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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:16 pm

On going.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:17 pm

It had been five years since the fall of shadow caster, and now upon this day the white demon was sitting upon her throne, bored shitless. Wearing a black dress and the Officinale crown upon her head as the daily routine said to. Her white hair cascading down in waves over her shoulders, as the white horns upon her head curling in a way that left them in alignment with her cheek bones. The white spiked tail laying at her side and swaying slightly as the demon looked out over the throne room with her teal feline eyes. The soldiers lined up in the marble hall in between each pillar that lead to the throne supervised by a long red carpet and statues of the ancients staring down at by passers. Glass decorations carved into the wall behind the throne and seats for advisors down at the foot of the throne which was one meter up on the air by steps and a podium. The castle itself had two gates on had to pass through before finally the throne room. daily drop in of nobles and trades men bringing forth either complaints or their wishes, It was a miracle Mist had been able to get the kingdom back into this shape after only five years. But she had however unsuspectedly the citizens love despite the bloody past. Tapping her fingers upon the arm of the stone throne Mist listened as a noble came up in view and bowed. ( Noble ) :: My Queen, Is it possible for my son to go to the soldier academy instead of the Gate makers? :: Arching a brow the demon looked down upon the woman, most possibly the concerned mother. :: Does he wish for it? :: Mist asked as she leaned back in her seat with a rather bored look upon her face. The mother bowed once more and spoke (noble):: yes, he wishes it so:: Nodding Mist smiled faintly :: Well then, I don’t want my gate makers to be uncomfortable with their work, Id rather have them do what they enjoy the most as long as it reflects good upon their work, So its fine:: The woman bowed once more and then took off while Mist let her gaze follow, after all some kind of military service was what all citizens went through, but she would rather have them the thing they were more comfortable with than something they did not like. After all, the queen did not wish for a defenceless realm like it had been in the past. :: Next :: Mist said as she tilted her head to the side and waited for it all to be over.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Shay

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:18 pm

Shiv'lorah had originated from “Realm of the Flow”, in a Port town of Lacaria. She was sent to tail a queen, and that her mission would and could be changed and updated while in field. So she set off to the “Officinale Realm” unaware of what she herself was thrown into. It took her nearly a month to reach the realm, and a few weeks to reach the capital, not because of the long journey, but because of how tiresome it was for a water elf to be walking on land, when they would rather swim in the sea or ride a horse. Though when entering the Realm she had to pass through the mountain and gates to even come close to the realm. From there Shey ended up hoofing it from place to place until she had finally reached the capital itself. From there it wasn’t hard to find the castle when the main road itself took you straight up to its gates. A Tall Wall surrounded the castle itself, meaning Shey wouldn’t be sneaking her way in, buy maybe she wouldn’t have to, maybe she could just walk in, and so shey set forth to the first gate and door to her mission. When she had approached the gate the guard, guarding the gate opened it, letting any merchants and such into the castle walls, to do business with the queen and so on, task one complete. Shey now only had to make her way to the throne room but before that, she ducked behind a bush, hidden from everyone and changed into her look before making her way up to the castle door and into the throne room itself. Shiv'lorah was dressed in all black from head to toe, she was in a leather dress, thou short, and it still looked decent and did not under cover her body. Her Hair, cut short to keep it from whipping about in battle, was loose and fluffed about her head, giving her a girlyr appeal. Her Elven ears hidden slightly beneath her hair, so her appearance looked human. Her Light blue eyes, a common trait in water elves, just barely peeking under her bangs hairline, they were shadowed with black makeup giving them a Smokey image. Shiv'lorah stood no more than 5 foot 6 in flats and a good 5 foot 8 in her boots. She had about her neck a Blue Stone, Lined with Silver metal, a Trinket most would think. But enough of that, Today Shiv'lorah had a mission, she had a goal she must complete, she needed to speak with the Queen herself. But when getting a glimpse of the queen, Shey’s mind changed, and she was going to do something that shouldn’t be done, she was going to abandon her mission, and in doing so, put her own life in danger. So she sprung an idea, she waited in the queen’s throne room awaiting her turn to speak with the queen, And One after another Nobles and merchants spoke to her, closing in on Shey’s turn, her time to speak. Then Finally Her turn and the Queen spoke :: Next :: She came to her spot, a good distance from her so she wouldn’t be in harm’s way, but close enough for her to hear them. Kneeling Shey lifted her head, not to high as to disrespect her and spoke :: M'Lady Queen I wish for your protection and guidance ship:: Shey lifted her head a bit more to see her reaction when the Queen responded.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:18 pm

