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Shadowale Realm map

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Shadowale Realm map Empty Shadowale Realm map

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:11 am

Shadowale Realm map 55d1d86b-c7d2-47c0-bc8b-c201076658e0_zpse89310fc

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Shadowale Realm map Empty Location Information

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:12 am

1. Officinale Kingdom. This is where today’s Officinale Live, a grand castle for the kingdom surrounded by the capital where the nobles and trades folks live,since the queen had returned to the realm and begun rebuilding it using the restoring citizens since the bloody tragedy that had stained the Ancient Kingdoms walls with their black blood. Despite the tragedy the queen had returned and restored order to the realm once more as she, with determination and of course the help of the people got to the point of today. The kingdom and realm had now new laws and diplomacy, and even military. Since after all, they could not stand without defenses now could they? The queen had even brought in a few new races to the realm, while ensuring them a home in exchange of safety, and this race in command of the military was called the Jinx. In all reality they had been outcast from another world the Queen had come across in her travels of discovery, and as the chance came she offered them a life of equality instead of barren wasteland outcasts. located in the far west of the realm just where the Inficio lake and Silvia per Caliga unite, like a shield around it.

2. Shadowcaster Realm - was the land of the Shadowcasters. All around the boarders the land within was concealed by a dark veil. Though simply passing through you entered the true realm. A realm within a realm, Gorgoth was rather uncanny when it came to the creation of such a land. Though it wasn't without cost to do so. The land itself gave no prospection of time nor space. The sky always remained a greyed out dull like color, constantly clear ; never a cloud. This reflected against the land, everything appearing to be dipped in a greyish hue. Even the color of white couldn't quite stand out against it. Within the outer edges was Sorrow's Forest. The forest contained several different threats, large spiders, various earth elementals. These of course came before the Dread Cavern, a special guard of Shadowcasters that had been consumed earth spirits. Though their numbers were but few, these earth elementals were incredibly powerful. On the other side of the forest lay the prize however. A mile round castle containing 18 encircling walls to the centre which housed the castle of Gorgoth. This kingdom was built with the thought of no invader should ever be able to pass the magnitude of the keeps. Each of the walls being ten feet thick, over lapped with iron plate across the stone walls themselves. This was the area that connected to the back of Frost Greith, and the Shadow Spire mountains. It wasn't hard to tell that the empire had been restored to it's former glory, though then again much of it was never destroyed. Shadow Hallow, the main city of this realm was within the very walls of the kingdom. Everything happened here, blacksmithing, merchants selling their weares. Taverns, Inns, the Shadowcaster military and their various barracks.

3. Frost Mourn: The main trade city in the Officinale Teritory. The trade in frostmourn had been reestablished and was now running at full power, as the trades had connections to realms and others worlds the queen had seen fit for this. A new capital had even arisen in this process as the citizen mass had increased over her expectations and the realm had developed towns and villages for mine work and so on, minding the soil was not for growing edible things considered for trade. Having a port and a town where farmers and other people came to sell merchandice. Also the main blacksmith was established here along with Inns for travelers , also the wide known Tavern 'The Highland Getaway'

4. Ancient Officinale Kingdom: to the far east- north at the very end of the continent there is a god forsaken ruin from a bloody past where the Old Officinale Empire fell. surrounded by blackened mountains that over go in tundra at the north and forest in the south and to the west.

5. Verus Arena Officinale : The cave dark and murky and a limited view yet the cave paths leading inside from the outsides that is not simply just one, but a few hundreds, entering the one in the middle then right, right, left, downwards and then left again a few hundred feet and then to the right that is the right way to enter the cave without risking to get lost in the tunnels systems and under earth river systems. Once entering one is meet by a path light with candles, their light reflecting down in the blood waters that surrounds the arena yet the blood surrounding it murky and even if it had been there for hundreds of years it was still fresh, yes indeed this arena is alive and yet at the same time bearing the memory of the fallen. The combat area surrounded by pillars and chains, and above the pillars also is the caves only light source, the energy convolutions falling down like sparks and shining its pale light over it, bones and dried in blood stains from victims not from the Officinale and long forgotten battles.

