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Mist vs Rag

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Mist vs Rag Empty Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:39 pm

xRagunarokuxxRagunarokux WhisperAdd Friend: -Illenides Dymuvan was once a Space Marine, belonging to the Legion of the Thousand Son he was one of the few of his battle brothers to escape Prospero after the attack that the Space Wolves had launched. Being a Thousand Son Illenides was a natural with sorcerery, more commonly know as a psyker. Being able to reach into the Immaterium or warp. He could draw power from the Chaotic River of psychic energy giving him supernatural powers, just like each of his brethen who had not been turned into Rubric Marines after Ahriman had cursed them because of the mutations that dealing with the Immaterium had caused. "Prospero Burns." was the start that caused Illenides to delve into this dark path. "Battle of the Fang." was a pinacle moment for Illenides, as they had completely given over to Tzeentch by then he was gifted with a task. Tzeentch the Changer of Ways had foresaw the moment that would make Illenides into the being that he would be. Tasked with killing a Space Wolves Rune Priest of that Tzeentch had foreseen to be a threat. Illenides broke off from the unit that was designated to and followed the words of the Dark God had spoken to him and he found the Rune Priest. A fierce battle was fought as the Priest shook the ground with his power and cleansed the skys but ultimately Illenides won, a raw bolt of Immaterium energy caught the priest in the face melting and mutating his body till he was unrecognisable. This granted Illenides Daemonhood. Tzeentch gifted the Thousand Son Sorcerer unimaginable power that mortals could not comprehend. Illenides grew to fourteen feet tall, his armor adamantium and plasteel armor meshed with his skin creating a skin that was durable enough to withstand great battles. His weight increased to roughly under seven hundred pounds. His skin turned black, horns grew from his skull. Wings sprouted from his back giving him the gift of flight. He was granted daemonic strength, with his height and weight his strength surpassed that of mortal beings. Thus he could flip tanks with ease. Blessed with the gift, Unholy Crusader - the champion becomes tireless in his quest. Gained the gift, Cerebral Cogitator - gifted one's blood is filled with stimuli that makes him faster (A normal space marines average run speed could beat an olympic runner due to the enhancements they had received.) allowing him to make more precise attacks or think faster and devise strategys. He was also gifted with summoning the warp, Psychic powers are sometimes referred to as sorcery in the Imperium of Man and among the Eldar, particularly when such powers are used in such a way that they show no regard for the dangers they may spawn for others or they are used in pursuit of the agenda of the Chaos Gods. Psykers draw their powers from the dimensional realm known as the Immaterium or the Warp that underlies four-dimensional realspace and is the source of all psychic energy in the universe. As such, psykers, particularly human psykers whose minds are far less disciplined than their Eldar counterparts, are often in danger of possession by the daemonic entities of the Warp, insanity and ultimate corruption by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. Illenides had been gifted with a weapon. He was given a murder sword an extremely powerful weapon which is believed to actually be Anathema. If treated with certain dark rituals, this sword becomes an ultimate bane against a certain foe. Illenides remained in his chambre awaiting a sign of his favoured Master. It had been days and he was gathering the negative energies of the battlefield that remained sucking them in through his mouth and storing the energy. It was then he had an image, a vivid yet short image flashed through his mind. War was coming again and he needed to be there. He began making his way out of the chamber passing the heretics and cultists hearing the screams and twisted sounds they made while repairing Chaos Rhinos. A cultist opened the door allowing him to enter in the rhino, he was so big that only him and the driver could fit as he planned a course letting the driver ferry him to the destination that he was given from his master. Days passed and eventually he found the place. A building stood the appearance did not give away too much except the doors. They were worn but still retained some sense of durablity as he pressed his crooked hand against the door to push it open. It creaked opened as his huge size lumbered through it, clearly it was not made for being his height but to his surprise it was relatively large inside like a hollowed out cavern, a large arena . A large arena stood in the middle while a little path lead to it surrounded by stone pillars. He made his wa carefully glancing at the red mist that gathered about down in the crevaises below. Upon reaching the arena floor he mad fists with both hands holding them up infront of him then opened his palms and inhaled absorbing any negative energy in the surroundings while he waited for an opponent to turn up.-