As the next person came forth the queen tilted her head to the other side, for once the one coming up was not for the realm. That mush was clear from the females energy trace and appearance. As the female claimed her business Mist blinked in a somewhat surprise, pondering before answering, why would an outsider seek her protection and guidance? If not trouble was on the way. Smiling softly Mist leaned forward in her seat, her white hair falling forward with her and framing her face. :: Would the one seeking my protection tell me more about this in private? :: Mist said as she rose from her throne and motioned for the female to follow, as she lead her back outside to the courtyard, yet into a section that was guard less. Coming to a stop before a flower in full blood of its spectral colours Mist took a moment to adore its beauty :: so what brings you here? And do you have a name? :: the demon asked as her tail swept close to the ground. Whatever the females reason was for coming to the realm was, Mist was eager to find out. If it involved combat and actually getting out of the castle a bit more Mist was more than happy to involve herself, the demon loved a good fight after all. Turning back to the female Mist waited in silence for an answer, the look in her eyes however was amused.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Shay

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:40 pm

followed the queen, she stayed a full 4 steps behind her at all times, and when they stopped, she looked around in awe at the amazement of colours and shades. When the two questions were asked, Shey pondered a minute if she should really tell her, and if it was safe, but for some reason her body knew she was safe here, and that she wouldn’t be harmed within these walls. So she smiled sweetly and addressed herself answering question two :: I am Shiv'lorah Auqilla Di’Lraon Telssiurna, you may call me Shey or Shade, whatever pleases you more My Queen:: she turned her head to get a better look around the area as she answered question one :: I’ve come from the Flow Realm, in the Port town of Lacaria, of witch my Father’s House sits. I have come here on mission to both tail and spy upon you, a mission given to me by my own parents, the details of why I do not know, nor have I been given any other orders then to tail and spy upon you Ma’am. They only told me I would be updated while in mission, if changes should arise or my task changed:: she turned back toward the queen her eyes now full of sorrow ::I Have broken my vow, I do not know why, but when I laid eyes on you I couldn’t do you any kind of harm, in doing this I have put my life in danger, and I have abandoned my House, thus why I seek your protection, and possibly guidance:: She swallowed hard has this was going to be the hardest task in her life, and might even cause her own death and downfall, She hoped it wouldn’t.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:40 pm

Upon hearing the females name Mist nodded and proceeded to listen in silence, how come the woman had chosen to betray her parents upon the sight of her goal? Maybe Mist had come of and scared her upon sight or something, yes indeed Mist was extremely scary looking… Yet that did not seem to be the case, maybe Shaylin as Mist decided to call her did not wish to be a tool? Or was it maybe just a trick of some sort. Either way, It would be amusing to see how this played out. :: Shaylin, I will take you in. But you are to be by my side most of the days you spend here, until further notice. :: Mist said as she cast a glance to the moon which was low in east, in the realm it mean that it was still many hours left of the official day, though the inhabitants of the realm had odd sleeping hours. :: I also want you to keep up the act to your parents and to inform me upon any changes of the mission directly. :: Looking back to Shaylin Mist smiled softly :: Might I ask what gave you such a change of heart when you saw me? :: That was the bit that intrigued the demon the most after all, what, why, and how. Mist was a knowledge hungry one after all as she had spent days to no end reading books on almost anything she could get her hands on, and of course tickled her interest.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Shay

