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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:26 am

Mist listened as she looked over to Odist a smirk upon her face:: I asked for all of the generals Odist, that Includes the ones in the academy, As the generals come here I will ask them to gather up said persons, and yes Indeed all advantages we have we will use, well not at once, we will have to have reinforcements and Also medics, but that will all be pointed out to the generals as they come here my dear. :: Mist nodded to Odist, of course she knew about Odist parentage but it wasn’t something she brought up with Odist since it was a sensitive subject. Odist came from a very capable line of Officinale. Tilting her head as Felie went and opened a window, mist pondered on what she was going to do, maybe she’s calling on someone. Yet a few moments later it was obvious that Felie called upon the soul reaves, as expected by her daughter. :: The generals will be here soon, so I suggest a change a of clothing if you need one and to ready up weapon wise.:: Mist said and without further notice she made her way up one of the stairs only to go into her room, which was just above the council chambers. Picking out a body suit with thin titanium plates upon the front and back and down the front and back of her legs this was all for protection and did not hinder the demons movements due its construction, engraved with the Officinale Bane mark in a dark black, seemingly tainting the already black attire. With that she picked up Banes buckles also with tantalum plates, yet these where more so for protection that anything else as the leather gloves upon her hands had outlines of tantalum diodes going out from her palm to the tip of her fingers. A belt tied around her hips where she then put the codex, and a small pouch of tantalum marbles. Pondering for a moment of what weapons to bring the demon let her eyes swipe across her collection, there was Niveus Vox a katana on one and a half feet, titanium base with a layer of tantalum steel and with a rubber and wood handle. There was also a Bisento and Kamas though those she put into her codex if she would need them as she then placed Niveus vox in one of the lops of her belt on her left side. Redoing her hair Mist pulled back her bangs away from her face and put the Officinale crown there to keep it in place, The crown had no real use but to show who she was and to give the soldiers a boost of confidence knowing their leaders was there with them. Lastly Mist put on her usual boots, the ones with the heavy heel that she had gotten used to wearing so they would not slow her down. The attire felt unfamiliar and stern at the time, but there was no time to worry about such now. In haling a deep breath to calm her nerves The demon queen then made her way back down to the others just as the door knocked and fifteen demons walked in the door, saluting and bowing.
:: We have come as you ordered my Queen the on in the front said as they went into position, One at the front and the others behind him in two columns of seven. The one up front was none the less than General Beyu Verus Officinale, one of Odist’s relatives. One the left hand side of him there was the Jinx and Officinale Generals, and on the right hand side there was the Followers path and the gate makers, and lastly the Superior of the Eyes.

Nodding Mist went to her throne to sit down, As she then called out :: General Beyu Verus Officinale, I want you to gather up a special force in it you shall have your recuits from the academy along with Guardian Coil Verus Officinale and Recruitment Captain Alyina Ceain Officinale and her strongest men, You will follow in lead with Me, Felie and Odist :: Mist face was stern as the general nodded and stepped aside.
Following him came the two generals of Officinale, Brand Gernt Officinale a war tactician and tutor to the arts of weaponry and General Torne Officinale the one in command of the training and guidance of the soldiers also a grand kinesis user with his ability to manipulate earth. :: General Torne and Gernt I want you to round up the Officinale soldiers and split them into three groups, you shall all take camp outside the main capital, so ready up for battle. :: The two nodded and bowed and without another word then stepped aside, letting the five Jinx generals go forth.
The Jinx generals where all tacticians on ranged on hand to hand combat, and with the Jinx’s ability to manipulate energy and Electro kinesis they made great soldiers. :: Generals of the Jinx, I want you to gather up your soldiers, as many as possible, yet leave more than a handful in each village, then I want you to station yourself along side the Officinale Soldiers, Two of your forces are to be ranged and the rest close combat. Use whatever you see the best for this. :: With that the five bowed and stepped aside, no one had yet left the chambers, which was good, since after the orders where put out, the Queen was going to explain the situation a hand.
Taking a deep breath Mist watched as the Gate makers stepped forth, there was Three of them and they all had learned in their wake in their force. :: I want you to Go with the soldiers and the generals, and stand ready until word is sent, take crystals with you to fuel your portals. You might have to make a lot of them so stand ready at command. :: Mist had a stern voice as she spoke, and a stern face as she looked down at the generals from her throne.
As the Gate makers steeped aside three of the Followers took their place, wise old men and women, thought in warfare gender didn’t matter as long as they were capable. :: I want you to gather up the followers and stand as a special force along with the soldiers, I want you to guide your followers to protect and aid the Soldiers since you have some of the best healers. So Stand ready at the follow up line behind the soldiers. :: Mist nodded to them in respect and they back, before stepping aside only to let one lonely woman up who knelled down in front of the throne.
The Eyes where Officinale mixed with Jinx, which made them capable to hive mind with one another. Perfect for outlooks and assassinations. :: Superior Gladia, I want you to station your men all over the realm on look out, and a few with the generals to give word when its time. :: Taking yet another breath Mist straightened her back :: We might be in war, with Gorgoth :: Most people did not know who Gorgoth was besides the generals, a few astonished looks turned to the queen as she looked back at them all :: And I need you help to protect our home in case Gorgoth are to invade. :: wit that they all nodded since they now put the puzzle into one.

:: Time to get to work :: Mist almost yelled with a raised voice as she stood up from her throne :: We don’t have much time to prepare so don’t waste it. Out go:: With that the hall quickly became empty and still once more as the generals went to preform their orders in all haste. Sinking back into her throne as soon as they all had left Mist placed her face in her hands, sniffles could be heard yet it soon broke out into giggles as Mist let her stress out for the time being.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Odist

Post  Admin Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:19 pm

The minute her queen told her that they needed to change to more appropriate clothing, Odist began to study herself closely in a reflection. Possibly it was best she did change due to the fact that her clothing was covered in dirt, and blood from the arena. She sighed softly and traipsed back to her room close to the Queen's and looked at the ceremonial wardress that she'd been given when she'd risen to the rank of Siera Nix. It confused her slightly, because she'd never used it, and she'd never known how to put it on either. The child took a deep breath and pulled her armor off slowly. It occurred to her that maybe a bath was in order as well as some of the metal was sticky with sweat from her training. The young demoness sighed and walked over to her simple bed by the wall and stripped completely, her bare skin being touched by the cool wind for the first time in many years. The bathroom that was connected to her room wasn't very secure, but she didn't care at the moment, seeing that this was very important to both the Queen and the Princess, she would make an effort on their part. While the bath filled up with warm water, she looked at the ceremonial clothing; almost hating it was it exposed more of her than she wanted. Not in the way that it showed skin, more to the fact that it didn't have a lot of armor on it. She also remembered the queen had once told her that if she ever needed to put the wardress on, her masks had to be left behind. This uneased the small girl, she she'd decided to put the masks on the belt of the wardress so that she could put them on if she needed to. The Queen would understand. She walked back into the bathroom and turned the water off before slipping into the water, eying the dirt that came off simply by sitting there. She sighed and grabbed a cloth, cleaning her body slowly so that she got everything off. There was always something she skipped so that she didn't need to take her armor off. On most occasions it was sleep, but in the last month it'd been a bath. Dropping the cloth, she looked into the water and suddenly submerged herself into the water staring up at the roof through the eyes of the elements. It almost saddened her that the Queen and Princess had to go to war. She shook this thought however and rose once more from the bath, draining the water and wrapping a sheet around her body. The Wardress was still there, staring at her in its own demeaning manner. She scowled and put on some undergarments, before grabbing the shirt off its rack and pulled it over her wet hair. This followed by the pants was the easy part. Now came the gear. She pulled the daggers from her old clothing that lay in a crumpled heap and strapped them to her thigh. Next were the bones that she wore as a shield. These were very tricky to put on as they belonged to a considerably larger creature than her. Wriggling into them, she placed the shoulder-bones and ribs in a more comfortable position, before she turned to look into her reflection, briefly wondering what she was really doing, joining in on the Royals' war. She however complied and kept dressing herself, down to the last detail. It included knee protectors, and large strapped up boots, with her dagger strapped to the side of it. Moving up one would see a long trail attacked to the small of her back that stopped around her ankles. It had a bow at the top of it. Underneath this were two beautifully carved swords that crossed each other. Her upper arms were held in three spiked bracelets, whilst her lower arms had black gauntlets covering them. She stared at the feathered gloves she used to control her flying and smiled weakly. In all this time, all the training, all the knowledge that she lived a bad life, now that there was a possible war on their doorstep, she was afraid. Not like she usually was, now she was properly afraid. Afraid of Gorgoth, she feared for the Queen, the Princess. She feared the elemental users that would come, she feared what the battlefield would be like. Odist sank to her knees and put her hands in her face, shivering at the images the Ancients suddenly gave her. ‘S-stop it!’ She stuttered as they showed her war after war after war. An Ancient appeared next to her and he gave her a smile that could only be described as Deal with it. “You are going to war meeting. Possibly to discuss the actions required to remove Gorgoth from our home, this is what Gorgoth has done. Are you afraid now?!” The Ancient screamed at her and she swiped at him violently. A loud cracking noise was heard and she looked at the wardrobe that lay crumbling in front of her. A knock was heard on her door followed by a voice, ‘Miss? Are you alright?’ It was a maid. Odist never used Maids or Servants, she was too afraid to accept anything they gave her. ‘I’m fine. Inform the Queen that I’ll be down shortly.’ The sound of the Maid running was heard and Odist was once against left in silence. She stared at her silvery hair falling at her shoulders and began to collect it into a large bun, some strands still falling free at the back. At the front she had a large bang lying lose on her right side, and on her left she had a slightly smaller bang. It was all parted on her left side. The little girl took another deep breath and left her room. The lack of armor made her feel lighter and she briefly enjoyed the feeling up until she arrived at the Throne room. Inside she could hear the Queen talking. She entered without a second thought and stared at the mass of Warheads that lay in the room. A couple turned to frown at her, but her Grandfather Guardian Coil smiled at her and beckoned her closer giving her cheek a quick kiss before she straightened up to stand close to the Queen. She looked at all the soldiers that where there and spotted her parents. They weren’t looking at her. Odist looked at the floor and sniffed slightly. Closing her eyes tightly she lifted her head again and paid deep attention to what the Queen said about the war, although not much of it stayed. She kept looking at her parents and then at the Queen. Suddenly they were all gone and the Queen was doing a semi giggle cry next to her. Odist wasn’t sure what to do since she herself had had a panic just minutes ago. Ignoring this however she stepped over to the Queen and put a small hand on her shoulder, giving her a very weak smile as the little Demon didn’t smile that often.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:12 am

