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Spar Mist Vs Nero.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Spar Mist Vs Nero.

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:26 am

This is not related to the shadowale Roleplay.


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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:27 am

“Fire. Fire. Fire. Fiyah!” He roared at the top of his lungs. He had remained dormant, for so long, it was almost inconceivable to be drawing breath. To be observing the world. To have such a desire to beat the living hell out of someone. His fingers itched, and his body raged for the scent of charred flesh, and melted bone. His inner instincts dictating that he devour another. Alas, he also had been called to life once more, by his dearest father. And for that, he needed to ensure he didn’t feast too early. “Come, come, little victim. Let the Atomic Dragon, disassemble your existence.” He gritted his teeth, as he walked through the chamber, water stained with old blood, the heavy musk of sweat scattered in the air. Pillars marred with the fluids of dead warriors past, masonry destroyed and fading as he stepped upon the cobbled path. Massive chains spanning the chamber plummeted to the ground below, penetrating the chamber, and the open platform that marked his destination. Captain Nero Wayland, as he had liked to be called. He was dressed head to toe, in a traditional Midgardian Commissar outfit. Something he had acquired in his travels with his father in his younger years. The material was lined with an asbestos interior, and dusted with the fine particles, causing the suit to be flame resistant and retardant. A large copper blade lay on his back, the blade lined with titanium, a design implemented in the blade to heat up rapidly when he twisted on the handle ‘charging it up’ as he called it. There was a cooling chamber in the blade also, that could be unleashed once by pulling down on a level that extended off the handle of the blade. This only to be used when he needed to slash and cut without cauterising the wounds. Being the child of Jace, it was bizarre that his very kinetic strength was the complete rivalling opposite of his father’s. He was Pyrokinetic, able to spring flames from his body by using the natural heat created by the Mitochondria in his cells and amplifying that process a thousand times. The heat generated resulted in flames launching into existence, which could then be controlled by his mind. This however, resulted in huge bursts of energy flowing through his body and an unpredictable nature. To keep himself from overloading with energy and causing his organs to stop from the high bursts of adrenaline that would release he needed to continue to fire off the flames, and continue to move. Stopping would result in him generally falling unconscious, or even death if he was too sudden about it. Thus Nero was very rarely seen standing still. His speed also was increased by this increase of energy creation and mitochondria activity, the natural speed of his dragon blood increased more so, allowing him to charge around at speeds not able to be seen by the naked eye of a human. A mere blur of flame to those who could keep up with him. Such speeds cause him to burn out rapidly, and thus causing him to burn off the excess energy and come to stop. This however also required a huge amount of constant energy and thus he was constantly creating more, thus creating more flames for him to control and also putting himself more in danger the longer a fight prolonged. Too long of a fight, and he’d run out of glucose to convert to energy and collapse, and fall unconscious. However, despite the danger of his speed and flames there was one more ability that made him a force to be reckoned with. He had spent many years of his studies as a child, focusing on symmetry. Things needed to be in perfect symmetry for him to accept their existence, and thus the world was imperfect to him. To achieve perfection he had learnt to focus his mind to manipulate the very atoms that made up the world. Unable to move atoms within other beings due to the constant movement of their skin, or bodies making focusing too difficult, he could however manipulate the atoms in the environment. The issue being, rapid movement would cause a collapse in reality and result in an explosion. If he were to change the atomic structure of the ground he stood on, a fifteen foot explosion would result, before the hole in reality would fix itself, with the atoms moving back into place. Standing in these tears could result in the merging of a person’s own atoms with the environment, causing a part of them to be torn away forever. The world was a fiery, burning inferno of explosions. All of which was seen as blur to Nero. All of which, would burn and collapse beneath him, as he moved to sate his battle thirst. “Come forth, any who wish to die!” His voice roared across the chamber, announcing his eagerness to battle, as he came to rest in the centre platform.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:27 am