5.5 X Mount Livor : Far down the south is the small mountain chains not yet to be named nor used by the public since this was where Mist was sealed away for her crimes. The mountain dark and gloomy like a bleeding wound in the realms surface not to speak of the giant chains that prevail inside the sealing chamber, the chains linked to the White demon as they bound her for three hundred years and also have their own ‘life’ so to speak as they seek their masters return, and to bind the white demon again.

6. The Mountain Rift Beyond The Sacred Glass: This being a place in mount Livor where the white demon actualy was selaed away and even born, the energy there circulating around the tops and rich energy based flora springs there also an unknown source of water as it flows down the rift through fountains. This being the place in the Vox Vocis mountain chains where Mist was sealed away for about 300 years. Almost built like a temple upon one of the mountain tops.

7. : X Silence pond: While traveling through the Mount Livor, a route a bit of the actual its fogy paths and steeps leading through it straight down in a rift the Silence pond is located. Only way down there is to either climb or just sliding along with a path almost like a sliding course straight down about fifty feet. Mist had for a long time tried to keep this god forsaken place of taint away from the others, yet they had found it. Indeed Silence pond speaks for its name, the silence from the cave almost deafening as one would move through it entrance only to hear the sound of dripping water along with light sounds of shattering glass almost seducing. It forming corrupt creatures from its waters and inhabiting the beings mind, the air filled with small glimmering crystal shards as one got close to the ‘pond’ in the middle of the cave, the crystal shards emitting from the water’s surface are the Bane’s where created from a Officinale’s Sins

8. Vox Vocis mountain pass : The passage into the realm of adolescence and Sin, the paths and steps with its fogy outlooks trulyu makes the mountain pass hard to get through, around the next turn your death might be luring. For one who know the realm and live there finding through the mountain pass is easy, yet for travelers there are guides positioned out if needed. One thing most don’t know it that there is a secret pass out to the Valkorian Kingdom in the mountains, hard to find and to travel through yet saves time. Portals lure at the Pass’s beginning that way travelers can get through if they first of all find them.

9. Silvia Per Caliga: The fogy forest filled with energy based plans and a few herbs to use, thick grass covered ground, yet in the shadows of this forest lures monsters so be on guard. Never know when it’s creatures will prevail. Its easy to get lost in these forest and traps since past times lures, yet where is the question. This forest also serves as a benefit to the Officinale, Since they know the terrain better than travelers.

10. The outcast. This being in the south west just a village by the Inficio lake, where Most miners hold their home as they work in the cave systems in the Vox voicis mountain pass.

11. Inficio waters: The silent waters in Inficio Lake, a rather large lake with serpents dwelling in it as the protectors of the realm. The serpents unable to see hear and smell, yet they have a greater mind and inner eye as they rely on the energy flow to live and move their massive bodies. Yet in under the lake there is something horrid and left since ancient times, waiting for the time to finally play out. the defeat of the Grey king, the taint.

12. Wastelands: The wastelands, located in the northern part of the realm a large plane of nothing but death and energy. Pale bones shine through the fogy air as the ethereal moon shine down with its pale glow. The wasteland appeared out of the trail of dead bodies that the white demoness left behind in the massacre, this was just before she was sealed away, dead hollow trees and stony ground, only thing with a glimmer of color being the convulsions of energy in the air. The area the wastelands go out over it quite large but there was also a capital risen there once, yet as the massacre occurred it died away and the buildings fell. A burn mark upon the realm. Yet as the Queen brouth the Jinx into the realm they took liking to the wastelands and chose to live upon it, despite most of the villages being close to the sea or to Lake inficio.

13. Frost planes, it was here the battle between shadowcaster and Officinale took place as the two realms merged, only being a plane consiting out of frozen glass and trees not many tried to live upon it.