<When she saw her mother leave Felie nodded to Odist, muttering "be back shortly" as she slid out and raced to her own chamber with its overflowing bookshelves, hanging plants, and odd pets of any and all ilk she could find. Mind you none would ever replace her dear darklings, whom had been with her since she was a toddler and loved to kill by sliding into a mans pants and squeezing the life out of him by constricting around that most tender of shafts and leeching until all lifeforce is sucked out of him. She quickly stripped to nothing, then washed up with a cloth she'd wetted in ice cold water she had poured from the ewer into the basin then had lathered up with the pine oil soap. She dumped the water out the window and then rinsed with fresh water before drying off and slipping into a skintight, footed black catsuit, fitting her spiked tail with its sharp cutting edge in a reverse spade shape out through the overlapping slit that was hidden so well her tail seemed to grow through the fabric. She added her thick leather jerkin with its tatalum chainmail outercoat that came to midthigh over her catsuit. She yanked on and tightened her onyx leather fingerless gloves, then tugged on the matching platform boots encased with spikes. All of the metal had been repeatedly rubbed wish an ash and lard grease and let dry til it had a velvety black matte sheen that blended in with the clothes. She went to the mirror and with nimble fingers, deftly forced her multicolored hair of grey, black, red, and white into dreadlocks that curled around her bloodrose tipped jet horns, cascading from her head down over her shoulders and back. Her skin turned a pale porcelain, while her eyes went obsidian black with a milky luminescent center where the silver swirled and lightning flashed in its depths. She tucked her nine silver shurikens into slots in her belt and buckled it over the jerkin, then strapped on her thigh belt that held the daggers filled with a toxin that smothers the neuron receptors as it moves through the brain and long before that affects the mind so that one is unsure of reality versus delusion. She knew the minute one blade sliced or lodged in her opponents skin the tip would dissolve and the toxins would start their job. She then checked her right hip for her favorite dagger, Decollaire, just because it was eversharp, having been forged from a single giant dragon scale. She pulled out Doomsayer, a simple rosewood (which wards against spellcastings) pole of five feet til she presses one of the two buttons in the direct center of its length and out slides the one and one-half foot blade which has runic symbols carved into it but is not a weapon of magic but rather of skill. If both buttons are pressed both blades come out, one on either end, each made of tatanium with diamond dust coating its sharp edge, she then had a weapon with a seven foot span that she was adept at twirling rapidly between her fingers as she used it to slice and dice her foes. she made sure the blades were retracted as she slid it into its sheath and yanked the ends over one shoulder and under the other armpit, buckling it in front of her with the small but strong clasp settling just under the base of her cleavage. She went to the miniature cistern the darklings dwelt in and slid off the stone lid, then as the three of them slithered up and out she told them what they must do and that only the enemy was to be leeched. She scampered over to her bookshelf and took the tiny five inch by three inch leather bound Codex from its hiding place inside a huge hollowed out tome and attached it to her wrist, pressing a few digits into it so it woud begin to calculate the date she would soon be sending it. She still remembered her first time in it when she had ignored the lessons it could teach, but she'd since spent several hours inside and was now, while nowheres as adept with the codex as Mist was, Felie was now comfortable with her skills with it. Of course she also had the powers of the shadoween itself, which she would use if she must but seeing Gorgoth had it as well and was more powerful, she doubted her own use would outweigh his. Still one never knew and because she was more empathic with less of the Malkavaian taint, her Shadoween followed a different pattern than her fathers. Each person who had Malkavaian within them got the taint or curse of madness and the Shadoween preyed on that part of the mind to gain more control within one, but Felie had manipulated hers as much as she could, largely due to the myriad teachers she had lived with in her short (by demon standards) lifetime. Shadowcasters, Malkavaians, Shapeshifters, Soul Reavers, Energy Demons had all helped to shape the demon into who she was today, along with her own innate essence. She was ready in less than fifteen minutes and she raced out of her room and back to her mothers side just as the generals were entering. She put on her emotionless facade and stood erect, back firm, arms straight at sides as she stared at the generals while Mist spoke to them. Felie knew several of them personally from times she had traveled to learn more of the kingdom and its ways, a task Mist had insisted on for someday Felie may have to step in Mist's place. She had been so pissed at her mother for that , because as far as she was concerned, her mother could never leave her. She already had abandonment issues that caused her to retreat from too much contact with others due to the shit that happened when she was a toddler living with Gorgoth. But she ended up actually enjoying her time with them as she honed her own empathic and kinetic abilities while also learning to be a good strategist and diplomat. But she showed no signs of recognition other than a slight nod of greeting as she assumed the role of Princess, a role she hated as much as Mist hated the role of Queen, but they both knew the demons needed to know they had a ruling family that could be counted on to join in and protect the realm when adversity struck, whether it be through natural events or wars. So she waited quietly at attention as Mist deployed her generals and then when they had dispersed and she saw the little demon Odist reach out to Mist as Mist giggled like a child expecting a treat, Felie smiled softly at Odist even as she rolled her eyes at her mother, chuckling "Mother I swear you love a good fight as much as you enjoy good sex." Felie knew this had been a rough moment for Odist as her parents were there. It was nice to see Guardian Coil show affection and Felie didn't understand why General Beyu and captain Alyina didn’t do the same , but she knew they were very strict on following protocol and mishaps they would greet Odist more warmly in private. Anyways Felie needed to fill the Reavers in on the happenings and so she went to the window again and using the "Reavers Wind", a language based on different velocities and forces in the form of air movement which took the place of an oral speech for the Reavers, and she sent out gust after gust of a fast moving wind to the Reavers abyss where it spiralled and whistled its way down the labyrinth of tunnels to the Reavers themselves.>

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:13 am

As the giggled came to an end the demon stretched out upon her throne, Giving Odist a wink of an eye as she hear her daughters comment, which was true. She loved a good fight, and good sex but who did not? Even so she still wished it did not have to go out over the citizens of the realm. Correcting her posture Mist found herself letting her mind threads out, only to pick energy from the big energy crystal they kept in the chamber, as Mist charged herself up with energy the crystal faded slightly yet she did not worry about it, since it refilled as time passed. Having completed that Mist rose from her throne and looked to Odist and smiled :: Was the bath refreshing? :: Odist did indeed smell cleaner, not that that Seira nyx had ever really smelt bad, maybe a little bit on the other hand, especially after training Mist though to herself. But on the other hand, who didn’t smell at times? Thinking back, Mist never recalled any other smell than blood from Gorgoth. Maybe she was going crazy the demon though as she chewed her lower lip, her tail swinging from side to side as her mind did its own thing at least orders had been issued and the chambers where empty, of course bedsides Odist, Felie and herself. Taking a moment to admire the combat attired the two had chosen, hopefully all would go well :: Oh well, Let’s have something to drink before going shall we? The soldiers will take a little time assembling after all :: Mist clarified as she walked over to the table and had a seat once more finding her glass of whiskey in her hand as she took a sip, the cold fluid making her throat warm it was a nice feeling indeed. Of course this was only a way to calm herself down until it was time for battle.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:50 pm

Felie nodded, but instead of joining Mist and Odist she whispered to her mother " I want to gather some energy reserves, I'll return in seven minutes" and excused herself. Felie walked down the corridor and taking the turns that led to the back staircase, trotting down them and slipped past the kitchen staff, sailing out the door and through the gardens. She skipped past the herbal and vegetable ones, then raced through the flower beds and out past the orchard to collapse onto her stomach under a spreading oak trees shade. Felie wasn't much on using the crystal when she could go lay on the soft sweet smelling grass, pressing her fingers into the rich loam and inbibe energy that way. She released a pleasurable sigh as she soaked up the energy and let it course through her body, starting with the tingle in her fingertips that meant contact was made with energy, then it sluiced its way throught her veins and into the arteries, eventually reaching every part of her until her aura sent out pulsating emissions of pure raw energy. She stood back up , retracing her path back through the orchards and gardens as the air crackled around her and her eyes shot sparks across the irises. She drifted past the servants at work in the kitchen, shocking two of the newer ones who didn't know enough to stay back as she slid by them. She leaped up the stairs, taking them two at a time and hied down the hall to Mist and Odist, arriving back exactly six minutes and thirty-two seconds after she had left. "I do hope I didn't hold us up too much" she said with a grin, knowing Mist found it funny when Felie timed things out because it definately was not a demon trait. Demons never gave a crap how late they were or weren't unless in a fight, where being the fastest was often the edge that won the battle. She stepped over to the crystal and placing her lips on the energy crystal, she exhaled slowly, pushing energy back into it until she stopped shooting sparks and her rapid pulsating was disminished to a steady thromb. Backing up Felie smiled at the intense ice shimmer of the reenergized crystal, knowing that even though the excess energy would have helped power her Shadoween, it also had a flaw. That much energy in any one energy demon could affect the others around them. She learned that, sadly, when as a teen she had inadvertantly scorched a few of the castles staff. Striding over, she grabbed the heavy iron ring and yanked the black hickory door open wide and asked "Well Ladies, shall we go?"

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Gorgoth

Post  Felie Fri May 03, 2013 9:17 pm

Losara: The vague image of Gorgoth appeared in a remote area on the edge of the frost plains. A form of the being soon gave way from being a mere illusion to something more bound to reality. An almost snow white and icy ocean of small hills and endless plains came into view as he looked behind him through his sapphire hued eyes. Knowing full well the winter land was mostly not habited by the population of the realm; he was more so worry of any of the winter portals that the demon of Wayland would have set to secure the sector. The area was silent as a blackened night, the only voice of which spoke with a speechless tongue. Chilling winds blew from the south, though Gorgoth remained steeled against the elements. Crouching down to the ground, he reached out with his pale right hand and drug it through the crystalized grass that seemed to never end ; small shards shattering at the slightest touch. Striking the soil underneath, it crunched much like the grass but with less of an impact. ‘The shadowy What do you think of this location Shadoween? ‘, Gorgoth questioned inside the confines of his mind. The entity that had long been part of the ash land demon spoke to him in a much deeper and darker voice, ‘It shall do, and begin the merging. ‘Standing back up to his full height, Gorgoth looked back out to the edge of the realm where the light seemed to distort as though in the veil distance there was an unforsaken void.