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:18 pm

Shey Nodded and spoke :: I shall Keep Up appearances with my parents Ma’am :: she then brushed her bangs from her eyes pondering herself of why she was willing to betray her own blood and abandon her life, the only life she had known since birth. Why was it that a queen she had never met before make her feel brave, not willing to be controlled by the very people who forced her to this. She wanted to know her self but couldn’t figure out why, but she did know she couldn’t go back, and that she was now willing to save this queen, and herself, from the very people she just not too long ago called mom and dad. She looked at the queen and trying to come up with answers ended up blurting her thoughts out no instead :: Because I Feel like protecting you, Because you make me feel like I can finally run my own life, and because I feel safe here, safer than anywhere else that I have been:: Her eyes showing sorrow in the but without falling tears, she was trained not to cry, and not to feel pain and to keep going even if your broken and down. But her training failed her now when tears started to fall from her eyes, scared? Was she really scared, of course she was about to lose everything, but she knew it was right and she had to do it so she rubbed out her eyes and spoke :: I really don’t know what’s come over me, I have never cried, and I don’t know why I have chosen you over my own House and Family:: she finished whipping away her tears and fixed herself, standing before the queen, unknowing of what is to come :: I will do as you command My Queen :: and with this she kneeled before her.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:18 pm

As Shaylin accepted the terms Mist begun to pick at her nails, The woman seemed to be thinking, conflicting thought from the look at her face. Mist did not imagine it was anything less than easy to turn on your own. However the queen stopped picking her nails as Shaylin spoke once more, explaining herself. Nodding softly Mist once more glanced at her nails, the dress was uncomfortable and her panties were sticking up her butt crack, majorly uncomfortable. Yet as the smell of tears was picked up Shaylin once more got the demons full attention, not knowing why was a feeling Mist shared with her though, so did many others. Sometimes one made decisions that where based on a gut feeling rather more than knowledge. And that saved lives, that was for sure. As Shaylin knelled down before Mist, Mist shook her head and walked up to the girl, reaching out a hand only to softly pat her head :: Shaylin, don’t bow please. I like it just as much as having my panties up my butt crack.:: Mist said with a grin and a slight giggle. :: So rise now, I think you might need a rest for what is to come. Tomorrow I wish to go on a field day. :: The queen said as she started to walk back to the throne room, coming upon a servant Mist declared :: I want that this girl gets feed, a room to sleep in and whatever else she needs. Shes a guest of mine and she shall be treated as such. :: With declaring that Mist turned back to Shaylin :: This servant will show you to a vacant room in the castle, Ill send for you once I wake :: Mist said with a wink of an eye and went to the back of the throne room only to continue down to her chambers.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Shay

Post  Admin Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:30 pm

Shey smiled and greeted her servant; she led her down halls and such to her room. Her and her servant carried out conversations along the way, going on and on about their lives. Soon they came to Shey’s room, Opening the door Shey could see various things in the room like a bed, wardrobe, a bathtub, a table and a mirror. They were spread out nicely around the room itself, and the décor was nice and blue, like you see in castles, if you yourself have ever been in one. Shey shuffled along to the bed, she wasn’t really hungry at that moment just extremely tired, and so she crawled in the bed and kicked off her boots. She didn’t even wait until after she took off her clothes nor did she care that the servant was still in the room, shays one thought was sleep, so she did as her body commanded and fell into a deep sleep, hoping her dreams would make her feel better and help straighten out the turmoil inside her gut and mind, and maybe just maybe she could even figure out why after years of training did she break her emotions and cry, and worse break the vary vows that kept her alive all this time. But as she thought her eyes grew heavier and then her thoughts went blank, before she felt into REM sleep.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:41 am

