vocis, somewhere in the mountains just off the valleys between the Silvia Per Caliga and Outcast. Life was about to show just how challenging it can be.

Last edited by Primus on Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Shay

Post  Admin Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:31 pm

Shiv'lorah had cracked and popped her neck cleaning up after some folks who had come for some drinks and a good’ol time in the Tavern. Though they didn’t quiet expect to be kick on their rump after grabbing hers. She had been going about table to table, cleaning left over foods, cups and such, quick sweeping under tables and wiping them down. It was a daily task and hourly chore she had along with restocking when the Barkeeps and other Maidens could not. This also kept her busy, and made her very active and popular amongst the regular crud that would roll on in. She didn’t know any of them by name, she never had the time to keep up with such things or the memory in that matter. But never less she did like their coin, although it sounds greedy it’s more the fact that she likes money in general. Now as she made her way to the kitchen she muttered something under her breath, this time every day the place is dead practically. She muttered to the chef to make a soup for the night’s special before hurrying off to finish her cleaning and setting up for another day.

Walking back into the main room she stumbled over some knocked over chairs, face planting the lovely floor below and bumping her head on the table on the way down. Swearing under her breath the bar keep rushes to her side and helps her up before turning and holding his breath with laughter on the edge. “What is it you daft fool” she snapped, angered at him practically laughing to her face. “I'm sorry ma’am, but you….your head…you seem to be bleeding into a shape of a flower” the man mumbled though still holding back laughter. Angrily she snorted before hurrying to the back near the kitchen again, a mirror has been placed her long ago so that Shey could see if she looked like a mess or not. Its use today, to inspect the lovely mark on her head and sure enough she has a small gash that did in fact bleed into a flower, its shape more like a daisy then anything. Swearing she walked into the kitchen grabbed a roll of bandages stored under the main cabinet before wrapping her forehead in it and walking back to the main room, this time avoiding the fallen chairs. About the time she hit the middle of the room, Shey heard a knock, raising her brow she made her way to the door and opened it enough that one could squeeze through. “Hello May I help you?” the muttered out the door and into the night.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Vesica/ Shey

Post  Admin Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:58 pm

As soon as the door opened Vesica slipped inside silently, snowflakes melting in her deep plum hair. The brother stayed outside, to keep an eye on things as he stood unmoved as snow built up on his head and shoulders, unhasped by the cold. As the demon turned her gaze upon the woman whom had let her in, an brow arched “ Where’s the Queen?” she sked bluntly While glaring at the female. “ I know she’s in the area, have you seen or heard anything strange theses past hours?” Vesica spoke in a demanding tone. Anyone by their right mind could sense Vesicas intent to kill, even though even if they thought she would, the queen had given orders not to lay a hand that didn’t to the same upon them. She was impatient, and wanted to be free. But she couldn’t until she knew in what state the queen was.

Shey raised a brow again before shutting the door, hard, behind her to not let what little warmth was in flow out. Crossing her arms she tilted her head to the side slightly “I haven’t seen her for a while” she grunted at her rudely because she was irritated at not having her question answered. “I haven’t seen, heard, or smelled anything of odd as late” she smirked “well besides the occasional drunkard who stinks of sewer” she chuckled to herself. A little peeved at her company Shey unfolded her arms before re opening the door “I would think you allow your company in and drink or eat while you gather your thoughts”. Her smirk now faded from her lips and turned into a serious face, one Shey was not vary fond of using. “If you have other business, what can my humble self help you with” She huffed out quickly, she hadn’t had to use her skills in communication in a while and she seemed to be a tad rusty at it.

Hearing the females answer the demon’s killing lust dropped through the floor, and she let out a sigh. “ In a while?” she questioned while glancing to the female “ she comes here often? What’s your relation to her? “ Vesica could not help but to be slightly jealous, that was the bond that had been made under the awakening. Not giving the female as much as a smile, Vessica leaned over to the door and opened it slightly, the brother there within the breath of a moment, towering in the gap of it, staring inside with a angry stare, even he was getting agitated “ get in” Vesica told him. And as He did the door slid shut, the snow he had upon his shoulders and head felt to the floor, wetting it as it melted. Vesica shook her head at her brother while heading to a empty table “ We are having drinks and feed. And Brother don’t make a mess.” Seating down at a sturdy wooden table the demon placed her elbows upon it and let her arms fall in a cross on it. “ Woman, we want answers” she demanded she didn’t have time to be polite or anything like that, but something to eat was never wrong.

Rolling her eyes shey spoke in a flat tone “Yes, a While, She’s one of our finest Regulars”. Shuffling into more inward to keep away from the door “My relation is friendship, though I don’t see why that is any of your business Lass” she snorted. Watching them move toward a table Shey laid down a small wooden plaque on the table with a parchment sealed on top, written the complete list of what they serve at the Tavern. She looked over them a little more before slowly going over the menu” We have Mead, Ale, Rum, Wine, Water, Tea, Our special today is Meat Soup, we also offer a verity of meats with sides of steamed veggies, breads, sweets and rolls”. Staring down at them upon the table before snapping out “I suggest you be kinder to your hostess lest you be shoved out on your arse like the drunkard of this establishment”. She stood their before crossing her arms “All Liquor is 10 Copper, all breads 4, if you want sweets that will be 6 copper and proper meats is 9 coppers” she uncrossed her arms before pulling out a small writing tablet and Charcoal stick to write with.

A friend? The queen had friends? Of course she had, Vesica sent the woman an annoyed glare and commenced in tapping her digits into the hard wood of the table, looking out an window as snowflakes danced outside. Half listening to the female as she rambled on about prices and foods. “ Ill have the meat soup and a glad of Rum” her brother suddenly said and snapped Vesicas attention back into the tavern. Taking a moment she tried to come to an decision of what to fill her belly with “ Ill take steak and veggies, with a glass of Wine, Red “ She finished as she glanced at her brother how tossed up a few gold coins upon the table. “ You see, the queen is missing.. “ Vesica told in a hushed voice as to indicate to keep silent about the ordeal. “ And I’d like to find her as soon as possible or things can get ugly.” The demon said as she leaned back against the backrest of the chair, crossing her legs in a proper manner as she eyed the female.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Draksvard

Post  Primus Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:50 am

Soon his mental map had close to 100km2 plotted out from his base point in the tunnels and still advancing. He found a few miners here and there and picked them off it took however about a dozen before their concept of clothing come through to him, however in the process he didn’t actually kill these beings. Well thats to say they were alive when he left them. Through the knowledge he gained from drinking their blood he learned of the ways of mining. Before very long he got to work mining. All he knew is that it glows and that must be important, or perhaps he’s brain just liked shiny things. He continued to work mining the caverns he held as his home. Sophisticated ores he found seemed to glow brighter than others. It was that fact that caused him to continue.