14. Frost Greith - to the south was the domain of the Kajai. Frost fairies of which had vast networks of cocoon like houses in the frost tops above. They had come to name the frost " Frost Greíth ", due to the forest itself always appearing as though it was in winter. This area of the land connected to the north west of the Officinale realm. Running along the edge of the Frost planes themselves. Though they lived under the rule of Gorgoth, he allowed the fairies their freedom to do as they pleased until called upon. The Fairies themselves were rather neutral in most instances. In some rare cases even refused to go to war, but this was quickly settled when Gorgoth himself arrived. Their abilities to control frost, ice, the very moisture in the air was one of the reasons the dark lord sought to keep them around. The other, was their ability to create and control ice elementals. Most generally could only summon wolf like forms of the ability. But Gorgoth had taken interest in this, and thus taught somehow to summon create greater elementals. Trade between the fairies was indifference, they asked for little, thus Gorgoth asked for more. The forest was rather dense and despite the frost was still filled with life. Different kinds of insects that were able to survive still lived their daily lives, as did snow foxes, the rare arctic bears. Some of these already consumed and changed into elementals. The land was a tundra of a sort, yet it wasn't a complete waste land. To the southern area that bordered the Frost planes, was a dense section of forest that had frozen over. Making the very forest become a maze of ice of which was dying if one slipped. Ice cove was the name of this region. Inficio Arena shadowcaster: The Arena lying with in the lava system of the northern mountain chain in the realm, next to the Frost Gerith. the arena consists of many different levels and is also the main forge of weaponry in the realm, Old ruins and statues of past times stands tall and proud as the lava slowly flows through the caves, to enter this place is rather simple since it’s a one wave cave path inside.

15. Shadow Spire Mountains - South to North east laid a large chain of mountains that the written history upon was overflowing. The Shadow Spires were among the Shadowcaster's favorite playing field. Back when the armors of hell use to attempt to invade, the mountain passages became mere death traps for what the true Shadowcasters could do. Not only set up with a maze of traps, but still locals known as the Ra'nita kept guard. Living mostly a Nordic life-style upon the mountains and their sloops. These large pale humanoid cat looking creatures were mostly over built and stood easily six foot five. They were more of a warrior race as opposed to the Kajai. The mountain range connected to that of Mount Sarlin, easily allowing for the Shadowcasters to move across the land to Frost mourn if they wished. Forever without doubt the Ra'nita kept to them, yet still knew that the Shadowcasters would heed the call of battle. Each tribe out of the ten different ones, there was a member of the Shadowcaster's strongest kin there with them. Half way through the mountain pass, was a guard tower of a sort that stood over hundred and fifty feet high. Visible by all of the lands around, it was the beacon that could be seen by every eye. The tower itself contained several of the Shadowcaster's elite soldiers, ready to turn the tide of battle and simply to block the pass. The passes themselves held some form of life, small scrub like trees and plants littered the areas. It was along these very passes, where the Shadowcast Arena once stood, though that was fifty years ago since one of the re-known horsemen attempted to take Gorgoth's life. Though the arena was left in ruins, the tail would still before forever told by Gorgoth.

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Shadowale Realm map Empty Before the merging.

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:28 am

The realm of adolescence and sin: The realm energy biased as the vast flow of energy created energy convolutions in the air and thus creating the shiny sparks that fall down upon the realm, the lands still water and dirt and what not but there grows nothing edible a few healing herbs yet nothing more. The organism’s and plants energy inflicted to a high level. Mountain chains containing high levels of minerals and metals along with the arenas to the west also the main foggy paths into the realm named Vox vocis mountain pass, Silence pond and the hidden rift being two of the more hidden locations known. Forests with energy biased plants named Silvia per Caliga this being located after the Inficio waters and the old Officinale Empire this being the center of the realm, to the east snow covered fields before the village and trademarked town of Frostmourn and mount Sarlin, cold runes to be ventured from its mines. To the north there are the wastelands and the sealing grounds far off from the civilian’s eyes. The wasteland seeming dead as there in not much more then stone and sand with occasional dead trees, yet it’s more than meets the eye. To the south part of the realm there is the Dynasty manor hidden in the vast end of the forest. Yet the realm has some undiscovered places yet to be named.

The ancient, This was the once ruling council of the Old Officinale Empire, frozen into statues now called ‘Anz’. Since their sudden disappearance just before the Grey king had framed Mist. What the ancients actually where was simply the core of the Officinale, the ones in real power so to speak as the handled all the information and such.

