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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:14 pm

Losara: It had been fifty years since the fall of the Shadowcaster empire, or so that was what it's king had wanted everyone to believe. Since that faithful day, when Gorgoth went to the extent of staging his own death so that he may in turn go underground to begin preparations of his own plots. The following years he had kept busy, establishing an empire on a world known as Rift. The reason he had chosen the backwash plant of which was far from many others in the universe was for the flexibility that the world itself had. Named after the factor that the world had several hundred unstable rifts of which allowed Gorgoth's army easy access to many of the other worlds near by. Over time he accumulated many demons into his ranks, though the vast amount were simply pawns from his point of view. Yet there were some he held regards too, but all the same things would go as planned. Upon the throne of his world, he sat in constant thought of each step. While he wasn't exactly re known for thinking out every simple detail, he had the help of his underlings Kendra, one of the fabled sparrows and that of Blane ; a Jag'troa of all beings. Since the ending of the Rift Wars, Gorgoth had drained many of his prosperities already across the lands. Leaving the world barren for the most part, still three sections of it remained intact. The Shadowcaster realm itself which he had merged with the world, along with two other realms from different worlds were also remained untouched as he had his armies draw up all of the energies from the various life forms, as well as the worlds minerals themselves were drawing to an all time low. Kendra had suggested long ago that once the world was weakened enough, the rifts that populated the surface of the world would become greatly unstable and thus causing the plant to collapse into itself. While this wasn't a bad thing in the demon king's eyes, he had already planned how to counter this effect merely by merging his realms with another once more to ensure his survival.  The pale eyelids slowly flickered open as he looked down the small incline to where he was seated to see both Atrkious and Tpolemos. Atrkious was one of the rarities of his army, a Jul'vin. A creature of which was born with the sight, or so the written documents of his native people had written. And of course Tpolemos, a general in the making ; that is if he wasn't so much like the Sadist himself.  Collecting his thoughts for a brief moment before finally speaking, he knew once he spoke that his words were final within the eyes of the pair.

 " Atrkious, and Tpolemos. We requested you here because we are going to send you on a lovely intermission of world changing events. You two are going to be sent to the realm of Adolescence and Sin. It is a place far from here, where a special race known as energy demons live. It's been a long time since we've personally stepped foot there, however we are assured that you will follow through with this quest. It is for the greater good of the realms I currently hold. Within this realm, there is a special object known to us only as the codex. We believe that one of the energy demons holds it still to this day, if she is still alive that is. Get the codex and bring it back to us, you have but seventy four hours from once the devices you receive will allow you to enter a rift warp which is programmed to take you directly to the world. After that time is up, it will rip you back from the very fabric of time of where you were in that realm and return you here. This objective is of the most responsibility, we trust within you pair not to fail. If you do fail, Tpolemos. You must answer to Blane, and we doubt he'll be gentle as though it was a father-son bonding. Now go ", as Gorgoth spoke his last few words a small shimmer of darkness echoed from his lips. It seemed that the entity within himself was growing tired of constantly allowing Gorgoth to remain in control, though Shadoween was always free to take over when he desired. With little effort, to re-enforce his ideal ; a dark tail clicked as though metal plates lightly clinging together echoed about the chamber before Gorgoth brought his tail down on the arm of the chair. Though the crash was almost soundless, the way the tail simply passed through the stone and casting about a small cloud of dust was enough to make the point. Atrkious took this as the sign to leave before turning away from his king. The cloak that concealed his body wavered slightly as he turned and glanced at Tpolemos before instructing " No pointless questions, just shut up and let's go. " With that said he started to head off though he knew the pale sapphire eyes of Gorgoth were upon his shoulders now.

As the pair made their way out of the chamber, a soft yet light hearted voice rang in Gorgoth's ears ; " Are you sure it'll be ok sending those two together for this? I'm much more suited for this ordeal." Kendra always had a way with words, yet Gorgoth merely brushed them aside as he waved his hand knowing she was standing behind throne. "  Sure they have different points of view by far, but we trust that Aktrious will at least try to keep Tpolemos's religion under control. His abilities alone make himself more than suited for this, though without an enforcer he could easily get over powered if battle was to break out. Which is why Tpolemos is going with him, though undoubtedly they'll have a couple of disagreements along the way. " Gorgoth turned his head slightly as he looked up to the creature. He was never able to read her like he could others, but she was special perhaps that was why. Her jet black hair, slightly tainted with blotches of red was different to his bright and fiery red hair. Kendra kept her eyes on the door not looking at demon but still spoke a reply all the same, "  A couple? The last time those pair got into a disagreement was over Tpolemos believing it to be just to dedicate a corpse and honor it to his god. While on the other hand Aktrious wanted to use it for experiments to further advance and understand cellar regeneration. I dare say they'll have many arguments and the world itself will be war torn long before we ever arrive. " Absent mildly, she reached up with her left hand and brushed back some of her hair. Her pale skin almost sparkled from one of the near by blazers, though the dark pattern of feather like tattoos littered her body as though she was a bird of prey. " Do you really believe they'll find the codex within small time frame you've allowed? " Gorgoth considered her words only momentarily as a sly grin crept across his face "  Atrkious will find it with his path of sight, if not he'll find someone who will tell him where it is. Worst case, Tpolemos will cause so much of a recourse that the white demoness is bound to reveal herself eventually."

Last edited by Admin on Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:43 pm; edited 5 times in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:14 pm

Thoughts lingering in a absent mind as the queen sat upon her throne, legs crossed and with her body leaned again the backrest, digits lightly playing across the smooth polished marble surface of the thrones armrest as blue eyes gazed out over the throne room the laced white dress she wore draped out on the sides of her seat only to play out in grace showing of the pattern, the white locks of her hair falling down upon the simple bust line the dress came with and rested upon her cleavage hiding most of it, while a simple crown in black adored her head above the two white horns the curled down behind her ears and to her cheek bones, not to flashy but at the same time breathtaking with its detail and what it represented, and in this day where nobles and merchants had all come to ask for things marking the trade of the kingdom, others just to watch as the queen performed one of her many duties, since after this she had to look to the needs of the military. It had been about one hundred years now, since the queen had returned to the realm and begun rebuilding it using the restoring citizens since the bloody tragedy that had stained the Ancient Kingdoms walls with their black blood. Despite the tragedy the queen had returned and restored order to the realm once more as she, with determination and of course the help of the people got to the point of today. The kingdom and realm had now new laws and diplomacy, and even military. Since after all, they could not stand without defenses now could they? The queen had even brought in a few new races to the realm, while ensuring them a home in exchange of safety, and this race in command of the military was called the Jinx. In all reality they had been outcast from another world the Queen had come across in her travels of discovery, and as the chance came she offered them a life of equality instead of barren wasteland outcasts. The trade in frostmourn had been reestablished and was now running at full power, as the trades had connections to realms and others worlds the queen had seen fit for this. A new capital had even arisen in this process as the citizen mass had increased over her expectations and the realm had developed towns and villages for mine work and so on, minding the soil was not for growing edible things considered for trade. A lot was going on in the realm and thus the queen had selected a small lot to help her keep track of it all, and she had herself made sure the lot was entrust able as it was developed, amongst these few selected there was the Siera Nix and the so called Warlords, The warlords being counted into the Judgment which was the law system of the realm. A lot had happened during such a short time, and the queen was most satisfied.