A calling, someone calling for her. That was all the demon knew was she manifested from the shadows, head looking towards the ground before her as the inner eye of her mind worked on the life form, such heat it radiated it kind of reminded her of a dragon, and she had never liked them anyway. Fucking vermin. Her arms hanging limp by her side where she slowly walked forth, head still down. Until she came to a stop before the steps leading up to the slaughter ground, her head slowly rising as glowing orbs of teal containing wild feline slits of black focusing upon its caller. White long hair framing a feminine face clad by pale skin, white horns rotting on both sides of her skull, only to curl around like a rams horns. The being so white, dressed in black leather. Oh so shady. The suit that covered most of her front, yet kept her back naked, down by the end of her spine, what the suit left open was for nothing else than a white spiked tail, slowly swinging back and forth were as it bent to keep the blade end up in the air, a fair one and a half meters long.  Upon the beings arms there were two plate tantalum wrist guards,  in side being laced with rubber and diodes leading out to the tip of her leather clad digits, making the channelling of electric energy easy and smooth like some other things the demon enjoyed, preferably in between her thighs. Her feet and most of her legs where plated with more tantalum steel plates, these also having the same diodes and rubber on the inside. On her hip hung a blade, of course it was attached to a strange tantalum plated belt that was tied in a bow at the demons back, just above the tail. The blade she possessed was an odd one, but perfect to the demon. As it was made for containing and the storage of energy with its hollow hilt, diamond vacuum tube at the core used to accelerate and amplify energy through the vacuum and into the blade. blade which measured a good seven centimeters across with some very strange lines which cut the blade into three sections two outer edges and a center, the blade was in fact three blades nestled together with a mechanism in the hilt which was Destin to allow separation of the three blades to make the weapon take a W like shape, it was created from a titanium gold alloy, all out it measured a bit over a meter and twenty centimeters when used properly. That was the only material ‘weapon’ the being had as she reached for it with her right hand, griping the hilt in her hand, yet not pulling it out of its spot. “ Who dares enter my domain? Vermin?” She spoke loud and clearly. She had always been one to protect what was her with what some might call greed, she herself liked to place it as pride. The electrical current in her body un hinging at her whim, sending arches of electricity to travel around her in the air. It was obvious that her alignment was electro kinesis and due her race she also had Ergo kinesis, the ability to manipulate any energy at will. That in which boosted her control over the electricity at her command. The one reason as to why she could gain electrical energy was due to the double nerve system an energy demon possessed, yet it would not take from her nerves, only amplified it. Of course this was not a fairy tail and everything had a price, the demon could of course reach high speeds in her natural state but she could also boost them using her energy manipulation. But that only lasted for so long and could be used so much during a short period of time before her limbs would numb of, making her lose control of her movements. As well as the usage of any kinesis it wore out the users’ mind, until a collapse came.  Yet today had been a good one, the demon was rested and fully charged, ready to go. As she once more came into movement one step at a time, slowly making her way up the stairs. “ vermin” the look upon her face filled with disgust as her brows came down and created a wrinkle in-between them and her upper lip lifted to reveal the fangs of a demon, sharp and pointed. The arch’s of electricity growing more violent in mark of her disapproval, collecting around her left arm, residing there until usage. She was not going to strike first, no. that was her pride. The chains around the arena groaning as the moved slightly, like the moans of pain from those who had fought upon the battle ground of death before. It was her realm, her property, even if she had been bound to it without choice at birth. The titanium chains resonated with her mind through the titanium she possessed within, that of course made her very heavy. But alas, as she had been born with it, it made no difference with her speed and raw power. Arriving upon the platform she came to a stop, the thermal energy around the vermin surging and lifting, like a fire.

Last edited by Admin on Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:27 am