He sat around staring at the ores wondering why it was they appeared so special to him. It was then that his attention was taken by another thing, There was a great bang outside of the mountain pass. A portal was opening something he had yet to see for himself. He knew what it felt like though Pure energy An odd sensation swept him at that moment. It was hunger, but not like before. Not paying attention to his own hands he looks off into the rocks above him. as his gaze returns to his hands he notices that he had passed his hands into the solid ores, they shattered and in his hand she held the pure metal. He screams and slams his fists into the wall The metals crack and begins to break. He separates his hands easily as if the metal were puddy. “Strange material…” He sits there and begins molding it as a brace for his forearm attaching as his wrists with blade jutting from the knuckle area a foot out. He look at his makeshift weapons and puts them on. making binding out of the skins of the beasts he had eaten from.

As he left the tunnel he was inhabiting to investigate this plethora of energy. This made him feel very antsy as the energy seemed to cause him to become very hyper. He twists his hands in a funny way when he was climbing and now both of his hands were bleeding onto the weapons. The color of the metal seemed to glow brighter. It appeared his blood was reinforcing the blade itself. As he exits the caverns of the mountains he sees them. Beings of great energy were walking before him destroying miners and nature around them. He began charging at that point his mind dormant as his body just acted. His Katars drawn he draws closer and closer to his first target. The energy coming off of their beings was amazing. He jumps behind a rock and crouches watching them. There was five currently exiting the portal two adults and others two of which were young while the other was in her late teens. He sneaks around the rock watching as the older being walk back through the portal leaving the one in the late teens.

In that moment he acts he jumps over the rock and charges at the demon in silence. The padding of his feet would make his footfall nearly inaudible. Approaching from the back he extends his hands at either side of its neck. He then exerts enough force to snap the head of a wild boar. The being sways back and forth after the sneak attack was delivered. The second he touches the beings though he gets a shock up his arms into his head. After he was done almost getting electrocuted he whispers into the ear of the being. “I’m sorry if you're dead….” He then bends down and bites the female energy demon’s throat. He groans as the pain of her blood enters his mind. He begins swearing. It made not much from the demon’s mind. What he did however learn was the fact that the Energy Demon’s Blood just gave him a massive energy rush. HE licks the wound he inflicted one more time before looking to the north east. It was time for him to move.He rushed through the tunnels of the Vox Vocis some of which he only learned from his devouring of the smaller wildlife. His increase in energy also seemed to have a positive effect on his metal bending. He began sprinting at this point as he exited the mountains. He grabs the hilt of the Broken blade and stores his gained energy as he didn’t see his need for it, he figured it would be easier to put into his reserves. “Draksvard…..” He finally decides naming himself that is what he was called back then. And with that he watches his the portal from his vantage point.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:57 am

Celestine simply watched her ass as it crawled away, wiggling as it went. She simply smiled, as Mist peeked out at her, moving her hands to her own top, and unhitching the back of it, pulling it away to reveal her own bare breasts. "I hope you don't mind. I prefer sleeping naked." She smiled as she knelt down to lower her belt, and shorts along with it, now standing stark naked, her skin shining lightly in the darkness. She moved forward slowly, towards the bed, allowing the smile to fall from her face slowly, slipping into the bed beside Mist. She made no acknowledgement of the rejection, not fully understanding that she had been. As soon as they were both beneath the covers, Celestine's body was pressed tightly against Mists, her hands snaking around her form to hold her tightly, not allowing for escape this time. One hand, sat just lightly in her pelvic area, the other cupping one of her breasts, holding her closely. "You should've just said if you wanted to go to bed."

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:46 pm

Watching Cel undress stark naked made Mist want to hide in the covers, She had never minded either sex but, this time she knew she wasn’t getting away. Feeling hands snake up around her where she laid, a hand cupping her breast and another lower down. Feeling bare breasts against her back and smooth skin against her bum, all she could do was wiggle slightly. To confirm that she indeed was not getting away from this. The feel of skin to skin was just as everything else this body had felt from just a few hours ago, new. The demon felt her face grow hot, along with the rest of her body, everything becoming hyper sensitive due the double nerve system within it. The fell of hands upon her made something stir deep down, excitement.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Celectine

Post  Admin Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:46 pm

She smiled softly, gently moving her hand from her pelvis upwards, resting it upon Mist's stomach gently. She gently rolled her hips against her, rubbing herself up against Mist gently, the hand on her breast squeezing gently, massaging at the tender flesh, her palm gently rubbing against her nipple. "Don't worry. I'll give you freedom tonight, as much as I'd rather not. You need time to get acquainted with that body." She smiled softly, placing gente kisses to Mist's shoulder, and neck, before nestling her head into the crest of her neck, holding her closely in her arms, her soft breath upon Mist's neck, her hands just gently rubbing, and teasing her skin. "Goodnight, Mist." She smiled softly, allowing her hands to fall falt and stopped, one on one of her breasts, the other wrapped around her stomach.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:46 pm

Felling Cels digits travel upon her skin left goose bumps in their wake, only to intensify itself into a horrid tease as her body was rubbed and touched. Her hands grasping the sheat beneath them as she heard Cels voice whispering in her ear telling her about, not tonight. Allowed Mist to Exhale softly a shudder leaving her libs as her neck and shoulders where kissed. Yet Cel did not let go of her, and to think Mist liked to move around while sleeping. Blinking a few times as she was wished a good night, Mist only nodded. Not knowing if she should feel disappointed or happy. The touching stoped, but the woman’s hands remained, en snaring her. It took Mist another hour to fall asleep, but once she was out she was out like a light, enjoying a deep heavy sleep.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty tpolemos