''My queen, There has been some disturbances in the mining faction, where the workers have been disturbed by the Ogres.'' A voice reached Mist’s ears as the one of the Mine messengers bowed down in front of the throne, Flickering her eyes to him her rather bored facial expression softened and seemed more focused on the matter at hand as she gave what he had said though. Ogres had been a casual problem from time to time to the miners, but it was a problem that had a rather simple solution to it. Letting a soft breath escape the demoness lips the digits of her hand played over the smooth surface once more ''I see, I will send a group of Jinx to abide to this problem, Aid them with a place to rest and medical if needed be.'' her voice absolute and straight out blunt while staring down at the messenger, who in which nodded and wasted no time in leaving the throne room. It was not long after a noble man took his place and bowed to her, wasting no time to speak ''The trade in frostmourn is under control and everything is running smoothly, a few thievery is all but that has been handled'' The man finished as he glanced up to the Queen smiling lightly, everyday she got the same report from him, surely it depended on the trade and events that transpired but it was mostly good and nothing out of control. Even so it was just in case if that she had requested the daily reports. ''Thank you Niels, Good job and keep it up.'' Mist said with a smile on her lips, she liked this man not only for the fact that he knew how to handle the trade but for the fact that he was a rather humoristic and a good person to speak to whenever or not it was about trade or other things. ''No worries my queen, let’s have tea soon'' He offered with a smirk and a wink to the queen, that in which was responded with a wink back and a nod. Watching him turn in the ball of his foot and slightly wiggle in the beginning of his walk out of the throne room a voice echoed out from her left side 'If no one has urgent business the queen will proceed now, and the less urgent business will as usual be handled by the advisers that will be here shortly'' Letting out a sigh of relief Mist glanced to her left, laying her eyes upon Odist, one of the two Siera Nix that was one of her closest, since after all besides Felie, Mist had been requested to take care of Odist many years ago and so she had and the young Energy demon had grown into a reliable asset to the Queen, not to speak of the fact that she was considered as a daughter by the queen, ''Thank you Odist'' Mist uttered with a smile upon her lips while rising from the throne, only to proceed down and then back behind the thrones with Odist close behind, making sure not to step upon the drape of cloth that the dress worn had attached to it that also hit her spiked tail. Mist was in a rather good mood this day yet she could not wait to get out of the horrid clothing and maybe even skip the second meting and go out in the capital yet not as Mist, but as Bane. Indeed the Queen who easily got bored with throne duties was capable of going in behind the scenes and do what she wished. Reaching the back door leading to a hall adored by a black carped and monuments of ancients and banners Mist turned to Odist as they made it half way to the stairs, displaying a cheeky smile ''Would you mind receiving the report from the Jinx for me? Just leave it on my desk one it’s done'' while requesting this the queen turned and headed for one of the paintings upon the wall to her right side, only to grasp it by the frame and then pulling it to side, revealing a secret entrance, yet this would not surprise Odist as she knew Mist and Bane. Yet before stepping inside the demon giggled ''and of course, I expect you later on outside the capital, our usual meeting place, you know. The one by the waterfall. And also do not forget to ask them to send out a group to the miners'' With  that, the demon made her way into the secret hallway with was kept dark and wasn’t in all that big for that part either, before making her way through the hall she made sure to close the opening properly. She didn’t want this secret to be discovered after all since it would ruin her cover, and limit her freedom which was created by herself. And it was now pitch black yet that wasn’t anything the demone wasn’t used to as she made her way down it only to arrive in a dim lit room at the end of it, the room was simple, a table, a wardrobe and a door. Steeping to the table a outfit was pre paired for her, and by its side the Codex and her weapons, a karma. What to do today? the demoness rambled to in her mind as she striped of the dress into her nudes as she hummed a lullaby to herself, yet this was no ordinary lullaby as Mist’s appearance begun to change as well as her energy trace seemed to die down most until nothing, which was essential to this as most of the citizens would recognize her Mist’s energy trace anytime of the day. The white bane marks being tainted black as her white hair changed into a scarlet red. The blue eyes shifting into a golden color as the white horns and tail turned pitch black. Having finished the change Bane as she was named during this state begun dressing herself, into a black leather suit, revealing her cleavage as it firmly hugged around her body which was a big hassle minding the tail and its spikes that could easily rip the cloth if not done right, proceeding in leaning against the wall only to get her boots on, while wrapping the scarf around her neck and a mask covering her nose and mouth to hide her face since the change did not take away her farcical features, both the scarf and mask made out of black leather and to the uncommonness to it all, the scarf contained plates of tantalum had been sown in between the double layered fabric along with rubber rods to keep the plates from hitting together and creating sounds. All to satisfied Bane plastered the gauntlets upon her arms she has buckles also with tantalum plates, yet these where more so for protection that anything else as the leather gloves upon her hands had outlines of tantalum diodes going out from the palm to the tip of her fingers to help increase her control of her Quinteskinesis. ''Guess I’m ready to go'' Bane muttered to herself as she picked up her karma's and attached them to her hip along with the codex. She did not like going anywhere without it, since it was all too valuable to risk being left behind. With a few light steps and reaching a hand out to the door knob the demon made her way of the castle. Moonlight casting down upon the ground where as her feet touched the soft grass and spectrum's of energy flowing in the air, just outside the castle wall and surrounded by trees even so she had to be careful since she had sett up the security so that no one should be able to sneak around near the castle, a bit ahead there was a path that lead to the waterfall she had requested Odist to head to. And soon Bane was on her way, moving in the shadows while making her way down the path.

Last edited by Admin on Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:51 am; edited 3 times in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Aktrious

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:15 pm

Once down the hallway, away from the throne room's doors ; the pair continued their path as the reached three sets of doors. To the left of them embedded into the stone wall was a set that appeared to be made of iron clad metal. All around the ridges of the door were several large pop rivets , much like what would of been seen on an old war vessel. It was obvious the living corrodes for the Jag'troa. The one in front of them opened out to the next level below them which was the intermission rooms that connected down to the lower levels that eventually lead outside. To the right was a door of which was made of metal that held several runes inscribed into it. The runes themselves were designed to prevent the Jag'troa from being able to manipulate them, it was the counter measurement that the Juv'ious took during the time when Gorgoth had sent the Jag'troa to conquer their race before they eventually submitted to his will and joined his side. Though the runes were used here simply for their constant under going experiments to go undisturbed. While Kendra didn't approve of this at all, since she believed they could very well be conspiring against Gorgoth ; the demon king trusted in his followers to not do so. Aktrious glanced at Tpolemos before muttering in the dull voice he was accustom to, " You have an hour to gather your things, from there meet in the intermission chamber and we'll get the devices that will allow us to generate a rift directly from the memory of Gorgoth. Pray that the area hasn't changed, or we very well could be transmitted into a wall of stone. It'd be unfortunate for you to get stuck with not a way out, even more so for myself. " With that, the being turned from the other and walked up to the waylay doors and extended his right hand. The skin was a fair brown, as though he had spent several hours under the harsh sun. Two strings were attached to each his middle and ring finger, which Atrkious kept bent against his palm as he pressed his hand against the door and said plainly "  Gorgoth ". An eerie silence passed before an almost visual pulse emerged from his hand. The doors while they did not open, seemed to allow his hand to pass through it and as such within a moment he was gone behind them, leaving Tpolemos alone to gather whatever belongings he desired to take with him. Once inside, there was little to be done. All of his weaponries were already apart of him for the most part, what he need though was a bit of rest. Even an hour would shave off some of the major trauma he could very well bestowing upon his eyes once he enabled his path of sight. The ability of which was his people's birth right, yet it was different from his own. The rest he needed simply so he wouldn't strain his mind overly when he'd have it active, but even still long periods of use left him in the dark sometimes. " A gift the elders say, a curse Gorgoth stresses. I'm guessing he knows we will end up in a struggle against the demons in question, this codex ordeal sounds like it'll be heavily guarded anyways. " Retiring to his chambers for the time being, he merely took a seat and sat while pulling one of the transcripts he had been going through in regards to his battle gauntlet. His purple pupated eyes passed over page after page as he pondered why they bothered to use such weapons when they were able to achieve such remarkable results with their visual effects.  Slouching forward he brought right hand up under his chin, concealing it with the hood that over hung his head from his robe. " You can not rely greatly on your path of sight Aktrious, eventually it does lead to you going blind. Yet you dislike using the battle gauntlets when in truth they give us an advantage in combat. We aren't exactly a race with the strength to rip beings in half, nor throw balls of fire at our enemies. " a harsh rasping voice came from the door, almost as though the voice in question had spent many years burning out his throat from smoking. Aktrious turned his head and looked up towards his elder brother, whom he knew spoke the truth. Gregarious had already lost his sight for the most part, though due to the technology that they were able to great was able to gain it back in the form of infer red.  Shrugging his shoulders as though he didn't care, he muttered dis-heartedly " The battle gauntlets have several faults. The magnetic field of which we have around the core itself around our hearts is not the most stable of things for that matter. If we don't keep them oiled enough, they hinder us already more than they do with our very movement, what else would you suggest when all else fails? ", as always on the subject he had valid points. This was one of the reasons that they did so many experiments, to try and reduce the risk and further their only real weapons. " When all else fails, you were chosen Aktrious. Your path of sight alone is far different and more advance than the rest of our dying race. We may use it to manipulate movements, to the point where it seems like we literally slow time. But that is nothing compared to what you can do to a creatures mind. One has to assume that such great power, has great risks. Do not take them as though they are a joking matter. But with that aside, you've been here for almost an hour. Have you slept or eaten? " An hour had already come to pass? Who would of thought, though Aktrious was already busy getting up and moving towards the door way as he said to his brother "  There isn't any time, Tpolemos and I must leave. We've been assigned an important mission. " With that, he pushed his brother aside, though he could feel the heavy tension in the air as he did so. Making his way down to the intermission room, it was rather plain for what it was. Some lackeys running here and there gathering different kinds of materials to use for thing or another. However in the center stood Kendra, with the two devices that they would use to transmit to the other realm. Stepping down the stairs, he shook his head and said rather loudly and not to a surprise some what angrily " He's late again. " Of course this was widely directed at the partner he didn't chose to be with. Walking up to Kendra casually, yet still tense ; there never was any nor would there ever be trust between the two of them. "  What the hell are you doing here? " was all he ushered to say. At six foot five inches, he towered over Kendra's mere five foot seven as though she was nothing more than a child compared to him. " Oh you know, making sure you do as you were ordered. Failure is not an option in this case, return with the codex or not at all. " Even while the hood over his head kept the glare hidden, he grunted slightly and said through clenched teeth, "  One day Kendra, I will kill you. And when that day comes, not even your laughing goddess nor Nazirous himself will be around for you to pray to save your sorry ass. Unless bitch. " the added notation made himself feel fleetingly better though there would be some kind of backlash from it, he expected it regardless. Kendra on the other hand just laughed at him, which sparked more of a rage. " You couldn't defeat me back then, you won't ever do so in the future. Not even Nazirous nor Lilith would be able to withstand what I've become. You have no gods, you have nothing but a history of being pitiful indents that should of been stomped into the ground. Be thankful that our lord took your kind and gave each one of you purpose. " With that, she pushed a box into Aktrious hands before walking away from him. Leaving his temper primed and fiery for Tpolemos.