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:39 pm

Mist: There was only the soft sound of pooling blood filling the hollowed chambers of the arena, the occasional creak from the massive black chains as if they were giving their titanium loops a stretch. The chains anchored into the ground and walls around her, all to her disposal if she wanted it so. Almost as if they had a life on their own, in which they kind of did and they had been great company too as they were good at not speaking, not that they could. The demon known as Bane laid upon the highest of pillars that build the crown of the battle grounds, in which illuminated the ground below due the dense amount of energy that flowed through there. Casting spectrums of light all around, It was also the ideal place to rest for an energy demon as their main source of ‘food’ was energy and water. Needless to say, Bane had spent a fair bit of time in the arena charging herself up to the fullest, while taking the time to fill up a few energy crystals, you know ‘ In case if’. There was always a blasted in case if around these parts of the realm, never knew who would step onto the battle grounds until you found out. At least, being a energy demon had its perks when it came to spotting intruders, due to the inner eye that allowed them to view the energy traces of other beings, even if they were undead. The other good part about being what she was, was the cell regeneration that allowed them to regenerate even bone structure during a short period of time, they even had a specially developed nervous system to be able to cope with the way their bodies worked, while being mostly unaffected to most poisons and gases due not really having the need to breathe. And this was after all her realm, the species had developed and adapted to the high amount of energy that the realm withstood out of, even plants had evolved. Bane knew it was coming before the doors were even opened, not only due the enhanced senses she possessed but also due the inner eye that presented her with the image of an energy trace she had never come across before. It was already obvious that whatever was entering her domain was not going to be easy to deal with, in anyway. Remaining upon the pillar for now, the demon tilted her head towards the doors as they opened. Her attire was modified to suit her abilities, in which where the racial trait of ergo kinesis and then the one she had spent most of her life mastering, quinte kinesis. In all her abilities allowed her to manipulate energy and well as electrical energy using her mind. Although there was one last ability she could use, however it came at a cost. Bane being who she was, a spawn of Mist’s so to speak could just like Mist manipulate the titanium chains around the realm if needed be. That was only possible due to the titanium the two demons both possessed within their bodies, having their skeleton and veins strengthened by the metal. However that also meant that the demon was heavy Bane weighted around 200 pounds without clothing alone, despite looking thin and toned. But that being something they had been born with, it was also something that did not affect their speed nor strength due adapting so in short, she was stronger than most demons and due her weight she could pack a pretty mean punch. Even the demons spine was protected by titanium, as it grew out in a spiked tail that was around five feet long, as well as the horns upon her head where coated in titanium. Obviously, all the places that allowed her body to move had no titanium hindering them. Her body was clothed in a leather suit that had one inch tantalum plates to protect the vitals, such as chest, outer side of her legs and the outer side of her arms. However, the plates where segmented into one inch thick plates that were two inches wide and had a gap of half an inch to allow movement. Upon her hands she wore gloves that had tantalum diodes worked into the leather, allowing easier manipulation and direction of electrical currents, in which she gained from the double nerve system within her body. For shoes she had simple soft leather soles with rubber underneath for a better grip on the ground, since she found those were easier to move in but also to feel the ground beneath. It kind of gave her a homey feeling you know, where she laid all relaxed and content. Red hair hanging down from the pillar as her pale skin glowed in the light, teal orbs looking down as her tail swung around as it pleased. Almost like a cat on a warm afternoon, just lazing around. Sadly it seemed that the time of being lazy had come to an end as Bane moved a hand to her hip, only let her digits brush her blade that was in its sheath. It was an odd blade, it had three sections that were able to form either a forty seven inch long blade that was two point either inches broad, or a W shaped blade that could be manipulated into lengths of her liking. The blade itself was made out of titanium gold alloy, the hilt was a hollowed diamond vacuum tube at the core to allow easier manipulation of energy into the blade. Either way, Bane was ready for whatever was coming as she remained upon the pillar for the time being.