Pulling out the codex that he had Aktrious and Tpolemos collect, Gorgoth looked over it. The bindings of the container were rather unique; it was truly something worth keeping. But alas, he had no use for it after what he was about to do. Tilting it away from him, he spoke in his mind the words to unbind the codex which soon opened. As it opened, several beings leaped out of it, a total of thirteen. Bluish robes with several white runic clothe around the hems, were worn by men and women chosen to conduct the merge of the realms. The priests and priestess each turned to their lord. Gorgoth looked at them for a brief moment before nodding. “There is no time to waste, hurry and begin. “ Without further commands, they spread out as the moved into position. Gorgoth already losing interest in what they were doing, turned his back to them and set his eyes across the waste land. His followers had set themselves up in what appeared to be some crude shape of a pentagram, only it had a total of seven points. From this they had made several markings that connected and was inter woven through one another. A sort of ritual circle was made, and it wouldn’t be long before they begun. After a short time, they started a chant that started out soft before their voices rose. Even through the chilling wind their voices were heard, though the language was not one that Gorgoth himself knew. It wasn’t long before lightening begun to surge around the ground, following the traces of the marks the priests had made.

Gorgoth turned for a moment to watch what was going on. It would still be some time before the realms even begun to merge, let alone before they would be fully completed. While the electrical arcs begun to surge up towards the sky, the ground around him played upon the effect giving it the appearance the ground was shimmering. The vague outlines of a distant land that wasn’t a part of the Officinale realm came into view. Nodding to himself, it seemed the process was more rapid that he believed. The wind itself suddenly died down, and it was in that moment that Gorgoth sensed a familiar presence. Without turning around, he spoke in an easy tone “Been sometime, Waylander. “ Turning around, he brought his gaze to meet a demon that he both loathed and held respect for. Jace had arrived with several others, bringing a total of twenty men and women. Some were wearing heavy armour, others no more than chain mail with dense fur jackets. The cyro-demon looked over to what was going and said in the plain blunt voice that he was accused too, “You shouldn’t be here Shadowcaster. And what is you are attempting to do? “ While he noticed the strange outlines to a distant land, he didn’t need to point those out. Gorgoth however, smiled the creepy smile that remained hidden from the cloak he wore. “Well, it’s funny because this realm is about to merge with my realm. And then we’ll all be a bunch of happy fucks. “Although Gorgoth knew that Jace wouldn’t accept this line of idealism, he didn’t really need to give him a choice to contradict it. However it was Jace that seemed to choose the course of action first. Stepping forward, Jace placed his left hand onto a sword that was holstered to his side. While his other hand moved up towards the great sword known as ‘ Vindrax ‘ upon his back. He had rested his hands upon the hilt of the legendary great sword, while his palm sat on the other blade. Moving forward at nothing more than a walk, he stated rather plainly in the emotionless voice he had always used, “I cannot allow this, for Officinale or the rest of those that dwell within this realm. “ Gorgoth simply stared him down as watched the renowned demon of wayland make his way towards him. His voice when he spoke though exposed the excitement it held. “I never did like you Wayland, such an uptight asshole. Even more so, you never fucking smiled nor laughed at any of my jokes. “

Jace disregarded his statement however, still advancing on the lone warrior. The others that Jace had with him started to move off to the sides. It seemed soon Gorgoth would soon be surrounded. Without a doubt however, he knew Jace well enough to know that his main object would have been to disrupt the ritual rather than fighting him. Most of the warriors held demonic back grounds, a few with tails; others had horns and spikes that ran about upon their bodies. It was the face of Vur’go that was seen towards the back of the line that was flaking to the left hand side that caught Gorgoth’s attention. Even with the stakes rose, and with his ability to disruptively shadow burst himself across battlefields within mere heart beats, Vur’go was perhaps just as fast as he. Gorgoth had tossed the codex on the ground after the priests had stepped out, have no further use for it at the time. Though now he wish he had made Kendra come with him, but he considered this a task he had to do himself. With Jace only mere feet away now, Gorgoth reflexively reached up and drew the large no-dachi katana he had from his back. Even with the blade as long as it was, he was able to wield it with only a single hand. “Did you think it’d really be so simple Gorgoth? To walk upon my home and to take what you desired? I thought you learned that down in hell, you pale in comparison to me. “Without further words however, Jace moved towards Gorgoth with a more guiled speed. The left hand moved down as to the shaft of the short sword, before Jace brought it screaming out of its holdings. The silver blade flashed towards Gorgoth, though the demon king stepped back just as the tip of the blade had made contact with the cloak around his face. If he hadn’t of moved, he knew he would have had a bigger mouth than before. Wasting no time, Jace continued to valiant barrage of attacks. The blade whizzing this way and that, each attack aimed to sever a limb, or towards Gorgoth’s neck. Gorgoth however was keeping himself at a graceful pace while dodging each of the attacks, not even attempting to parley them. He realised that the blade he used would have been slower, and to have relied upon that he surely would of lost in a sword fight against the cryo-demon.

Gorgoth kept his eyes on Jace for the most part, though looking out of the corner of his eyes to keep track of the movements of the others, they were moving closer to the ritual circle. Jace of course, whom was starting to grown strained over the effort of none of his attacks being able to hit the elusive demon, dropped down onto his left knee. Leaning forward in the same motion, he unclipped the strap that held Vindrax to his back. With a furious swing, he swept the blade from his back, in a wide arc across his back towards Gorgoth’s right side. While it wasn’t really Gorgoth’s blind spot, since he had the sword in that hand, Jace used the momentum from the assault and thrusted the short sword towards Gorgoth’s stomach. Using his tail, Gorgoth brought it around and used the tip of it to prevent the short sword from striking him. In the same instance, he moved the sword he held to block the attack from Vindrax. A clash of steel was emitted, and for a moment the two simply stared in awe at what should have been Jace’s victory. What seemed like hours past, though in reality it was only a few heart beats. Kendra had appeared off to the left of Jace, spinning in mid-air. Before Jace could react, she struck out with her open hand. More and less slapping Jace, the blow was done with enough force that it sent the cryo-demon flying several metres away. Jace struck the ground hard as he bounced off of the surface and landed even further away. Kendra by now had landed on her feet and was merely grinning. Gorgoth nodded to her, before saying in a rather strained voice “ Take the left flank – “ his voice soon turned to a shout “BLANE GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CODEX ALREADY AND TAKE THE RIGHT FLANK. “ Kendra did as she was beckoned and begun moving towards the right flank of men that were making their move on the priests. They stopped only as they seen her coming, and turned their sights on her instead. Meanwhile, an arm reached out of the codex. The fair skinned arm then grasped what ground it could amongst the ice before digging its fingers deep into the soil. Shortly after, it heaved out its body from the codex. Standing up to his full height, Blane dusted himself off even though he wasn’t dirty. The wind picked up as it blew his black coat, his red hair ruffling at the effort of a coming storm.

The sound of battle echoed across the frozen waste lands, as Kendra had started her dance of death. Leaping into the middle of the horde she whom she was charged destruction to, she elegantly dodged attack after attack as a group of six men had surrounded her. Blades were flying in every direction, yet none ever seem to have touched the sparrow of legend. Every so often, she even added to their own effort by using the palms of her hands to redirect the attacks away from body by striking the blades. She made it look as though it was mere child’s play. Elsewhere on the battlefield, Jace had risen once again and was locked in battle with Gorgoth. The scene for them had escalated as Gorgoth begun hurling spheres of his dark heritage, while Jace on the other hand was using ice bound abilities to counter though of his foe. Blane on the other hand, didn’t waste time as he surged towards the enemy before him. Many of men turned on him with sword and spear, yet the Jag’troa was far more advanced when it came to sheer power. Having withdrawn a strange device that the demons had never seen, Blane quickly laid waste to several of them. He let off a barrage of bullets were unleashed, before he himself manipulated the metal just within proximity range. The bullets themselves were aimed recklessly about the ranks of the soldiers as they formed up. Yet that was all that was needed as he made the metal expand and sent several spikes from the bullets themselves, penetrating even the more heavily armoured warriors with ease. The few that survived were soon cut down. Kendra on the other hand, was having a little bit harder of a time. Though she was more so enjoying herself, eventually she ducked underneath an oncoming axe blow before spinning out of the way of a wild short thrust. In that moment she withdrew two wicked looking daggers and leaped back into the fray. Regardless of the training the Wayland’s men had, they were no match for the evasive creature. The daggers striking all of the weak points that Kendra could reach, in less than a heartbeat she brought down the six men around her. Chainmail, the heavy plate armour, she found it almost too easy to pin point the weakest points of the armour as well as the creature wearing it. With the other four standing back and launching arrows at her, Kendra just stood still as she begun to laugh. The fifth however, Vur’go stepped around those firing the arrows before lifting up a heavy cross bow. Letting loose at Kendra, along with a volley of arrows; death was almost too certain for the demoness. She never wavered though, Vur’gos bolt was true to the point it should of struck her heart. Yet the strange tattoos that Kendra had, the feather like tattoos that littered her body came to life instantly as soon as the volley was close enough. Fleeing from her skin, they moved directly to the locations of which each projectile was to strike. Yet it was these feathers, that were struck, repeatedly thousands of these mystical feathers rushed to the pin point location and slowed the arrows to the point they stopped and merely fell to the ground. Effortlessly she surged forward, the laugh of insanity heightening as she leaped into the air with a spin. The first archer went down with a spray of blood that painted Kendra’s face, his jugular sliced wide open from the dagger. The next fell before Kendra ever reached him, having launched one of the twisted daggers towards him. Before he even moved to fall to the ground however, Kendra rushed past him grabbing hold of the dagger were it was lodged into his heart ; as she moved, she forced the dagger to cut through his chest and side cleaving the bone without pause before the blade was ripped free. The next one didn’t go down so easily, having already dropped his bow and with drawn a part of swords he was more ready. But that was in effect useless, while he stepped up and slashed both of the blades at where Kendra would be. Or rather, where Kendra was. She was in front of the male replitian like being, before her outline blurred and she was then beside him.

