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Race BIO ( Shadowcaster and Officinale)

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Race BIO ( Shadowcaster and Officinale)  Empty Race BIO ( Shadowcaster and Officinale)

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:18 am

Here you post races that are playable.

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Race BIO ( Shadowcaster and Officinale)  Empty Energy demon (RACE)

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:20 am

Race: Energy Demon

Energy demon:
In short an energy demon is a demon who lives and feeds upon energy this has been living in a realm that is mostly based upon energy, and thereby giving the demon one thing to feed upon= energy. Not a mutation a learned gift and also fluids. Slowly adapting through evolution.. And there by making them energy demons. The energy demons of the Officinale bloodline live in a realm which is mostly made out of energy aka; The Realm of Adolscence and Sin, in the realm sun light does not exist just an eternal moon as the Realm. Most of the northern parts of the realm are wastelands and the southern religions are mountains and cave system. The western and eastern part of the realm is mostly wood mixed with mountain and wasteland. Energy roams the realm and gives it its life to the demons and the realm itself which is in big just a floating piece of rock out in space but it is consumed with Energy and has air, water, heat, cold and such. Due the energy created plants and streams the plane has been able to create its own kind of life cycle.

Every Officinale Are born with a Tattoo or a mark so to say, A rose with leaves. Other than that there is the two set of horn and the tail. In either white or black in hue. The most common hair colors among the Officinale are Red, Black and white even gray if the breed is mixed. Their skin is mostly pale The females often smaller in body measurements then the males, as the males tend to grow tall with a balanced body size. These Demons are humanoid in looks as their essences are born into one body as they are incapable of leaving it. But as the body's cells has been used to feeding off energy This has brought certain evolution to the nerve system making it double, in short they have two times more nerves then a humes which makes them more sensitive and so on but. As they have lived with this they are used to it/ also the reason to why the newly born are extremely fragile. Their eyes able to see in the dark as their realm is rather dark yet they have a slight problem with bright light under longer periods of time as it makes them confused and disoriented.

Due their cell regeneration and such they are long lived and aging goes rather slowly. As For an example Mist is (at the time) about 500 years old. Yet her appearance is only around the age of 20-22 so how does this time line go about? Simple.

1-5 years.= 0- 150 years. <------ aging at this point is mostly power based.
5-10= 150- 250 <----- aging concludes body effects
10-15 = 250 - 350 <----- aging includes full development of genital and full growth of body
15-20 = 350- 400 <------- Aging slows.
20- 25 = 400 - 2000 <----- aging has stopped.

Genders: Male and Female. Reproduces just like human, by intercourse. Yet Officinale women Can activate their re production cycle by themselves. The Bi- effects are simple if impregnated; Moody and weak so to say, As it takes a lot of the mothers energy to support the fetus. Also the period of time that the fetus stays in the mother is 2 months.( 2- 4 irl weeks ) . And if she doesn't get impregnated... horrible side effects will take place; such as Headaches; Fevers; Bad balance: In simple in knocks out most of their immune system for a few days, internal pain and hard time breathing Insomnia. As the baby is born the mother or another Officinale puts a seal upon it. So that is wont be absorbing energy in to great scales which would lead to the death of it. As the baby is inactive in 2 weeks to one month after birth as the seal slowly weakens and the baby learn to handle higher levels of energy. Also usual pregnancy sighs like a big belly is not visible on the Energy demon since their bellies remain flat as the babies are small when born.

Personality Traits:
Energy demons are often calm and try to keep that way but they then to say what they think about things. Violence is not the first solution, yet if they defeat someone in a combat they often kill, unless they can 'use' said being to their benefit
Clans / Tribes:
There is two lines of the Officinale blood line the Verus Officinale and Officinale then there is half-breeds.
Verus Officinale, Meaning the pure those who come from the mating of two Officinale's.= rare.
Officinale; The most common of the Officinale breed or simply a energy demon. = common
Half-breeds: This is where the Officinale blood line or energy demon has been mixed with another = rare/common
Race yet energy demons cant breed with; Angels ( holy creatures) Nor Dragons.