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:40 pm

Raggy: -As he had entered the arena he glazed upon a being, she was clearly not human and neither was she from his realm of being. This was a new one but she seemed so laxed, maybe this was her realm? He thought for a moment seeing the figure in the dream more clearly. Yes this was the individual that his master had allowed him a glimpse of. He spoke in a rather cruel and demented voice, it rumbling across the room in a deep bellow. "You are the one I have been sent to challenge." He said holding his hand out with his finger pointing at her. The feeling of power that resided in this place was enough to already issue the challenge. Those who craved power would flock to fight for it, the winners gain power and the losers find eternal damnation but this was not his realm. He moved closer noticing that her hand was brushing against her weapon. Even he could see that it was an acceptance of a fight. Though he never drew his weapon. Holding both hands infront of him again he let the warp sparks jump from finger to finger. As he knew nothing about her powers she would know nothing of his. This could be a duel of the mind aswell as a duel of wits. "Let us proceed." He said in the same rough voice. Clenching his fist he twisted his body snapping it back around and letting his arm extend out straight as he unleashed the first move. It was very common for users of the warp to summon lightning, it could sear flesh and burn holes through armour. Being a Daemon Prince he wasn't about to tell her when he was attacking. The beauty of evil deeds. The lightning was a dark blue and white colour and would lauch towards the being. He thought that being a demon in her own she would have the speed to move quickly enough though if she didn't it would strike her. (It isn't instant lightning don't worry you still have a chance to dodge it.)-

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:40 pm

Mist: As Bane laid her eyes upon the rather large monstrosity that had entered the arena, her eye brow came to a raise. He was surely a large one, yet another thing to be careful of since he was bound to possess a fair amount of sturdiness as well as physical strength. Upon hearing the voice of the being and seeing him point a finger at her, it was obvious that he wasn’t there to chat, but a woman could dream could she not. “ I don’t see why your master would bother with me to be honest” Bane replied, her voice husky but at the same time sweet as she sat up on the pillar her hand still on the hilt of her blade, one leg on each side of the pillar as she gave her back and arch and stretch, arches of electrical energy seeping out of her body as she felt the primal satisfaction of a good old stretch, truly satisfying as well as she allowed her muscles to prepare in case if she needed to activate her high speed ability. Her inner eye was already working on measuring the beings energy trace, since that alone could tell her a little bit about his abilities, such as that the being negated mostly in negative energy. Were as Bane could use both, but preferred to manipulate positive energy as it benefited her body more. Observing Bane watched as the being in question moved his hands around to his front, and what would you think, electrical energy. He spoke once more, before unleashing his attack, Bane saw it coming, it was standard. Instead of using any of her energy to try to avoid it, she simply leaned to the side and let her body fall of the pillar, it was enough to avoid the lightning arch. Now there would be landing as the demon approached the ground, which was easy as she shifted her body while falling, and landing with a crash down onto the ground. The ground giving away and sending out a small wave of debris and dust from the force of the landing in which she had managed to land on her two feet, the titanium around her bones keeping them sturdy and strong to withstand such pressure upon her bones. Tilting her head Bane let her eyes focus upon the being “ So who are you? “ She asked as she pointed her index finger of her right arm at him, the electrical current in her body collecting at her fingertips as she let her mind feed it more energy to increase the electrical energy’s potential and force, it took her about thirty seconds to perform this as she was very adept in what she was doing. So something like that did not take much focus, but it did not change the amount of energy it drained off her. Not that that was a problem with the emergency lunch bags she had with her and with the fact that she had a full storage of energy in her. Releasing the electrical arch that was mainly based of positive electrical energy at the being it did not go in a straight line, but swirling though the air but it was obvious where it was heading, It did not really matter if it hit or not. All Bane wanted to do was to observe and collect information on how he did things and how this would affect him. ( Not an instant lighting either :p )) But if it did hit him, it would most possibly sear flesh and burn attire or armour, not to mention a nice few spams for muscles contracting from the electrical current.

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:41 pm

xRagunarokux: -Illenides watched the movements of the female, his mind formulating a plan. Each time they both made a move it would reveal alittle more about the opposition. Either beings affinity with the energy they possessed would create a picutre like pieces of puzzle. Events would dictate what actions were required and the best course for the ultimate outcome of winning. He had a feeling she was similliar, a sorcerer of sorts in a different field one could say. His attack had missed her it had left scorch marks on the pillar leaving a negative signature in the air. The energy that she fired was electrical in nature but did not fire straight for him instead curved and danced through the air to his position. His wings beat firmly elevating his position sending him back creating alittle momentum as he landed, one of his legs had bent slightly at the knee letting his other foot dig into the ground as his weight compounded the ground beneath his foot gave way leaving a slightly trail of broken stone. Letting the lightning that she countered with scorch the ground. He held a hand behind his back letting it spark to life shielded from her sight. He knew that if she could see the energy he possessed it would be as a whole. His core would contain the most energy and by extending his hands she would be able to see surges flourish. The closer he held his energy to his core the less chance would be able to sense a surge drawing from the warp, if at all she could sense his energy. She questioned his Idenity and he replied. "Daemon Prince Illenides Dymuvan." He loud enough for her hear. "And you are?" He redirected his energy to the hand behind his back as he conversed with the being letting time pass to build up power. This could be perceived as an indirect attack to pass the mental defences, hence changing the foresight of either creature. He raised his hand again as he had asked for Idenity this time in a manner not to attack as he proceeded forward aware of her movements but closing the space between with each great stride. Deception was a great influence in fighting.-