“Me, vermin? ME?!” He allowed the roar to rip through his throat, flooding across the chamber, his hand swinging up to grab the handle of his blade and pull it from its holster, flourishing it in front of him. “You, you pretty little demon bitch, think to call me, vermin? Your blood is a taint created by the very ancients who bore you. Forget not your roots, bitch.” He snarled as he flicked his wrist downward, twisting the handle of his blade, a loud whirring sound echoing from it, as the sharp of the blade began to glow red. He twisted his position to watch her as she ascended the stairs, accepting his challenge of battle. “You know not of who you challenge. I am Captain Nero Wayland, son of Jace Wayland. The first and last of my kind. A tainted, immortal blood. Yet bred by the very ancients who crafted this reality. You are nothing before me.” His words slid from his lips like lava, and he bent down a little at the knees, leaning back. His eyes burnt with a raw fury, and within moments, flames erupted from beneath his sleeves, engulfing his hands, and covering the blade in fire. “You will feel the agony of your flesh being charred from your bones, and then you will feel your bones brought to a cindering ash. Mark my words, bitch.” And then he was off. He leapt sideways, sweeping his arm, bringing a trail of flames beside him, his feet moving at a flurry beneath him, as he ran the length of the slaughtering ground, doing a full rotation, surrounding the center within a wall of flames. “Die!” He roared at the top of his lungs, his eyes focusing upon the ground beneath her. The atoms responded to his demands for them to move, and the ground tore open, a slight clicking sound, that indicated the eminent explosion. If she didn’t move at least fifteen feet from where she stood, she’d be caught within the explosion, and if she wasn’t thrown from the location of the explosion, the tear in reality would swallow her up, tearing her foot from reality, and destroying it permanently. Whilst his eyes were focused upon the atoms beneath her feet, his own continued to run rapidly around the centre area, creating a larger wall of flames in his wake, not allowing a person to escape, the inferno reaching a good twenty feet into the air already, his blade held at his side, ready to be swung up in his defence if a close-range attack was made upon him, the blade engulfed in flames, with the sharp of the blade bubbling, the titanium searing and steaming from the heat. “You will die.” His voice echoed through the chamber, followed by his manic laughter, his muscles tightening under the stress of the speed he was moving to keep the energy flow constant.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:28 am

His rage amused her greatly as she let out a giggle, yet hearing the insult to herself Mist could not do much else than laugh“ Well no fucking shit Sherlock?” Mist called out at this man that she soon should know as captain Nero, son of Jace Wayland. And while Nero unsheathed his blade, Mist did the same her blade still in its normal form. Due the amount of thermal energy radiating from just his blade it was obvious that he was heating it up. While she was charging hers up, energy almost tearing the air around her as it became thick and dense. Filling all the hollow spaces within the blade, ready to use while also feeding the cells in her muscles in case if. Well this was going to be a hell of a fight. Fire versus Lightning, who would be the victor. As Nero spat more obscenities, Mist let out a snarl. “” Well pleasure is mine Captain Bitch Nero, I am Mist. And that’s the only name you will ever need to remember my by as you die” Mist threated as she swung her blade loosely in her right arm a few times, the weight of it just right for her hands only. Firming her grip on the hilt she as she then watched him take off, his movement where no trouble for her to follow with her eyes as he started running around her in a circle about 30 meters in diameter, trapping her. Well shit, this was no good Mist thought as the heat intensified and a wall of flames started to rise above her. Next thing she knew, her inner eye Alerted her for an increased energy stimuli just beneath her feet. Within the blink of an eye, Mist was at least 10 meters away from it as it exploded. Air getting sucked in were the ground had torn. Nero would be more work to put down that what the demon had first anticipated. None the less, She could wait were she was, her would eventually burn out like any other flame. But that would be no fun now would it? A grin played upon the demon lips as she watched Nero fly past in his circle. Looking up towards the roof, Mist let her mind open up a tear in time, also known as a portal or a vortex if one now would prefer that, big enough for a full gown man to travel through. Now taking a moment, watching Nero fly by a few more times, she then focused her attention where he had passes just half a second earlier, opening another vortex that was linked to the one up in the roof of the arena, Mist wasn’t sure this would work, Or if he would even fall for it, but if he did she had a shocking surprise charged up around her left hand for him.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:28 am