Last edited by Admin on Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:52 am; edited 2 times in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Odists

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:15 pm

Odist watched her Queen walk into the passage way, keeping silent behind her golden and black mask. No one was able to see her face except the queen. No thought passed through her mind as she turned away from the sealed opening and began to slowly walk down the hallways of the castle. Odist Vain Officinale had been raised by the Queen, made a Siera Nix and become a valuable tool for her. It wasn’t in her mind to change that thought. Softly the child clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, making passer bys look oddly at her; this suited the little girl fine as she stepped closer to a large door that was the Queen’s office. Walking in she gave it a quick one over for anything remotely out of place, quickly landing her eyes on a vase that was slightly off center. Odist slowly walked towards the vase and turned it around so that it stood properly and relaxed a little, pulling her golden mask off. Her grey and black rooted hair fell over her light grey horns and into her eyes. Underneath the first mask lay two more, one covering her mouth and nose and the other cover the right side of her face, her left eye was partially covered by exactly eighteen lines of air. Lifting her overshadowed blue eyes to the lights they were around the room she relaxed even more, in fact she sat down on the desk and picked up a thick chunk of paper that lay on the desk. It was slightly gooey and Odist grimaced as she realized that it was covered in some poor orge’s brain goo. ‘Oi Voi… the Jinx do not know restrain my Ancients.’ She whispered, as a spectral creature stood in front of her. Looking at it she kept a blank expression, waiting for the Ancient spirit to reply to her comment. It said nothing. ‘Suit yourself…’ Ruffling her hair a little the armor she was wearing clinked against one another. The shoulder pads that protected her shoulder blades were coated in a liquid that would absorb any magic of kinetic energy that touched it, and throw it back at the caster without anyone realizing what had happened.  There was a fifty/fifty change that it wouldn’t work, and Odist Vain would take on a considerably amount of damage, but this didn’t bother her much as she was well protected by the bones she’d stolen from another Officinale Official years earlier. The garter filled with poisoned daggers was strapped tightly to her leg, with a constant thread of aerokinesis hanging onto them in case she needed them quickly. This was a child who was prepared for the worst that could come, ‘Siera Nix Vain… Something is bothering your mind so much that it is penetrating the walls of our realm.’ Odist looked up to the elders that were now in the room, making her put the report down. ‘An increase in Ogres taking the miners, that is all.’ An Ancient frowned deeply and crossed his arms tutting lightly. ‘Someone so young should not be doing something so dangerous. Our ancestor is not as wise as we hoped.’ Odist’s nostrils flared as she heard this but she knew she couldn’t attack an Ancient, instead she cleared her throat loudly catching their attention. ‘I would like to make it clear that my Queen Mist Verus has quite capable of choosing who and what shall be a Siera Nix. Although I do not think I am worthy of such a position I shall do my job with Pride and kill anything that may stop me.’ The Ancient who’d spoken ill of Mist chuckled softly, ‘We do not mean harm to Mist, Siera Nix Vain, We only wish to guide her to a safer position should things go badly. No matter however. This is apparently not an issue as our only issue are… Orges.’ The way the Ancient said the word Odist got the impression they did not like the creatures existing, ‘The Orges are being taken care of, and this report is a day or two old. I am awaiting another one explaining the situation of todays. Please excuse me; I must get to it before any other issues arise.’ Hopping off the desk, Odist took her mask and put it back on, shifting her eyesight to that she could see through the black that covered what would normally be the eyeholes. Leaving the old report on the desk, the young Demoness left the room, closing and locking the door behind her. Moving towards the Jinx report room she began to wonder what the Orges could possibly be doing to the Miners; in the mere ten minute walk she came up with forty theories, eliminated sixteen, forgot ten and ignored thirteen leaving her with one theory. Opening the door to the Jinx report room she stared at the chunk of paper that was left for the queen, ‘They’re bored.’ She said allowed, affirming her theory in half a second, ‘Strange, ugly creatures.’ Taking the papers she began to read through them, ignoring certain mistakes in language and the goo on the papers. ‘Orges prove no difficulty… Lost one Jinx to a berserker, strange orb found in Orge’s head, destroyed- wait, what? Strange orb found…’  Skimming through the report she went back to the page where it mentioned a strange orb, although no detail was given to what it was, it bothered Odist slightly. She began to wonder if she should take a look but decided that it was the Queen’s job to look into whatever strange artifacts that may exist. Odist jogged out the room and back to the Queen’s office, unlocking the door and placing the report on her desk. The vase was wrong again. Odist frowned at it and turned it back to how it was supposed to be, and left once more now leaving the castle grounds. Odist was never good with doors, she preferred to use windows as they provided a quick escape if she needed it. Jumping out of one she gave her hand and smooth flick and began to float with the window towards the capitol. Many of the guards called out for her to be careful as they’d seen a storm coming their way, but Odist ignored them feeling as though they were below her. Twisting her ethereal body to match the movements of the softest of the elements she smiled as some of the wind rustled through her hair and under her mask, touching her cheek. ‘Mother you have been kind…’ she whispered, thinking upon her parents who had been MIA since her birth fifty years ago. Yes, for an energy demon she was very, very young, in fact many would still call her a baby, but Odist had forced her body to develop tail and horns early, only to realize that it mean she’d develop slower for the rest. Although this irritated her greatly she didn’t think about it that much anymore. Landing softly on the ground she pushed her feet against the dirt making it spread into the air. Swiping it away the young demoness began to delicately walk towards a rocky part of the Kingdom, her eyes lay swiftly about, expecting something to come out and attack her. An ancient whispered slowly in her ear, making her stop to listen to their words.  Giving a curt nod Odist began to walk again towards the place that her Queen mentioned. Although she was early, the small demoness felt it would be a good time to practice her hydrokinesis as it was the one thing she was not very good at using. Stepping into a small clearly she twitched her elf-like ears to the sound of the waterfall and smiled behind her mask. The girl stopped moving and pulled her masks off, leaving them on the ground by the rocks with her weapons, a sword, the small poisoned daggers and her boots. She left her armor on however, only removing her boots as she stepped into the water. She closed her eyes and waited for the moment when the water would start reacting to her movements.

Last edited by Admin on Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:15 pm

:. Sliding along the shades Bane made her way forward on the path, light steps upon soil making faint sounds of shoe grinding against dirt, Navitas vestigium picking up on Odist’s energy trace not far ahead. Not far now Bane thought to herself as she went on, glancing up to the sky only to see the moon slightly hid by clouds. Maybe it was to rain later on, Bane shuddered at the thought as she herself wasn’t to found of water, and why? The answer was simple. Due the strong electrical current she had in her body, provided by the double nerve system and for the fact that it was a eternal process to keep the titanium in her body flowing. Such a hassle, even if it begun raining she would still be able to be outside and such fort yet her powers would be limited sadly. Making her way of the path Bane stepped out in the rather rocky meadow the Waterfall was in, as well as Odist. Sneaking the demon made her way over to Odist who seemingly was taking a bath ::: Enjoying the water dear Odist?::: Bane said as she tilted her head and let her eyes travel from Odist to the water surface. It was beautiful as she watched the energy spectrums break in the air and reflect upon the water. Simply breathtaking ::: So what shall we do today Odist? Also, what was in the report from the Jinx? ::: Bane asked while flicking her face back up to Odist’s masked face.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Tpolemos