Jace was beginning to feel the fatigue from battle already, though it didn’t show upon his face. He had narrowly dodged one of the blasts from Gorgoth that left the ground rotting, the ice had melted and the earth boiled as though acid had been poured upon it. While his facial features never changed, he knew he was beginning to tire. Having first making Gorgoth to be the one to give ground, now the tables had turned. “Well Jace, it seems you are not only out matched, but also outnumbered now. Submit to our will, and you shall be spared.” Gorgoth spoke with a slight smirk upon his lips, the cloak that had been there that concealed his vile teeth had fallen away. He knew Jace would never accept such terms of defeat, still he had hoped he would gain a powerful ally on the off chance he did. Jace knelt to the ground, his eyes looking at Gorgoth as though he was going to do as he had been asked. Instead however, he slammed his right hand into the frozen ground before him. In the same instance, several shards of ice erupted around Gorgoth, lancing upwards around and underneath him. Gorgoth however had anticipated the attack, and leaped into the air as he back flipped out of the trap. “You are still so easy to read Jace, your ability is pathetic. Such a waste, oh you could have been so much more than this.” Tainting the demon further, Gorgoth didn’t see the point in stalling the death of the cryo-demon any longer. Lifting his left hand above his head, a dark essence surged from around his embodiment towards his out spread fingers. Like fire being sucked to a single point of existence, the mass grew larger before launching itself vertically into the air. The blast arced upwards and towards Jace, who considered the possibility that it was the same ability that Gorgoth was using previously but on a much larger scale. Slapping his other hand to the ground, Jace rapidly formed three massive ice shields above him. The barriers were rather over kill for what they were ; sixty foot long, and twenty feet wide. Let alone the metre thickness. The moon shined off them like a wall of light, the barriers on a tilted angle towards Jace to provide better protection. As the shadow blast fell, it collided with the first. The Ice creaked before shattering, scattering shards in every direction like a bomb had gone off in a confined space. The second seemed to hold it briefly as the essence swirled upon it before it too finally gave way. The sheer weight of not only the blast, but the falling ice was enough of an impact to make the third and final barrier come nearly crashing down on Jace. Having the strength, he stood and ran off to the side before diving and rolling to get out of the majority of the destruction. Though as the final part of the aftermath hit, it sent Jace flying several feet away.

Jace rose from the ice and earth, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Dirt and crystal fell from his body in waves as he stood up once again. Physhically he was almost completely exhausted. It was beginning to show for that matter, his chest was heaving and he was struggling just to stand defiant. “Give it up cryo-demon, you can’t stop us. You spent. “ Gorgoth’s line of taunting always targeted the one thing that Jace considered pointless. He never doubted himself, and that was something Gorgoth kept trying to strike at. “I’ve only just begun Shadowcaster, for while you’ve spent your time doing whatever the hell it is you do, I’ve become that something greater that you never thought I could become. “ Letting the weight of his body take over; Jace dropped to a knee upon the ground before placing both of his hands upon the frozen plane. This would be his last fleeting attempt of at least disrupting the ritual. In the distance, Vur’go continued to elude Kendra’s on going assault. Dodging was only going to last for so long, even he was beginning to feel the fatigue of a drawn out defeat. “Lass, you fight well with the little toys. But it’s time I actually do something apart from counter and parley with you. “ With that, Vur’go sucked in a deep breath of air. As he closed his lips and held his breath, his physical form vanished before Kendra’s eyes. She however, laughed at this. But her laughter soon ceased as a spray of blood was unleashed from her arm. Both puzzled, and enraged she couldn’t understand how she could have been struck. Vur’go however had released his breath and was closing the gap between him and the nearest priest. Running at full pelt, he knew he could make it and slay at least one of them before the cruel cunt behind caught up. But his attempt was in vein, something pierced through his side and came ripping out of his chest. Staggering slightly, he turned just in time to see another strange male lowering a crude weapon. Falling back onto the land, his emerald blood seen spliced with the snow white of the world he would soon call his grave. His eyes were focused into the sky as he spoke slowly, his breathing becoming more rapid and torn ; “I have served for all that I could, for now I my duty and oath finally has come to an end. One day we shall meet again, at the gates of hell to once more battle our demons.. Wayland.. “

The ice around Jace seemed to tear itself free of the world, spiralling around him as it threatened to consume him. Gorgoth watched with some interest as this was indeed something new for even Jace to do. Hundreds of feet, of the snow soon begun to whirl around him, and before long it encased Jace much like a dome. Blane came to stand beside Gorgoth, whom was puzzled by what was happening. The ritual would soon be entering its final stage, the worlds were looking more vivid than before. What happened next though, neither of the pair would of foreseen in their wildest nightmares. The dome begun to creak and several lines cracked through it. Soon after, the dome shattered at the top. Debris flew through the air, as two huge wings expanded and stretched out of the dome. Within moments, the rest of the dome exploded. Gorgoth and Blane both covered the face as though they were hiding from a blinding light ; Kendra was too far away to be effected and many of the debris that would of struck her was met with the feather defence that Jace’s men had lost their lives too. As the dust begun to settle, Gorgoth lowered his arm only to see what Jace had finally done. Before him, was a massive legless dragon made purely of ice. Blane was the first to speak, “So he’s turned into a dragon, what shall we do?” Gorgoth however had already noted something that Blane failed to see first. “Look harder, there in the chest of the beast.” As Blane looked, he noticed an outline of something in the middle of the chest. It was Jace, whom had his arms out stretched and legs crossed over one another. Nodding to himself, he stated in a plain voice that sounded as though he was thrilled, “I’ll bust him out of there and kill him. “ However, Jace took the initiative. The dragon reared its head while flapping its wings. With what was considered an amazing burst of speed for a creature that would of weighted so much, the beast fly head long directly at the pair. Opening its jagged mouth of crystalized fangs, barrage of ice shards was unleashed at the two of them. Gorgoth, rushed to the left to avoid the attack. Blane on the other hand, sought a more direct approach. Raising his pistol, he fired several rounds up towards the dragon; once the bullets were within the limitations of his ability to manipulate metal, he forced them to expand into large spikes. The spikes shoot downwards to the ground, impaling the world around Blane. While not only preventing the majority of the shards from reaching him, this also gave him a means on how to close in on the creature. Several of the remaining shards were met with the twisting metal that the Jag’tora controlled. As the darkly dressed creature manipulated the metal around himself, he chose to counter-attack Jaces new form. By extending the metal alloy around himself, he moved the steel into large homing points that soon shot up towards the beast.

Kendra only watched from a distance as Gorgoth and Blane took the dragon on. Gorgoth still continued to run around the dragon’s side, attempting to flank it while every so often unleashing one of his blasts. Gorgoth understood that Jace was in complete control of the ice drake, which in turn he expected it to dodge the multiple attacks orchestrated by the two demons. Jace manoeuvred past the steel spikes that threatened to impale his creature, while stirring Gorgoth into attacking with stray blasts. Blane had not expected the shadow orbs by Gorgoth as he began climbing his way through the shimmering spikes; light reflected off of Blanes creation causing it to reveal all of its sparkling glamour. However his advance was soon halted as darkness begun to grow and destroy even the metals that he had changed. Quickly adapting the situation at hand, he soon manipulated the metal that was remaining into extending towards Jace; the spikes had manifested into becoming several hundred small ones. These then surged forward as begun surrounding the ice drake from all angles. The drake attempted to escape it’s foe however they were too numerous and their speed even surpassed that of the ice born monster. Instead of wanting to escape, the drake then charged head long in towards the centre of the metal. Several of the spikes ripped and tore through the ice, showering the ground with the coldness that kept the form intact. Gorgoth noticed what the creature was, doing but didn’t think much of the matter. There wasn’t much Jace could do to inflict anything. The ice bound demon came to a halt before it wrapped it’s wings around itself. Somehow the creature remained in the air, but this could be due to the small blue aura that rippled out of the location of which Jace was in. All around his embodiment this strange phoneme took place; but with it soon changed the course of the battle. The ice soon exploded outwards, taking out several of the metal pillars with sheer force of the velocity of the blast radius area.

Blane quickly back tracked as a sphere of ice rapidly begun to engulf the region. A misty ice expanded from the centre were, the drake was located, as though having formed into a large mound of thorned points. The processes was like a rapid erosion, quickly wiping out and shattering the steel as it became cold; the grain structure of the metal became so cold that small pockets of ice formed allowing it to destroy iron of the Jag’troa. Leaping off of the structure he landed with a roll. Rising to his feet though, he turned to look back at the destruction the demon had caused. He had figured the worst of it was over for the time being. However Jace was still very much alive merely confined within his element. The cryo-demon begun trenching and tunnelling his was inside of the sphere, though it was somewhat of a small process of melting the ice as he made his way towards Gorgoth’s direction. Gorgoth had lost track of both Jace and Blane after the explosion. While he knew that they were around in the area, since they weren’t hard to sense; he needed to find and eliminate Jace before he did anything else that could cause a disruption to the merging. But it was unexpected when he came to an area of the sphere just as it melted away. Jace took the initiative by surging towards Gorgoth, while the demon king still held a face that was considering what the fuck was going on. Jace’s left arm had completely become encased in ice, more than likely as a result to his previous form. Though the arm didn’t seem to hinder him as he trusted it along with the clenched fist straight towards Gorgoth’s nose, it was as though his arm was still as light as before. Gorgoth just managed to side step while tilting his head to the side to dodge the attack. Jace was well known for his ability to fight and destroy, and as always he simply needed to get near his foe. As the arm surged past Gorgoth, several points extended from the arm and attempted to slice through him. Still the attack was avoided and Gorgoth leaped back several feet. Landing in a slightly hunched position, the demon king’s eyes found Jace which was in the middle of doing backwards arm swing that would launch the array of shards that he sought to kill Gorgoth with.

Many of the shards protruded from Jace’s arm before releasing themselves toward the Shadowcaster, which would of struck him had it not been for Kendra who leaped into the fray just in time for her barrier to come up against the spray of ice sickles. Once more the feather tattoos that were upon her body came to life and replicated themselves at a pace so rapid, they were but a blur to behold. The ice sickles make contact with the mass of darkness that surrounded the demoness, quickly packing apart sending out debris from the ice. With his attack fouled, Jace struck out against Kendra with his left arm; determined to destroy the barrier that shielded the girl. Kendra however responded in kind, her right hand blurred as she hooked it to connect directly with Jace’s fist. The blow was enough to bring the demons swing to a stop; small debris of the ice like skin flaked off and cracked around the point of impact. Kendra looked over at Jace as she smiled, before saying in a rather calm voice. “It seems this day, your strength shall fail you, demon of Wayland. “ , with that Kendra excessed the strength of Jace and shoved his fist aside while stepping in towards him. She moved with such graceful steps that it appeared as though she was merely dancing as she went from holding her weight on her left foot to sliding it around in front of her while bringing her left arm hand around and swung a punch directly towards Jace’s face. With no time to react, the blow landed and the demon stumbled back a couple of steps. Kendra on the other hand was not yet done as her whole embodiment seemed to blur as a testament to the speed and guile she possessed. Left, right, left, right; the strikes with just the tip of her fingers begun to riddle Jace’s body as he was forced to give ground step after step. The demoness before him was like a whirlwind, spinning rapidly as she lashed out with a barrage of attacks he wasn’t able to counter. Eventually after Kendra was sure the demon was just about finished, she slide off to his left side with her back to him before spinning one last time. As she twisted her body, she threw her full force and strength into a two pronged attack where both of her out stretched fingers connected with Jace’s chest. The attack lifted the demon and sent him soaring several metres before he finally struck the ice below, though he merely bounced off of it and continued to skid and hop further away.