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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:41 pm

Mist: Seeing as the lightning arch missed Bane simply watched as the being came back down onto the ground after using his wings to avoid it. So he could fly, even with that massive body. Sure enough the wing spawn made up for his body mass, question was how quick would he be in air? And how agile would he be? Bane could not fly, but she could sure as hell leap and jump. Not that it mattered at the time, seeing the being move a hand behind his back and with the inner eye noticing an increase in energy, even though it could not fully clarify it, only note on the possibility of a sneaky attack coming up. It was still better to be safe than sorry when fighting an opponent she had never laid eyes upon before. As the being represented himself, Bane gave him a nod in acknowledgment. “ I am Bane” She didn’t bother with fancy titles seeing as she possessed none. As Illenides started to move forward, Bane pulled her blade out of its sheath, letting the blade come together in the W shape for the time being as she held it in her right hand, her left hand picking out a energy crystal from her pocket and placing it in the vacuum tube in the hilt., so that the energy was there and ready to use, if one had eyes keen enough they would be able to see the energy starting the effulge the blade. Something was going to happen, that much was obvious as Illenides seemingly was either stalling for time by trying to direct her attention elsewhere while charging up an attack, Or he was just trying to decrease distance for a close quarters physical attack. In either case, Bane let the energy she stored in her muscles to increase her speed lose, it wasn’t a change that showed on the skin, but more so once she needed to move as the speed would make it seem like she was teleporting to even the keenest of eyes.

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:41 pm

xRagunarokux: -She had drawn her weapon and was prepared to fight close quarters. He was not required to enter close combat in order to win this fight. A surge in his opponents energy made him feel uneasy and he decided it was the best time to try out the newest of his talents that Tzeentch had lavished him with. Thus he had been building up power for a reason. He was a sorcerer after all and excelled in magic beyond belief. "I assume you have never met a Chaos Lord?" He questioned, his voice echoing through the room again. This time the energy from his hand flowed into body, his hand was still extended. This was where the deception came into play. Though it would appear Illenides was going to fire some sort of warp spell at Bane. He had been building energy for another reason. To win a fight you must weaken your opponent. In doing so you gain the advantage mentally and physically. Mentally because you can break someone will reducing their enthusiasim to fight, physically preventing them from striking you because they do not have the will to continue.When he was about eight feet from he he sensed her release in energy, Illenides relayed the built up energy towards his mind.This happened quickly as it surged up his arm, through his shoulder, up his neck and into his mind. She had chosen to fight physically from the looks of it which meant her energy would be redirected to her body. Illenides let his power blast forth as he started a psychic duel with the being. Ones imagination if they could see the effects would probably be considered what looked like a spiritual version of himself, a ghost perharps. The whole point of this was to prevent her powers from manifesting hence putting her at a disadvantage, slowing her mentally would reduce her fighting efficiency. If he was successful her mind would take a hit like a hammer dazing her.-