Post  Admin Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:12 am

“Take your blade, hold it firm. It is your weapon, and your defence. Make no mistake, Jag’troa, we are born in blood. Moulded by blade and fire. And die in the grasp of the great ones. Hold your ground, Jag’troa!” His daily battle regiments, words of valour and morale injected into their minds every day. They were not allowed respite. He was a slave master like no other, and his men knew very well not to betray him. Saul’en endowed upon him, powers that none other could even consider the thought of. He stood above them, not by blood alone, but by pure strength, power and battle-hardened mentality that stood him above them. He took a blade in each hand, and began to duel with one of the Jag’troa, the metal melting to his thoughts and becoming whip like as they clashed blade to blade. The Jag’troa struggling to keep his ground against the vicious onslaught of steel. “Stand your ground, Jag’troa!” He roared his commands as the blades slashed forward, his larger physique pressing down on the smaller soldier who struggled to defend against the brutal beating of the swords. Within moments, two others had joined the soldier, and their blades flew out like stabbing spears, extending and retracting to find the gaps in Tpolemos’ defence. The smiled crossed his face as he was pushed back a single step, caught off-guard by the renewed force, the three of them slashing out, and plunging their blades forth, the metal twisting and reshaping to their whims. Such was the strength and unpredictable nature of Jag’troa. Such was the readiness of his elite soldiers. “Yes! Fight as group. Overwhelm with your numbers. Destroy any foe who tries to divide us!” He chuckled lightly, a roar flowing over the training grounds, as the men broke off into groups of three or four. His hand resting lightly upon the shoulder of the Jag’troa who had bore the brunt of his lesson. “You fight well. Rest your legs for now. You stand proud among your brothers.” Tpolemos did not show emotion often, and only the Jag’troa knew the truth of him. The two of them grabbed each other’s forearms and shook, nodding, as the turned off. Tpolemos walking off to go and meet with Gorgoth, to find out what the next step. He crossed the familiar yards, and then entered the building. He made the short walk to the meeting chamber, pushing the door ajar and striding inside. He was currently in nothing more than a pair of cloth pants, that held to his form, his chest bare, and his hair cascading down his back tied back to keep it from his face. Boots adorned his feet, the two blades he had been training with, held loosely in either hand. None feared betrayal at Tpolemos’ hands, so it was often sight to see him meeting with Gorgoth, or others, adorned to the neck with weaponry and armour. His loyalty was unquestionable, and thus the trust put in him, rather high. “Saul’en, I believe there will be blood paid in your name, by the end of this day.” He muttered lightly under his breath before standing in the middle of the meeting chamber, slipping the blades into the hems of his pants, the metal laying gently against the flesh beneath them. “You called for me, Lord Gorgoth? Is there to be a mobilisation of the army?” He questioned lightly, his head held high, his eyes unfocused for the moment. His mind unfocused for the moment, awaiting the words that would bring him his desired outcome.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Xiaa Vestatia

Post  Xiaa Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:51 am

Her idle thoughts were lost to the city as it picked up from the silence and disruption, reasserting itself back into order. Xiaa refocused her attentions to the present, watching as a store keep began rearranging his wares. She was in fact preparing to approach and help when something held her fast. An arm slipped around her slim waist, another arm slithering across her chest to clamp a warm hand down upon her mouth. She went rigid against the body pressing up against her back, the seductive murmuring in her ear causing a shiver of dread to squirm down her spine. Xiaa strained against her binder, but Kendra was far physically stronger than the Voidling and their departure was frustratingly easy for the Demon, even with Xiaa’s constant struggling into the shadows.

Those promised hours were painfully slow for the Voidling, subjected to the sick creature’s ideas of ‘fun’. By the time Kendra was finished, the girl felt bruised, dirty and objectified. She hurries back into a state of being presentable and avoiding all contact with Kendra; though Xiaa could feel the smug satisfaction of the woman radiating from her as she was led to her master’s presence. Their walk was silent, the Voidling keeping her arms tight against her body and her head down, watching her feet through the corridors. Every so often her steps would falter; her legs weak from Kendra’s previous attentions. The wave of relief that flooded the little Voidling as they entered into the room with Gorgoth was almost disturbing. She stood silently beside the other woman, staring at the ground as much as she could, though her gaze would slide to Kendra, catching the woman’s wicked smirk and dart back to the ground. Xiaa shuffled her stance, breathing freezing air from between her lips in a silent sigh. It seemed it was then that her master chose to acknowledge their near silent presence. Another shiver slid down her spine when he uttered her name and dismissed Kendra, though she refused to meet the creature’s gaze. Instead she kept her shoulders tense, until her spine throbbed with pressure. At the moment her master’s hand settled upon her head the pressure lifted and she relaxed slightly, though cringed at his words. “I have no interest in her...” She murmured quietly then nodded her head once, a blue curl bouncing across her cheek. “Reports, yes.”

“I’ve had various reports come in since the merging, and have been to evaluate a few of them myself. It would appear our main trading route and those connected have been disturbed. As far as I could see there was only a minimum of extensive damage, but we’ve had no trade since before the merging. The people are beginning to notice and I have heard whispers of revolt from those less fortunate.” She paused, glancing up to her master before continuing. “We've also had numerous breaches of walls three and two. The breaches of wall two have been heavily defended but the merging has sent the... undesirables into a panic. They were rising from their slums and making their way to us. Wall three was heaviest hit with four breaches to the North and East sides. Wall two has only received two breaches to the North East. It seems the Undesirables are focusing on the sewage paths as weak spots and using those to gain entrance. The people are extremely concerned. The inhabitants of wall three and resorting to citizen defence, militia groups are hunting down those breaking in. Our forces are focused on the breaches of wall two, but it’s only those to spare. Without your command we cannot refocus our forces to the defence and reconstruction of the walls.” She stopped then, drawing a deep breath and raised her eyes to focus on her master. As she did her stance would shift slightly, her feet coming firmly together as her arms reached behind her back, lacing her fingers together. At some point during her report someone had joined them, a male of sorts whom she had seen briefly. Tpolemus she believed his name to be, or so her memory told her, and she suspected her memory was not failing, considering the casual greeting of the man to her master. He was direct, speaking immediately rather than waiting to be spoken to. A brief flicker of thought crossed her mind as Xiaa examined the man, having turned to keep both he and her master within view. If she were to speak to openly with her master, would he excuse it? Her pale cheeks coloured at the thought, and the Voidling cursed her own respectful nature. One hand rose to her face, covering her blue lips and raising a discreet cough, intending to cover her blush though likely bringing unwanted attention to her presence.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Celectine/Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:06 pm