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:16 pm

Tpolemos didn’t much care the time restraints he was given. Nothing would interrupt his preparation cycles. Be they only a few minutes long, to a few days. He knew Gorgoth was demanded that they hurry with things, and that there was a time restriction. Yet, it was meaningless. He served but one lord, offering his servitude to those who could ensure that he could further appease his lord and master. Tpolemos did not wait for his partner to further dismiss him, as soon as the word ‘gather’ left Aktrious's lips, Tpolemos was already striding away, his large, towering physique taking his imposing body away rather quickly. He would retire to his chamber, and he would purify his mind and body for the events that were to come. Aktrious only served to infuriate Tpolemos, and Tpolemos couldn’t afford to lose his anger too early. “He needs to find a purpose in which to unleash his anger.” Tpolemos muttered to himself as he turned into a rather bare and barren chamber. Within were all assortments of objects. Mainly weaponry, armour and various metallic objects. On the walls and on metal spikes around the chamber were the decapitated heads of his victims, those who sought to stand between him and his goal. Their lives given to Saul'en, the God of Bronze. To be given eternal life, and to bathe in the blood of his fallen foes was his ultimate rewards for a life of servitude to the almighty. To prepare himself, he must do the same. The body was only clean, the mind only pure when the blood of a victim used to clean it. Tpolemos removed his gauntlets and chest plate and then detached the sleeves from his body plate. Grunting slight he dropped the black armour, stained crimson red to the ground. Reaching around his frame he pulled the straps loose from his back and the body plate fell in two halves by his feet. Leaning down he unclipped his boots from his leg armour, stepping out of them, and in turn into a granite bath. Tpolemos constantly had fresh supplies of blood and mortals in which he could sacrifice to purify himself. Unclasping his leg armour it loosened around his waist and fell to the floor, leaving him standing nothing but a linen cloth to support his groin. Pulling that from his waist, he stretched his shoulders out and dropped it on the pile armour. There was a six inch long dagger next to the granite bath, and a person hanging unconscious from the roof. “Lord Saul’en, in your name this being shall die. Let his blood purge me of my sin, and cleanse my mind. Give me the power, to succeed in my mission, so more may die in your name.” Tpolemos spoke out loud, and raised the blade to the person’s throat. The beings eyes fluttered open as he did, his screams choked instantly by the blade slicing through his throat cleanly, pouring blood into the bath. Tpolemos then slice the man across the wrists and through the chest. Tpolemos inserted his fingers in the gash in the chest and ripped his rips to opposite sides, causing an almost black blood to cascade down into the bath. Tpolemos clutched the man’s kidneys for a moment causing blood to spew from them, a deep oily looking red. Tpolemos face was blank, used to the gruesome and grotesque murder of those whom he deemed needed to be killed in the name of his lord. Reaching backwards he found a blunt executioner’s axe, the handle broken in half to make it wieldy in one hand, and swung it round in one fell swoop. There was slight resistance for a moment, before Tpolemos’s overwhelming strength torn clean through the neck of the man, causing his head to detach from his body. Grinning as the blood spewed from the man’s wounds and gaping cuts and gashes, Tpolemos lowered himself down into the bath slowly, causing the liquid to rise slightly. Picking the head up, he placed it just outside the bath and closed his eyes. By the time the blood had stopped falling from the body, it filled the bath to Tpolemos’s mid chest. A long slow sigh escaped his lips as he leaned back. It was times like this, he could reflect on the sacrifices he had made to his lord. The Sadistic beatings from his father. The countless blood of Aktrious people that had been spilt in the name of the Jag’troa. It was all there in his mind. The blood, the death, and the sacrifice. All of it a greater painting, a small drop of ink in a long manuscript for the God of Bronze. And Tpolemos was his harbinger in this world. This realm. All the realms. His loyalty and faith unquestionable. His rewards in death far surpassing anything he could hope to have in life. Each battle, each person to fall before him ensuring that he became more and more loyal. More and more connected to the being who led his very soul. The existence of gods was unquestionable. Aktrious needed to find a god. Maybe then, Tpolemos thought, he’d have reason to unleash his anger. Tpolemos could merely chuckle as he gazed down at his hands, the crimson red droplets falling from them. The whole process had taken a mere twenty minutes. One day, time would be irrelevant to him. Tpolemos then decided to close his eyes. Sleep came quickly to him. He awoke, a good thirty minutes later, his body submerged in the blood. He took in a breath accidently and lifted himself out of the bath, coughing slightly, his hair plastered to his scalp. He grunted slightly, and clambered out of the bath, his body dripping wet with the crimson droplets. In reverse order to earlier, Tpolemos put his armour back on. Linen cloth, leg armour, boots, body plate and then gauntlets. His hair he reached back and pulled into a tight, high ponytail, the reddish brown locks of hair hanging to about his mid back, his empty blue eyes cloudy. “I am, clean.” He muttered, and looked around. Situated upon a black velvet pillow upon a simple granite pillar was a black steel helmet, sharing the similar blood stains. Tpolemos didn’t adorn it often, preferring to see his victims cower and cry for mercy as he hacked their head from their frames. Yet, there was an imposing power to it. Being faced with a moving weapon, adorned in metal armour from head to toe, an impenetrable moving fortress of lethality. Tpolemos was born, raised and existed for little else, then to war and fight. That was his cause. And in death, he would be eternally rewarded for his plights. He lifted it and hooked it under his arm. Tpolemos began to head to the intermission room. He’d be only a few moments late, but of course, that’d be reason enough for the being that would be accompanying him in this mission to be angry at him. Tpolemos entered the intermission room without caring, his helmet held to his hip and under his arm, no blade at his side for this particular mission. Smirking ever so slightly, Tpolemos strode forth, towards Aktrious. “I apologise, for my moment’s lateness.” The smell of blood would be almost overwhelming coming from him.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Odists

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:16 pm

: Odist’s eyes glimmered behind the mask. ‘I am, my Queen. Although I am still unable to make it flow to my body like I can do Fire, Earth and Air.’ The young Demoness stepped out of the water and put her boots back on, dressing her weapons as well. ‘The report states they lost one Jinx to an Orge. Also an artefact was discovered but because of their useless nature the Jinx destroyed it.’ She paused, wondering if she should tell her mistress about the vase. Briefly she let this thought bother her before she shook it off. ‘I feel a need to check the tares in the realm again; something has shifted the winds and they appear uncertain.’ Although Odist never voiced her concern’s often around the Queen because of the constant strain on her, when she did however it was serious. “The vase!” a voice in the back of her head called and she shook her head roughly her creamy grey horns shimmering due to spray from the waterfalls. Lifting her palm softly the water began to trail down and dropped into her hand creating a small pool, tensing her muscles slightly she frowned deeply behind her mask. In the end she just turned her hand however and faced her Queen again, ‘The vase moves.’ She whispered with a rather grim tone hitting her usual flat one.
[16:21:05] felfaina: Felfaina Shadowcaster-Officinale (Felie to family) sat with her ass on her calves in the hidden, soot-filled, dusty egress she had found behind the crumbling wall where the fireplace met the wall in the old north tower. with a tear-streaked, grimy face. She wore breeches of soft leather and a simple blouse, overlaid with a jerkin of a slightly thicker wool, all of which she held together with a leather strap that matched her boots because she hated being dressed up in those sissified gowns that prevented her from climbing , fighting , and try getting out of them to go dip in the lake. Pfffht! She held a sharp knife made from obsidian from deep in the abyss clasped so tightly in her hand that her knuckles turned a chalky white and the bones cracked as her talons erupted from the ends of each knuckle, only to be forced back in again by a mental shove from Felie. She grabbed her thick lustrious tresses and began to hack them off, hating how recognizable she was due to the fact her hair had an inate ability to change color dependent on her mood. This sucked for two reasons, the first being the whole damn kingdom knew who she was the minute her hair started changing, and the second more important reason was that her hair always gave away her moods to her Mom. When she was happy her hair vibrated with rich browns that flitted from a deep chocolate through an array of bronzes, coppers, and golds til it reached a soft cinnamon brown. When angry it turned jet black and depending on the anger that black swirled with reds that ranged from a deep burgundy, past a blood red, and when super pissed to a fiery red that looked as if living flames resided in her hair. Then there were the white, those shades that echoed from the white of a newly fallen snow to the steely tresses that matched her eyes. The paler the white in her hair the colder she was to those around her, sometimes her hair lost all other shades and the stark white reflected in how pale her skin grew. She'd hack off her skin too if she could seeing that went from a golden tan to a pale icy porcelain with the same mood swings. The only constant in Felie was in her eyes, no matter if they were the red black of her father, the ice blue of her mother, or the aqua sea greens, and storm greys, her eyes always had that swirling mercury core that could look as smooth as glass or whurring with threads of silver spreading out to the edges. As she started to hack she was struck by the futality of this and instead began stabbing the wall and watching more of the mortar fall out until her arm went right though and that momentum sent her body hurdling after to fall down , down , down , spiralling until she slammed into the water of the lake and was plunged down into its depths where she felt the prescence of the tainted one. Oddly she was the only one who never felt fear, mayhaps because of all that time spent in the abyss with Soul Reavers, but for whatever reason she had always been able to go nearer than anyone and never worried for her safety. She dived down and close enough to be taken had it wished to and she felt it caress her mind then release her once again as her knife came swirling past her face on an ewrrant current swished up by the taint. Graabing her knife, she swam up and over to the dock hoisting herself out onto the deck of it and laid there, removing her boots and jerkin to lay drying off in the heat of the afternoon.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Aktrious

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:16 pm

By the scent, it was obvious that the demon had just performed one of the rituals devoted to his god. But all and all this didn't really seem to bother Aktrious, though the lateness he merely shook his head at. " Doesn't matter, I don't have time to scorn you. ", opening up the small wooden box of which Kendra passed to him, he reached into it and withdrew a pair of bracers. Taking one for himself, he then passed the other to Tpolemos. Holding it in his left metallic hand, he easily slide it over his right fleshing one before the device became active. It seemed once it was worn, several small needles inside of it pushed forth and stabbed into his arm. Not very deep, but enough to tickle the being as he puzzled over it. It was rather simple, just plain metal with a digital clock that instantly turned to sevenity two hours. Two mere buttons were under the the small screen, one red and another green. " A manual of some sort would of been useful. I assume green means go. " Pressing the button without a second thought, nothing seemed to happen at first. Within a mere heart beat however, the device that his eyes focused on swirled, before his entire body begun to as well. One would of imagined the entity being sucked into a dimensional portal of a kind. Slowly yet surely before Tpolemos, Aktrious was there ; then vanished into thin air. There wasn't much that he remembered, only that he was teleported into another plain of existence. The world appeared black to him, dispite his eyes being open. " Am I lost in the dimenions? ", Aktrious questioned a question that didn't really make since. No, he was within his own mind and all he could see was a strange darkness. Time seemed to not touch the place of which he was currently. ~ Only a little post since I kinda can't think at the moment.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:17 pm