The realm of Adolscence and sin; a energy based realm where the original demon took as theirs, and due time they adapted through evolution to survive in the lands. Only place where a Energy demon can't go are the void and places that contains too many angels/heaven.

Light and holy powers.
Racial Traits and Skills:

Race Speed / Physical Strengths: Demons as common are superior in body strength and speed to a human yet energy demons can 'boost' their muscles with energy and thereby make the muscles work faster and with more stamina. They also have a stronger poison resistance and are immune against toxins in the air ( sulfur and gases ) since their lungs doesn't pick up the hurtful particles, yet they are collected in the lungs and have to be coughed up after sometime.

Double Nerve system: As energy demons has a bubble nerve systems in their body, this refereeing to having twice as much nerves than another being. This making it easier for energy demons to pick up on touch and vibrations, as well as it lowers the effect of balance damages and confusion if such things are inflicted the 'damage' is split up in the nerves this making it even out.

Cell regeneration: as energy demons feed out of energy and not material substances they use the energy to regenerate the cells in their bodies or rather much makes then generate the cells to the point of parting into new cells. Is Also the main way of healing that Mist uses, both on herself as well as others.

Inner Eye: the inner eye is what allows energy demons to actually see energy in a inner view, this also resorting to a third eyes or a keen sense. This inner eye also making them immune against 'charm' spells or seductive behavior ( even though the immunity is more of a racial trait), and also the inner eye is NOT affected by blindness or such as 'body harm'. Since it's a mind controlled asset.

Pressure change: by using the energy manipulation ability Mist can control energy to the level that they can 'pack' it together. And this as more and more energy is packed creates a pressure within it as well as ' energy' as mist mostly then will move or 'drop' down the energy to a point where it creates kinetic energy and this increasing the gravity in a certain 'area'

Surge Absorb/Drain: This is where the mind threads are used, to collect energies from around her only to pulls it in, in a surge motion this demolishing life essential energy from nearby plants as well as thermal energy and kinetic since in fact they are both life supporting to the things around us. As she then by the mind threads absorb the energy through the pores for her skin and lead it inside her body only to either lead it out in her body or channel it elsewhere or just as well store it in her core, and there by building up a certain amount of energy within her ready for use.

Mind threads: Mind threads, in simple explanation of this it is one's mind, or will used to collect energy and such only to use the will to move or lead the energy as one wants to.

Energy manipulation: this is a racial ability since they 'feed' of energy in different ways, it's simply the way they want to use the energy, convert it into different energies and such, simply manipulating the use of the energy to a certain use. This also makes them Immune against pure energy attacks, As they can absorb them or redirect them with ease.

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Race BIO ( Shadowcaster and Officinale)  Empty Jinx/Elemental lighning demon (RACE)

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:21 am

Race: Jinx. Lightning Elemental Demon. Looks/Appearance: Aging: can grow up to a thousand years old.

Breeding; Genders: Woman and male.

Looks: Looks much like a regular demon, besides their main element being lightning and their skin being impaled by lightning runes and slightly grey in color. With the traits of no tail but, two great horns upon their heads going down in spikes upon their spine and down.

Personality Traits: depending.

Clans / Tribes: First line. Warriors. Circle line. Majors and Generals. War lords. Sedondary trace. The Eye. Misc.

Origins: The Realm of Adolescence and sin. Religion: None. Alignment: Chaotic. Weaknesses: Water/Earth

Racial Traits and Skills:

HiveMind: This is only for the Secondary trace. With the genes gained from a energy demon this somehow turned into a special ability The 'Four's Focus,' Four's Focus would allow the user to enhance any mental of energetic prowess to a new level of concentration. The concentration aspects of Four's Focus would make the variable build up of all elemental, magical, psychic, and meditation attacks to a whole new level of power. Making them a sub race with a hive mind, meaning they can communicate through thoughts.