“Mist? MIST? Mist like the evaporating lakes. The water that throws the steamy air into the sky. Mist? You will emulate your name, my dear. When I leave you a smoking charred pile, throwing a mist into the muggy fiery air!” He roared out, as he continued to circle, the flames raising higher, and then be took a single step sideways, bringing himself in a meter closer and the flames lurched inwards strangling the circle, closing it a further meter. “Do you feel your doom coming? These flames cannot be stopped my dear. These flames will not be extinguished.” He cackled with laughter once more, as he began to spin as he ran his circle, the flames beginning to circulate to emulate his spins, the wall slowly curling inwards, making a point towards the roof. Then she opened the portal. His earlier tear in healing itself. Then moments later, a portal was opened in front of him, which he spun straight into. He cackled as his entire form was torn through the portal and he re-emerged from the one above Mist. Obviously part of her plan. “Flame Torpedo!” He thrust his blade downwards towards her, pointing himself to make his body streamline. The flames that roared from his palms engulfed his entire form, and blade, spinning around him, as he spiralled downwards towards her. His eyes focused upon the tip of his blade, shuffling the atoms once more, as he swung in a harsh circle about ten metres above her. He released his blade as he came to face downwards once more, the force sending him flying back upwards towards the portal, whilst his blade plunged downwards towards her, the tip sending an explosion forth as tear in its own make-up appeared. If she didn’t move out of the way the blade would likely impale her. If she managed to stop it, the explosion would deal with that, and then her very form would be forced to merge with the reality tear in the blade. Tearing that piece of her from her permanently. “Silly little wench. I’m not stupid enough to let you get that close.” Reaching the peak of the thrust from being thrown, he just managed to slip back through the portal, and found his feet upon solid ground once more, charging forth and around the circle again. His flames a little lagging from the huge burst of energy exuded, and needing a moment to begin again, the flaming inferno that surrounded them having lost its height, but still swirled around them. Slowly the flames peaking again as he continued his revolutions around the circle. Waiting to see the outcome of his attack.


Linathus: The chains closest towards the wall began a small amount of rattling, despite the monstrous sized links connected to each other, perhaps holding the arena up and supporting structures. The unseen side of the metal began to slowly heat as the shadows were dragged in an abnormal pattern away from the chain and made their way onto the wall like a slow moving tar substance. The energy used was suppressed and hidden away from the combatants on the arena’s floor. The moving abyssal mass, made it’s way a few feet away from the chain on its small adventure before abruptly stopped on the stone. Due to the lack of motion, it began to grow in mass. It’s density, although unknown could be seen as light was being bent from the magic’s struggle to build the figure in a new area unknown to his current knowledge. Small points within the building structure ignited in a violent combustion of similarly colored flame. The fires spread up, in a dimly lit glow, across the structure until it was properly shaped in a humanoid sitting upon the wall, legs dangling, yet unmoving. As the figure’s head turned towards the woman and male, who’s rage burned viciously in the pit seemed to empower the appearance as a wicked smile, lacking solid homologous structures inside of it’s mouth, a similar churning abyssal mass from before dribbled from the man’s lips before one last ripple of flames completely consumed the structure which was Reidiv, or soon to be, sitting on the wall’s edge. A concussive force was blown outwards as the flames were extinguished within a moment’s notice. The dark robes draping the newly clothed and pink colored skin, the cloak hiding away most of the man’s facial features behind a wall of shadow. With the simplistic masking of his face done, two lightning colored hues bored down at the couple sparring. A white mask was firmly placed to whisk away noticing grins, or simple smiles. Residing beneath the white item was a black collar with a single platinum link that wrapped around his throat in almost a fitting fashion. It seemed despite his appearance, this was a fashionably nice appearance for the man. Against his right shoulder was a sigil, which was oddly colored for his attire. A bright blue rose, with twisting vines resting within the bud of the flower. The sigil was in plain sight, meaning that he was one of Demon Roze, alas truly hard to tell his ranking by the boldly placed mark. “Interesting..” He spoke in a low tone while the inspection of his eyes; moving in a slow fashion over each of the figures with hidden away intentions before his simple silence was all that was needed. For now, he was going to bare witness to the fight and see to it the winner was just rewarded for the amusement. His right elbow lowered against his thigh while a hand placed to his cheek, “Amuse me..” He’d hum a gentle tone while the fight would take it’s course in front of him.

Last edited by Admin on Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:20 am; edited 1 time in total

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:30 am

The demoness watched as Nero fell down through the portal charging up a fiery attack, throwing his flame engulfed sword down at her and retreating back to where she had opened the second portal. Massive black chains awakening at the whim of her mind, moving with unexpected speed to block Nero’s descending attack, in an odd pattern. First one came down behind it, second a bit before it and the third Swept down from the Roof curling itself around the blade as a fight one came out from the ground, tearing it up and Mist naturally had to move once more. The five chains building into a ball around his blade, absorbing the thermal energy in the flames and making the chain themselves glowing red hot. As the ball landed onto the ground with an earth shattering force that would scatter his fire tornado if at best that kept the demon trapped, and surely controlling the chains took its toll on her mind as her inner eye became slightly weaker. As she moved this time she caught Nero just as he exited the portal, sure the flames were still spinning around them and she had just jumped straight into them, scorching her own flesh in the proses, But in doing so she trusted her electrically charged hand towards Nero’s chest blasting it of before she even hit him. an arch of electrical energy surged out from her finger tips when she was only a meter away, the intensity enough to at least stun him and possibly open a nice hole in his chest if it did indeed hit home. The off charge was enough to send Mist backwards out of the flames yet only with a mere five meters.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:31 am