Celestine slept through the night, her arms constantly wrapped around Mist. There was no way she letting her slip away. Not that she could. All Celestine needed to do, was mutter the words “Mist, I beg of you.” And she would be unable to disobey the commands relayed to her by Celestine. She needed to allow Mist freedom, but at the same time, she needed that control. The night passed rapidly, and the peeking of the sun above the frosty, snowy town alerted Celestine to the coming of the day, and the difficulty they would face in trying to get Mist clothed. Huffing as her eyes snapped open behind the blindfold; she roughly shoved Mist in the side, and pushed her up. “We have to move. People will begin to speak of the oddity of this scenario if you’re seen walking stark naked around the town.” She was in a bad mood it seemed. However she rolled out of bed rapidly, standing butt naked in the room, crossing over to the smouldering flames, to toss a bucket of water over it and to extinguish the remaining flicker of fire. Then turned rapidly to Mist, flicking her hand at her, and muttering lightly, the heartless, chilled tone in her voice. “Wrap yourself in the blanket, Mist. I’ll get the Tavernkeep to pass us some clothes for the fated leader of the Officinale.” She smiled softly, but it held no warmth. Just a heavy ill-intent, and then she turned away, her breasts swaying a little with her step, her butt jiggling with each step, before she disappeared off into another room, the clatter of metal and wood echoing around the small house. She re-emerged moments later with a new blindfold, as she replaced the one on her face with it. This one however was a red tinge, as she threw the old one into the now dead fireplace. Within the next few moments, she had hooked her top back on, and slid her shorts up, tightening the belt around her waist. She replaced the shoulder pads that lay on her shoulders, and the assortments of jewellery that she wore, before crossing over to the door. She seemed to expect Mist to be ready, as she pushed it open. Obviously in a rush. “Get your butt over here, Mist.”


How many years had passed? The child had slept away his youth. It didn’t matter. Life was eternity to him. Born of the blood of the ancients and the immortals. Elven and Dragon alike. Millennia was a mere blink to him, and he could spend the next few pretending to be the child that he no longer physically was. Why had his father trapped him here though? To allow him safe rest? That had to be it. His father wouldn’t leave him. Not like his bitch mother. Not like all the others. Not like Bludphlagh. He missed him. The quaint bear. Nobody knew the truth. Nobody could hear his voice. And then one day, she ruined him. That bitch. Mother or not, no one touched Bludphlagh. His father did nothing to stop him. Why would he? They were alike more than he and his mother, despite her babying. But she just couldn’t let go, could she? No, she had to ruin him. And so he ruined her. Her blood carcass left to rot in that estate. And then he fell into his slumber. And the years went by. And then he awoke, in the frozen hell he was in. His father had obviously locked this estate away, to ensure that he was undisturbed. The frozen hell however had not preserved it, like one would hope. The halls were collapsing around themselves. The estate was dying. It had too long gone uncared for, and the lack of his father and mother left it without any real blood owners. He was born into it, and thus, he had no control over the place, and no way to keep it from dying. There was only one thing left.

“Burn.” He sat in the distance, and watched as the frozen estate, the birth of his childhood, and his entire life sat before him. Burning. The ball of flames bounced around his palm, as his eyes rested upon the estate, the ice sizzling and steam thrown into the air, as it burnt to the ground. It was then he realised. He was alone. And the life he knew was gone. It was over. His entire life was burning down before him. And he shook, and he broke down. The tears that streamed his face were the first he ever had cried. He’d been taught not to show sorrow, as it was a weakness. But he couldn’t help it. He had nothing. “Where are you?” He whispered. He needed his father. His mother. Bludphlagh. Anyone. He just cried. And he for days he did nothing. His life was ruined, and he could nothing to stop it.

Then, out of nowhere he felt the burning pain in his mind. The bond between Cryo and Pyro. His father. That was all he needed. The world burnt, and died beneath his feet, and he trudged through the endless hills and frozen wastelands of the chronozone that was left for him. Trapped in time. Why hadn’t Wayland remained trapped? Was the burning embers of his power, too great? He didn’t know. But it was gone now. And then, the world flashed around him. His travels brought him to a quaint snowy town. Frostmourne. His father was near, he could feel it. The blood of the ancients bubbled within him, and he knew his father would feel it too. Existence, was about to change.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Era (Shadowale)

Post  Felie Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:50 am

<Felie and Jace found the Throne room empty , the same was seen when they went to the council chamber. Felie raced to Odist's roomwith Jace right behind her, their feet thudding as they ran and slammed opened Odist's door. They found the Queen's bodyguard sound asleep under her window and when they tried to awaken her they could not although she seemed to be otherwise okay. So Jace set her on her bed and Felie covered her and they left the room closing the door quietly behind them. They strode down the corridor and spinning around a corner, Felie grabbed the arm of the first servant passing by, growling "where is my mother?" as she yanked the poor maid to her. Jace put his hand on her arm and said in a deceptively calm voice " Milady let the poor girl speak without fear and she may yet tell us where the Queen is instead of fainting at your feet." Looking at the maid Felie realized the young thing was indeed trembling with fear as she pointed out the window and in a broken voice told them "main encampment Milady, Sir" the maid curtseid and scurried off the second she was released. Jace and Felie skipped steps as they leapt down the stairs, wanting to report to the Queen that they had finished the portals and set the messengers to spreading the word of the impending battle. As they ran, Felie still had time to admire the ease with which Jace seemed to move. She was so tired she felt as if she were moving through a mud swamp. Her feet were heavy as she followed him outside and down to the camp. The Generals were all milled about the table pouring over the maps as they stratigized their plans of attack and defense. They heard the commotion of Jace and Felie's arrival and looked up to see the two of them looking as if they were savages with their hair twisted and full of knots, while their faces and bodies were plastered with snow, mud, twigs, burrs and a few other things no one dared ask for the names of. Felie marched past them and glanced around, noit seeing her mother she barked out orders as she pricked her finger, then fingerprinted several spots on the map with her blood. Jace grabbed them each a mug and handed Felie hers, glaring at the others as she swigged it down. "We will need at least three men per portal and at all times I expect one to be awake and ready to pop through to warn of approach via that area. On this end I want a full cadre of troops ready at all times to go through each of the portals. Yes! I said each portal. I know this seems like a lot of manpower taken away from elsewhere. But remember the enemy is fast, feirce and will have their own ways of moving in the blink of an eye. The only way to defend against that is to be ready every second of every day and night until this war is over." Felie slammed down her mug saying "Now where is my mother?" as she and Jace stepped outside and turned back to the tent. Hearing a noise behind her, Felie swivels her head and sees The Queen, just as she goes to hug her mother, Felie hesitates, espying the twins. She felt the wrongness of this all immediately but Mist hugged her while whispering "everything is going to be fine..” and sent her off to bed. Last she saw of Jace was him heading back towards the portals deep in thought.