Electro kinesis: Electro kinesis is the ability to mentally manipulate energies, electrical currents and generate static electricity. One with this ability could even summon lightning, or convert one’s own body into an entity of electrons, the other side of this possible ability is to create and manipulate energies into solid waves or blasts. and thus travel through electrical appliances or outlets. This ability can even be used to take control of the electrons in objects, allowing motion control. if you had advanced in this then it should come to being able to generate force fields and develop technopathy as well as manipulating any energy . The advanced version of this is called Quinteskinesis. the ability to manipulate the 5th element of absolute quintessential energies. with this you could create astral drops, wield absolute energy, control electricity element, project force fields of any shape, travel through dimension, and do loads more. Electro kinetic Wave.
By being able to perform electro kinesis Mist can also use Geokinesis or Terrakinesis is the ability to mentally manipulate earth. With this ability, one could hurl rock, dirt or minerals at foes with only the power of their mind’s, create fissures, sinkholes, mudslides or form said rock, mud and soil into constructs, like walls or projectiles. One could even absorb any rock debris or necessary minerals out of desired subjects to use them for one.

[b]Race Speed / Physical Strengths:

Demons as common are superior in body strength and speed to a human yet energy demons can 'boost' their muscles with energy and thereby make the muscles work faster and with more stamina. They also have a stronger poison resistance and are immune against toxins in the air ( sulfur and gases ) since their lungs doesn't pick up the hurtful particles, yet they are collected in the lungs and have to be coughed up after sometime. And due their element being lightning they are immune against lightning based attacks.

Extra info: The Jinx being brought in by Mist after she recreated the Kingdom giving them lands and a place to live as they where originally outcasts from another realm.

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Race BIO ( Shadowcaster and Officinale)  Empty Strigoi and Moroi (RACE)

Post  Admin Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:22 am

I. Name: Name of the Race has been forgotten

A. Also Known As: Strigoi (Males) Moroi (Females)

II. Origin: They descended from the Primus of Bloodthirst. Their original beings were much more attractive to look at, but the energy of the Realms altered them. This added to the generations prior who had to convert demons around them to procreate caused us this New beings to arise.

A. Place of Origin: Nothingness

B. Origin/History: They descended from the Primus of Bloodthirst. Their original beings were much more attractive to look at, but the energy of the Realms altered them. This added to the generations prior who had to convert demons around them to procreate caused us this New beings to arise.

III. Biology:

IV. Physical Characteristics: Very dark skinned and Generally marked with tattoos made from a glowing pale blue and red energy to show things like kills, rank, trainings completed, Forgings, Conversions, family lines, and Birthings.

A. Female: Petite to mid-range sized bosom (A-CC cup) Generally Taller than the men, Save for the “Unuako” (their ruling people.) commonly modified bodies (piercings, gauges, splitting tongues etc…) No body hair. Slender bodies and extra joints upon their wrists and hips to help with hunts as well as to get a better range on their use of the Anuri (their word for the energies.) as well as better their uses with their Blood weapons. They convert via Sexual relations.

1. Preferred Clothing: Each person varies, though they are most commonly seen wearing medium weight clothing in battles, in Daily life they are more prone to be wearing in their villages a sheath tailored with the skins of their dead parents. Otherwise they seem to follow the fashions suited for their jobs.

B. Male: Generally Standing at about 5’-7’ in height, Save the Unuako whom stand closer to 8’-10’ Unlike the females their eyes are more sunken into their skulls as well as having a generally unhealthy look to them. The unbound ones have an anorexic look to them. Thier eyes generally are tainted with the Anuri causing them to glow only slightly a faint green. And are more prone to having tattoos for more fighting training than the Works with the Anuri.

2. Preferred Clothing: They generally wear Thick leather upper armor fashioned from the bones and flesh from their fallen warriors. They usually sport a helmet Made from either the skull of a great beast they have slayed, or in the case they are yet to be bounded The Skull of their dead fathers. They as well have the Sheath made from skin as well.

V. Lifestyle: They follow a hedonistic approach. While they directly go for self benefit in life this does not mean they harm the nature around them, Infact they are known to have built massive grottos for indigenous herbs from all across the realm, Save for a couple places even they dare not go. The Males are stricken with horrible depressions as well as stricken heavily with mental disorders, this is due to their Anuri separating from their Umuro (closest relative things: Soul, life force, essence, sanity, mind…. ) This is due to them having to give up part of their most intimate being to proliferate as well as procreate. once Bound the Females can alleviate some of the Males pains with their Umuro abilities. They are an evasive breed, and see the land as their home and property as well as everyone elses. They generally are peaceful around most races Except upon the Full and new moons. Once they have found a compatible bind partner they receive the Anuri-vii from the Unuako.