‘moving vase?’ Bane pondered as she glanced towards the castle, that in which was not visible anymore. Wondering what was moving the vase and for what reason something was in her working room. Since obviously that where Odist had been, since she was entrusted with such matters. With a tilt of the head Bane arched a brow ::: A strange orb was found in a Ogres head? ::: she said, completely leaving the matter of the moving vase out of it, yet she claimed in her mind that she would find out the reason for it. ::: I should really put out orders not to destroy on know artifacts when they are found to the Jinx.::: Bane stated as she turned around and found the direction of the Verus arena ::: Let’s go train a bit shall we?::: the demon stated while rolling her shoulders and wiggling her hips, making the spiked tail sway around behind her.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:17 pm

Damn there it goes again, that twinge she felt whenever she thought of her father, Gorgoth or the past when he was still around. She remembered how bad it was when she was little, all the screaming and fighting, the tears, her running to the abyss almost dead and she would be if not for the Soul Reavers. Those souless creatures who were Death's allies took pity on her for some strange reason and they had set her heart in a jar in the centermost chamber of their labyrinthed domain. Mist had come for Felie but did not have time to hunt for the heart and so several years later she sent Kali, a once upon a time friend who was spy, assassin and envoy for the Officinale's to steal the heart and return it to Mist. Felie did not care for she would find where it was hidden yet and return it home to the abyss for there was not a lock that she could not open no matter the spellcraft placed upon it. It was just a matter of time before she would find it and Felie had learned to stop asking questions about it, about her past and the family. Especially brothers, sisters, half and step-siblings that had disappeared or died by nefarious means including some at the hands of her own parents. She rolled over, her hair a mass of tousled sable curls wrapping about her face, her skin a paler shade than normal and her lips tinged with purple not from the water but from within. Her blouse had dried to her skin covering her yes, but it had a transparency that when she shifted and the folds smoothed out would reveal her body to be one that was lean and well-toned but not too small for many of the townsmen to wish she were just a peasant girl instead of the princess of the realm. Felie's eyes scanned the lake and the water rippled, while about her the whispers of the Reavers conversed with her. She loved thier speech and it still confounded her how no one , not ever Odist could hear them as she could. Each gentle wafting, stormy gale, or brisk breeze were sentences to her, spoken by those who had held her safe for a long time. Long enough that Felie had felt abandoned by her bloodkin. They even knew Mist was her real mother and they said Gorgoth still lives. Everyone says he is dead for he has been gone so , so long. But what's time to demons and one should not forget the blood of the Malkavian that Gorgoth and Felie carried within them. Thus far she has not shown signs of the madness, although if one looked deep within her , they would know she carried the trace. How strong it was in her and what form it would take if it came out even the Reavers could not determine. For now it seemed to do no more than give her a link to other species, those species that could not be reached, so was this a gift or was it her 'taint' only time would tell. Felie reached down into the water and twirling her finger in an infinty symbol, she sent a message to the beast of the lake. Then turning back over , she planted her feet flat on the warped decking and placing her palms over her shoulders on either side of her head , she pushed herself up with the agility of an acrobatic performer. Felie whispered softly letting her mouth open wider as she increased the air coming out responding to the Reavers. She yanked on the jerkin and belted it, slipping her knife in behind it as well, then ran her fingers through her hair and reaching down, she grabbed her boots and took off for the palace, knowing if she was gone too long one of the lacky's would most assuredly be running around screaming her name like she were two again. As she jogged back to the palace, she felt it again , that twinge and she stopped and breathed deeply biting back any tears that wanted to sring forth, she would wait and see what was coming for that much she knew ... something was coming and it was coming fast!

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Tpolemos

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:17 pm

Tpolemos removed his right gauntlet and held it under his right arm, now placing his helmet up onto his head, covering his face beneath its midnight abyss. Almost a black inky look to it. He grunted slightly beneath his helmet as he placed the metal device handed to him on his bare wrist, watching as it dug into his skin, causing a slight irritation. He thrust his gauntlet to the ground and huffed. “What a disturbance.” He grunted through his helmet and pressed the green button moments after Aktrious seemingly disappeared into the air. Nothing happened, and Tpolemos was left feeling like he’d been given the short end of the stick, before he felt himself seemingly ripped away and sucked through a void, his image swirling before people’s eyes before vanishing. Only a moment later, his image would return in a swirl inside… the stench of blood spoke all too well of where he now stood. An Arena. “A fitting place, for Gorgoth to send his warriors. Perhaps, this Codex is a trophy of sorts. By besting someone, it may be ours to claim.” Tpolemos muttered under his simply black full helmet. There appeared to be space for his eyes, but they were covered over by metal. This was a farce, the inside of the helmet allowed him to see through these spaces, but not allow his eyes to be seen in turn. He placed his bare hand at his hip as he turned to look around for Aktrious. “Now, what do we do, Mister Eyes?” Tpolemos asked quietly, and chuckled to himself. The stench of blood was almost intoxicating. Metallic looking chains protruding in the epitome of the arena, yet he could feel no pull, no control over them. “Bizarre creations. How odd.” He flicked his wrist slightly and lowered his arms to his side as he began to stalk about in circles. “Waiting for your lead, Aktrious.” Tpolemos called out louder this time, in no direct direction, preferring to keep his attention on his surroundings, keeping his ears open. Feeling almost naked without his right gauntlet. The metal of his metal sleeves slowly melting over his hands the device, creating a fake gauntlet for the moment.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Bane

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:18 pm

Starting to walk Odist followed Bane in her steps as they were just south of the Inficio lake, and had to head south west to reach the verus arena, the demon knew this path by heart and Odist as well as they walked in silence. The spectrums of energy flashing in the air and the trees around them glimmering slightly from the moist climate, even so they had to look out for Ogres and other unpleasantness. Pondering to herself Bane hit away the thought of the moving vase and moved her thoughts back to her daughter, Felie. Wondering where the demon of mischief was and what kind of trouble she was entertaining herself with, well as long as she was having fun Bane wouldn’t stop her that’s for sure, she had her father Gorgoth’s temper after all. Sooner than expected Bane and Odist reached the entrance of the Verus arena, a pitch black hole in the base of a enormous mountain. To the north from where they were, the miners worked but not close to the verus arena since Mist had forbidden the miners from entering the arena due the fallen’s blood the dwelled within. Glancing back at Odist, Bane nodded her head and then they made their way inside, the cave tunnels being more than one, and arching out in all directions yet even so, Bane quickly made her way to the opening of the Cave, the black blood pool glimmering red in the faint light and energy spectrums emitting from the cave roof. Yet coming to a sudden stop Bane’s inner eye alarmed of two energy traces up ahead in the arena. The demon blinked twice before tilting her head aiming her eyes at the arena grounds while lifting up a hand to signal to Odist to be cautious , which in all certainly she would be minding the demon was paranoid. The energy traces weren’t familiar and thus Bane got suspicious, she hadn’t gotten any documents of travelers this day. Keeping her right hand lowered almost at her bum where she had the Two karmas placed in case if combat was to break out she begun making her way forward down on the pathway leading to the Arena battle ground, the ground hanging heavy with the smell of blood and the blood itself shying away in ripples as she went forward. And with good reason since this after all in all reality was a graveyard for those fallen in battle and the ones Mist killed during her patch of insanity and revenge. Coming close to the two what seemed to be men Bane made her way up the short steps of stairs, eyeing them from two ways. One seemed a bit out of it through and the other one in a armor from the looks of it. “ And who are you to enter upon these grounds without permission” Bane spoke rather loudly, not wanting to give away her queen identity just yet. Since after all, at the time information was all Bane wished for.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Aktrious

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:25 pm

It donned on Aktrious that he and Tpolemos had arrived at the point of entry within the new realm. The sickening smell of blood was like a lance thrusted up his nosterals. Opening his eye slowly, he glanced around looking at the odd setting around them. Unable to determine exactly where they were, they indeed needed to be outside for him to scan for the codex. But even so, not even the stone around them would disturpt his sight. Glancing towards Tpolemos when he remarked about the odd chains, there was something different to them. It was almost as though lava flowed through them? No it was something else. But without looking, truly looking ; the image was far to faint for the entity to define. Aktrious's single pupiled eyes soon split ; the single pupil changed as it moved from the centre of his eye to a set of three that ran to the edges. Slowly his eyes begun to spin, the pupils rotating at a clockwise fashion. While this event took place, small black lines extented from each of the pupils which connected them. From that point the lines travelled back to the centre of the eye and formed a forth pupil, compeletly black as though he was looking at the night sky. " Intriging to say the least " , Aktrious remarked as he stared at the chains. While at first to the normal eye, he could only see the texture of them. But now, he could see the living essense of a life force pulsing through thousands of grains within each link as though they had been forged that way. Looking around more so, his eyes fell towards the entrance of the chamber. His vision seemed to zoom in as he focused more, the strain of the ability not yet effecting him thankfully. As Aktrious looked, he saw the outlines of two female figures making their way down the tunnel that lead into the area of which they were at. " We wait for now. It seems our presence didn't go unnoticed as planned. " He would of over looked them, if he had not noticed the things of which resembled books dangling around their waists. Collecting his thoughts, he could of easily of written the pair off as priests. Yet their life forces were far to strong for such, sheer energy glowed around that of their life force. The demon's eyes twisted slightly causing him to squint, yet his eyes had zoomed in to the point he was able to watch the flow of their body cells. One could of considered his vision the greatest in the world, if it didn't have such declining draw backs. Noting how their hearts pumped the blood, how every single cell was pushed through the valves as it was transported around the embodiment. Allowing his vision to revamp itself at a normal range, the beings were much closer now. Two females as he suspected walked up towards them, no sign of fear at all as they bounded up the steps to risen level. The question echooed from the one drapped in Black, " Who are you to enter this place? ". Not really an odd question considering they were here now. But then again, there was little time to explain such things. It took Aktrious a moment to remember exactly what Gorgoth had called them.
" Energy demons.. Sadly we are on borrowed time, and have no time to explain ourselves. We've come for the codex, lead us to the one who holds it and your lives shall be spared until our lord passes judgement. ", the dull tone of his voice echoed out as it filled the area. There wasn't much sense is causing a scene straight away, unless they were unwilling to do as he had asked. Even so, if they tried to disagree, Aktrious had a way with making them unwillingly lead them to the codex regardless. That being considered, the codex itself remained a mystry to them both. They were the energy demons, thus in common assumption must know were or whom it is to some degree. While they still had more than two days, there wasn't any time to explain considering they weren't here on their own time.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Bane