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:42 pm

Mist: Seeing Illenides closing in, Bane was ready to move at first sight of an attack. However, she did not spring of like a scared deer, she more so sank into a position with slightly bent knees as she raised her blade to her shoulder height while pulling it back a bit, like one would prepare to swing a bat. She completely ignored what the demon said as she was silently watching and readying herself for most things, she wasn’t going to be distracted by such simple means. As Illenides pulled the hand from out his back, it sure looked like an energy blast or something of the like was coming at her. Her inner eye was able to see how the energy was negotiated within him somewhat as her opponent came closer, however not that clearly. But clearly enough to be able to tell that was coming wasn’t a direct attack on her body, more so to sway her focus. She saw as a illuminated version of Illenides came forth from his embodiment, She knew what it was but she was not prepared for such an attack nor had she ever encountered one before. But as she was a kinesis user, her mind was honed for focusing and her mental capability was high. As such, the mind blast would affect her, but not as badly as it would of another being with less mental resistance. Meaning that she would be slightly dazed for a few moments. Blinking her eyes as her stance softened, her mind trying to reconnect the dots as she did what would be seen as a desperate move as she was not fully dazed, yet it was more of an instinct to her race as she swung her blade as well as she could towards Illenides, releasing a blast of energy at him without being able to control how much energy she took out of the crystal. By not having much control of how much she released the crystal was depleted and emptied, leaving Illenides to deal with the energy blast coming for him with a slight spin, clearly not having a straight goal but going for him all the same, if it were to even hit as the demon only did it to save her own ass in a moment of desperation as she stumbled backwards, raising a hand to her face while shaking her head, the blast of energy would either blast him away and send him flying back while causing medium damage to which ever body part it hit, Or if she was lucky enough it could even take out one of his wings, leaving it ripped and unusable. Or if he dogged it, it would simply just blast away whatever it hit in his stead.

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:42 pm

xRagunarokux: -As his focus had been on the mental aspect of fighting, his options were limited in terms of what he could perform physically to underestimate an opponent could lead to defeat, although he his mind was trained in warp power. He could not simply avoid such a retaliation. As the energy burst from her sword he had no time to move. At such an angle it tore through his left wing creating a massive hole and rendering the wing useless preventing him from taking off. However the plan had worked, her mind had been susceptable to the attack and thus prevent her from gaining the upper hand. Illenides roared in pain the stimuli from the Cerebral Cogitator kicked in. It rushed through his system increasing his physical and mental capacity improving his combat efficiency. Superior planning had given him the upper edge. Grasping for his sword he was drove into a bloodfrenzy as the stimuli acted as the catalyst for such an event. Surging more of the warp to his mind he charged forward to the dazed combatant in a rage that one of his wings, a gift from his Dark Master had been damaged. His new speed would close the eight feet between them fair quickly, using his foot he would attempt to trap her underneath his weight. the excess power that he was drawing to his mind would be used to summon the Withering Gaze. Once her vision had returned, due to her mental capacity he was fairly sure she would recover soon if she glanced at him would cause untold fears as his eyes would burn with a small portion of Tzeentch's own baleful gaze.-

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:42 pm

Mist: Bane was still in a daze as she heard to roar of pain that Illenides shouted out, It gave back some clarity to her mind as the overstimulation of a sense, in the case hearing broke the daze. However, it would still take her a bit of time to overcome the emotional chaos that had been released in a moment of desperation and panic. So in others words, Bane was out of the daze but she still had to deal with controlling her emotion and get her cool and collected way of thought back. Upon noticing the obvious rage the demon felt towards taking what was a lucky hit by Bane, she decided that the best course of action would be to either, retreat and gain some distance, or Hit him with the big guns. Though it seemed she would not have the time to gain the kind of distance that she wanted as Illenides burst towards her, raising a giant foot to stomp her down. However since Bane had been released from the daze, she was able to roll of to her left, avoiding getting stomped and avoiding cutting herself with her blade by pulling it back and out of her own way as she rolled. Upon getting into a crouched down stance, Bane then activated her ability to move at a higher speed fully. Sadly, it wasn’t the time for her to gain distance just yet but the face Illenides was making sure made her want to take a vacation, Though being a demon and who she was herself, she had seen worse and he would find it hard to scare her unless he knew her fears. Bane focused her mind on the black chains that laid underneath the ground they were up on, as well as the ones all around them in the arena. The best thing about the chains was that they were all connected, much like a spider web. Manipulating the chains was easy due to that, but it took its tool on her mind the longer she did it. Due Illenides foot stomping down and breaking up the ground around it, It made it easier for several black chains, medium size. To shoot out of the ground only to seek to wrap themselves around the demons left leg if they would wrap around his leg, it would not be easy to break lose due the chains being titanium and as well as they anchored under the ground of the whole arena. The chains in the roof would also come falling down upon his being, seeking to entrap him if it all went according to plan as Bane would use her high speed and jump back, increasing the distanced between them with thirty two feet, seeking her own safety. That being if everything went according to plan and the initial chains managed to hold him down.