A. Language(s): Most of those in the realm. Mainly from their learning via Blood scale.

B. Religion(s):
1. Deities: Primia Primus, (The Mother; First of the First) Shadows, Death, Sin, Indigenous Gods

C. Gender Roles:
1. Male: physical fighters, more unstable, fighting trainers, hunters, beast masters, Heavy metal forging
2. Female: Assassins, Birthing, healers, gatherers, Elders, Anuri fighters, Anuri teachers, light metal forging.

VI. Daily Life: Dependant upon living place, In a city they take on a more fashionable display of themselves than their Hermit relatives may. As a rule they are a very social race of beings and it is rather strange for any of them to head off by their own. They act like most beings would this depending upon the ways they are raised. From one of the Darker Houses a youth may be very malicious and cruel. There is a very large number of their kind lost to their own delusions.

A. Disposition: Racism, they get treated like garbage because they are a race that thrives upon the dying
of other races, they feed off the stronger more prominent races, yet they ultimately do not care for acceptance they are a nice people and are certainly very helpful with their advanced Crafting skills.

B. Food: They particularly care for the rawest flesh from most any livestock animal. Some of the rich eat thinly sliced flesh off the lower back of a rather attractive slave. This is pretty uncommon unless it is one of the Blood Days. They do not hold any prejudice to eating vegetation as they seem to have a liking for it as well.They have odd foods that seem to be a widely similar to those the Norse ate. But then again those in the cities would sooner puke than eat that stuff.

They drink and partake in normal recreational abuses like drinking, smoking, drug abuse. Specifically with drinking they are rather prone to in the more darker houses have their drinks spiked. This is a term used to say a shot of blood dropped into their drink.

C. Rituals:
1. Marriage/Bonding: Marriage is uncommon in most relations between Moroi and Strigoi, mainly because there is no purpose since they are bound by umuro.

2. Birthing: Under normal conditions neither parent is biologically able to do such a thing, only the Unuako have the abilities to grant fertility.

3. Mourning/Funeral: After the death of a loved one, the children get their family marks if it was they haven’t already. The young whom have yet to craft their own sword gets rushed into doing so. Those with words and those who finished making their sword stab their loved one and cuts a part of their flesh off with their sword. Afterwards they eat the piece they cut off; this is done until their is nothing but bones left at which point the family claims them and fashions their armor.

D. Training of Youth/Education: The youth are started off at their first blood frenzy, that is usually when the fangs begins poking through their gums. They train them first in mental prowess since their physical bodies are not yet capable of doing such things. So the women force themselves into the youths mind over and over again then holding his mind and etc… Once the youth is able to adequately defend this would continue until they attacked back. Next would be the physical training at the ages of around seven they would begin forcing them to do tedious tasks and exercises to condition their bodies for the upcoming Anuri Lessons. For learning the Anuri The acolyte must first locate a strigoi and a moroi grandmaster to teach them. This is usually in play by the time their fangs have come all the way in around age fifteen to twenty. They sport markings and tattoos and various bodily modifications for each level of training they complete.

E. Workforce: The majority of the Race are smiths of some sorts, if not that then traders and jewelers of some sort as they are well known for their knowledge of making trinkets and good luck charms and things of the such. Ultimately they are more or less Gypsy like.

F. Armed Forces: Each member Of the race under the command of the Unuako is a diligent warrior able to do battle, even the Unuako themselves are well known for being warriors

G. Judicial Roles/Leaders: The Unuako are the elite members of the Collective species, Ultimately they are the apex combination of genes for their being. There are one Member for each of the Thirteen base species they have Assimilated knowledge from this not meaning they have eradicated them. Every time a new Unuako rises their blood is tested and they must all defend themselves from one another For the loser of this battle loses their life and position of power. These matches usually go on for days. To grant birthing the Unuako bind the family to their House marking which BRanch of Insanity they are touched by.

