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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:31 pm

She could feel herself become trapped inside the damned creature’s story. It was the smell that put her off, no matter what one saw, one could never imitate a smell and never her queen’s smell perfectly. ‘Ancients.’ She spoke, closing her eyes softly as she pulled off her golden mask revealing her pale, childlike face, ‘Release Effigia Oculus, strength level six.’ Keeping her eyes closed she tried her hardest to keep the fog from crawling into her mind, turning her balance off-center. Feeling an Ancient wrap their arms around her shoulder she quirked a grin and felt the illusion vanish. The Ancient didn’t let go as she opened her eyes, but as Odist realised the Queen had pulled her behind she growled and the Ancient vanished. ‘My Queen, I must request that you stay behind as it is hardly a danger should I not survive this, we have no successor to the Throne outside of your child… She is… not ready.’ Stepping next to the queen again she released the air she’d collected and took a breath. ‘If I may not use Fletus Deus… At least let me fight with the subelements that are within my reach; my queen.’ She didn’t really wait for an answer as she pulled the blood up from the pool sharply this time, and in one swift movement she had the red liquid swirling around her body. Her small tail curled around her waist as she stepped closer to the chains that were between their opponents. It was almost clear that Odist was basically oblivious to small things such as the arrival of other people and wounds. She was concentrating now; as the blood kept swirling around her body, her eyes sunk back and a glint, that quickly became a glow, started to shine in her eyes. Pushing her right foot forward, she felt her way across the ground to find a week point, should the blood not be enough to maintain the order in the arena. ‘When attempting to use your illusion on me, pursue the hope of catching the correct sent.’ She stated cockily, swiftly blowing some strands of hair out of her face. ‘You have irritated the wrong girl.’ The child snarled, twitching her fingers as the blood began to slowly rise up towards her opponents, ‘It does you well to know that no one of foreign blood shall leave this place alive.’

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:31 pm

: Holding her Aunt Kea's hand firmly but not too hard, Felie walked forward as her feet adjusted to the roughly hewn black granite stones forever stained with the blood of fallen enemies and comrades alike. Still gripping her aunts hand she took the steps two at a time, leaping them and then dropping to her left knee and caressing the stones with what appeared to be a loving touch as her palm splayed out with her fingers spread wide. Only a few knew that as she ran her palm over the stones she was also emitting a signal to the shadow energy around her. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply as she focused and the arena darkened with shadows that built up and billowed across it like a thick fog rolling in from the ocean and covering the land until one can't even see their hand stretched out in front of them. At the same time she was feeling the others energies, trying to "read" them and her head snapped up, her nostrils flaring as she caught the scant traces of his scent clinging to the two unknown figures ahead of her facing her mother and the drone ( as Felie secretly called Odist). Her mouth pulled back over her teeth as she let her fangs erupt from the gumline and she felt the pain that always shot up her fingers through her wrists as her talons burst through from their place hidden beind the joint of the first knuckle of each finger. Felie's black spiked tail exploded from the tailbone of her spine just at the uppermost part of the beginning of the crack where her asscheeks parted. Thick onyx horns emergered from her skull, breaking through skin that was turning to a dark smoky ash and her eyes began swirling as the mercury in them shot out electrical sparks that flashed and shimmered across the inner side of her eyes lens. Most creatures didn't realize that her eyes were collecting information from them when she did this and while she could do it in bright daylight , of course for her the darker the surroundings the clearer the "read". All energy carries a force working within it and this was her gift to be able to scan an energy souce and garner information from it much as a laser can scan a retina and get information. Once she had the info, her mind worked like a supercomputer and stored the information so anyone or anything that had any traces of a specific energy pattern or souce that she had already absorbed instantly gave her access to that information as she scanned them. This was not a mechanical thing but was a part of her unique genetic coding, one that owed a lot to the diversity of her parents DNA, RNA and bloodlines. Taken alone it was enough for most but coupled with the chaotic life she had been born into and then the subsequent upbringing by soul reavers, learning their ways and becoming the humanoid depository of their kinds history, only increased her inate abilities of energy manipulation and her natural empathic connection to all living things. As she stared into the dense shadows she had called forth, her nails dug deep grooves in the hardened flooring and she sent wave after wave of messages out from her brain, down her neural transmittors, flowing into her arms and down them to spew out of the tips of those talons and course along under the arena floor to slither upwards under all four of those standing ahead of her and her Aunt Kea. She sent out false images so that as they peered at and played their tricks on one another, their eyes and minds were being pulled by the hint of a multitude of others hiding in the darkness. Would this fool them for long? No, and definately not her mom, but it did give her enough time to complete her scans and then condense the energies she absorbed to her advantage. She shifted the metals that the male entities had in them to form thin strains the thickness of piano wire that shot down through their neurons and then out from their bottommost parts to braid and tether them to the ground. She sent tentacles of shadow up to meld with the shadows of these strangers and wrap around them. Felie breathed out varying patterns of air, starting with a soft whistling that sson changed to a hearty whooshing breath that sounded like the beginning of a tornado whirling into existance. Thses whooshes had the effect of summoning SoulReavers, not to destroy this time , but to occilate into the bodies of the strangers and extract any thoughts that they could for Felie that may help her find the answers she sought before they sped away again into the cimmerian darkness, heading back to their abyss. She cracked her neck as she tipped her head and opening her eyes focused on Odist and Mist as she threw up a illusion of emptiness in the murky blackness disguising where all six of them in the arena were, while sending false energy patterns riccocheting off the walls of the cavern to disorient and confuse. She knew Mist and Odist would wonder why she sought to impair them as well as the strangers, but only Keaira would sense her twin and this is what Felie counted on. She had heard the one man start to say a name and she knew it was her father he spoke of and she did not care, codex or no codex, even if her Papa was bat-shit insane on a good day he was still her father and no-one was dying here til she found out why these creatures had the scent and feel of her father around them. She would never choose one parent over another but she would destroy anything else that got in the way of her finding her father, even if it meant she destoryed the very stones beneath their feet.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Aktrious