There was nothing he could do as she took hold of him, the flames from his body leaping and tearing at her skin. He could see it coming before she even did it, and he cursed himself for allowing her to get so close. He turned his head, and focused on a piece of the ground nearby the ball that engulfed his blade. Within moments it exploded and sent the ball rocketing towards the two of them. He spun as the electrical charge scraped across his arm. Sent him skittering across the floor, with a scream, however in the process being thrown clear of the ball that slammed into the ground where he had been. The blade within was still on flames, and through his jittering and somewhat paralysed mind, he focused onto the flames of the blade, the flames from it exploding out of the ball of chains and super-heating them further. Taking a deep breath he shook his body, he lifted to his feet, and shook his head a little at her. “Bad move.” He reached up to his shoulders and pushed his jacket off, before loosening the straps that held the shirt to his body, and his chest lay bare. The skin where the electricity had scathed at him was sizzling slightly from the burn. “Now, I’ll let you have it.” He coughed lightly, needing to start moving again before his body shut-down on him. Pushing off on his heel, he thrust forward, moving straight at her. His palms thrust forwards, and pillars of flame launched forward curling and tearing towards her. They reached at least five metres in front of him before burning out. His jittered from four locations on the floor, each time, moving the atoms to cause an explosion, limiting their space to a small ten metre wide circle in the middle of the area, his flames launching across the space. If she moved to avoid the explosions, he would be on her within moments, the superheated flames burning down on her face. If she didn’t she’d be knocked clear into a wall by an explosion, but be saved the burning of flames in her face. If she attempted to leap above he had a plan in store, his throat bulging and glowing, the veins popping out and appearing to glow red, as a strained look crossed his face, his head pointed upwards. If she leaped he would unleash the fire that was growing within his throat, casting a cover over the thirty metre area, and launching a good twenty into the air. He was intent on making her pay for the blow she had landed.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:31 am

Mist barely made it out of the way of the Sizzling hot titanium ball that Nero had rolled towards himself, even so she was pleased with herself. And as he made the blade emit more flames, the chains in turn continued absorbing until they finally got over charged and exploded near him. That was a silly move of him. Yet she had more serious trouble ahead of herself now. Her attire burnt along with the skin of her stomach, and now she was even exposing skin across her boobs. Great. Soon she would be a walking titty show, Still having her wonderful blade in hand she started moving backwards as Nero advanced on her, flames shotting out from his hand towards her. Oh dear he looked angry, The demon could not help but to laugh as her inner eye picked up on another explosion just a few meters away from her dividing her attention from what he was building up in his throat. There was no way she was going to get out of this unharmed, But oh well. She knew what those explosions did, and getting burnt was better than that she decided as she Activated the energy in her cells, Blade in her right hand started glow with energy as she activated the mechanism and it formed into a W shape. Diving towards Nero, into the flames using her blade to spare her face as she used some of the energy in it to create a shield of sorts, Even so, her decent continued until she was running as close to the floor as she could, not caring that her hair burn up by his flames, not that her back now would be burnt to. It only took her a matter of a moment as the energy in her cells had boosted her speed and she sent her left arm up in the way of Nero’s flame thrower hands, pushing them aside if she got a hold of them. As she then swung her right hand in from his left close to the ground, she could of nailed him in the chest or the side, but she went for his leg instead, hooking the W shaped blade around his calf as she then would place her left foot into his groin area, pulling with all her might. If she succeeded in this, he might have lost a leg or just rendered it unusable for the time being.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:31 am