Felie sets off for the castle at a steady jog and comes in through the kitchens, grabbing up two sweetbuns and sloshing some ale into a mug. She quickly barked out orders for hot water for a bath and raced up the back stiars, leaping over every other step in her eagerness to eat and bathe. She lifted the iron latch with a crooked elbow being pushed up on it and shoved open her door with her hip. She walked over to a small table by the casement window and set the ale and buns down. Grinning, she swivels and moving to the chest at the foot of her bed she stands in front of it and unbuckles her belts, tossing them and her weapons down on the bed. Felie removes her codex and sets it gently on a pillow before unlatching the trunk and opening its lid to grab clean clothes. She shed her jerkin, letting it thunk to the floor from the weight of the chainmail outercoat . She peels off her gloves as servants bring in the water and pull the copper tub hidden behind the screen out into the middle of the room, rolling the rugs out of the way , putting pine tar oil and grated sage in a bowl on a stool prior to setting cloths down for washing and drying with over a rack they had placed next to the tub. She continues shedding her boots, then clothing as they set it up and turning she climbs into the tub. She rapidly scrubs her body with the pine-sage oil, then washes her hair. She loves rose water baths , but it is best not to smell sweetly when on missions and she was due to set back out as soon as rested. Finishing up, she steps over the edge of the tub and waits while they dump the water out by scooping it into shallow basins that they then dump out the window. The tub is soon refilled with hot water that she steps into and sitting down she shoos them out of the room and waits til she hears the click as the latch falls into place. Felie lets her body slump down til only the tip of her nose is above the water. Sighing inwardly, she lets her mind free of the tight restraint she has had it under, letting herself relax as said mind wanders through past events and sets them in their proper place in her memories until she raises her head and sits up. She rises and dries off, walking to the window and sniffing in the smell of home, pulling it deep within until her whole being was invigorated by the scent. Swiveling about and walking to the bed, she slides into yet another catsuit, zipping it up as it clings to her body. This one is made from a fabric that reflects the colors around it and is used by her when she wishes to go unnoticed. She changes out the spiked boots for ones that match the suit , as do the gloves she then dons. Her hair is braided and tucked into a chignon, over which she puts a netting that again reflects. Sitting on the foot of the bed she snaps her weapons back into their postions and secures the codex to her left wrist. As she rises her skin fades to an even paler porcelain and her eyes turn from that dark obsidian to an glassy silver, still swirling with the same mercurial threads. She walks down the hall as she punches symbols on her codex to prime it for the task she must do now. Felie hesitates outside her mother's door as she sees the twins there, but then she shrugs off the unease she feels as naught more than her dislike for the twins vileness. Something feels a bit off, even for those two, but if her mother has them near, then it means there is a great need so Felie continues on past. Reaching the courtyard, she dashes off to race fleet-footed through the streets til she reached the outskirts of the capital. Then she slipped over to the portal and stepped into it, ignoring the guards on it , knowing full well they would not question her, for only one held a higher position in the Officinale realm than the princess and that was her mother.

Felie traveled through the cold void of the nether between portals to pop out of the portal set up at the foot of the ShadowSpire Mountains. She glanced over the footpaths leading in and then nodding to herself, she stepped onto one of the paths and moving forth she blended in with her surroundings until barely disernable. Felie knew this would not prevent the Ra'nita from finding her if she did not use all her stealth skills to keep from being noticed. She paused and breathing in deeply, she shut down as much of her Officinale essence as possible , while strengthening her Shadowcaster essence. This was tricky because she had to do it just so or else she was in danger of letting that side of her dominate the Officinale side. Felie walked a fine line between her parents and the genetics in her from them both was something she had learned to manuveer through and use to her benefit , but at times like this she knew she had to be vigilant over her own body and mind. Skirting to the left , traveling along half hidden trails until she passed the looming guard tower and then the old arena. Once she was past them she breathed a bit easier as she traversed towards her fathers lands. Arriving at the most northwestern mountain spire, Felie stopped and crouched down. Slowly she sank into a huddled ball sitting weith her head resting on her thighs as her knees were wrapped by her arms. Tears unshed for years began to bubble to her lashline as she felt Gorgoth. Her father as she knew him, was no more, but even now she felt that part of him and her own instinct was to rush to him and throw herself in his arms to be grabbed up and twirled around as she felt his love for her. That was a dream from the past that must be shoved deep down and squashed. Tears may be a weakness or strength, in this case shedding them now was a neccessary purging before she could perform the next part of her task. After a good half hour she wiped the back of her palm across her eyes and pulled herself back up into a squat, balancing on her heels as she pressed a set of configurations into her codex. Knowing that the release of what she had hidden in the codex would be a beacon to Gorgoth and he would send almost instantaneous forces to that exact spot. Rising she released the runes and a bubble arose from a small beam of light coming from the laser that popped up on the codex, she pointed the beam onto the path west of her as she spoke. Backing away, Felie uttered "Hello Aunt Kea, it's nice to have you back. I had to keep you safely in a suspended sleep but I cannot explain why now. Father will be here momentarily for you (or not depending on his mood ) so I must flee. Please...~she hesitated~...please give him my love." Felie turned as her Aunt stood there, only half aware what was happening, then dashed to the east down one of the darkest paths in the mountains. She didn't worry about being seen now, instead she ran! Ran as fast as she could without killing herself, as straight east as she could through the winding path , leaping over boulders and brush, dodging bushes and branches, avoiding the critters that refused to scurry out of her way. Finally she arrived, sweat pouring down her face at the foot of the easternmost range and stepped out onto the road that divided the ShadowSpires from FrostMourn. She cross the road and began to grin as she raced down the road into the city. She veered off at a small stream and submerged her whole head into it , coming up laughing at the sheer joy of being. Being who she is , what she is! Spinning back onto the road, Felie trotted into FrostMourn, slowing down to a strolling walk as she headed for The Highland Getaway. >


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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Odist/Odila