Post  Admin Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:09 pm

A dark mirkly place had engulfed them all. Even through the veil though, Aktrious was able to see clearly. The two beings had so suddenly rocked up to the party that him and Tpolemos were to take part in were to be considered more so of a threat than the others. Yet the feeling was odd within himself, even as he started between the demons ; his eyes relining themselves to read the very cell structure of the new creatures. Such an ability as he thought, was one that the Shadowcaster lord had used himself to black out the sun when they invaded the holy lands of the undying. Though this was on a much smaller scale, he knew that there must of been some link. Even though his facial expression changed to a slight surprise as the new arrivals gene system was almost a direct match to Gorgoths, he remained stead fast. Letting out a soft breath, he raised his hand to signal to Tpolemos while speaking in a soft yet direct voice ; " Halt your actions before you get us both killed. Those two are not to be dealt with in this manner. " After a short pause, the male lowered his hand and his voice softened slightly as he spoke once more, " All we desire is the codex, it is rather obvious that we can't win here on equal terms and hope to live dispite one of us being able to get the codex itself. And whom ever those two are, they remind me of someone I would rather not cross any time soon. " Letting his words sink in, a growing silence befell the individuals within the arena. A silence that of course was only broken by a fade of a blurred out shadow that washed away the darkness, returning the arena as it was once before any of the illusions were conjured. A massive black spiral of what appeared like small leafs, almost feathers flickered about before the two parties. As it happened, a fiendish female laugh echoed out from the new spawn of hell ; a laugh that was more considered a joke of the matter kind of thing to Aktrious. After the laughing had died down, the voice of Kendra erupted with enough force that the ground beneath the blackness cracked as though a heavy weight had been placed upon it. " Sisters of the Shadowcaster, how thy lord had pondered for long what had happen to thee. Lay down thou arms, and do as his servents beckon. For now it is the era of Gorgoths return. Hand forth the codex before the time comes to pass, and it is to late for his death will be the end result. As will it be for each of you, especially you Shadowcaster. ", with the few words spoken by a jester ; the dark swirling abyss faded back into the void of which it had been created. Aktrious turned his head to Tpolemos with a rather puzzled look upon his face before nodding his head towards him while clarifying what Kendra had said in a more plainer way " The two new comers are Shadowcasters. One could assume, that the elder looking of the two is his twin sister. " Which of course, wasn't hard to over look due to the common appearance between the siblings. Continuing on with his train of thought, he turned his head more so to the others as he mumbled on " The world of which Gorgoth is upon, is soon to end. With his death, will come that of his twin. In doing so, Kendra whom I have seen survive things that no other being ever has will mark this world as free game to become a play thing. More than likely, she'll kill all of you, as well as us if we do not return with the Codex. From what I understand, it is required as are the words of power used to invoke it. Neither of us know more than that. " After finishing, Aktrious took a more relaxed stance, his arms lowered to his sides so that his robes once more concealed them while he awaited some form of intelligence from any of them. One of the few things that had always been absolute was that when Kendra spoke of killing someone, it was done generally on the spot. Still aware that they had plenty of time before the transporting devices would reactivate, they had the small amount of time to either get the book and have a bit of down time ; or meet the fate that both of them had been prolonging for what seemed like a life time.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:21 am

Snickering Mist snapped her fingers, the chains of adolescence and sin responding instantly as they shoot out around her and Odist in a swirl, knocking back anything coming at them ironically just as the whole place went pitch black. ''Felie..." Mist thought as she peered out in the darkness. no not even she could see through this with her bare eyes, yet the inner eye could as it held everyone energy traces in place. Hearing the robed man speak Mist tilted her head, he was almost complementing them and speaking of someone they did not wish to cross, that ticked her mind as she begun counting through the most obvious beings though the trail of thought was short lived as Mist sensed another energy trace coming through, out of no where whilst the darkness was washed away. now having her eyes falling upon a female as she laughed, the demon stood still, listening and watching. after hearing the woman's speak to kendra and Felie, Mist face palmed herself after hearing the rest the woman had to say, without a doubt Mist would help him since after all, she owed her Child that much and it wasent a major surprise Gorogoth had survived his doom . ::: Gorgoth...::: removing the hand from her face Mist stared down the trio with a not so pleasant gaze before tossing her hands in the air :: You know, this would of been much more simpler if you had only answer my question when i asked who wanted to codex.::: Mist wasent in a pleasant mood anymore, and that could be noticed as the chains around her cringed as if they where in pain and the demons gaze shone in a blue eerie glow. letting her hands fall back to her sides Mist took a hold of her codex, whispering the commands for unlocking and opening its storage in her mind. shaking her head she reached into the codex with one arm until it had consumed as much as to her shoulder. Only to pull out a unused codex that she now was holding in her hand as she shut her own codex. ::: Of course ::: Mist said, now in a much more softer voice yet the chains still twisted around her as in pain ::: Here is an un-used codex, it must be sealed by the users blood to obey him, and after that he can use it for whatever he intends to use it for. ::: With that Mist tossed the codex over to the robed man. ::: But do tell him from me, the next time he wishes anything, he can come himself. He has nothing to fear here besides... ::: Mist smirked and glanced to the chains ::: me maybe. ::: she finished turning back to glance to Felie ::: Felie my dear daughter, would you please come here, I need to speak with you about alot of things :::