Kendra, who was quickly followed by Gorgoth, stepped through the various impressions in the snow and ice where Jace’s body had landed and hit. The pair went up to Jace as he laid upon his back, his eyes barely open as he looked up towards the sun. Gorgoth came to stand over Jace, who made a motion to sit up. Though, the effort was quickly stomped to oblivion as Kendra’s foot collided with Jace’s torso. Kneeling down beside the demon, Gorgoth looked over him while grinning. “We would have to say, you’ve grown old Wayland. Though you put up a bit of a fight, you’ve lost this battle. “ At that moment, Blane approached yet stayed several feet away. Holding the massive sword, which he held propped over his shoulder, he spoke to his allies. “The priests say the ritual will be complete in a few more hours. The merging is taking its toll on them, though all is coming along as planned. “ Gorgoth nodded and mimicked the words he spoke before. “You are old Wayland. You did loss the battle after all. Now nothing can stop me. “ Jace, even though he felt inside as though he was broken, he knew something that Gorgoth had not. His eyes veered to the demon that he once called friend, before he had been swallowed by the insanity that had made him what he is now. His voice breaking as he spoke, half gasping for air while attempting to speak; “It’s too late now Gorgoth. She is coming, and with her the entire Officiale army. I am merely the pawn that was destined to stall you. “ A smile cracked across the demon’s lips, something Gorgoth had never seen before in regards to Jace. But Gorgoth knew Jace was right. He could feel them all as they approached. The ones he once called family. Turning his attention from Jace, to Kendra he looked at her before shaking his head. “Take the codex, and return. Get Tpolemos and Aktrious. They will be needed. “ Rising to his feet, he looked to Blane as Kendra vanished without a question. “It seems you still have a duty to perform. If battle is to be met, after this we will grant the freedom from our side as promised once upon a time. Wait here however, we shall return. We will stall for more time. “ With that, Gorgoth too vanished as a cloud of darkness surrounded him, as he moved to meet with the White Demoness.


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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Sat May 04, 2013 2:10 am

Mist: Mist nodded to Felie as she noted that she would be back in seven minutes, that was a thing of Felies as she always returned under the time limit, as she did this time to. Only to refill the crystal :: You don’t have to do that you know:: Mist said as she sipped her drink, yet In the middle of sipping her drink time stopped for the demon as she became frozen in her seat, the own mind of the chains wrapped around hers carrying the message of Gorgoth entering the realm, the glass dropping from her hand and falling gracefully down onto the table only to shatter and spill its contents across maps and other documents, not so gracefully. The shards of glass reflecting the demons face as her teal eyes went wide as the chains let her free of their grasp :: Gorgoth is in the realm:: a faint whisper leaked out from her as Mist rose from her seat in haste, making the chair fall backwards. Odist sat there slightly confused for a moment, but the bickering from the ancients made her rush after the Queen, Odist’s was about to see war with her own eyes instead of reading it :: Felie, Odist we are departing NOW!:: Mist shouted as she rushed towards the door that Felie was holding open, she must of felt it too Mist thought as she ran towards the soldier camp, her white hair swaying behind her as she ran through the gates that solders had to open in all haste to let them through. The stern look upon Mist’s face and the ominous feeling spreading around her as navitas vestigium was released at full force. After a few minutes Mist arrived down at the soldiers camp :: I need a gate maker here now! :: Mist yelled out upon arrival, at the que General Beyu Verus Officinale stepped out from one of the tents and rushed over :: What’s wrong my queen?:: He asked while bowing to the enraged demon and shooting a quick od to Odist’s who in turn returned it :: I need a gate maker here at once, Gorgoth is in the realm and I need to get there now. You and your men can follow up after us :: Mist explained as Odist and Felie stood behind her, just then a gate maker stepped out from a tent not too far away and made his way to the queen :: My queen:: He said as he bowed. Mist glanced to him and nodded:: I need a portal made now, going to the edges of the Frost planes :: Mist explained as she tapped her foot being both impatient and pissed off. The Gate maker nodded understanding the queen’s demands and seriousness without question, as he rushed over to an tent empty spot and begun pulling the portal together; one thing about Gate makers was that they knew all the terrain in the realm, and could open a portal without much difficulty. Beautiful spectrums of energy flashed out in the air as the Gate maker did his work. It was peaceful watching the flow of energy at least.
General Beyu Verus Officinale stood next to the Queen as they watched the gate maker do his job. :: My Queen we still haven’t gather up enough forces, and I have sent after the ones you wanted behind you and it will take them another hour to get here, The rest of the soldiers at least two hours from now with all the weaponry being transported. :: He said while looking to Mist, Odist looked to the general and tilted her head ( Odist) :: Why not use the gate makers for quicker transportation of the essentials?:: She exclaimed as Mist just nodded in response as the gate makers finished his job and the portal stood ready. The gate maker seeming untouched from the amount of energy he just had used stood next to it awaiting command. :: Beyu, you and your troops can come after they have arrived, Me, Odist and Felie will go and see what’s going on meanwhile. Though send in four Jinx and four Officinale soldiers after us and tell them to go into hiding and not to do anything unless they fell they have to, understood? :: Mist said calmly as she began walking towards the Portal her spiked tail swinging behind her like a viper ready to strike :: But my queen its way too dangerous to let you go there:: Beyu exclaimed as he looked worried and glanced to Odist. :: Don’t worry about us. :: Mist said with a slight smile before she without another word leapt through the portal sick of wasting time, Odist and Felie following closely behind.
Cold air rushing against her face as she rushed through the darkness of the portal towards the light at the end, letting the electricity in her nerves feed of the energy in her cells to give a fair boost to her muscles, making Mist speed up tremendously as she flew out of the portal, yet to her surprise there was a frozen and crystalized tree in front of her path as she came out, kicking it down, the tree shattered into shards casing spectrum’s over the frost bitten grass that flew up all around her as she came to a sliding stop. In front of her where a battle done with, corpses laid upon the pale snow around the circle of priest that stood and chanted around a pentagram, around the edge of the realm the border seemed to expand and something could be seen in the far of distance, another realm. Pondering for a moment Mist came to the conclusion that disturbing that, would upset the balance of the realm, and could jeopardize all of their life’s, since disturbing the ritual could end in both realms either colliding or collapsing. They were fighting a losing battle. Taking a deep breath Mist glanced to the side, they had been too late. Jace was the general of frost mourn and the only one Mist had not called for, and was now laying in a mess upon the snow a few feet away from the corpses of soldiers. Yet it seemed they were a bit too late as most of the frost mourn men where dead and Jace wasent in eye sight. shaking her head Mist looked to Felie and Odist who both came out of the portal ::seems we are a bit to late.. ::The demons white hair flowing in the wind as her teal eyes sparked with annoyance, her pale complexion shining in the white from the surroundings as sparks flew around her. The air around her heavy and still as her inner eye took a close look at everything of interest Gorgoth was not here anymore, though he was not far away as for Jace, he was not far away either. She knew there was no bringing the soldiers back to life, the dead where dead and stayed that way, Yet Jace showed signs of life as the Demon rushed to his side with haste as he was about a few hundred meters away despite the distance it did not take the demon long to arrive by his sida and kneel down in the cold snow. :: Jace… :: The demon said with a whisper so soft one could believe the demon was on the brink of tears, even so her face was stern and her eyes furious as she placed her hands upon Jaces chest, letting her healing ability of cell regeneration flow through him, which was simply ergo kinesis mixed with electro kinesis, making it quintes kinesis. The proses was easy as the demon let her energy invade the core of his body, only to have the energy itself find all the wounds and such fort, soon the cells around the wounds where filled up with energy the demon let a single spark emit from her hands and then lead it into his body, resonating it with his nerve system and letting it spread to the high responding parts of his nerves, meaning the places where he had taken damage. And after that the healing proses begun as Jaces badly beaten body and his wounds begun closing up from the inside. Even is Mist healed him, it did not mean he could return to battle just like that, even if she had healed his body it did not mean she had returned his strength or energy. :: Can you stand up Jace? I need you to return to the capital and rest, there is not much more you can do then you already have..: : Mist said as she rose from his side :: Now tell me, what happened and how many did Gorgoth bring with him? :: While asking this Mist glanced to the chanters, who seemed to struggle. Letting her eyes travel to Odist and Felie she nodded :: Don’t disturb them.. we are fighting a losing battle realm wise, but we can at least keep our part of the realm as it is, I hope..:: Mist honestly had no clue how the realms would reshape once it was all done, but she would rather be alive and fight for her home than dead as the realm collapsed.

Last edited by Admin on Wed May 15, 2013 2:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Re: The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )

Post  Felie Sat May 04, 2013 9:17 pm

<Felie said nothing as she came through, landing like a cat and immediately crouching down as she scanned the
landscape. She saw the deep midnight sapphire hues of the souls as they left the thousands of bodies that littered
the ground. This explained the Soul reavers cries as they had whooshed along the portal with her, hitching a ride
to feed off the soulless energies as they collected the souls. She saw Mist race to Jace, one of the greater demons that were loyal to Mist and she stepped forward as Mist talked to him and healed his body. There was not much that could be done but Felie let her palm stroke down his arm as she and a darker, larger Soul reaver seemed to peer at each other, although seeing they had no eyes it would be hard to peer at them. A soft wild wind blew up as Felie pursed her lips and let out a soft piercing whine, the wind blowing around and caressing Jace's body. What had happened was a type of healing, how effective it would be was dependent on Jace's own soul and his strength of character (yes demons did have character and a value system of sorts). The reavers usually took the souls but they had the ability to give to the soul as well, they just didn't care to, even now it was at Felie's behest that they granted this boon. It was a small boon for it was overly dependent on Jace and nought else. Felie rose and as the breezes stirred her hair, swirling the reds, blacks, and white tresses as they swept across her face and streamed behind her. Felie growled deep in her throat as she "felt" her father's trace and her fangs erupted into a full blown snarl as she remembered the past and all this demon who she adored had single-handedly destroyed almost all that she loved. Mist was still here but she in her own way, while not as bad as Gorgoth, was destructive as well, having slaughtered several of her own children. Felie would always love her parents and defend Officinale from any and all harm, but she had a darkness that was growing as she grew, as she aged and gained wisdom and insight, her darkness strengthened and took a solid foothold, embedded deep down inside where only the reavers could reach. Mayhaps that was why they had not only spared her from death, but made her their own. The only demon who was a "child" of the Soul reavers. She sniffed the energy patterns, flicking her tongue like a serpent as she absorbed the energy traces that told her who and what had been in this battle. Felie looked to her mother and spoke as a warrior , not as her daughter " Mist, Gorgoth is not done, I suggest we retreat to the inner realm and plan our strategy. It would be better had Jace not been gravely injured, but what is cannot be even partially undone without great ripples throughout all the realms. We need you in the warroom she said to the generals as she bent down, hoisted Jace up and over her shoulder and pivoting she took Mists arm and hied them back to the portal knowing that Odist would follow Mist and keep her safe from rear attacks. Reaching the portal she dropped Mists arm then leapt slightly upwards to teeter on the edge for a second before rushing through . Mist was surprised for Felie was not known to be so matter-of-fact in her words or deeds. As Mist and Odist stood there Felie had already reached the other end of the portal, jumping out and down as she screamed "medic" and thrust Jace into the arms of the medics who rushed to her calling. Felie glanced around then moved to a tent and swept everything off the table, yelling for maps and any and all generals,lieutenants, commanders and any other damn persons of some sort of leadership. She also asked that the wisest advisors and greatest sorcerors be brought there. Moving around she demanded more light , asked for obscure maps that had pages scurrying to find them, and as a boon to those who may need the sustenance, some dates, nuts, cheese, bread, and wine. Felie was pacing by now, her mind racing a mile a minute as she waited for Mist and the others to join her. Every so often a growl just erupted from her as she muttered to herself until with a "fagh" as her hands flew up and out as if she were casting off a cloak she stormed out of the tent to take a walk and try to gather everything and place her emotions in a mental trunk until the war was over and one or the other of her parents gave in to the other. which was bloody unlikely with those two, seeing the only time they seemed to not fight was when they were fucking each other just as hard as they fought each other. Once in a rare while Felie wished she night have known a more normal life, one with love and happiness, but she knew who and what she was had come about because of the very life she had lived thus far. The way her body was mutating and adjusting to create improvement within her as she survives each adversity was what made her unique. She watched Mist and Odist enter the tent, sighing she strode back to join them, her mind shuffling and compartmentalizing data until by the time she walked in under the flap, she appeared as serene as a lake on a still day.>


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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Re: The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )

Post  Odist/Odila Sat May 04, 2013 11:34 pm

It was a frightening blur for Odist, from the moment she and the Queen and the Queen's daughter left the throne room to when her father acknowledged her. She wasn't sure if she could go through war, although her demeanour and words were what you'd expect from her, Odist mentally was frightened, she wanted to stay in the castle and wait it out like she would've done in her Grandparents temple. But she couldn't, she had to be here with the Queen and the Princess; she had to protect them. The gate twisted behind her, and she found herself looking at it longingly, as if it'd make any difference to her if she went back now. Around her the winds whispered, the dirt cried, the water in the clouds up ahead hushed itself, threatening to fall at any moment. She almost wished that there was fire present, so that the comfort of all four elements within her reach to protect them all.

The Queen and princess were next to her, but she took no knowledge to the person they were talking to, although the name Jace jumped out at her. She blinked, quietly absorbing the information she was being fed through the elements. The boots to the Wardress irritated her immensely, mostly due to the fact that they kept her so far from the ground. Bending over she removed one and then the other, digging her toes into the dirt. Closing her eyes she walked swiftly through the earth, rejoicing in the fact she could feet the energy in the world once more. She stopped however in one spot, and looked at the Royals her eyes fit with fear. 'My Queen... T-this power.' She stammered, feeling herself unable to finish the sentence she'd begun to formulate. It was immense, the energy that the world beheld around them at all times had halted here, like some demon who'd used their powers was so strong the energy patterns didn't dare break through it to continue their communication.

It was unsettling and very, very frightening for the child as it meant there was a spot in battle, where she could be completely vulnerable. She moved away quickly back to her Queen and the Princess, both of whom were taking deep regard for their fallen friend. Her only ache was their safety and she suddenly realised that in this location she would not be of any use to them should there be more patches of broken energy traces. Resisting the urge to find them all, she listened for enemies, praying there was none as she felt very unease in her current position. The Princess suddenly jumped through the portal before Odist can state anything and she turned violently briefly calling out to her to stop. She was gone anyway. Looking at the Queen, the small in comparison demon tried hard to keep a straight face. Her safety was dependent on her; although not a body guard for the Royals, at least not one that she knew off, she felt she owed the Queen that much for saving her and keeping her safe. She closed her eyes and followed her through the portal, seeing the princess hard at work being almost the mirror image of her mother. It stung a little for her, but as they entered the tent she knew there was nothing to be done. ‘My Royals… I wish to remain on the other side of the portal, there were energy anomalies that I feel I need to discover should someone else who wields my capabilities wonder upon those now disrupted grounds.’ She didn’t wait for her Queen to answer her, or the Princess; she simply turned and left after bowing to them both.

General Beyu Verus Officinale looked at her as she faced the portal. ‘I find you looking very much like your mother, bowing does not suit you.’ His carefree tone towards her made the tiny girl shiver with unpleasant happiness. ‘Is that so, I’m glad to hear it.’ It was a simple answer; no offence could be taken from it nor given in return. ‘It is so… She would be pleased to see you, you know… Odila.’ This made Odist’s nostrols flare and she turned sharply to the Older demon, ‘My name, given to me by my Grandparents and gifted to me by my Queen, is Odist, not... Odila.’ With that she turned towards the portal and marched through her, her bare feet leaving light footprints in the dirt. On the other side, Odist growled and shot energy visible to her eyes through the ground, so she could find the patches of energy disruption. The sheer amount of them, made her wish she could return through the portal. The winds shifted once more, as the desolate lands grew even emptier for her eyes as the energy shifted uneasily. Something unpleasant was coming.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Gorgoth

Post  Admin Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:01 am

The ritual carried on as planned, more of the realm that Gorgoth hailed from had become more vivid and seemed to take greater hold to the lands that belonged to Mist. Blane wandered around the area, noting the few trees that still clung to life in the dissolute land. As he headed back towards where the broken body of Jace lie however, he soon noticed the new comers had come through a portal that was just closing behind them. One of them, a demoness, leaned down to Jace and begun putting her hands on him. At first Blane didn’t think anything of this as he made his slow walk to a small distance from the others. A few minutes past before Jace finally stirred, the demoness stood back. “They’re stronger than they look, be weary of them.“ Jace muttered as he stood up. Turning his attention to Blane however, he said in a rather cold voice. “They’ve already killed the portal I had with me, Gorgoth’s gone after the army. “ After hearing the remark, Blane looked to each of the women before his eyes finally fell to Jace; he laughed before speaking in a somewhat humoured tone. “Yes the great one has gone after the army, and soon all of this will be his. For you see, the master has a grand plan; and you shall not stand. “ The words were allowed to sink in as the icy breeze carried small shards of ice around, striking the ground here and there; sending up small balls of white puffs. Some moments had paste, before a twisting mass of darkness grew out of Blane’s shadow of which was cast by the moon. Stretching out in small pillars, it soon gathered in an area beside Blane. Kendra’s twisted form soon became a vivid reality as she took to her usual self. “Traveling like that is such a bitch. “, the words rolled of her tongue with a slight giggle. Straightening herself out, Kendra turned her attention to the three girls, causing her black hair to swirl around her. “It seems we meet again. I hope none of you plan on going for a while it wouldn’t really be that much fun if you did. “,the taunt slide from her tongue before winking towards them. With the codex at her side, she could bring out the feared duo any time if it was required. Kendra however, knew things of which Blane and the others did not. All she and them were to meant to do, was buy time for whatever Gorgoth had planned.

Blane wasn’t lying however when he had said that Gorgoth was going after the army. Having already brought himself to the gates of the large encampment, the Officinale army seemed to struggle with halting the demon kings advancement towards the tent of what looked like it belonged to a high ranking officer. The demons were pressing towards Gorgoth in waves though and begun to drive him back, while the demon king himself seemed to only be disabling his foes rather than out right killing them. Dodging an electrical blast from one of the various creatures before him, he quickly phased out of reality before appearing beside the creature only to have his sword cleave through the beasts neck; a fountain of blood followed the victory as Gorgoth moved towards the next. Soon however he was surrounded by far more than his tastes, more than a hundred had come to surround him with more marching in every second. The demon king looked as though he hadn’t broken a sweat, dispite how drenched his sword was with blood. Out of the ranks of the soldiers, a demon covered completely in armour stepped out. With several different glowing runes that varied in colour from blue to red, to white; Gorgoth was sure he wasn’t going to be so easy to put down. With a large battle axe resting over his right shoulder pauldron, the new combatant bellowed in a deep voice; “I know who you are, King of the Shadowcasters. But you don’t know of me. I am General Beyu Verus Officinale, and I am going to end this conflict. “ Gorgoth narrowed his eyes at the entity before saying in a soft voice, one that sounded as though the very wind carried the soft almost whisper. “But you don’t know us.. “,Gorgoth’s eyes changed to a cruel colour of black, as he stared down at the general.

A few hours had passed as Kendra and the others faced off with Mist and her escort. Kendra had used the time to let Mist in on the plan of Gorgoths. “Gorgoth needs your realm in order for ours to survive. Nothing could of changed us from this course, and in the next few hours the realms will have completed the merging. “ It wasn’t long however, before a small spark of light erupted in the area of which they were standing. A shimmering portal expanded into life, before General Beyu stepped through. Still In his battle gear, he was no longer wearing his helmet. The stench of blood surged from him as his armour and his battle axe remain painted with the deep colours of black and red to a light purple. The general walked stiffy from the portal before coming to stand near Odist and Mist. As the portal begun to close however, Kendra noticed the sudden shift of an extremely faint shadow that seemed to have followed the general only to surpass him and move behind one of the girls. Beyu himself moved over to Odist before bringing his hands to rest on her shoulders as he spoke in a dull-hearted tone. “Your Majesty, the army will not be arriving for a while. Some of them came down with a sudden case of death. “ It was obvious that the general was not himself, and the reasoning was re-enforced with Gorgoth leaning over Felie’s shoulder as he took his turn to speak. “You see demoness, why I must do what is needed. I believe Kendra has filled you in on the details as for the merging, just as I twisted the reasoning within your dear generals mind and converted him to more.. Profound sense of direction. “, Gorgoth’s eyes were still black however. Kendra took note of this, before speaking in a giggle. “Shadoween, the merging is almost complete. May we have our Gorgoth back now?” Having been around the Shadowcaster long enough to know who was in control and when, she knew the demon within the demon held the reins now. Gorgoth merely kept his gaze upon Mist, while his embodiment was still concealed somewhat by Felie’s very shadow. He narrowed his vision as he gazed at her before speaking once more.” This is what we must do, in order to survive. I’m sure you won’t mind us taking part of your realm for our own. Though we are bringing much of our realm to your own; you could consider it a fair deal. You get more land, and we get a place to live for some time. The only part of it is, this isn’t a deal and it isn’t conditional. This is how things are, and have been since the day Gorgoth and I set things into motion. “