To come up with laws and things of the sorts there is a vote between the three darker families and the three lighter families. The vote is then taken from the remaining 6 families They usually wind up comprimising making everything that occurs very slow.

H. Slaves: They are not uncommon. Among the rich they may be blood dolls, Concubines, Shades, or just servants. They are generally treated very well much like an extension to the family. They they do tend to die rather quickly mainly because of certain touches insanity does to some beings. It is not uncommon for some families to “Awaken” their slaves should they die. This is a term for bringing someone from death back to the living, genreally it makes these slaves more linked to their Awakener

VII. Genetic Strengths/Abilities:
Anuri Based: Depending upon Specialization and skill level they can manipulate usually 1 of 7 energies these are: Earth, Fire, Air, Liquid, Psyche, Shadow, And Ichor (their blood) at expert levels. How ever, they usually have a base specialization (One of the Standard 4) with an extended knowledge to 1 of the other 3. They can Specialize in one of the extended Energies, but they often die at a young age in that case.

Standard Based: They all have capabilities of Blood-Forging. They inherit a Blade at their birth made from the combinations of both of their parents’ Blades and bloods. As well as having Beast-Mastery to at least the minimal level of being able to talk to animals. A max of being able to link with them and control their bodies for dependant periods of time.

Vampiric Based: Being From the Descent of The Primus Vladslav The Black Dragon of The Corrupted Blood, They are entitled to all Fledgling abilities applied to Vampirism as they age and pass their training they soon be able to do some of the following only the Unuako are capable of all of them:

- Super strength They have the physical strength and endurance of a pack of Honey badgers compared to a single king cobra.
- Super speed They are capable of Moving at a speed relatively twice that of a cheetah should they need to
- Enhanced senses, such as distinguishing the subtle taste differences in feral urine.
- Hypnosis: Most Vampirics can calm persons of the other sex, or even control them. This helps them immensely during the trading periods. Rarely, they can do this to masses as well
- Beauty: Well not necessarily beauty, but more of lasting youth, They age at the speed of they gain 1 year in age in every other year and grow 2 every 5 ontop of that until they reach the age of 26 physically then they stop growing.
- Lie detection: Most vampirics can tell when someone is lying, or scared, or excited.
- Wall crawling They seem to be able to climb very well walking up a wall.
- Immaterial: Some Vampirics can go through walls, others must take the door way.
- Healing: Some Vampirics heal very quickly from wounds, some die rather quickly.
- Telekinesis: Very rarely, Do they have this power.
- Blood Memory: Vampirics can get people's memories through sucking their blood.
- Regenesis: Very powerful Vampirics have the ability to reform, meaning that after extreme damage, they can renew and pull together their bodies. Very rarely, they can even do this after they've been decapitated.

Dual Based: On rare occasion that a Master of any of the Vampiric arts becomes known They would begin to have access to Even greater feats with their abilities, For instance Blood Memory would be able to trace into the minds of ancestry. This is from the influence the Anuri has over their minds.

Their healing ability can be implemented into one of the Specializations for instance in theory a fire Expert could be healed by magma (not likely) or fire (likely). Certain Specializations are more prone to certain masteries Here is how it breaks down:

Air Masters: Flight, They can both fly further and more agile. Faked Telekinesis (using air to lift and move things)

Earth Masters: Super speeds, capable of the Advance stages of flitting. Wall climbing, immaterial to the extent of being able to have things pass through them for a short span.

Fire Masters: Super strength, More/less youthful

Liquid Masters: Blood Memory, Lie detection, Immaterial

Gender Based: The Strigoi Men and Moroi women have different abilities based upon their beings, This purpose is to keep them balanced. which is why is it very important that they be mated early in life otherwise living members would be Exiled.

Strigoi: The strigoi are riddled with a very special power of Being the prime of the race. In this meaning the first being of its kind as well as the first Unuako had to find a mate from which they must turn. When a Strigoi turns said mate they have to go through a passing of four rituals to finally turn Their mates these Are in the following categories

Blood: They must make an offering from one’s blood to the other this is generally done through a cut, a bite or in other ways.