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Odist/Odila Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:18 am

Odist was unsure to what had just happened, her thoughts had been ceased with the chains coming into her view and the area going black. Although site was no issue for her, she still liked to be able to see exactly where she was going to attack. 'My Queen, they are unable to see us yes?' she questioned, realising that it was a stupid question. 'My queen... I beg off you that you do not give this creature what he so fourth requires. His entrance to this home could cause a disturbance in the delicate system that has built itself upon... well us, by us, from us... It might...' She stopped not quite sure what she was attempting to say, although difficult, it did make sense to her not to let the Queen's one-time-lover gain any footing. She put her mask on slowly, no longer wishing to show her features to the world although darkness had spread across the visionary trail. 'I feel the movement, weak as it may appear.' She stated hoping that her usefulness would continue to stem into the Queen's palms. 'Please... Let us, do something other than let him... This creature Gor- the second half of the child enter, I-' she bit her tongue as she thought her place over once more, before taking a breath, her voice returning into a more metallic sound. 'I feel the queen might be compromised when thinking of the welfare of the country, this could start a mess that would be hard to clean up.' She closed her eyes and looked at the ground, stomping her feet together and standing up straight with her hands behind her back. 'My queen... take no offence. You are acting badly.'

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Re: The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )

Post  Felie Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:21 am

Felie heard her mothers whisper even as she built shade upon shade within her own genetic makeup, much as a child would build a castle out of wooden blocks. She felt a "push", an invasion of sorts and she had grown quite adept at manipulating her dna and rna rapidly to create a confusion so that her true blood heritage could not be easily discerned. Even the Soul Reavers had taught her tricks of air flow and the paths of energy that exist in everything, even the most seemingly inanimate objects. Pulling on these resources, she could mimic and alter the blocks to hide her true identity to all but her bloodparents. Others often found her to be in an odd mood, not knowing she was immersed in this bathing energy that gave her her hidden strengths. The female mockery she was hearing with its cackling laugh, thought little of Gorgoth and his spawn, but Felie's lips quirked into a lopsidedly wicked little grin for other enitites often mistook her for being less than her father if they knew of the link, whereas in reality Felfaina Shadowcaster-Officinale was not less than anyone. She was not a God or Goddess or immortal, but damn near enough to such immortals because she was the offspring of the merging of both her parents own unique genetics. Then due to a great catastrophic event to her, she spent much of her formative years blindly, mutely learning all that the Soul Reavers knew and was even now considered by them to be their only life bloodkin. As words were spoken, links began to fall into place in her brain till she saw a pattern emerging in the chain the links made that led her to gasp a sharply indrawn breath and almost crumble to her knees. Instead, she sucked in deeply and tensed her knees, spine and elbows as she pulled at the emotions roiling inside of her now, letting them coalesce and build up within her until as she lifted her head her eyes flickered between ice cold mercury and bazing hot magma, before banking down to a deceptive calm reddish-grey. Her fingers flickered so fast they were hard to follow as she sent veiny tendrils slithering through dust, murk, and shadow to find what she desired. Felie gave her mother a terse nod in the affirmative, knowing they needed to talk as she realized her mother had also connected some of the links leading back to Gorgoth. Felie turned to her Aunt Kea and ran her fingers along the ridge of her shoulders, sucking enough energy from her to make her go somnolent, then caught her aunt as she dropped and eased her to the floor before cloaking Keaira in a veil of blackness while the forthcoming confrontation took place. Felie tilted her head as she glanced at Odist telling Mist she was behaving badly and she bit back any of the sarcastic retorts that had her wanting to chuckle even as they stood in such a situation of dangerous intent. Then with a shrug and a whirl, Felie seemed to vanish from sight as she faded into an almost sheer opaquency and glided over to her mothers side , blowing Mists hair so she knew exactly where Felie stood.