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:26 pm

Hearing the answer Bane wrinkled her nose and tilted her head to the left before placing a questioning and clueless look on her face, thinking fast since not many knew what the codes was and certainly not outsiders “ What’s a codex?” The demon asked dumbfounded “ Is it a book? The only thing I have is a travelers journal. You should go find the queen, she might have it” Bane spoke with self-confidence while letting her hands hit out on her sides in a fake gesture, in fact she didn’t like this at all, the codes was way to precious to let go of even though she had three of them with her at the time, the one she controlled and two inside of it. Looking to Odist, Bane winked at her to get her to play along. “ So might I ask who sent you to find such a remarkable thing as a codex?” Bane questioned as she let her golden eyes fall back to the two, letting her inner out at full force, hoping they wouldn’t notice as she took a closer look at their energy traces, memorizing them. Yet the only back hand to letting her inner eye on the lose was that the chains of Adolescence and sin begin twisting and turning in response. ‘ I really hope they don’t blow my cover’ Bane sighed in her own mind, she hadn’t done the smartest thing as thin black chains worked their way out of the blood pool and up on the arena ground, slithering like snakes until they came close to Bane and begun circling her. yet she didn’t seem to mind them as she kept her eyes upon the two.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Termination

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:26 pm

Tpolemos was oblivious to the approach of the two females until their footsteps and light movements were close enough, yet still a fair distance, for him to hear. He turned his head and gazed in their general direction, as he came to stand about ten feet behind and three feet to the left of Aktrious, tilting his head. The helmet masking the blank look of curiosity upon his face. “I wonder what he sees.” Tpolemos spoke lightly, almost narrating his own thoughts to the world. He flexed his fingers slightly, and placed his hands on his hips. On a natural warrior’s instinct he began to manipulate the steel substance of his armour, maintaining its shape and form; however it lightened to that of a feather, and was secretly becoming liquefied. The armour began to swirl slightly around his frame, a black abyss of swirling liquidy metal. He narrowed his gaze slightly as the two female figures it would appear came to a stop. They asked their business here. A simple enough question, considering Aktrious and him were obviously not of this realm. He knew little more than this realm to be home to Energy demons, so he assumed that they were in fact these. He placed his hands on his hips, fingers turned outwards towards everyone, as he stood there in silence. His imposing figure bathed in this swirling blackness, his entire body consumed in it, standing at least a head taller than the others, his stance speaking neutrality and his face hidden behind his helmet. He was, intimidating to say the least. He couldn’t help but grit his teeth a little at the retort that Aktrious had given to them. "Well. That was worded nicely, Aktrious. Couldn't have said it better myself. Takes us to that who holds an artefact of immense power, and if you don't, we'll kill you. Until Master decides to kill you anyway. Lovely." Tpolemos growled his words, his voice a little gravely as the begun to pump slightly into his body, the instincts causing this effect. He could almost hear the voice of his lord, demanding that he take their heads in sacrifice. Yet, he knew, that for the moment, they had to remain calm, and he had to allow Aktrious to do the talking and leading. Tpolemos was there an enforcer. If push came to shove, he had free reign to do all the sacrificing he wanted. He gritted his teeth slightly as the creatures looked back at him dumbfounded. “Aktrious. They’re lying to us. The bland and idiotic look on their faces says it all.” Tpolemos extended his right hand out however. “They have books upon them. Perhaps, we should read them? They could give us what we want.” The movement of the chains was noticed almost instantly as the water rippled and they began to snake up onto the arena. Tpolemos lowered his hands to his waist again, appearing unperturbed by this. His face spoke of a slight unease, as he was unsure of what these creatures were doing. “Does this count as them not cooperating?” Tpolemos inquired blandly, his warrior’s instincts beginning to kick in some more, the metal of his boots began to pool outwards slightly, creating a three centimetre wide circle around him, almost impossible to see due to his looming size. It was simply a ‘Kill them’ command from Aktrious and Tpolemos wouldn’t have to resist the bubbling urge to murder, destroy and sacrifice them. They’d be full of blood for sure. And their heads would make great trophies. And if they went down easy, then over the next two days before they would be taken home, he’d claim many trophies and sacrifice many in the name of his lord. ‘Grant me strength, Lord Saul’en.’ Tpolemos thought to himself as his pale blue eyes hardened more beneath his helmet. His fingers twitching, the metal of his armour ready to react to his touch. A slightly smirk breaking out across his lips.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Odist

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:27 pm

Odist remained silent as she listened to the ancients whispering in her ears. 'They're evil! Curel cruel creaters! Lalalala!!' She tried hard to ignore the chantings of Mad Maron and closed her eyes, forcing her tongue to adopt a strange unknown accent. 'Dunno, what dey be talin bout us. Queen migh know, don tink so doh... Queen be distracted n all' she hated speaking in her Grandmother's native accent but it came in handy. 'Ancient soundin doh, may the temples aroun n talin migh know.' Odist nodded putting her hand against her metallic face and looked thoughtful. Even though they wern't standing far from the other pair, it would still be hard for normal eyes to notice that her mask was made of metal. "I do not like this." she thought quickly as she stepped behind her queen, acting with her for the sake of not having any knowledge. Odist however blinked once and began to ignore what the other said, hiding her hands behind her Queen's back. A few pebbles rose from the ground as she began to assess the situation mentally, this however was a short lived attempt as an ancient began to whisper in her ear. The pebbles dropped and she gripped the queen's arm tightly. 'Perhaps...' she began to whisper but stopped, realising she'd lost the accent. Standing straight she lifted her hand a tiny bit and collected a small ammount of air in her palm, unsure what do to.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Aktrious

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:27 pm

Still keeping his eyes on the chains as they begun to slowly snake their way towards them, moving as though they had a will of their own. One of the very few things Aktrious ever took note of from Kendra was when she stated the one thing that Gorgoth truly feared, " Twisted black chains, he fears them more than death. " Pondering for a moment as he heard the woman tell him to seek out the queen for more details, on a hunch he turned and stared her down once again. Speaking in a more, after a crude chuckle escaped his lips " But I am asking the queen of these lands, am I not? " Had Kendra not let that slip, he would of never of been able to put two and two together. Maybe the bitch wasn't completely useless at all.
" Looks like you can make a friend Tpolemos, the village idiot over there seems to be at your mentality. ", though even as his eyes veered to the small female he noticed the swirling mass of energy she was collecting. Potential energy perhaps? No, she wasn't feeding her life force into nor drawing it from any given place. Whatever it was, it was practially invisible. " It is unwise to tempt my partner with such a masscade little one, for he does not know mercy. " Of course, they were both dangerous oppeants to be facing. Though the smaller of the two seemed to be the least amount of trouble, the other was different. If she could control the chains so, did she posses the ability to manipulate metal such as Tpolemos? Without much doubt in his mind, he would need to formulate a stratigy to overwhelm them both at once. While this was of course easier said than done.
Glancing back to the one he believed was the ruler of the realm, he shrugged his shoulders slightly while lifting his right arm up to waist level. Still he appeared to remain neutral, even his tone was " Give us the codex and we shall be on our way. We have no time to pointless bloodshed like this. This is the last chance, after this we will take it by force. " His eye's kept their focus on the two as he watched every little action before speaking once more to Tpolemos in a more quiet voice " The one in the black, try not to lob off all of her limbs nor head. I'd like to use her for my next experiment, there is something about her that I may be able to use. " With that, he waited for their answer, if it was no. He already could foresee the results of the battle, to some degree at least. As long as his actions remained unreadable, he would be considered less of a threat than Tpolemos. Though the air head would more than likely charge in, in this case if there was a slip up. Aktrious knew he'd have to join into the heat of battle head on as well, diffenetly not his style at all.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Bane