The explosion nearby did not faze him in the slightest. Instead he grinned as the flames from the explosion swarmed into those coming from his hands. He watched as she charged straight into the flames, the smile crossing his face. She obviously did not realise the danger of coming so close to him. The flames in his throat continued to build, not having had to release them. As she came closer his hands he brought into his sides, pointing them down and thus forcing the flames more focused downwards onto her. As she moved her hands up to knock his out of the way he wrapped both of his hands around her left arm, using his strength to lock it in place. He pushed it forward as she wrapped the blade around his leg. The move would backfire on her. If she attempted to remove his leg, he’d tear her arm clean from the socket and with the two opposing forces, likely tear it off in the process. If she stopped she’d have the scolding burns from the constant burn of the flames bearing down on her arm. “Silly little woman. Haven’t you heard? Don’t get in the dragons face. Unless you intend to burn?” He chuckled through gritted teeth, before his lower jaw seemed unhinge, and his face launched forward into hers, pulling on her left arm to bring her forward. The flames in his throat were golden in colour, superheated to extremes. If she moved out of the way of the huge breath of fire that would blast straight into her face, she’d have her arm torn free (if she hadn’t already). If she bore the brunt of it, her face would likely be scorched off by the several thousand kelvin degree heat. He was willing to lose his leg to end this fight here. He could get someone to fix that. Her face however, would be nigh unsalvageable. “Burn!” He roared as the flames blasted forth from his mouth straight at her face.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:32 am

Well fuck, was this the end of the line for her? She though as he grabbed onto her left arm burning it, she whinged from the intense pain. And now she noticed the horrendous amount of thermal energy building up in his throat. She knew she would lose an limb from this, and a bit more most possibly, as he spoke she took the momentum in it and lowered her leg that she had upon his groin and let her blade go, as both her feet touched the ground she lowered her head so that it was in line with his chin, the two white horns only visible amongst burnt hair. She still had some energy leg in her legs, as she was going to use it. As she rammed her free right arm under his chin using her brute strength , her palm scorching as she touched his skin but some pain was worth getting out alive, was it not. The next thing she did was to jump up booting her jump with the left over energy in her muscles, aiming her head at his chin so that the blast he was going to let of, would miss her by most and most possibly knock them both to the ground, Mist onto of Nero if she managed. However, her left arm would most possibly be broken in a few places and useless for the rest of the fight, not that she had much left to give in fight way since she was getting exhausted. So she would most possibly lose if Nero had much more left to give.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:32 am

He grunted slightly as she rammed her right arm under his chin, forcing his head upwards slightly. He closed his mouth and swallowed hard, the flames receeding into her body. But that was her downfall. There had a been reason for him to remove his shirt, and this was the very outcome he had been hoping for. "You do not think, that there was a reason for my clothing's dismissal?" His chest itself began to glow, as welts and wounds opened up across his flesh, flicks of flames leaping from them. His chest began to glow, and heat exuded from him. As she booted up into him, he yanked at her left arm, pulling it free of it's socket with a loud pop, and yanked it between them, forcing their bodies to remain together. Then without a moment's notice, the wounds on his chest erupted and flames splurted forth, engulfing the two of them together. His body was designed to resist the flames. Hers however, was not. He would burn the last of the excess energy he had accumulated with this attack, and he hoped that she would have nothing more to give. He didn't expect her to be able to withstand such an attack. He felt her horns penetrate through his chin as they launched backwards, a ball of flame flying through the air, Nero's grasp refusing to relent as they come back to the ground, Mist ontop, but their bodies held firmly together. The flames pouring from the wounds sizzling them closed as they left. After six seconds of this, the flames would burn out. Whether she was able to stand afterwards would decide. However with her horns jammed into his chin she wouldn't be getting away too easily. And with her dislocated arm in his grasp still if she could still move afterwards that prize would be his for the taking. He'd need to feed soon as it was.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:50 am