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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Aktrious

Post  Admin Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:42 pm

It seemed that Kendra had said what was required to obtain the item that Aktrious and Tpolemos needed. Aktrious caught the un-used codex with his left hand before lowering it to his side. At this point, there was no need for future conflict for the time being, their mission was complete to a degree. His eyes spiralled over to Kendra as he said in a mocking tone “ Produdent bitch, we could of handled this without your interferience. “ Not that it mattered anymore, Aktrious turned and nodded to Tpolemos before saying , “ Let us take our leave, we have the codex. I’m sure Gorgoth will know what to do with it. “ There was nothing more for him to say, and with that he reached and pushed the button on the device that was able to allow them to travel through the warp. As soon as his finger touched the button, his body shimmered before vanishing into thin air. Arriving back at the platform that him and his comrade had set forth on their journey to the realm ; it was odd to see the number of black robed men surrounding him. Questions arose as Kendra stepped forward from the crowd and approached him. “ So the lap dogs of master have returned, hand over the codex Aktrious. “ With obvious little choice, he tossed the codex towards Kendra who caught it in turn. However to his unexpected surprise, Gorgoth appeared suddenly between them in the ghastly form of a shadow which soon blended and became as vivid as himself. “ So you recovered it, I am so delighted! “, the voice was spoken with a sinister smile that crossed the creature. Aktrious nodded as he wondered what was taking Tpolemos, though he remembered what the demoness said. “ You must use your blood my lord, in order to activate the codex. “ A momentary pause seemed to bring an uneasy stillness before Gorgoth cackled in his insanity before saying light heartedly “ Yes yes, we never assumed she’d have nothing less that something to encode the device. “ Without a second thought, Gorgoth did what was needed to activate the codex. Upon doing so, his mind was flooded with all the requirements that was needed to access the book and use it. Allowing the words to open the codex to form in his mind, the book soon opened for him as he stared down into a darkness that seemed to have no depth. “ Kendra, make the perpations and get the chosen into the codex. I’ll be setting out within the hour to take it back and begin the merging. “ With that he handed the codex over to her, before turning his attention to the Arrival of Tpolemos and Aktrious. “ You’ve both served us well, soon we will be on a new world with new plunder to exploit. “ ‘ New plunder to exploit ?’ the thought crossed Aktrious’s mind as he considered what the possibility meant. However, he cut the thought off as he spoke up, “ Pardon my lord, but there is a matter of.. Concern. When Tpolemos and I entered that place, the demoness confronted us. Not only does her abilities surprise me, but a little girl also remains at her side which was able to overwhelm my abilities. To top things off, those with traces of your very bloodline appeared as well. “ The Shadowcaster clapped his hands together as he let out a light squeal of pleasure. The tone seemed to be full hearted when he spoke again, “ Well it seems you’ve met my daughter and sister. I’m not surprised they took shelter in Misty’s realm after all of this time. The little girl over powered you? And here I considered you the most powerful of your race. Tsk tsk, this will just not do. No matter, once we obtain their lands, I’m sure you can play with left overs of the little girl to find out what she is made of. Now both of you go have some time to relax, and do whatever it is you do. “ Gorgoth walked away from as Tpolemos and Aktrious nodded to him. After an hour had passed, Kendra came to disturb Gorgoth while he sat upon his throne. “ Everything is ready master. “ Stalking up to where he sat, she placed the codex before his feet which the Shadowcaster took with a moments pause. Looking up to Kendra, he nodded while saying in a soft yet placid tone “ Time to go make a new home. “ With that Gorgoth’s embodiment faded away from the throne room.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:24 am

After the seekers had received what they wanted what had escalated was over quickly. Now the question was why would Gorgoth need a codex? Mist pondered as she watched the intruders vanish into thin air. As soon as they had gone the demon turned on her heel and glanced to Odist and Felie :: Felie, Odist to the chambers of Officinale at once, if you wouldn’t mind I think we have a few things we need to discuss. .:: And with that Mist quickly made her way towards the Officinale Castle not letting the feeling in her gut slow her down.

As Mist entered the castle through its front gates the Jinx soldiers on patrol stared at her :: Open the Gate:: One of them shouted up to the watch tower where another soldier activated the mechanism that lowered the gate with grace. The Queen nodded to the soldiers and flashed a small smile in gratitude. Despite the fact that she was the Queen and could make those in the realm abide to her commands, showing a thad of gratefulness often encouraged most to do their work better. Moving on Mist walked upon the court yard, separated in two by a line of tress in the middle. The leaves on the braches glimmering in their usual pale blue as Mist walked past, taking no time to dawdling over the beauty of her home, no more important things were happening and this was no time for dilly dally. As she closed in one the second gate the soldiers assembled to open the gate just in time for Mist to pass through and into the main hall of the Officinale castle. One of the maids turned to her and bowed :: My queen, is there anything you desire? :: She asked while remaining bowed down. :: No thank you, though would you please fetch the Jinx main general? :: the demon said as she continued to make her way to the chambers, just a set of stairs down from the main hall as Mist entered the dimly lit chamber, on here there were no servants or soldiers, Just Mist for the time being as she made it to her throne and sat down, waiting.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:07 pm