Post  Odist/Odila Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:25 pm

It was a jagged edge. A cold rough hand, grasping at her own warm soft one. It was a smooth chill. A hand that a mother owned. A hand that was not holding her's. She could feeling the same smoothness below her body. The same chill that she would get as a child, when those strangers came to visit. She never saw their faces, but now... now she saw them, clear as a summer's day. Their faces were twisted, stuck between two memories. Memories of happy feelings, and memories of uncertain fear. She recognised them, she recognised the faces that had ensnared her love from the day she had been brought from her mother's womb. And yet... she did not know who they were. The picture twisted more as their faces turned from loving caring, happy people to grotesque monsters, with slits up their cheeks and threads made form human hair sewing them together again. The sacrifice of caring. A pain one would not forget soon. A name touched her lips, and she heard a distant giggle, and clapping hands. "Odila! Look what Grandma and Grandpa found!" Who was that? That sound, it wasn't her's. It wasn't from her memories, it couldn't be true. 'Mama!' No! The pictures twisted away, as the two people stood back to back, gripping each others hands tightly. Suddenly a third face entered between the two people, taring them apart. Her mind screamed and she felt herself scratching at her own face. 'This is wrong!'

The young demon shot up, her bedsheets soaked with sweat. She rolled off the four poster, and ran towards her wardrobe grabbing the first things she could find. Swinging her sweaty and sticky clothes to the floor, she grabbed a baggy shirt and pulled it over her head. Dropping to the floor she desperately tried to get more clothes on, pulling a flowey skirt and simple leather boots on. That dream, it... it had hurt, her chest hurt as her heart hammered against her insides. She closed her eyes, as her heartrate slowed down gently. It'd be... so painful. Something dripped onto the ground, and she peered at her blood curiously. Something felt wrong. It felt off. Broken even. She wasn't sure though what it was. It was uncomfortable. Odist rose to her feet, trembling as she walked unsteadily towards the door. She had to talk to the queen. Those faces, she knew who they were. she had to talk to her! Running unsteadily to the throne room she felt as if time was slowing down, as if it too was trying to stop her. Bursting through the doors she stopped, embracing the empty air and no sound was made. She trembled even more as the sudden realisation hit her. Her queen was gone. Her Queen was missing.

She looked up at the empty throne, shaking almost with anger. 'My Queen.' Sounding like a wounded animal, she turned away from the crushing site and began to walk through the almost deserted halls of the castle. Her every move seemed to darken the path she had already walked, making the castle look both grim and dead. Frost Mourn... that was where she had to go.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Draksvard Arrival to Shadowale castle...

Post  Primus Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:12 am

Energy spirals its way up and down his legs as he made his weight back into the mountain tunnels. He felt as if he should take one last look around before he leaves the place. The second he takes a step in he could tell something was wrong. The first thing that demonstrated this was the moment he entered the tunnel he was habiting the metals that were glowing before seemed to be flying around the ground. As he walk in closer to them, their movements increased in speed as if he was some sort of conduit to the metaphysical currents the metals frequencies were tuned to. Once he was standing in the middle of the caverns the tunneled opened into the metals were moving so quick they made him have to sit down from how dizzy he became. Once he did the metals as if alive flew into his lap as one might expect a loving dog to after their master had been gone for a long day’s work. He reaches out to touch it to take it off of him. The moment his hand comes in contact with the metal it surges up his hands. It continues to find its way circling around his chest in a loop connecting at the small of his back.

At first it felt to him like the metal was molten hot melting onto the flesh of his chest. It did not hurt him at instantly. It wasn’t in fact until it got to his back that the pain set in. The pain started in his lower back and began to works its way into his spinal cord. From there it spreads outward slowly lowering in pain. During the peak of the sensation it felt to him like someone replaced his spinal fluid with sulphuric acids or something just as unpleasant if not more. Teh just as suddenly as it started it ended. He sits there holding his breath, after a moment his eyes flash open and he takes a monster breath. He didn’t know what it was he just experienced but he did know that he never wanted to feel pain again. The area the pain started from oddly enough now had a mass of metallic columns wrapping around his neck and down around his hips. The center of such extensions would be the Shard embedded into his flesh which was what caused his pains to begin with. This center begins to glow a dull red before the metal solidifies and takes a nice shade of silver which complements his clay colored skin nicely.

He looks down at his chest at the metal affixed to his skin. It was in just the right placement to support his body’s bone structures of his upper torso which for future purposes would make it more difficult for blows to shatter his ribs, break his back or something of similar damage. His new armor like addition glowed a faint green in his special sight, however it appeared there longer he looked at it the more vibrant the color became until it go to the point of blinding the view of his body from himself. He brings his hand up to his eyes to shield them from the intense rays. The second he touches his eyes the sight fades. It was now that he saw the metal as it was, metal colored. He touches his eyes again convinced that it somehow damaged his eyes. When his hands moved away his metal vision returned. “Skavt” he finds himself swearing, what language it was he didn’t know all he knew was it meant a combination of ‘holy fuck’ and ‘shit licking’ He repeats this a few times in varying intensities.

Eventually he realizes that with a touch he was able to inhibit or restrict his abilities for viewing metals. What it was the colors meant he was unaware of still, but he was sure it had something to do with the energies contained within them. He places one hand over his left eye causing it to gain the sight while the other had just normal vision. He stands and test his flexibility He notices a spot just below his left pit where the metal brace had a weak point. As for his lose in range in motion it was barely noticeable when compared to the benefits it had to his body’s structures. The pain in his back quickly fades at this point and he seems to gain more energy. He bends backwards stretching his back with a yawn before he looks again down to the metals dancing around him on the floor.

With more caution this time he bends over to grab the metal. This time when his hand touches it it begins to snake up his arms coating the leather straps of his katars with a metal layer. Oddly enough it seemed the straps hadn’t lost any of their flexibility . This metal glowed a dull green as it solidified. He squeezes his hand around the base of his weapon. The metal of the blades liquefies and slides down his wrists in the form of rather crappy looking bracers. Despite the fact that the metals liquefied they would in fact retain and use no heat from doing so. The reason from there forming in such a manner was from the amount of Energy still present in his body from the energy demon’s blood. Seeing as how good of a conduit for energy many metals are they would glow.