Shit shit shit shit shit shit this was hot as all hell, and what made it worse was the fact that her left arm now was out of joint. Mist screamed for the six painful seconds that they were enter wined, her flesh burning and bubbling as it melted, the outer layer of her skin then became black and crisp, fucking sandwich that had been toasted for too long. Everything felt so slick and sticky where she laid upon him, she was still awake and conscious and that was a plus, although she couldn’t really move as if they bodies had fused together. But that did not matter, she could still use her mind as she willed the chains to come to them, Theses where not the massive ones from before, but smaller ones that hung from the roof. Slowly coming descending towards them, only to come to a still as soon as they touched her body. As an energy demon, the double nerve system and the ergo kinesis allowed something fabulous. Cell regeneration so it did not matter if she lost her arm, she could rebuild that even though it would take a few weeks. When Mist had called for the chains, that in which had just as much energy as anything else in the realm, She could absorb it directly into her upon touch, not having to strain her mind in doing it the way she preferred, this was only a last resort. She laid still upon Nero’s heaving chest as the cell regeneration kicked in, her burns healing from the inside to the outside. Yet this did not mean she had won the fight, no. She had only saved her own life. “ Seems we will both live Nero, or will you?” she whispered hoarsely as she tilted her head, trying to get her head unstuck and as she did, not caring if he tore her arm off she rolled of him barely, whinging as she did and hit the ground besides him. White hair slowly rebuilding upon her head and her skin slowly returning to normal but she could not move any longer for that matter. “ draw?”

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Nero

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:04 am

"I'll call a draw, only in the fact that I misjudged my earlier placement of my blade. It lays but a mere foot from my reach, and thus, you are saved from having your head removed. However." As she rolled off him, his body twisted the other way, taking her arm with him. His lower jaw unhinged once more, and he slid her arm into it, devouring it in one go. "I will take that, as my prize." He nodded, as he slowly made it to his feet, his chest was covered in red spots, and flash burns, but nothing of true damage. The wounds that had appeared had all be cauterised by the flames and sealed over. The rapid production of energy within his cells had slowly been brought to a halt, and any excess energy was now being used to recreate the damaged cells and replace them. He looked down at her, and shook shi head slightly. "You are powerful. I will give you that. But, you catch me after years of rest. And on your home ground. I query what would be the outcome, if those chains were not here to ally you. Train yourself. For on any other terms, you'd be dead." He snarled lightly, as he reached over to pick up his blade, sliding onto his back, before falling lightly onto his knees. As he heaved. His body was heavy with exhaustion, but once the arm began to be broken down by his body, he'd be fine once more. It was then, he noted a being sitting on a wall nearby. His eyes falling upon him, as he staggered to a standing base once more. "We were watched, it seems."

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:12 am

Mist laid there, watching as he ate her arm. Wondering if his body could handle the titanium that was in her blood. None the least, she laid there silently, listening to his blabber. “ yeah yeah, Next time Nero. and i sure hope your system can manage getting torn by shards of titanium as they make their way out of you.“ the demon spoke with a giggle at the end while her skin finished healing along with her hair. She was once more a beauty, no scars no nothing besides missing an arm. He was weak too, this had been a good fight Mist though to herself as she smiled. It was then her inner eye picked up on the other energy trace, her eyes traveling to the being inhabiting it, just as Nero commented upon it. “ Yeah seems so, and who might this be? “ she asked. Whinging softly as the regeneration of her missing arm begun. Closing the wound up as bone then grew out from shoulder to finger tips. Only with a thin layer of skin to over it. Muscle and the rest would take longer to regenerate.

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Spar Mist Vs Nero.  Empty Linathus

Post  Admin Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:21 am

The figure ontop of the wall finally moved after such a long and static stance, his feet moved before stepping onto the air. As his hands pushed away from the wall, a shadowy essence condensed into small round and fading circles to decend towards the two. At first, it seemed easily done, but as he became closer towards the contact of the ground. The shadows stretching across the arena began to move as the light flickered from where it echoed. "Mmhmm mmm hmm humm.." He'd was humming a soft tune while making his way towards Mist, and the fellow. Each step taken in steady stride while his aura was still very suppressed. It was detectable when he became closer, how much magic was being put into keeping his aura on the down tone. "Lovely brawl between you two.." He'd make this small comment while turning towards the man and inspected wounds, and than looked towards his throat. "The thermal energy you've released sparked interest and the woman's abilities to survive and avoid such attacks did as well. I'm surprised frankly, it's been a while since two powers collided under one roof." The way his voice came in the calming sense, as he was still on his way over. Taking the light strides, and it seemed that his mask was non existant- not buffering his voice in any way until he stood before them.. Five feet, six inches while those lightning hues turned to both of them. Waiting for their replies.

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