Odist growled loudly as her Queen vanished and she soon ran/flew to the castle, her eyes flaring up behind her mask as she stalked the halls of the impressive building. Odist felt an itch in her chest and she quickly flung doors open, making a few maids jump and scurry away from her. She looked at them, not for the first time, as if they were nothing but roaches living of other people's livelihood. 'You!' She bellowed loudly, pointing at a rather young looking maid who stuttered a small 'yes'. It was almost legendary how Odist could treat those whom she mistrusted, in fact many rumors had begun floating about the castle about her political siding in certain matters involving the queen. They had all been dismissed, as her ferocious loyalty made everyone sure she'd never leave her Precious Guardian's side, until death parted them both, meaning they'd both need to die. To some they ewrn't even sure that'd stop her. All in all however, before the maid could come to the attention of Odist, the Queen's Ward had moved on into the next set of halls; working her way through the spinal passges to the Officinale main hall. She could feel her queen residing inside, and it almost angered her. She shoved the doors open dramatically and slowly paced in, bowing to the queen as a light wind gust closed the doors behind her. She rose once more and withdrew her sword, putting it across her chest. 'My Queen and Guardian summoned me, to what is this simple creature needed for?' she said. Although a hidden mock was present, she herself did not realize of it's existence and seethed the sword, looking at the queen through her golden mask.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:07 pm

Felie usually was seen racing here and there , but the events they had just witnessed along with the tingling she got whenever she "felt" her father near had her shaken so her steps were plodding as if she dragged a dead weight with her. She was wondering several things...firstly why in the name of the Gods had her mother given up a codex to those miscreants. Secondly why did Felie feel and smell Gorgoth on them? Finally what had Mist so upset because despite her chilly calm , Felie knew her mother was worried about something. Her hair was flickering between a spectrum of colors and her skin kept darkening from a porcelain tinge to a deep berried bronze , then paling out again. The one thing not changing with her emotions was the thing everyone would expect to change, the hue of her irises were a molten silver with lightning flashes sparking through the swirling silver. She came up to the gate stretching tall and her jaw locked into a determined jut as she stepped into the courtyard and on into the keep to stride with a solid but quiet tread past the outer chambers and ignoring the maids and guards she strode into the main chambers. Genuflecting one knee slightly as she bowed to her mother, Mist, before rising to take a seat on one of the lesser thrones with a stiff spine, she turned and said in a less calm voice "Yes Mother I am here , now what the hell is happening?"

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:08 pm

Odist arrived before Felie, and bowed in her usual manner. Yet Mist waited with answering until Felie had arrived to, and as soon as she did, mist let out a sigh. :: Thank you two for coming, So what do you two think Gorgoth is planning? I mean.. He does not how to use it properly.. It might end up devouring him.:: The demon said as she rose from the throne and continued to stroll back and forth in front of it, ideas of what Gorgoth might do streaming through her mind. :: Odist could you ask the Ancient’s what they think to? :: Mist asked without looking at Odist but down at the floor, She had known He had not been dead, but what could he possibly want the codex for? Maybe he was planning on taking Felie from her. The thought made her heart ache in a motherly way, despite the fact that they were demons, they still had emotions.

Last edited by Admin on Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:09 pm

Odist shoved every feeling she'd ever harbored back and nodded, putting her hand across her chest. 'As you request, my Royalties.' She took a deep breathe and pushed her mind into the Ancients' position between the realms and fibers of their home. They smiled as they saw her but frowned quickly as she went down onto her knee and kept her eyes onto the floor. 'Ancients, I humbly request your assistance in a matter grave to the Kingdom. A creature calling himself Gorgoth has claimed a codex, and the Queen worries about him, and his plans. Do any of you, my masters, teachers, and fellow Officinale know of an answer that could satisfy and help us?' The ancients understood the graveness of the situation and collected as a hive mind to come up with an answer. Odist pulled out and stood completely still, silently collecting the information she was being fed into her brain. It was a uncomforteble process. Mostly due to the fact that she had a million voices inside her head, talking all at the same time. They however came to a final solution and Odist opened her mouth to relay the message. 'The Ancients believe that Gorgoth could possiby be trying to invade the realm, or merge them, as from the small view they have of other realms from their own things in his sector of the omniverse do not look plesant. It looks like he requires a Codex to do so, but that he unfortuantely is not lacking in intelligence, means that he is fully capable of using th Codex to merge our realms or overtake ours completely.'

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:10 pm

She knew it , she had always known they lied when others spoke of his death and how glad they were he was gone. But that's okay she wrote the name of every single person who had celebrated her father's supposed death and some day she would enact a revenge on them. As for what her father wanted, to her it was simple, Daddy always wanted power and control, so somehow he had plans for the codex and knowing him he had already plotted a way around the codex's design mechanism. She was proud of her father, still adoring the man she had once known while admiring the ruthless scion of pure destruction he had become. But she loved her mother and fervently as she feared this whole thing would mean choices. Unpleasant choices! Shaking her head, she looked at her mother while replying "I have not heard from him since..." Her voice wavered and she broke off the sentence as she swiped at her eyes. Fuck this, she was the spawn of two notoriously powerful creatures, she'd be damned if she'd cry like a damnable human. She listened as Odist presented the Ancients message then Felie spoke again" Mother I think he is intending to show us he is still a God of his own making. Why and if it is intended as a lesson or as a path to destroy us I do now know, but I do know he will come and soon." Seeing the Ancients had said as much as she would have about the codex she stopped speaking and with that, Felie leaped off her throne and almost ran to the door, opening the solid oak with metal brackets just enough to speak to the guard she beckoned. Her voice was too low to hear and they heard her raise it when she said" I don't care I want it now" then a few more words and she slammed the door and came striding back to lounge sideways on the throne with her left leg draped over the side swinging in air. A few minutes later there was a timid knock on the door and a guard opened it for the young maid who walked to them with the wine decanter and glasses. "Took long enough" Felie snarled as she decanted the wine and pour them each a hefty amount of the best ambrosia wine they had in the cellar. She intimated the girl shoud hand the others their drinks, Felie swigged hers back in one gulp , letting the liquid fire puond into her veins. Energy demons needed no wine , but she liked it when she felt like sending a violent storm sweeping through the village, it took the edge off and she usually could make do with a torrential downpour instead. But today as the maid turned to leave Felie grabbed the decanter again and poured a second glass before setting it on the tray and sending the girl away with a flicking motion of her wrist