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:27 pm

Lying? Why would they be lying to two complete strangers. Bane was after all just a nobody not the Queen Mist. But on the other hand, that was the way she wanted it to be, yet upon hearing Odist playing along, Bane glanced to her and nodded. “ Why would we be lying to you?” Bane arched a brow and looked at the man in black, her inner eye reading of the use of power and the clear movement of metal from the fact that his armor was giving of large amounts of thermal energy rising slowly in the air above him. “ Ey Ey we don’t want any trouble man, we will take you to the Queen in white. “ Bane said as Odist stepped in behind her and after a moment grabbed her arm, flashing a grin as she looked at them, her eyes shifting only for a second from golden to a ice blue, and then back. The demon was hoping that they would fall for it, if not there would be combat since after all Bane was not going to hand over the codex just like that. Yet since the man in black wanted to read her codex, Bane unhinged it from her belt, It was perfect. First for the reason of if he ran of with the book, the book would simply just return to its master, secondly she could trap him inside the book upon the moment he touched it and she gave a single command. Holding the book out to him Bane smiled “ Read away “ This was so much fun Bane thought as she giggled and looked to Odist “ I don’t understand why they think we have the codex” Bane uttered before the other one spoke, he was seemingly smarter than she thought. “ Me the queen of these lands? I’m but a mere nobody my dear. “ Bane said and smiled, while now stepping forward and walking up to him holding the codex out for him “ This is not what you seek, see for yourself “ The demon said as she came to a stop a few feet before him the black chains slithering after her and re took their task of circling her as her spiked tail swayed behind calmly.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Odist

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:28 pm

Odist couldn't stand being in this situation. She wanted to grab the queen and run but this was impossible; conflict would happen even if they ran, the math told her so. The Ancients began to whisper to her again and she listened to the helpful words they offered her. Her position changed as she stood in front of the queen with the air in her hand reaching a critical mass. 'My lady; I feel it is required to bring it to your attention that we have unfortuantely lost this charade.' Although it was harder to control than simple wanter, the blood began to seep out of the pool and around Odist's feet, her gold mask glimmering as the red liquid relfected light onto it. An ancient floated next to her and she let out a breath; "Consentration is low, if you do not remove the aero you might not be able to summon the power to move the blood. Remember, blood is-" He didn't get to finish as Odist cracked her neck confidently, 'Thicker than water.' she hissed and shoved her feet into the ground bending her knees as if the child was expecting an attack. 'You are fighting on uneven grounds, my friends. Depart from our lands and return to your own. This is not a battle that you can win lightly.' She said in a confident tone. If her masks were removed, the two intruders would've been able to see her grin and the flicker of sadism in her eyes as the thought of harming those who threatened her Queen, rushes blood to her head. 'My lady, requesting permission to release Fletus Deus if the situation requires such measure to secure the safety of the ruling monarchy.'

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Tpolemos

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:28 pm

: “How quaint. Their mockery is almost laughable. If I honestly cared, what they had to say right now, I probably would be laughing. Yet the scent of their boiling blood…” Tpolemos took in a deep breath, his voice shaking slightly with the vast amounts of adrenaline that pumped through his veins now. “It’s intoxicating.” Tpolemos allowed a low rumble of laughter to escape his lips for a moment, as he slowly stepped forward to come into line beside Aktrious, the circle of liquid metal around his feet spreading further, now about ten centimetres from his feet. Small spires of black extending out of the slowly spreading puddle, almost like smoke, swaying as it rose. Tpolemos gritted his teeth somewhat as she extended the book out to them, and shook his head a little beneath his helmet. “You had your chance heathen. Saul’en demands your blood as payment for your treachery. You defy his warrior and you defy his laws. You shan’t get away with that. No trickery shall stop my hand from taking your head.” Tpolemos chuckled slightly as he shook his head somewhat more blatantly disregarding the whispered words from Aktrious. Tpolemos returned the jibe, with a simple low rumble. “"Lop off all the limbs, and take the head as a trophy. Alright, I got it. Any other words of advice?" Shaking his head he noticed as the being he assumed Aktrious was going to be taking as his opponent stepped forward in front of his target. Tpolemos growled slightly, his helmet reacting to his angry thoughts seemingly snapping like jaws outwards towards the two. The puddle growing further still, now almost thirty centimetres from his feet. “You’ve lost your chance at helping us, and our master in his purpose. Now, you shall beg the forgiveness. Grounds your home these may be. Yet you do not know the fierce power you are faced with, foolish idiotic peasant.” Tpolemos placed a hand at his waist, as the circle around him came to a stop now stretching at almost a metre around him. His boot attached to this circular plate of liquid metal. He noticed the blood beginning seep around the girl’s feet, and this could only be matched with a smirk from Tpolemos. He extended his gauntlet covered hand and muttered a single word. “Purge.” Almost like a secret command the fingertips of his gauntlet seemingly exploded forward, falling like whips from the tips his full body length and then to the edge of the circle of liquid metal. These tendrils of metal, whips of steel seemed to writhe with their own life and existence swirling blackness as their liquefied state attempted to maintain shape. “I’ll pry the book from her corpse, and then we can get onto finding this codex they seem so willing to protect. The pool around him seemingly threw little black balls into the air. Closing his eyes beneath his helmet he focused as much attention as he could upon these balls, whilst maintaining the whips from his gauntlet and the pool of liquid around his feet, before commanding them to explode forward, like little bullets speeding at almost blinding speeds towards the two females. Their trajectory changing so that all six would speed towards the one in black, the one known (though not known to him) as Bane.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:28 pm

: Arriving at the palace , she came up through the vegetable gardens and hopped over a plot of the herb garden, skipped into the kitchen where she snatched an apple off the pile ready to be sliced for pie and begged a thick slice of gruyere cheese from the cook before leaping up the backstaircase to her rooms. She turned the knob and as the door flew open Felie sent the remains of the apple core sailing past the head of her maid to fly out the window that was always open during the day. Felie peeled off her clothes and rummaged through the garterobe for a clean outfit to wear and pushing her maids hands aside while muttering ' no! no! not a dress I have to do an errand and its one that includes some rpough traveling. Now don't you start and if you tell Old Nanny Hayes I will lock you in one of the sub dungeons for a week." Felie yanked on the kidskin thong of a rich wine and then her brassiere of the same fabric that had the crisscross back. She braided her hair in a long plait down her back that reached her arse and tugged on her stockings before shoving her feet in her thigh high boots that shone like a thick black tar. then wrapped her plain black leather kirtle around her hips and tied it off on the left side in a double knot to prevent unraveling. She thrust her arms through the holes of her matching vest and then she went to the dressing table and grabbed what appeared to be nothing more than a piercing and she attached it securely into the fleshy top of her belly button. When seen microscopically close up the tiny oval disk of gold and silver look had a two faced relief cameo on its surface. The left side was white with silver hair, the right was black with red hair and the hairs entwined as they met at the back of each head to trail down the center of the cameo. She gave it a little push til it sat snug in her belly button and she grabbed her blades, strapping one to each bicep and then the smaller needle-like throwing daggers filled with the toxins of over one hundred venoms she had distilled into a hell of a wicked stinger went around each thigh in its garter. She then patted the maid on the head saying "don't wait up for me" as she sailed out the door and raced down the front steps and into the library where she took the hidden portal and letting one talon burst out she ripped into it and opened a portal to her aunt Keairas and turning sideways , Felie slid out one leg then the other to come up behind her Aunt Kea, who was on a divan staring into the fireplace that had a framed picture on the wall of her and Felie's dad, Gorgoth. Felie stared at the picture as she came around the couch and she yanked her Aunt Kea up, hugging her in the process and opened a new portal that was the gateway to the old Officinale arena. She didn't know why she had to go there and bring Aunt Kea but fuck it, when the messages came she never asked why anymore , just went and dealt with whatever shit came of it. They popped out and landed on the roof of the small stone arch that used to invite visitors to the arena but now was a crumbling mass of obsidian bricks and dried pools of blood. Making sure her aunt was okay Felie eased Keaira down onto the path below then swung herself over the edge and jumped down beside her as they trod forward.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Keaira

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:29 pm

Though it had been fifty years since Keaira’s brother had passed Keaira sat on the couch to her home, staring at the fire place with a framed picture of her and her brother on it, she smiled towards the picture and held up her glass to it before taking a drink. Though she knew that he was not dead due to their unbreakable bond, Keaira had still felt weak from not being in his presence. A tear drop had fallen down her cheek and into the glass she had been drinking from, Looking up she cracked her neck and walked over to the mirror where another picture of herself fifty years ago had rested, wow she had changed, always wearing latex, weapons with pale skin and black and pule hair in the picture, now she had a darker skin tone yet still pale, with red and black hair. Now with a tattoo on her arm for her twin she looked at it softly where it had said 9 simple words “We may be apart but yet we are strong” written in such a way that only she could read it or her brother. Many had claimed to be her brother but yet each time she had known none of them were. Feeling a presence nearby, she had begun to get a little bit stronger and turned around and went to sit back on the couch taking a sip of her glassed filled with tears but also a type of drink in it. As Keaira had been getting stronger she had thought it may have been her brother, however it was her niece Felie and she had just simply smiled to her noticing that Fel had now grown up so much and it brought tears to her eyes to see what a beautiful woman Fel had become, still looking and smiled she nodded “Hello my sweet what are you doing here? Now one has come to see me in such a long time. “Noticing that Fel was staring at the picture of her and her brother she smiled before yelping as she was yanked up into a hug and dragged into the portal to the Officinale arena. When they had arrived on the stone arch and Fel eased her down she had smiled towards her. “Your aunt is not that old now my dear .” making sure Fel was ok when she had swung down onto it, she had looked around the murky area and looked to the candles and then the blood surrounding the area where she then took Felie’s hand and walked up towards the arena area.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Aktrious