He grabs some clay and the hides of the animals he had killed prior and he makes himself a makeshift bag of some of the brighter looking metals. Among them were; the greenish tinted one he had just used, a bluish teal one, an ore of one glowing a faint orange and yellow. As well as a mass of one that glowed just the color of the metal itself it appeared to be of silver. Taking these bits he touches another piece of metal and tries to focus it where he wants it to go, after a moment he had finished his bag as he wished and turned to leave the cavern. He takes two steps feeling rather happy with himself before he collapses onto the ground completely unconscious. When he awoke he noticed his surroundings had changed. He no longer was in the Caverns but now in front a a great shadowed castle. A dark air fills the air and sets his hair on end. And with that he walks in to enter.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Gorgoth

Post  Admin Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:22 am

Gorgoth listened patiently as the Voidling have her report of the current state of the city. He had figured the merging would lead matters into such a given case. The piercing sapphire hues of the demon king glanced between Xiaa and Tpolemos as he pondered on the best course of action. After a few moments, his lips curved into a smile of cruelty. The city itself was laid out in fashion where it could have been considered a target, from a birds-eye perspective. Having a north, east, west and south gate ; of which followed a direct route through each of the four walls towards the centre of the city, it wasn’t overly hard to defend from an outside invasion. The sewage system also followed the same pattern, having four central tunnels of which ran to the out skirts of the city to distribute its citizens waste. While entrances to and from the sewer lie within the more remote areas of each of the cities districts ,each wall only houses four openings ; this was with a single exception however. The citadel that laid in the heart of the city, within the fourth wall held no sewage entrances. Thus this prevented anyone from breaching the fourth wall from underground.  Reaching up, he brushed back some of the red hair that had found its way across his facial features. Eventually, a soft giggle crept out of the demon king.

“ Tpolemos, take the second legion to the west wall. Clear out the gate houses in the third and second walls. Have some of the reserve troops guard the areas, before sending the legion along the third; be sure to take them both north and south. Once you’ve dealt with the trash, move on and continue the sweep through the second wall, followed by the first. Find Kendra and have her take a handful of the Jag’troa along the eastern walls, following the same instructions. Seal up all of the sewage entrances within the city. If the plague wishes to wade in filth, they can become the filth in which they wade in. Xiaa, take my legion and hold the northern gates. Don’t attempt to push out or over extend the forces, you only need to hold the positions until the others have reached them. With Blane and Aktrious traveling via the southern gate, they’ll remove any of the rabble resisting there and most likely prevent similar threats from rising. “, finally after the long winded chain of orders; the demon drew in a much needed breath. Tpolemos of course wasted no time, especially since Gorgoth had given him the command to slay. Xiaa on the other hand seemed to linger for a moment, which brought a minor amount of annoyance to Gorgoth. After a few moments, and once Tpolemos was once; he directed his full attention to her. “You need not fight little Xiaa, simply command the army in our stead. I trust you can do such without fail, you are of a tactical mind after all.” Nodding his head to her, to help reassure her it was only a few minutes before the Voidling also left to carry out his will. In all of their history, since she had entered into the world of which Gorgoth had founded; she had remained innocent and sheltered from the hardships that the others in high positions were subjected too. Today, was as good as any day for her to see what the front lines were like for herself.

Once Xiaa was out of ear shot, Gorgoth turned back to where his throne was before walking up to it and taking his rightful seat. Heart beats passed as the creature let his thoughts run over the future. “Tristan, shadow the Voidling but keep your distance. Only interfere if she is placed in mortal danger, protect her for us.” The darkness within the throne room, hide much of what was behind the throne. A ghastly figure stepped past the throne soundlessly. The black cloak that it wore concealed every aspect of it, save the large black blade slung across its back. Tristan was just one of the few champions he had kept hidden away from the world, and his generals. Even Kendra was unaware of Tristan’s existence; which was something Gorgoth had planned to keep in such a way. “Won’t Sasori and his sister get a kick once they meet their brother”, the words slipped from his lips as he watched Tristan vanish through the northern wall. Unlike his other off spring however, Tristan was a decedent from his own blood line and that of a vengeance demon. Tristan’s full potential was something not even Gorgoth nor Shadoween were ever capable of gauging, only that in the past twenty years that Tristan had completed his training; Gorgoth was never once capable of defeating him without aid from Shadoween. The demon closed his eyes as he let his mind wonder to what Mist and her band were doing, while soon he would enjoy the distant screams of fools that should have known better than to raise arms to their master.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:40 pm

All it took was the sudden disturbance Celestine had caused to make Mist awake, a bit drowsy at first as she rolled over on the sheets. Not bothering to cover up her exposed naked flesh, where she laid for a minute before getting out of bed as Cel spoke of hurry and what not. Taking one of the sheets of the bed, the demon wrapped herself up as tightly as she could of before laying her eyes upon Cel, who still was stark naked“ Yeah yeah, I’m ready. “ Mist claimed as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, not minding the obvious attitude Cel had. Celestine went off into another room for a few moments, sounds of things being moved around could be heard as Mist waited. As Cel came back into the room she dressed and headed straight for the door, Mist wasn’t far behind as she slid outside into the crispy cold air. Snow sticking to the soles of her feet as her body temperature made the snowflakes melt and turn into mush for each step towards the tavern she took. Mist didn’t say much as they walked, it was early and plainly she wasn’t in the mood for conversation. Most of the town’s people that they passed by seemed to at least mind their own business, not paying much attention to their queen. It wasn’t much of a surprise, the citizens mainly saw her either wearing fancy clothing or combat attire. What she had left with Shay in a box at the tavern was just that, combat attire. The two females feet causing light crunches upon the snow as they closed in on the tavern. Mist looked to Cel and indicated that they should turn right at the corner, It was best to take the back way and they had most possibility of seeing Shay in the back as well, at least at this time of day. Mist turned right at the corner the sheet she had wrapped around herself swaying as a breeze hit her, she left Cel to follow for once as she then took another left turn into an alley way only to stop by a small wooden door at the back of the tavern. Reaching up a hand before looking back to make sure Cel had come with her, Mist knocked the door three times, and then waited.