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:10 pm

Listening to what Odist said Mist stopped in her steps, only to let Felies words be heard to. Felie knew her father, and so did Mist. He had gone berserk so to speak before the fall of shadow caster, but that he would want the destruction of the realm the demon found hard to believe, sitting back down on her throne, Mist took a few moments to let what both of them had said sink in. :: I don’t think he wants the destruction of the Realm Felie, he had his interest in it while he still was himself back in the days, though invading sounds more like him. He would not destroy something he could use after all, he’s too greedy for that. :: Letting out a soft breath :: Merging the realm? … Maybe I have no clue what he has for himself right now and a merging can be avoided with the help of the chains, or even make it easier if I wished it so.. If only he had come himself and spoken to me about it..:: Mist said with a frustrated tone, sure she could avoid a merging but it would come at a price, and Mist was not sure how high the price would be. :: Anymore ideas?::

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:11 pm

: Odist staggered slightly as the Ancients began to voice their concerns loudly and she grabbed the wall quickly letting out a, loud animalistic growl causing them all to silence. She straightened up and looked at her Royal Family once more. 'I feel the need to state the unease the Ancients feel from Gorgoth. Although I never met him, I have heard enough to understand their worries. Please your Grace, my Queen. Take into consideration that his life may not be worth that of our Realm and people.' She didn't show any hint to meaning ill, but she realised the minute she said it, that it possibly wan't the smartest thing to say.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:12 pm

Growling at Odist as she dared mention death for Gorgoth was an option. Even if it proved to be, that was a family decision bwetween her and her mom. Felie glared at Odist as if she wished she could melt the gold into Odist's flesh and then seer her own way into Odist's brain and tell the Ancients what she thought of their mesaages sometimes. She didn't remember ever once hearing a positive message from them and that irked her. Then there was Mist's own fears which Felie simply did not share. " Mother..Mommi! He loved you like no other female ever and I don't think thats lost and I carry his bloodline and I think I would feel it if he wanted to kill me." "So I say let him merge with us if that is his desire for we could use such strength after the wars we have gone through and the people we have lost. If he means to destroy us, the codex is attuned to Officinale bloodlines so will work for us over him and especially you Mother. I know I am haphazardous in my practice with it, its just I don't always feel it likes me, perhaps because of my years with the reavers. I suggest we covertly prepare fro a siege and let him make the next overt move , that gives us a small edge." She shakes her head firmly as if she has decided that while she will always follow her mother, she will also always try to see the good in her father. Whether or not this si her weakness will remain to be seen.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:05 pm

Blinking a few times for the growl coming from Odist the demon though no less that the ancient where worried about the situation, and as she heard her speak that he might not be worth it, Mist didn’t see how she was going to be able to stop him. Glancing over to Odist Mist let the silence hang in the air for a few moments. With an unchanging face as Odist looked worried :: I see, fair enough Thank you Odist:: Everyone had their right to an opinion and Mist had asked Odist to talk to the ancients after all. Yet the growl coming from Felie made Mist turn her head, those two had always been like that with each other, and Mist just could not figure out why. Listening in silence to Felie who declared a thing that once might have been a truth, even so Mist wasn’t to sure anymore, let alone she didn’t dare to think that way. The merging deal sounded attractive to the demon though, it could be interesting and rewarding for them to take Gorgoth in, yet rewarding in what way was the question and preparing for a siege was a good idea, never knew that a mad demon king had in mind after all. After considering for a few moments, Mist rose from her chair looking in between Odist and Felie :: Better to be safe than sorry, so let’s prepare for a Siege :: prancing around her throne again Mist let her mind wander to the subject of warfare. A Siege was to be prepared and to prepare that she needed both Officinale soldiers and the Jinx soldiers :: At least we have the advantage of knowing our lands, but that depends on where, and when they will attempt to merge or attack. If they even will attack that is. :: Mist muttered as she Pranced around, the white hair falling behind her as her tail swiped closely to the ground :: On the other hand, Gorgoth fears the chains of Adolescence and sin. So if needed we can surprise with that.:: Coming to an stop Mist had a plan in mind, yet even though her face looked calm, she was not. Her thought where like a maelstrom in her head from both anticipation and a thad of fear. :: We need the most skilled portal makers for and where Gorgoth enters the realm so we can get soldiers quickly to place, The eyes to keep a look out all over the realm and to contact me when the enter and if it looks like he is bringing in his own force. And of course the generals of the Jinx and Officinale to prepare the soldiers for battle, and have them on stand by until they are needed. Where do you think we should set up soldier camps? :: she asked before sighing. she didn’t wish for battle at all but she had to do everything to protect her realm.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:06 pm