Mind: the mate has to be aware of what was occurring and must accept it as their fate.

Body: They must insure the being’s body is strong enough to survive the assimilation .

Umuro: If their umuro are in any way similar it causes a high risk of death, Fusion. this last ritual is done by the traditional ways of blood consumption on both the Strigoi and victim in question. Once The victim is closer enough to cross over the Strigoi’s Umuro enters the one being turned and taints them. This taint eventually grows to purge their bodies into their New Moroi form.

Moroi: The females of the Race have a Special place in their society. They have a higher functioning psyche build than their male counterparts. It is their duty to ensure the Anuri continues to flourish and expand as more blood sources are added to their kin. To turn a Mate the Moroi follow a more simple and forced turning in the following processes:

Blood: With not but a single drop The moroi can more or less enslave beings with lesser power of mind and will into their servitude. When fed from by the Strigoi, it causes both of them to establish a debilitating addiction to the other’s blood/bite. If the Blood transfer is not made they may turn their mates in this other way.

Sexual Interaction: Within their respective genitals are their fang placement. This makes intercourse with one extraordinarily kinky especially since she can directly begin feeding on their soul. Should she choose to she could consume said person’s soul and make them a Shade-Slave.

Lusting Look: They are extremely provocative when they wish to be so greatly making it difficult to resist the urge to pleasure oneself. They are known to gain in strength for each being whom they enslaved to their lust.

Umuro: With each time they feed from a being’s Spirit they gain in strength and mental abilities. It is this point when they usually heal this Strigoi by giving pieces of the the soul’s they have fed from.

~Subject to addition alterations/revisions~

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Race BIO ( Shadowcaster and Officinale)  Empty Cyro-Demon ( RACE)

Post  Admin Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:20 pm

Race: Cryo-Demons

Looks/Appearance: Generally in looks and appearance, the cryo-demon race has pale to fair skin, though it tends to hang towards the paler side given their tundra habitat. Their hair is always as white as the snow environment of their birth. The attire that they generally wear ranges from a variety of clothes. The last few remaining tribes tend to live somewhat primal, but then they’ve never enjoyed venturing out into the world.

Personality Traits: Cryo-demons don’t really have much in the way of personality, which however is their personality trait. Being a cold and emotionless race has allowed them over time to develop a logical train of thought.

Clans / Tribes: The recorded amount of tribes of the clans that contained Cryo-demons was mostly unknown, even to themselves. However, the two Cryo-demons that have become renown to the Offinicales being Jace Wayland and Anna, both came from different tribes.

Lands: The lands of which harbour the race is not actually part of the Offinicale nor Shadowcaster realm. They are from another world long since lost to those that reside within the Realm of Absence and Sin. However now, the two Cryo-demons that exist here reside mostly in the northern area of the realm since it is the coldest.

Religion: While none can truly determine what sort of religion any of the tribes follow or if they do have a recorded religion at all, Jace mentions from time to time something referenced as the “ Ice Crown “ which is somehow related to the Cryo-demons. However none have ever questioned what he meant by this, thus one can only assume.

Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral

Weaknesses: Fire based elements

Racial Traits and Skills: As with most demons, the Cryo-demons hold their immortality well. Apart from that, their strength and speed various as it do with many demonic races, since their physical embodiments various. Though, they are trained from a youthful age on how to combat others using everything from swords, to the environment down to tooth and fang if it becomes needed.

Abilities: Cryo-demons are different in respects to most water based elemental demons. While water is their prime attribute, Cryo-demons don’t need the embodiment of ice to be present in order for them to manipulate their abilities which is mostly centred on the forming and usage of frozen water. Capable of forming ice from the moisture in the air and altering the temptature of the gassy liquid as it forms, they are more than capable of recreating their home land if ever desired though this would take an incredibly powerful Cryo-demon to do. While this aspect of the demon race is does not require them to be within the confines of the frozen lands, if they are then their abilities are amplified. The possibility of what they can do with their abilities is only limited to the amount of ice they create, or have nearby.

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