Old Officinale Empire: The Old Officinale Empires main castle being to the north of the Inficio lake, the lands corrupted by the taint and splattered with blood and shattered bones. The castle grand but abandoned as the grey king was killed in its throne chamber and the building has become a Bane mark of itself for the citizens.

The Grey king: He once sat upon the throne, after framing Mist he spread corruption over the realm and its citizens while Mist was driven mad in the void. A Man of power and corruption as he tainted the lands black, also sending away what the Verus Officinale came to call Lost Officinale, such as the Silence and the Pyro.

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Shadowale Realm map Empty Mining base and trade base

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:30 am

Officinales Main trades and mining.
Vox Vocis mountain pass:
In all there are 9 mining compounds in the Vox vocis mountain pass.

( Energy)
Mount Livor: There is one known mining compound to the north of Mount livor.
1. Hornblendite ( rune?)
Silence pond: There are two mining compounds close to Silence pound. But due the risk of taint the workers have special scheduels for the mining.
1. Pegmatite ( Gemstone deposit)
2. ( rune?)
( Neutral)
Vox Vocis mountain pass boarding to Silvia per caliga.: The four mining compounds scattered on the boarder of the Mountain chain and some further in, one of them close to the Verus Arena.
1. Carbonatite mine: Main metal mine.
3. Porphyry Metal deposit.

3. Marble Mine deposit.
4. Onyx mine deposit.

(Hot to cold )
Vox Vocis mountain pass Boarding to the Frost planes: Two mining compounds one in the north of the frost planes and one in the south.
1. North) Ijolite Mine: Mineral deposit:
2. Limestone Deposit.

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Shadowale Realm map Empty Guardians of the Ancients ( Odist)

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:31 am

Guardians of the Ancients

A very old organisation that stands alone from the throne, only guarding the ancients from abuse. They treat all equally regardless of their social standing and vows to protect and serve those who protect and serve them. They are peaceful but very powerful kinesis users, many being from more than one capable line of Officinale. The Guardians pride themselves in being good friends with the Throne and the people.


Of conduct

- A Guardian’s first task is to protect the Ancients.
- A Guardian must never swear in the presence of an Ancient.
- A Guardian must always wear their robes when within the grounds of the Temple.
- A Guardian speaks only when spoken to
- A Guardian will be barefoot in the temple.
- A Guardian is humble of their blessings and lives symbiotic of their surroundings and fellow beings.

Of action

- A Guardian is mindful of their actions against others.
- A Guardian attacks no one unless to protect others or oneself.
- A Guardian must protect the Black and Gray robes should they be incapable to defend themselves properly.
- A Guardian uses only pure energy or the kinesis to fight.
- A Guardian is obligated to finish a fight as quickly as possible, so neither participant suffers should they be injured.
- Any Guardian who dies in battle, is to be buried on the grounds of the Temple, closest to where their family is from.

Of learning

- All novices/students/second sons/daughters have to turn up to all classes.
- All novices, students and second sons/daughters have to respect their teacher.
- All novices, students and second sons/daughters’ opinions are respected and cared about.
- All teachers must understand their novices, students and second sons/daughters.
- All teachers are obligated to hear a novices/students/second sons/daughters plea for fresh air.
- All lessons are to be done inside, unless the weather permits otherwise.


Black robes are for Novices, students and Second Sons/Daughters. They signify that they are learning, they are not pure of mind and heart and do not hold contact with the ancients.

Gray robes are for the two levels of learning, Reader, Learner and Teacher is the first level, the second level is Seer, Speaker, and Listener. On first level they are enlightened but would not speak to their ancients with pure intentions of mind. They also work together in teams to learn to work together, when fights appear, when they live together. Whatever they do, they do as a team.

The second level of learning they work in solitude and silence, speaking only when spoken to. They see the world around them through the eyes of a lonely person, speaking with the heavy heart of the ancients and listen to the words of those happier, understand the need to protect them. The second level of learning is to teach the students what it feels to be alone for centuries, to know that despite what they think they love they can never love it enough.