Odist bowed to her queen as she heard her orders and mentally began preparing for the fight that lay before her. She easily discovered eight weakpoints in their demograph where the other beings would have a better fotting than themselves. 'My queen, I must inform you taht wer have eight positions in our midsts that prevent us from having the full advantage of knowing the earth beneath our feet. The Ancients temple, where my Grandparents recide inside, is a weak place for many officinale, but they wil have no regard for our customs or beliefs. If they threaten to destroy the temple then a few of the Followes of the Paths could very much faulter and give way to our enemies. That is the greatest risk, whilst there are other places, I feel they need not be mentioned as you have lived longer than me and know their location.'

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:06 pm

: <"I concur the Ancient Officinale's are a place to be guarded with a lot of power, but mayhaps wards and runic spells will work to help there. WE can't guard the Shadowcasters areas for Father rules then; so I say we focus on the Vox Vocis mountain passes both eastern and western, Frost Greith forest, Verus Arena will need the least guards for they are a scab that makes Gorgoth itch, and then there is Mount Livor." her voice drops on the name of the last site for she knows it is a place unknown by almost all. I also wish to emphasize the need to bolster defenses here at the seat of the kingdom for Officinale's subjects will come here for protection and safety if their area falls to Gorgoth. Felie acted calm and matter of fact because she was a good at plans and knew how to set up deployment. She was not as good at fighting, but if cornered her body had its own way of defending her as both her parents knew all too well. She began pacing and muttering as she walked. Without even realizing it, Felie was gathering maps, and velum and ink to make plans on, each pacing bringing back another item that could be useful and set on the large council table. Then she trod to the door, her footsteps still the faint catlike ones she learned when in the abyss. Turning the knob , she yanked open the door and screamed " lights, we need more lights!" "bring some bread and cheese and fruit as well, we may be here all night." She spun on her heel and kicked the door hard so it closed with a slam as she strode back to the thrones and began poring over the maps and charts and jotting down what she knew of the armies at hand. Shoving a fresh paper over to her mother she growled, "Arrrr Mother you do this I never know how many soldiers we have.">

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:07 pm

Weak points and strong points, Mist pondered as she went to take a seat by the council table, listening to Odist and then Felie, while in though, she did not know if they had enough soldiers, since they did not know how many soldiers Gorgoth had or of what calibre they were, Even though The Officinale and Jinx soldiers where nothing to play with or take lightly. Taking a deep breath, Mist placed her elbows on the table and looked at Felie as she ordered some servant to bring in food.. :: The vox vocis mountain pass is an obvious choice, but in warfare going after the capitals and villages giver the victory quicker, and at that, we don’t even know where Gorgoth will appear, thus I say we have eyes set out all over the realm. As for weak points, the main ones are the Ancient temple, as well as silence pond. Frost mourn has their own set of soldiers, so we will only have to send then word to be ready is anything happens, so for main camp I think the forest is the best, its fogy and can easily hide soldiers :: Mist proposed as she watched a servant bring in a tray of food and drinks only to set it upon the table.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:07 pm

Odist held her tongue as the stratagy was laid down, listening to the mother and daughter discussing their plans. She herself were listening to the Ancients pooring over their old war stories, quite happily telling eachother and her how many they killed in battle. She let out a loud sigh and began to hover, pulling off her masks and throwing them onto the floor. This was unusual, but usually it meant that she was releasing her energy into a more freeform, thus allowing it to roam between the fine lines of her conscious mind. 'I suppose... We could use the Followers of the Path for battle, as they are all very strong Telekinisis users...' She mumbled, adding it to her mental plan of civilians who could be used in battle should they require it. It was strange for Odist to plan a war, even though she was by far the youngest one in the room. She'd had an encounter with politics and war in the past and it'd left her badly scarred. This time she was prepared however, fully prepared to create a hell not evne Gorgoth could withstand. The air around her shifted omniously, and the little demon grinned softly.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:08 pm

Felie wasn't worried in a general sense seeing the kingdom was one of demons and demons tended to be fierce fighters and each caste had its own abilities as did each bloodline. But Gorgoth had Shadoween and for all she welded it as well, his was of the stronger line. Instead she focused on what Mist adn Odist had said as she watched Odist begin peeling her layers away. Felie always likened it to peeling an onion, because each layer removed still left the creature within a complete entity and quite an interesting one at that. Besides if an energy demon can't handle seeing a pure eneergy form, then they don't deserve to be an energy demon. "That's an excellent suggestion Odist thank you" she said as she added that to the list of resources. " Mother I know this whole thing is risky and vigilence is key to any chance of success, but I think if we have to fight , it will be a win or die trying battle because any war with Father is usually all or nothing." She flung down her pen, grabbed a heel of bread, and began pacing like a caged cat as her thoughts went back and forth from life with each parent, the pros and cons of each. As she marched around the room, she was ripping off bits of the bread and rolling it between thumb and forefinger then pooping the doughy balls in her mouth one by one. Felie was already at war inside herself, the child of these two and not sure if they would make peace or destroy each other. Sighing she turned back and asked "anyplace special you want me to go Mother? I already plan on a trip to the Soul Reavers, I know they don't care what happens out of the abyss , but they also have a voracious appitite for the souls that will be theirs for the taking if we end up going to war.">