The chains closing upon her naked body as she stood in the middle of a pond, the surface blank and clear as the demon looked down at itself from the reflection. Red hair hanging down in a wet mess as the black horns adored the head upon the creature, The Black eye lashes surrounding a pair of golden eyes. The naked pale skin marked with black bane marks as water droplets flowed down the skin. Everything was silent and still, despite the chains lurking in the corner of her eyes. Something wasn’t right, even so the demon could not tell what as she stared down at the reflection, a disruption making the water surface ripple only reveal darkness underneath the pretty façade. The alluring darkness shaping into the image that of a demon, breaking out from underneath the surface, only to pull its victim down into its depths. Madness creeping upon the mind like a disease as the victim struggled to get free from its grip. The feeling of insanity was all too familiar and now the queen understood that something was wrong as she clawed her way up to the surface. Just as she was to break through the surface, everything went black.
As her eyes flew open they meet the familiarity of the queens room, her breathing shallow as she tried to get a grasp of her thoughts and fought to find a reason for the dream. Rolling over in her bed the cheats and the fur blanket wrapped around her naked body, great now she had a hustle to get out of too. Wildly kicking the blankets and so on of her The demon ended up on the side of the bed, having fallen out of bed :: Really now, the agility of a demon:: She said as she got up from the cold stone floor and made her way to get dressed. Choosing one of her leather suits with the usual additions made to fit just her and then commencing to fix her hair up in a simple way where her bangs where pulled back so that her white long hair hung down on her back and away from her face. Today was a field day after all, Mist though to herself as she placed the codex upon her hip, the codex itself held some of her weapons and other things that might come in handy. Letting out a yawn she made her way down to the council chambers which where dimly lit, a servant standing ready with both edibles and drinks over by the council table. The demon not realizing she had completely forgotten about her dream did her thing and took one of the glasses and sat down, sipping from it in peace as she waited for the newest addition to wake up.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Odist

Post  Admin Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:42 am

Although Odist saw very little to her grandparents, today was a special day for her. Her grandparents were in the castle gardens, and she was their escort and protector; in other words, this was their day together. Odist knew her Grandparents cared deeply for her and thus had no harsh feelings for the fact they she was left by them in the arms of the queen. In fact she was grateful, she'd been given an oppertunity few were lucky enough to get. Odist smiled as she saw them relaxing in the chairs. She wasn't wearing much, around her Grandparents, we never wore weapons out of sheer respect for their talents. It wasn't much except a simple linen dress that fluttered softly in the winds. She had her shoulders covered by a scarf and her arms were covered too. Otherwise she was completely void of any clothing of sort. Her feet were bear, her hair was loose and her lungs filled with the fresh warm air of her home. Her grandfather chuckled. Guardian Coil Verus Officinale smiled at his Granddaughter, seeing her enjoy a moment of total tranquility. She didn't know but her deep stemmed paranoia was only voided form it's existance in the near vacinity of her grandparents. It'd be gone complete should be parents be there. Coil closed his eyes and looked towards his long time Wife, Sila, who instantly understood what he was thinking. 'Alyina and Beyu have made their choices, wether they wish to contact their spawn is up to them, we cannot force something so precious upon them.' Coil let a sneer pass his flawless face as his Granddaughter moved towards them. 'Beyu actions are a disgrace to the Ancients, abandoning his daughter and taking his wife simply for the fun of life. We have taught our children, as they'll teacher our grandchildren's children; We live in a close knit society, those gifted to hear the Anciets are rare, and must be protected so that they understand the beauty that life is. The temple, we live in Symbiosis, we share all, we give and we take... Beyu and Alyina, gave us a wonderful, careing, intelligent Grandchild, and took everything from her.' Sila took his hand and stroked his softly, her eyes giving off a light glow as she did. Instantly, Coil calmed and he smiled at Odist who stood watching them both, a light emmiting from her eyes that was rarely seen from behind her masks. They had no words to explain how they cared for their grandchild, however lonely she never showed she was.

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Black and White Ravens ( Storyline)  Empty Shay

Post  Admin Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:42 am

Shiv'lorah Awoke in the chamber she was provided the day before, the bed was soft and comforting thus why she slept like a babe through the night. Shey stretched and yawned before swinging her feet off the edge and onto the floor, she had slept in her cloths that night and even her boots had stayed on. As she fully stood up she noticed the serving girl Mist had provided her, she had in her hands some fresh garments. Shey looked over the cloths and threw off her own cloths replacing them with a plain black dress that hung just below the knee, dark leather belt draped about her waist and new leather boots, lined with grey fur. Shey kept her gloves on and things like her stockings and pendant, she didn’t want to feel bare without her own items. The Serving girl grabbed a brush and tried brushing out Sheys hair, before she flinched out of shock and took the brush away, human interaction would be new, so shey brushed out her own hair leaving it lay rather falter than normal. After she finished she turned toward the girl and asked her to show her to mist, she wanted to thank her again, so she lead her threw the corridors and halls. Not long after Shey came upon a door and the girl lead her threw it shey looked around before seeing Mist, she smiled and waved at her not wanting startle.

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