White robes are for those who have completed their training and are in contact with the ancients at all times. They signify that they are pure of heart and mind, and that their intentions are not evil or selfish when they act. A white robed Guardian is obligated to protect the shrine of the Ancients and their life until their dying breath, and destroy anyone regardless of relation in attempt to protect and secure their temple.

Pyramid rule
Seer – Speaker – Listener
Reader – Learner – Teacher
Novice – Student – Second son/daughter

Number of Guardians and followers
40 trained Guardians
20 in training solitude Gray
20 in training team Gray
60 in training Black

Guardian children

-Can see, hear and speak to the ancients from birth without training.
-Typically of the Officinale or Halfbreed, as the change of energy patterns forces a rift to open.
-Raised in temple within a none hostile environment
-Raised to use their kinesis to defend and only defend.
-Usually are very intelligent and sympathetic
-Are trained for combat from the age of 150 (5)
-Trained in martial arts as using weapons is strictly against the rules of action.
-Trained to release raw energy from their palms/fists and feet when they strike.

Guardian Children are highly intelligent, highly emotional children who, from birth, are connected to the ancients, without the years of tedious training. They are considered an asset to the temple as they are as pure as they can be, and raised such. They are informed of the world’s misfortunates and taught how to avoid such mishaps. Unfortunately they have a high death rate as when taught to release pure energy from their palms it ensnares them and sucks their own life-energy from their body.

At the given time there are ten Guardian children within the temple, as well as one outside of it in the care of the queen. The children only have contact with the outer world during special events such as festivals or coronations. Within War, if finished with their battle training, these children would be exceptional and very useful to the armies, as they have a power unlocked deep inside them were they are completely in tune with their kinesis, and thus can access a greater power through channeling their Kinesis through the chi points.

Followers of the Path

- Strong telekinesis users born within the temple’s dungeons
- Typically blind, due to being born from the Temple’s failed Guardians who broke the rules of battle and thus in darkness.
- Speak only in a whisper
- Chained at the wrists and blindfolded.
- Typically wear brown robes, but have been known to have been raised to Guardian if a child had a connection with the ancients.
- Spend their days in prayer, if they are not eating or sleeping.
- A very humble and will not allow themselves to be treated equal to the other occupants of the temple.

Followers of the path are the offspring of damned Guardians. This doesn’t mean that they are like their parents, but they have special characteristics that allow the Guardians to use them as soldiers for their temple, built to protect the Ancients shrines and other corresponding places that are of equal or similar worth. They listen unconditionally to only one person, which at this given time is the Guardian Coil Verus Officinale. They are cared for by the lecturers of the Energy pattern academy, who use their own kinesis to protect their bodies.

Even though they have a strong telekinesis bond, they still harm each other by accident when they are young and cannot quite understand how it functions. They are never taught because it is believed that they either learn or die, and no Guardian Council wishes to admit that they don’t want to be around them.


Punishment for breaking the Rules of Conduct, Action and Learning are very different.
If the rules of conduct are broken, the offender is put into solitude by the means of being ignored. No one is allowed to acknowledge their existence and if they do, they so will be put under this punishment. This will last no longer than three days, as any prolonged exposure to such treatment might be damaging. The point of this punishment is not simply to isolate them, but it’s to make them understand that they can’t only take from others, if they give to them.

The rules of teaching being broken is not severe either, as it just means the Kinesis to the offender will be removed until they apologise to the teacher and their class, and then plus five days. The reason for this punishment is to force them to understand that they are helpless without their kinesis and learning how to use it is their goal as a Guardian.

The punishments for breaking the rules of action are two things depending on the severity of it. Should it simply be attacking first, the offender would be put in the silent cells for a month, with naught to feed upon but their own energy. Should it become more serious than that, then they can be left below until they die, leaving them sometimes to their most primal instincts. However, should the death of a fellow Guardian or path walker be the result of careless action or the offence, then the offender is to be entombed alive in a case of rock. They are awake and alive within the stone, and left alone in darkness. Many say that they go mad before they die, as whenever this is done, many claim to hear the offenders screaming to be released from their entombment, begging for freedom and life.

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