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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Era (Shadowale)

Post  Felie Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:39 am

<Felfaina had arrived at The Highland Getaway nearly a week ago and she grew bored and cantankerous. The men were boisterous, which usually made her laugh and gave her fuel to tease. But something was off, her senses were on edge. After three days smells were overpowering and the stench of a bunch of sweaty men was enough to make one want to sleep in the pigs sty. Their laughs were louder, but so were the farts and belches, even grunts of sexual encounters taking place failed to amuse her. Every errant breeze that blew through the room when the door was opened or closed felt like it was ready to turn into a full forced gale as it swept the malodorous stink right up her nostrils. The bed in the room she rented was lumpy, the straw felt like spikes and the lice and mice that lived in it fought with her for control of the bed. As she'd been doing for these three days, she sat brooding over her tankard of ale as her mind went back to the ShadowSpires and she thought of her father. Gorgoth! Just his name set many quaking with terror. But she remembered. Aye , she remembered the father who held her on his lap and made her feel safe, as if he would always be there to protect her from the world. Now the realm she lived in needed protection from him. She bit her lip, vexing it again as she pushed back the tears that seemed to always be hiding just below the surface. Felie gulped down another swig of the piss warm brew before slamming her tankard down as she swore under her breath.
The Shadowcaster Empire, where Felie originally had lived, had been much like most demon kingdoms but on a large scale. Then it began to crumble as her father grew more demented and insane. As that 'THING' took hold , for she could never equate that with the father she had known. Her life was already in chaos long before then, but once that shadow crept in what little of their connection as a family shattered, and she made her way to the abyss where Mist eventually found her. Felfaina Shadowcaster-Officinale. her name, her identity, all part of the twisted childhood that helped form who she was today. Her hand snaked out, grabbing the mug and sending it hurling past heads as it flew with deft precision into the grime covered mirror over the bar, shattering it as shards flew out to cascade across the top of the bar counter. Her snarling grimace warned the others not to dare ask a question. They knew who she was and while they would respect her position as their princess, it was the fact she was Gorgoth's offspring as well that kept them silent. Felie had always been well liked by the citizens of the Officinale Empire, but many a tale had been told of how Mist had come home with this child who's idea of fun was to drag a bag full of fresh corpses into the meeting hall of the castle and dump then unceremoniously onto the ground to play with much as a child would its dollies. At that moment Felfaina looked little like their beloved princess and more like a stranger who was bent on destruction. The only question was ...whose?
Felfaina hated not knowing, she preferred to base her strategies on sound logic that is a direct result of studying her foes. But with Gorgoth one did not have such a luxury, but one thing Felie knew was that her father, as he had become, was the most unpredictable demon that she'd ever met. All this suspense , all the waiting for the others to arrive, wondering what had become of her mother. One thing after another creeping in and chipping away at her sense of control was infuriating her. She was on a very short fuse and it would not take much to set her off. Felfaina glared around the tavern, daring anyone to give her an excuse to rip off a few heads, maybe even go cannibal on them all. She clenched her fists so tight that blood from her own nails digging into her palms, dripped down her arms. Flying up and away from the table, overturning it in her haste to escape, she fled out the door and raced down the street to the docks. As she reached the end of the pier she didn't even hesitate but flew off the end, arcing up and out to dive down into the frigid water. Felfaina dove deep until her lungs began to ache. Flipping over and kicking her feet, she swam back up and broke the surface, gasping for air. As astounded onlookers crowded the edge of the dock , she swam to the ladder and climbed up, then shoved her way past them and trudged back to The Highland Getaway. Tromping in, door slamming behind her, she strode to the bar and growled for some grog. The tavern wench hastened to comply and set the mug down with a shaky hand, before backing away again. The men became boisterous one more as they sat back down with their own drinks. >


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A New Era (Shadowale) - Page 2 Empty Swords, or Sheilds; The Comming of The Order

Post  Primus Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:57 am

Draksvard looks at the structure before him, He didn't know what was surprising him more, the fact that everything was in a shade of grey, or that fact that his second sight gave the realm an after image as if the one that he was seeing with his normal vision was the ghost image of the actual realm. He had to rub his head and close one of his eyes to prevent the lapsing of a major head ache to disrupt his ability to accurately see. Even with one eye closed his vision still seemed to be high on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Every couple moments phasing back to a colored plain on a greyscale world. The resulting head ache however that it seems to cause him was rather disagreeable. Due to the great pressure he felt behind his eyes upon reaching the southern gate he gets into a rather loopy state of mind. It progresses to the point of him plunging his hand into the dirt. He scoops up some clay and applies it in a thick layer over his eyes. The cool dirt soothes his head and blocks out his eyes. This didn't bother him that much as he could feel the vibrations of liquids in the earth, as well as hear the metals moving around in tectonic shifts. It was only the horrible sense of emptiness that bothered him. The castle before him looked as if it should not be here, as did many other manners of beasts.

The sound of hammer on steel rang to his ears and he instantly seemed to sober up, it wasn’t until he started sweating heavily did it make a slight change in his physical demeanor; his shoulders slacked down into a slumped state as if he had only suddenly lost all energy. It was like the very ground was pulling the livelihood from his body. He pushed against the strain of the realm trying to claim him and presses his hand against the massive doors in front of him. They were very thick, that was obvious to him, as well as tem being sealed with more than a simple lock, or barricade. The sound of movement rises from the interior of the building and raises a mounting curiosity in Draksvard. He extends the palm of his hands in front of him as if he were blind, before feeling his way up and down the doors searching for something his eyes may missed. After a few moments and the footsteps still drawing nearer he finally finds a catch on the door barely visible. He was about to trigger this catch when suddenly the doors seemed to fly open on their own. Behind which was two heavily energized beings, the details of their attire made them appear to be of some sort of importance to the realm. He hears the singing of their armor and the screams of the blood upon their blades. It was taunting him, teasing him. He suddenly has a deep gnawing at the inside of his head and stomach.

He nods at the two guard like beings as he passes them making his way slowly around them as to better judge their attire and abilities. an arch of energy would then at that moment shoot up from the door and jolt Draksvard right in the brace upon his chest and spine. He doubles over and begins coughing for a moment before his mind catches up to his current predicament. He flashes the pair a smile before reaching his hands up and wiping the mud from his eyes. the first thing he noticed was their eyes, they had killed many and will kill more. He could smell the death permeating off their clothing, and yet it only seemed to attract him more. “I come from the shadows to seek an audience, I am from the Order of the Gash, and from its rivers of corruption I have been nursed upon like a babe on a teat, help me and you will be rewarded, attack me and you will be assimilated.” He leans against a column, the nape of his neck guarded by the structure behind him. Neither of them would be able to get at his back from his position. And so he leaves them up to their decision whether to take arms, or take ears. and so he waits with a smile on his lips and his katars already drawn and ready for use.

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