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:30 pm

Was she really about to hand him the book? Aktrious studied her facial expression, it was innoccent enough but he could also tell it was a facade. Instead he stepped away, after all, Tpolemos had already marked her for himself. Keeping his attention to her for only a breif moment he said rather sly " Enemies do not offer gifts, thus giving me a trap such as that is pointless. Besides, judging from that magical eye inprinted into your chest that only I can see. It must mean the codex is a whom, not an object. " Casting his gaze from her only to look at Tpolemos as he begun to blabber about his god once more, it seemed he was already on the offense. ' Never a dull moment with the Jag'troa ' was a simple thought that passed through his mind. Though it was the little girl that gained his full attention as he heard her words to the other woman. " Tpolemos, CAPTURE HER DO NOT KILL HER. ", with the command given now that it was found that the woman in black was indeed the queen.
But how to deal with the little girl? That invisible force was gathering at an impressive rate, and the destructive force that it was generating could not go unnoticed. It became even more so relvent once the blood itself begun to pull towards her, hearing her speak " Thicker than water ". So that was it, the invisible force, the blood it made sense. She was wielding a form of elemental magic, but it wasn't one he had encountered before. Matters were quickly becoming dire as he glanced past the pair only to see another set of females approuching. " The hell is this, house of whores? " the crude remark ushered from his lips while taking a step back. Dealing with two wasn't going to be simple given the abilities he was witnessing, but another two thrown into the mix certainly didn't favor him and his partner in the least. But still, it made getting the little girl and her annoyingly untold power out of the way all the more simpler.
His eyes up to this point had remained focused and unmoving, though as he looked into the eyes of the little demoness that was willing to throw her very life away to defend her lady they shifted ; his eyes spun counter clockwise. The symbols of the black lines that were once curved elegantly changed to a more crude and harsh form. While his eyes and that of the little girl's were linked, the world around them seemed to change as though the place of where they were was merely another phase of existance. The stone floor blossemed and turned into a field of flowers, so many viberate colours filled the area. The chains that had remained untouched by time swirled and were reformed into trees ; even the cavern itself was morphed into an open sky. While the world took shape in his mind, it was through the little girls eyes that she would see the change and what the illusion would become.
The stage for the massacre was complete, but not of all of the chess peices were in play as of yet. Tpolemos and his form seemed to vaporize before fading away, while his own form swirled into an unusal change. Before the girls very eyes, his body shaped into that of a female. A long tail unravelled from around one of her slender legs, while the black top matched that of the woman the little girl had refered to as her queen. In place of the queen however, or rather where she once stood. Was Aktrious image, an exact copy of what he was once. At first it would of seemed like they had changed bodies, but that wasn't exactly it. The little demoness simply would see what he created as their eyes remained linked. At this point in time though, it didn't matter if eye contact was broken, it was far to late for that.
Walking up to her with the grace of a fair lady, she smiled softly at the demoness while saying " It's ok to use that ability, we need it to destroy them. ", knowing that the other two were about to reach them they were already accounted for. The other two females, one taking the form of Tpolemos, while the other was that of another unknown yet dressed in the same robes as Aktrious was. It was a flawless replica of his brother, it seemed that he could still use the path of sight to it's full ability without it hinding him. " Come on dear, we need to defeat them, if they get the codex bad things will happen to us both. " Hoping to urge the little girl into openingly using her full abilties against the Aktrious look alike, this was almost too perfect to consider. While the world he had trapped her in was not the true reality, the people within were all real. Though he had removed the true Tpolemos from her view to help fortify the illusional reality.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Bane Mist

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:30 pm

It seemed as if the fun was over as Bane put the book back where it belonged since the man that she had offered it to backed away, glancing towards the man in dripping armor as he came up to side with the other man. “ Don’t be so quick on taking my head, I haven’t done anything not to fulfill what I said, I would let you look at the book, but you don’t want to when you first off wanted to. You really need to make up your minds “ Bane spoke as she noticed Odist who got in front of her, asking to let out the crying god. “ Not yet Odist” Bane said as she grabbed her hand and pulled her back behind her, covering her view but also disturbing what she was doing as the blood splashed down onto the ground, it seemed as if an attack was coming soon and Bane didn’t see reason for Odist to be in the front line since it was her idea of act that lead them to this, due the increased thermal energy radiating from the dripping man, and his temper that seemed to have gone lose. “ also I am going to bring you to the one who holds the Codex, the Queen in white, the white demon” Bane spoke while the black chains from the ground speared upwards creating a wall of black before Odist and Bane the chains twisting and hinging to each other shielding them from the two from the others view, this was not because of the attack that happened a few seconds later, but for Bane to change back into Mist. The black scaling of her skin in the form of ashes as the red hair went snow white along with the horns and tail. Her golden eyes turned into an icy blue as the bane marks changed into white as well merely visible to the pale skin of the white demon. Yet suddenly Mist felt something hit her leg, a bullet escaped from the wall of chains, sharp pain. Yet endurable to Mist as she took a deep breath and removed the mask from her face, now showing her actual looks yet that’s when she noticed two familiar energy traces approaching from behind, Felie and her aunt. “ Oh great, why don’t we bring all of the people with the codex here? “ Mist face palmed her self before waving a hand at the chains that in which unhinged from each other and returned down to the ground, retaining their slithering and circling of the Demon. Now placing her ice blue eyes upon the dripping man “ So who sent you?” Mist asked as she raised an arm to unwrap her scarf from her neck, letting her white long locks of hair fall down as she them lowered the scarf down, holding onto its edge with her right hand as it hit the ground, making it crack under the sudden weight that dropped down. They were now clearly under attack and Mist wasn’t one to hold back when it came to that, with the raise of her left hand she aimed it at the dripping man, unhinging the electrical flow in her nerve system, and then simply feeding energy into it a flash of sparks emitted from the bangles upon her arm the diodes leading the current in a higher consecration, collecting in her palm for a few moments before she let the electrical charge lose, and arch flashed out at the dripping man the arch of lightning not enough to kill, but to stun.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  Empty Tpolemos

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:30 pm

Tpolemos was not perturbed as she mocked them. Claiming that they couldn’t make up their minds. Such trickery was blatant in even his eyes, and he’d fallen into the simplest of snare traps in the past. Of course, he’d gotten out of them, almost as quickly, but the point remained. He shook his head somewhat and turned his palms upwards, the liquid metal whips jutting from his gauntlet lashing about almost like the chains that had now seemingly begun to react to this woman’s words. It was an almost cocky jest, claiming she was going to bring them to the one who had the codex, before obscuring the both of them behind the wall of metal, the chains from earlier seemingly coming fully to life. Tpolemos allowed his face to fall shallow behind his helmet, was now had an eerie almost mist like blackness coming off it, the helmet super-heating from the processing of his brain and temper, the liquid metal boiling away into the black mist that raised from it, like infernal horns of midnight black. He could only hope that Aktrious had done what was necessary to start his fighting before the girl who’d asked to release a creature of sorts had been pulled back. If not, then this would get very interesting for the child of the sadist. “Bathe in their blood.” He muttered slightly, and grunted, knowing that now, under the strict commands to capture her, he could not kill her. The creature that now stood before him, silver white hair, and icy blue eyes. It hadn’t managed to avoid one of his bullets which would’ve slammed into her leg, a sharp pain would’ve followed before it deflected off flying in whatever direction it deemed fit. He gritted his teeth slightly as two more women approached, supressing a slight chuckle of amusement at Aktrious’ comment about this being the house of whores. However, Tpolemos had to focus, the pool at his feet now spewing more little balls of metal into the air, quickly solidifying them and in turn, spewing them at this white haired demon who stood before him, like a volley of bullets in the tens and twenties every five seconds or so. They served as suppressors, to inflict enough surface damage to distract the person long enough for a killing blow. Or in this case, a metal grasp to capture her, as it was necessary for them to have her to get the codex. Once they had that, her head could be taken. He grunted slightly, his mind going blank for a moment. “Somebody you obviously once met. For we would not be here, otherwise, would we? Logic persists.” He shook his head as thrust his gauntlet hand upwards a spear of metal exploding out of the middle and colliding mid-air with the electricity. Metal being a natural conductor of electricity absorbed it and held it in place. The unstable base would soon collapse, Tpolemos firing the spear with the electricity now conducted off into the distance away from the battle. Moments later he would swing his gauntlet hand at her, still flinging the bullets of metal, the whips stiffing into large claws extended to a few feet behind her, in an attempt to engulf her in the swipe, his eyes narrowing slightly as he did this, hidden behind the mask. “Give us the codex. Don’t pull anything funny, and you’ll escape the wrath of Gor—“ He choked his word slightly, and shook his head. He’d almost revealed Gorgoth’s name then. He hoped he’d caught himself soon enough, else, Aktrious would sure have a verbal lashing in store for Tpolemos later.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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