Last edited by Admin on Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Mist

Post  Admin Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:26 pm

Having healed Jace to the point where he was able to move around and speak Mist listened intently to what he had to say, as her inner eye alerted her of the oncoming energy trace. Glancing its way Mist laid eyes upon a man who was seemingly humoured as he spoke of their down fall. With a shrug the demon rose to her feet and let her eyes linger upon the demon like creature :: And what if the grand plan does not go exactly as planned.? :: She questioned as the cold breeze swept in around them, making ice crystals fall of the trees and into her white hair. Despite Mist’s calm outlook the mentioning of Gorgoth going after the main army alarmed her, casting a glance to Felie and Odist who were just behind her as always. As another yet familiar energy trace bloomed up Mist let her eyes travel back to the now two demons, this one they had encountered before. Letting a frown play upon her face as the taunt came from the woman Mist only shook her head :: So what if we just leave?:: The words came out with a snarl at the end as the ground around them begun rumbling and shake ever so slightly, as the black chains where digging their way up to the queens silent command. The white snowflakes stirring slowly flying up in a Mist around the group as the chains made themselves known. The demons mind was racing as she was trying to figure out the best way to go on about it all, it was cheer frustration as time was quickly slipping away. However as the female once again spoke, about the great plan from which it seemed. :: I got the merging part already, thus why I didn’t kill the chanting fools over there already:: Mist said as she glanced towards the chanting priests, lightly tapping her foot upon the frosty ground, All around them the chains stood straight up in the air like pillars, waiting. The opening of a portal did not surprise the demon as the pale moonlight seemed to expand and eliminate any shadows but for a second. Way to familiar energy traces entered the area as Mist did not even have to look to know whom it was, General beau and Gorgoth. Yet as the aroma of blood reached her nose the demons head shifted their way, seeing the sight of the general stained in blood, as he reached Odists, placing a hand upon her. His actions where off, and Mist’s eyes widened as she for a second relived the massacre that had taken place hundreds of years before this, setting a dangerous instinct to life in the demon once more :: Destroy:: The word was silently uttered as Mist turned away from the combo and laid her now ice cold gaze upon the general, he was in her mind tainted, and Mist could not have that now could she? Hearing Gorgoth as he spoke only eliminated the already small doubt in the demoness mind. Casting a glare Gorgoths way she only uttered:: Shadoween, long time no see:: A slight smirk played upon her lips as the black chains begun clattering, warning. However her eyes left the general as Shadoween spoke, telling the tale of the plan. :: You know Shadoween, you could of just talked to me before hand, but on the other hand, that would not amuse you now would it? :: Mist said with a shake to head at the end and a alarming giggle, Mist knew that Both Gorgoth and Shadoween shared a grim sense of humor, and deep inside she shared it too. The urge to destroy the tainted Officinale however grew stronger as Mist had to fight to keep her gaze upon Gorgoth. The urge making her fingers twitch as she slowly reached for her blade at her side, as the faint voice inside of the reasoning queen screamed for command it was however silenced as Mist glanced to Odist, with the same Death stare she had given the general, Mist knew it was Gorgoths doing, and that he could undo it but the grey kind could of undone it too, but did not. But as she looked back to Shadoween yet another flash from the past took up the demons eyes for a second, this one showing the time when she had crushed the citizens of her realm and making their blood flow down the streets of the kingdom. It was tearing at her mind, allowing what she had fought so long to supress bloom like a flower, her own damned insanity. To the others, the demons would only seem frozen, yet the chains spoke for her mind as they had already begun tearing the ground around her in the shared madness.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Felie

Post  Admin Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:51 am

<Felie's nostril's flared as she heard the hiss of sound that preceeded Gorgoths words, stiffening as she felt the entities around her, the essence traces merging within her until she was as if made of stone. Inside she was seething as she felt her beloved mother, adored father, General Beyu and Him-the Shadoween. She had known him from birth so it wasn't the unfamiliar that set her on edge, it was the things he had done that drove her father's madness and encouraged a like reaction from her mother. Felie wanted to turn and sink her teeth into his neck and rip him apart, but the reality was he couldn't die so easily and her father was more like the Shadoween's symbiotic host. She pulled inward, coiling the anger, pain, revulsion and...yes, even love...into a large mass that she then manipulated by pulling in ice shards to surround and freeze it until it was encased and she became calmly still. Felie's codex was deciphering the data as she scanned the field. Her skin went from the dark tan it had been when she was ready to do battle to a color paler than porcelain, an opaqueness that was more than halfway translucent, her hair turned from its usual onyx blood to a reflective chrome as her eyes stopped their mecurial swirling and became the hue of cracked ice. Her clothes froze, broke and fell to the ground as minute crystals covered her body in a rime of frost. She spun as Shadoween spoke to Mist until she faced him with a scant three inches between their faces. "Hello Shadoween, decided to come out to play again?" she purred as he peered into her eyes only to watch them sink into the sockets til there were deep hollows surrounding her icy orbs which were aglow from the energies pulsing into her from every living thing on this plane. She remembered the deaths from both of her parents hands as she cranked her head to glare at Mist , then turned back to Gorgoth whispering silibantly " unconditional! yes I can see the advantages of this", then she smiled and turned away from everyone, blowing up a small blast of whooshing sound that sent the reavers swirling until they had formed a thick smoggy cloud, drawing the souls up into them until where they were a vaccum funnel sped up the absorption of souls, then sent a blast of dark energy straight into Felie's open mouth and down her caw before they scooped up General Beyu and vaporized from sight with a sonic burst, taking hi to a realm outside of this plane. Felie turned to Odist and then tossed her a vision of a place she would find Beyu again. Felie's mouth closed as the corners turned upwards in an ironic grin while she gave The Shadoween a nod of her head, then swiveled and bowed to Mist before stepping back from the area, knowing that Mists chains would soon make the ground around them inhospitable for standing on. Those used to Felie expected the screaming mass of emotions that usually accompanied her whe she was stressed, but instead she reverted to an emotion not seen since her disappearance into the home of the Soul Reavers when she had exhausted all emotions by ripping out her own heart to be placed in a jar within the reavers realm/ She was as cold now as she had been then, as her codex and her mind fused to become a calculating machination that simply led her as she walked to the edge of the portal, leaned against it, one leg nonchalantly resting over the other as it draped down to her crossed ankles. She yawned and crossed her arms waiting for the games to end.>

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Odist/Odila

Post  Odist/Odila Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:10 am

Odist’s mind swirled around like a tempest. She lay at a large disadvantage, not knowing the other party very well, or knowing her own footing in the situation. Shadoween was beyond her, a name she’d bearly heard whispered during the evenings she’d listened to the Ancients. She didn’t know what to say to anything that was happening before her eyes. Closing them softly she took a deep breath and let the ancients see for themselves how things had turned out. They were not pleased. “We must change the outcome of this battle! Odist, the queen cannot fight this monster… It is your duty to protect her!” An ancient growled at the young girl, and the little demon opened her eyes, only to realise general Beyu’s hands were upon her shoulders. He gripped them tightly and she felt her skin crawl at the unplesant feeling of someone touching her. “General Beyu, inhand me this instance, although you are a general I am your superior!” She growled viciously, only to realise that the man that had fathered her at one point was not there at the given time.

“Prince-“ her sentence went unfinished as suddenly the general vanished and she stumbled backwards, feeling slightly dizzy and unstable. The little girl looked up, feeling very unable to fully understand the scene that lay before her. Her queen looked calm, but she felt the burning deep inside her guardian, she felt that it was dying to be released up the cruel creature that was in front of them. Slowly, she edged towards her queen and grabbed her wrist, her gloves having been removed previously. “My queen, your attention to me I beg you.” She whispered quietly, waiting for the sound of bone being broken. It wasn’t an actual sensation, but whenever the queen turned her head quickly, the energy in the wind shifted violently, letting Odist hear the sound of a sharpe snap and sudden crack. It sent her teeth on edge as she waited for the feeling. Inside her mind the Ancients were mumbling to eachother about Gorgoth, causing Odist to barely listen as she was hell bent on getting the Queen and Princess to safety. Suddenly the world Puzzlepiece jumped out at her, and the little girl snapped her attention to the ancients, ”Puzzlepiece?” she asked softly, causing many of them to turn and look into her light somewhat frightened eyes.

Nothing but hallowed out gazes stared back at her, before they turned their back and met her with silence. Something wretched her mind back to their current place and Odist suddenly wished she was somewhere else. Staring into the deep, degrading eyes of the man identified as Gorgoth, she felt her mind fall into a place she didn’t want to be. Fear etched into her body and she took a step away from the queen and princess. Her arms fell flat to her side as her eye contact with the other being fell short and she droppe dher gaze to the cold an shivering ground. Dropping to her knees, she forced her body to softly collect energy around her, to protect herself or the royals she was unsure, but when she looked up again, there lay nothing in her way to protect those who had protected her. Rising to her feet once more she staggered slowly between the Queen and Gorgoth, pushing her below against her Royal Highness’ chest, as if silently urging her to run away. “Run.” She hissed as the energy she collected coiled around her arms and eyes, covering them slowly with what appeared as electricity. Lightning danced quickly between her fingers as the young Elemental User stood steady to protect her Monarchs.