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:42 pm

Raggy: -Three percent, that was the dose of the stimuli that had first entered the system before he had charged, It doubled. Six percent! It may have not sounded like much but in contrast to the demonic strength he had and was able to push tanks aside. A predator tank weighed roughly sixty six tonnes, and his physical strength had been increased by six percent which meant it was three point nine six tonnes extra averaging at just under seventy tones of weight he could move. To the average being there was a reason why he was a monstrosity. He was built for war in the eyes of the Dark Gods. Though his leg was captured by chains, it seems that the female was alot more durable than he thought. The chains attached themselves to his leg. His mind had to act quick otherwise he was going to be tangled. He had to escape and with as minimum damage to his leg as possible. Using the great strength he would pull on one of the links till it started to bend reducing the amount of force that was keeping him. He would look up and see other chains coming towards him however his size was not all about weight. Using his impressive strength he would force his way through the chains till they broke as he began to charge at Bane. Given that his speed was demonic now and all the augments that he had received as a marine he could cover distance easily. (Being that a marine can outrun an olympic runner and that is roughly ten metres per second.) It would not take him long to catch up to the female. As his stimuli would decrease the amount of time it would take to cover such a distance. This was also affected by the gift Unholy Crusader meaning he would fight and fight till he could fight no more. Placing his sword on his back he would use both hands to bend the links allowing him to break free. In a rush he would charge at the female all this probably taking about eight seconds when you take into consideration the strength of the prince. Once free from the chains when charging he would start to produce bolts of change in both palms. The other chains would still be following him though. When he was close enough he would move to the side letting the chains crash into the ground near Bane. Using the bolts of change he would proceed to throw them at the female. They cause rapid mutation to flesh and vaporise metal on contact if they hit.-

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:43 pm

Mist: He was truly a monster Bane thought to herself as she watched the Beast rip free from the chains, The chains that had been falling down upon him missed their target and ended up crashing into the ground, making it crumble under the heavy links that were up to five feet in each link. But as one would think that the chains would go limp, they did not as they instead started to snake their way up on Illenides from behind as he moved towards Bane. It was obvious to her that her opponent now was stronger than he first had been, and she would have to go to extreme measures to get out of this fight alive, if she even could. Seeing Illenides charge up his bolts in both hands this time, she would have to meet him head on. As she let her own electrical energy run into her hands, however she was not planning on letting their hands touch, so instead she waited for the right momentum to release the positively charged electrically energy, when he would be close enough not to be able to avoid it. This however meant that Bane could attract some sort of damage to herself, but how much and what was not clear as of yet. When the black chains came flying towards her, they simply veered out of her path due the control and power she had over them, as she did not even move an inch as the chains seemingly slowed down mid-air and fell down around her feet. As Illenides came closer, Bane would slightly bend her knees and focus as she took a slipt second to time her attack, as the monster was about six feet way, She would release two arches of positively charged electrical energy at his hands. Her aim was not to majorly hurt him, but to get rid of the current threat, and as positive and negative electrical energy would be drawn to each other, Bane was hoping to either cancel out his attack and if lucky enough it would backfire on him, or to at least stun his arms.

xRagunarokux: -Even with all his power and foresight he never saw this coming. Lightning arced and cut into his arms, sending spasms and paralyse through his upper torso. He kneeled down coming to a halt very quickly as the spasms continued down his legs. The bolts of change slipped from his hands and dropped to the ground, the Raw Immaterium of energy searing through the stone floor and descending leaving a smoking trail before dispersing. He glanced at the girl as he kneeled silently wounded from battle taking this as an oppurtunity to learn. He had learned the lesson from his Dark God. Tzeentch wanted him to know what defeat was like. Smoke rose from his body and spoke. "We shall meet again Bane. Until that day comes then you will remember my name. I conceed that giving you the fight."-

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Mist vs Rag Empty Re: Mist vs Rag

Post  Admin Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:43 pm

Mist: Letting out a sigh of relief Bane let herself sink down on the ground, her offensive defensive had actually worked, she was surprised to say the least. She let her eyes land upon Illenides as smoke rose from his being. Hearing him speak she responded accordingly “ Ill be looking forward to it, Illenides. Another time another place” With that she gave him a nod of acknowledgment, for she had gained a fair amount of respect for the being. As she let her weary body relax.

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