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:45 pm

Looking upon the tray of food with an arched brow Mist let her fingers play with one side of the paper she had in front of her. Mist didn’t want to go into war, not with Gorgoth at that. He had seemed so gentle the time he had visited Mist and Felie in the abyss, a sweet memory. Yet now was not the time for such diligent things the demon thought to herself as she straightened herself up on the uncomfortable seat. Hearing Odist utter a splendid idea Mist nodded as Felie agreed to it. In distress Mist had begun playing with a lock of her white hair, without thinking of it of course as she listened to Felie and nodded slowly. They could not afford to wait any longer and with that Mist rose from her seat, only to hurry to the door across the room and pushing it open, as usual there was four soldiers and two maids waiting outside. Having a calm and reassuring expression to hide her inner worries Mist spoke calmly to one maid and one of the soldiers :: I want the generals of The Jinx army and the Officinale Army, The eye’s superior, also the followers of the path and gate openers here at once, You have one hour to gather them all here and just tell them all to come in once they have assembled, thank you :: With that Mist turned her heel and closed the door after herself as she went back into the room, leaving the solders and maids out in the hall with confused looks on their faces, despite that it only took them a few minutes to get down to business. Returning to the table and seating once more Mist placed her elbows upon the table and reached for a glass of whiskey, before placing it before herself and letting her arms fall down upon the table as she looked to Felie and Odist :: I just sent after the generals of the Officinale and Jinx, the eyes, gate makers and the followers of the path. I don’t want to alarm the people just yet. :: Mist told them with a stern look upon her face, no more time to worry about the past as the present and future was on stake.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:04 pm

Odist was silent as she thought about the Generals. ' queen.' She suddenly stuttered. However steady Odist could be, whenever the subject swayed towards her parentage it vanished and she slowly acted her age in small parts. Shaking her head she took a deep breath and forced her shaking voice under control, 'Will General Beyu Verus Officinale, be part of this? I know he teaches at the Lockeye Academy, but his Espionage talents and recruits could be very useful in this respect, and so could Guardian Coil Verus Officinale. They are both very capable kinesis users, and with Guardian Coil Verus than you can connect to the Ancients without me being in your midst...' Odist fell silent as she mentioned her father and grandfather. She hadn't seen them for many years, and even though they'd returned from being MIA they'd never tried to contact her or make any hint that they had any intention in contacting her. She looked at the floor again and wrapped her arms behind her back, straightning it. 'I also believe that Recruitment Captain... Recruitment Captain Alyina Ceain Officinale could be useful do to her abnormal ability to see the landscape on a scale that is beyond our eyes and the Ancients. I feel that with the Captain and Retired General at the table, our tactical power will increase grately.' She fell silent. There was some biased behavior. She wanted to see her parents, and now a small part of her was grateful to Gorgoth's actions, since it gave her an excuse to see them. Her brain reverted back to how it was and she became the straight minded cold Protector of the Queen once more. 'I will make it known that if our Tactical power is increased then the Casualties of Your Royal highnesses people will fall dramatically, meaning that the smallest number of civilian death could become something close to a zero, zero, zero, zero point six percentage.'


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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 2 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:22 am

< Felie nodded at what her mother said and then she made a stern face so like Mist's it was obvious their were mother and daughter despite the difference in coloring. She listened closely when Odist spoke and she could feel the anxiety ooozing from the outwardly calm guardian. She waited patiently as Odist finished speaking, then Felie went to a window and opening it she leaned out, the breeze wafting past her face as she stretched her hand down and took a deep breath. She wriggled her fingers and as she moved them small tendrils of energy seeped out trickling down and out forming branches of soft misty vines that were hard to discern. The tendrils picked up nuances in the energies around the keep as Felie focused her breathing and closed her eyes, instead letting her inner mind absorb what it could through the energies it was "eating". Felie wasn't an empath although she had empathic abilities but she didnt feel or act as the ones she was absorbing from, instead it were more a way to gain knowlege for her. But she was like this with anything she did, always wanting the answer behind what was happening, even life itself demanded an answer in her mind, but the Soul Reavers had never been able to ease her mind on that matter. She felt a quickening , like a psychic tide brushing into the shore, it was not a full fledged tidal wave yet but still there was the push and force in it. Spinning she spoke calmly but urgently > time is closer than we thought, we must hurry this along so asking them here was the correct choice Mother , as if you aren't always right" she grinned as she spate out the last part. Then she turned back to the window knowing she had no time for a trip to the abyss ande she opened her mouth in a circle and screamed a sheer whoosh of air , not a vocal sound , but more a pulse that would echo through the abyss once it arrived like a sonic boom inside of a cave. Satisfied they would soon be coming to her , she returned from the window and sat pouring her own drink and sipped it while waiting for the others to arrive.>

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