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The begining merging of realms ( First chapter )  - Page 3 Empty Losara

Post  Admin Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:33 pm

Losara:     A deafening sonic boom echoed out across the land; the frozen waste’s surface rippled like water for the briefest of moments as a shock wave threw forth debris at an increasing rate. By the time it had reached the members of the two parties, the wave had generated an eight foot wall of sheer ice that was almost peeling off of the very world. Due to Mist’s sudden unleash of rage, her chains were enough to deflect the majority of the debris from their party while Felie and Odist respectively used their own techniques to avoid what was missed. At the same time; Blane and Kendra moved to Gorgoth’s side as Blane withdrew his short sword only for it to suddenly change into a dome shape barrier which caused the debris to pass over. As the debris and shock wave passed, the air was filled with a strange red tent. An aura filled the air, and it was long before Gorgoth stepped outside of the shield to look where the ritual had once taken place. Where the cultists once stood, was now a crater nearly twenty feet deep. The mangled bodies of the priests whose bones were crushed from the sheer force of the shock wave, laid as a reminder to the will of Gorgoth. “The merging is complete, we’re going to go about our business now. So now that we are all aware, our city lies in that direction somewhere. And there? Why, our army. Which if we feel as though we need more than which we probably will, we might consider asking nicely with very little force.” Gorgoth then lifted his pale hand and indicated to Kendra and Blane. “Feel free to have some fun you two, just don’t kill them. “Even as the words slipped from his lips, they curved into a cruel smile. However it was Kendra’s giggle that soon filled the air as the wind once again picked up. In the light of darkness, Gorgoth stepped off with a mere wave over his shoulder; his red hair flicked with every step as he knew things were far from over. Blane turned to Kendra after realizing that Gorgoth was seriously leaving them on clean up duty. “I don’t really this is such a good idea, I vote we leave as well. “Of course this only inspired Kendra to break into an outright laughing fit. Shaking his head, his nearly matching color to that of Gorgoth’s red hair; he turned from the woman and begun running off towards his master.
   Mist couldn’t tell if she was simply frustrated over the fact that Gorgoth didn’t really seem to care what he was doing nor who he was using to gain whatever he desired, or if it was because she knew she could shut the little laughing whore up. Closing her eyes, Mist focused all of the energy within herself into the third-eye that she possessed. As she begun to charge herself with energy, she felt refreshed as she opened her eyes open with only one goal in mind. “We need to kill Gorgoth, here and now!” With that, the demoness didn’t even wait for her comrades as she begun to redirect the fabled chains of Absence and Sin. The black glimmer of the chains slide across the ice, spiraling around each of the chains; the ground was torn apart while debris littered the air as the massive column of steel passed over. Mist had direct several of the chains to form a concentrated almost beam like attack. While Gorgoth and Blane were now a fair distance away by now, Kendra’s embodiment blurred before she suddenly appeared several meters ahead of Mist’s barrage. Kendra’s whose laughing fit seemed to have resided into something more of a clear and focused appearance, seemed to have no intentions of moving. “It’s time to be the Jester and dance”, words slipped from Kendra’s lips as she suddenly surged forward into the massive swirl of chains. Side stepping the first that seemed to lunge at her as though it had a mind of its own, the second nearly caught her off guard as a large chain link passed over her shoulder; the deep strange color entrenched within the chain attached Kendra’s attention. Her feet moved gracefully in a sweeping motion that kept her whole body in constant movement, eventually however as she side stepped once the massive chains, she clenched her fist only for it shimmer before punching towards the chain. As the punch connected with the massive chain, the creatures hand seemed at first to be stopped by the chain before it finally gave way and snapped. As the chain snapped, a small explosion of what appeared to be lava erupted from where Kendra had struck. From that point on Kendra begun laughing once more as she danced through the chains, hitting and kicking them as she continued to cause them to shatter with the strange ability that now seemed to glow around her hands, forearms, and legs. Working her way straight to Mist, the entity finally smashed her way through a chain near the demoness. As Kendra came forward, her body movements blurred before she was suddenly directly in front of Mist. The laughing still continued as Kendra’s already raised fist came crashing down towards Mist; their eyes never once seemed to break contact.
       Just before the left hand of Kendra’s was able to hit Mists cheek as planned, Felie had moved up to her in her shadow form before slipping back into reality just in time to catch Kendra’s hand. However this seemed foul hearted as Felie was merely tugged right along with the blow as she was thrown into Mist. Mist whom was more hit by Felie due to Kendra’s sudden wrist flicker, spun around in the snow before her eyes flicked to Kendra. Mist figured it was time to finally use that ability that she had learned from what she believed a warped reality. Holding both of her hands out to her sides at a relaxed angle, she closed her fingers together while closing her eyes as she channeled the energy through her body at the same time. After a few seconds, energy crackled around her hands before two at first unstable beams of electricity surged from her finger times. Mist opened her eyes, and as she did the energy she was controlling reformed itself into a more perfected version; energy erupted around the blades as the formed points though they were only a meter long each. “Won’t get out of the way? I’ll cut you out of my path” Mist this time, already nearly at the peak of the energy she was charging from before stepped forward and moved towards Kendra. This time around Mist made precision attacks with the amplified energy blades. Sweeping and slashing at Kendra, forcing her on the defense for once. Kendra was offset by the sheer speed of the demoness to that not even her body tattoos were capable of reacting fast enough. Instead though Kendra danced with Mist, ducking and weaving her attempts. Even as Mist’s temper begun to rage to the point the blades became unstable and became more like a pair of whips. Swirling them around her body, Mist started charging directly at Kendra whom was attempting to create a little distance for once. As Mist was upon Kendra, she calculated the energy flow to her hands to cause the whips that she knew Kendra was expecting to change back into their blade forms; she plunged them both towards the woman’s chest. Kendra who was in mid twist, turned her body to so that it was frontally towards Mist’s to meet the attack head on. Kendra’s hands were behind her at this point before she suddenly ripped out two curved daggers. The strange emerald blades surged with an array of colors as she brought them both around to clash with Mists. The force of the two’s attack/counter was enough to the ground around them to split and crack. It was as though two storms had finally met and collided; Mist and Kendra continued to stand there before one another swinging blow after blow, neither giving ground any more ground than what was giving away under the weight of their blows. They continued to counter and attack one another for some time, though Mist knew she wouldn’t be able to keep this up forever. Felie and Odist also knew this that was why they finally picked their moments to step in. Felie who was racing towards Kendra from behind, her left hand held a dark shadow that seemed to weep from her very flesh and rise up like fire. Her other hand was crackling with electricity, a common energy demon ability. Homing to strike Kendra off guard, it may have not of been possible if Odist didn’t add to the mayhem. The young woman had somehow called forth a strange mystical armor that shrouded her embodiment. Branding a two handed towards that was easily seven foot long, the spectral blade skimmed through the air as Kendra made a motion to dodge it. While Kendra knew she could deflect the two incoming blows from Mist and dodge the blade of Odists, she couldn’t see a way out of dodging the Shadowcaster spawn. Just in those moments before Kendra was about to fall victim to a deadly blow, she opened her mouth as the beak of a crow pushed out. The crow quickly emerged completely and took flight, its black feathers still slick with the saliva from Kendra’s mouth. Just seconds before Felie struck with both of her raised fists, she channeled all of her energy into her muscles to surpass her current speed tenfold. Using this surge of speed, she bypassed Kendra’s feathers and slammed her left fist into her side, while the right fist graze her face. Mist and Odist seized the moment and attacked, their blades splitting and tearing through flesh and bone; Mists blades on the other hand merely left deep scorched flesh in their wake. That was the force of energy however, what appeared to be Kendra’s corpse fell to the ground.
       The crow that Kendra had released before returned and landed upon the ground some ways away from the group. The three females turned their attention to it as it suddenly begun flocking its feathers towards the air. The birds head twisted right around before flopping on the ground and begun twitching. Shortly after this it its wings begun stretching and expanding, the belly of the bird pushing and moving as though it had eaten too much. After a few moments, the crow stood up and cocked its head to the sky before opening its beak. A hand emerged from the creature’s mouth, at first finger tips gripping either side of the creatures face. The crow grunted and carried on before Kendra pulled herself out of the beast. Shaking herself lightly, she turned her gaze towards Mist and the others and said with a grin “I’m back bitches. “ While it was clearly a challenge for more, Kendra didn’t wish to keep Gorgoth waiting for too long. “That was almost enjoyable, next time when I don’t have to hold back, I won’t. “ With that Kendra giggled before her embodiment faded out from existence. Mist turned and looked at the others unsure of what to say. Gorgoth paid her army a visit so no doubt there would a wreck to clean up, not to mention if the merge is now complete as Gorgoth said then there was going to need to be a council meeting. Looking between Felie and Odist, Mist said bluntly as she released the energy in her hands, “Felie, go find Jace and establish some recon lines and portals as for as the crater and to Frostmourne. Odist, come with me and we’ll see what’s happened at the main encampment. If need be, I’ll call for recruitment in nearby villages and cities. I don’t really give a fuck at the moment, but we need to put a stop to any invasion attempt. “ Mist nodded to them both before turning away. Focusing her energy in the area around her and in front of her, a small shimmer of light was brought into creation. Several seconds pasted as the single light begun to spider web itself out into multiple lights. After a few minutes they all connected and the lights flashed before a portal was created of which Mist could see the barracks of the encampment. “Felie once you’re done up in Frostmourne, head straight back to me. I’ll need you for something.” Mist then leaped through the portal with Odist close in toe.
       Gorgoth sat upon his throne once again in the company of Blane, his son Tpolemos, and Aktrious. The distant echo of footsteps of busy bodies doing their daily work, seemed to carve out the silence. Eventually though Gorgoth spoke, and when he did there was no questions. “Blane, rally legions three and seventh. Once they are suited and have ample supplies, move down to the frozen forest. Aktrious, you’ll take the eighth and head towards the spiral. Both of you will remain at these posts and oversee the lands and prevent any enemy advancement. We and Tpolemos will remain here and train new recruits and send supplies as needed. Fortify the outposts and even expand them if you wish. You have the man power to do so. “At first nothing was said, however Blane eventually spoke. “ You said Tpolemos may be free so that he may be safe. So why not set him free as agreed from when I agreed to fight for your cause? “The tone was low, not threatening in any form. Blane had selected his words wisely Gorgoth thought to himself. Yet when he gave Blane his direct attention he said light-heartedly, “He is safe here as long as you hold the outposts. Who ever said anything about being free? No matter where he goes, he’ll always serve. Even if he were us, he’d merely serve a larger patron. “The smile played upon the demon kings lips, he didn’t care what the other thought. Blane however knew from his own past that Gorgoth was right and decided to not push the matter, instead just giving a nod of his head. With that Blane and Aktrious dismissed themselves and made way to their own quarters to make preparations for the journey. Gorgoth waved Tpolemos away knowing he would like to go see his father and commit some form of sacrifice together before he left. Kendra’s fair form appeared beside the throne which drew Gorgoth’s attention. “You’re still alive. “, the word was more of a statement than a question. Kendra responded with a slight snicker, “Yes m’lord, though those girls are a match together. I’d advise never leaving them alone together amongst the battlefield, their team work is fluid. “Gorgoth arched an eyebrow at the woman before saying in a darker tone; his eye color swirled before changing to pure black as he spoke. “Don’t forget your place girl. One on one they are no match, their whole armies wouldn’t be a match for the small handful of elites we have raised. All those worlds we plundered were not for not. One day, they will all see. For now though Kendra, bring us a status report of the city. Kendra nodded her head before vanishing once more.

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