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Anicent Officinale

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Anicent Officinale Empty Anicent Officinale

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:09 pm

The grand halls of the Officinale kingdom, the rather dull yet proud looks of the grey brick stone walls and towers only the facade of the castle yet deceiving the internal beauty of it as the almost giant wooden doors that lead into the castle had to be opened by the guards stationed out there, inviting with their weaponry shiny amours and rather well shaved appearance, and yes appearance was important and well was manners in the castle. The insides of the long haul leading to the throne room in a black marble, always polished and shiny such as it reflected the details of paintings of the previous generations of heirs and royalty was put on display, dull shadows cast by the numerous amounts of candles that was positioned on various places to cast light in the darkness, also to enlighten the golden details etched upon the high walls and the roof paintings that casted glory from above thick carpets in fine woven cotton with various panthers yet with the golden brims in the edges and the deep red color to them. In the throne room the same colors and decors, banners of the royal crest hanging along with the walls and almost like a alley way to the thrones statues of the elders and warriors placed out and leading the way to the thrones that stood there like a monument with their material in black marble and silver details to highlight them, two seats with deep blue pillows etched into the seats so that to one's seating upon them would not be stiff or feel at unease. While a finer and thinner carpet then the rest going from the door to the stairs leading up the carpet this one with a deep blue color and satin texture to it with silver edges and bordered roses in the edges, almost like a painting and seemingly to fine to walk upon, a sigh of honor and pride as the light from the candles played out on the statues forms and the silvery brooder upon the furnishing. One big window in the end of the throne room, to the right from entering allowing the pale light from the moon reflect upon the black marble floor and reflect further as spectrums of light, giving a rather magical feeling to the room not to speak inviting. As in this day yet another usual day in the kingdom the king Vexus Umbra Stilus Verus Officinale, his short raven black hair slicked back as the rather light weight crown of the Officinale embodied his head with its silver rose graphics no emeralds not rubes only a masterpiece of leafs and roses as the crown had been made decades ago a sign of his status and pride, His black set of horns curling down behind his head as the second pair stretched up above this gave a certain grace to his rather square shaped facial marks yet wrinkleless and handsome the pale tender skin, along with the grey glow to his feline eyes as he sat there leaning slightly with his elbow against the armrest a light smile upon his lips as the fancy attire in black and blue silk with silver embodiments decorating it wrapped around his masculine body perfectly, his strong fingers lacing gently with his beloved queen Infeci Verus Perspicuous Officinale at his right side, her red hair falling down in a cascade of light locks put up gracefully on the right side of her head by hair pins also with a similar set of horns like her husband yet her second pair curled down back and around her ear as the crown of the Officinale upon her head fitted perfectly around her head, her milky pale skin with her sultry red painted lips curled up in a warm smile, not giving a excuse not to admire her oval shaped jaw and rather big eye with long seductive lashes, not to speak of the blue feline eyes that glowed in under them, her dress shoulder less and in rather simple in fashion in the matching colors to her husband, pushing up her bosom not to revealing since that was not appropriate for an queen, yet the dress wrapped around body in light and long drape to conceal her female shapes. Both of the Verus Officinale bloodline the only one's allowed to be heirs to the throne due the Ancients council's rules and commands. The two was sitting waiting for an audience with a few of the nobles and the Ancient council. Seats had been placed out for the audience and a tension was in the air, the two rulers brought news of importance as they sat there and waited in tension. Vexus looked to her, arching a brow as he pondered, she had a rather concerned look in her eyes and a hand upon her flat belly, as Energy demons did not show the usual body signs of being impregnated, only thing was drainage but Infeci had done a good job on hiding that fact from others. It was soon time for the Childs birth and they both knew it and had been keeping silent about it. Not wanting any unpleasantness before the child's birth that could threaten it, not to mention the council would have been like plasters upon her if they had known. His hand wrapping abound hers on a protective gesture as he smiled proudly towards her. Their ruling had been a rather peaceful one yet still there were power hungry nobles.

::: Do not worry my love.. It will be fine ::: His eyes meet by hers as soon as he spoke with his rather deep voice, a loving gaze and smile breaking of the concerned look upon her face as she answered and laced their fingers further.

::: I hope so love.. I just don't want fuzz around her birth.. And I already have a bad gut feeling about this ::: She said her fingers slid over the silk texture of the clothing her smile fading slowly ::: She's strong.. and takes a lot of energy::: she said, her voice proud as her eyes filled with tears, yet she shrugged it off, these manners where not proper for a queen she thought to herself as she blinked the tears away.

::: Don't worry love..::: Was all he could say before the doors were opened and a small collection of Nobles as well as Ancient had gathered, and immediately went to their seats they knew where to sit by their ranks. In the back and furthers away from the rulers where the five nobles, placed in a row from the left there was a tactician in war and rather well trained warrior, well trained and with rather hawk like appearance, knowing for his cold manners and brutality as a warrior. His muscular body and not to mention he was rather much of a giant with his length over six foot five feet Acer Ora Vita, was his name also the master trainer of the Officinale's soldiers and a Warlord not bothering with bowing to the king and the queen before taking a seat running a hand through his red hair as her stared forward with his yellow eyes his horns a raven black and a simple one set since he had lost one of them in battle. Next to him on the second seat from the left where a rather small female, simply dressed in a gown and with a pride full and calm expression on her face as she glanced towards the two after bowing and taking her seat short and thing with long black straight hair as her horns was in similar fashion o the kings, the clam green eyes scanned the throne room, she named Rose Semita Rutilus a noble and the head healer in the kingdom as she took care of the sick and wounded, also engaged to Acer one would he would break her like nothing yet it was the other way around, oh what love does to the mind. In the middle a older man, responsible of the education of the kingdoms young ones, a educated and respected librarian named Quietus Notitia his almost old appearance shocking to most as his horns wild grown and twisted like a minor crown upon his head, but a rather calm and reliable man as his long grey hair was pulled back in a pony tail and his eyes blue like the ocean reaching out by the Frostmourn port. He also bowed before taking a seat and leaning onto his arm rest, Next to him in the second seat from the right sat a rather tall man, his skin grey as his horns exactly the same as his brothers while wore a rather simple black leather clothing rather lose in the arms, bowing before sitting down as his yellow feline eyes looked to the Emperor his brother, envy and greed as the man was known for being loyal and rather charming in his way, a Noble also known for his way of fighting and being the advisor of the King not to speak of the exploring he did around the realm, a diving into the Inficio Lake and finding a rare metal in Mount Sarlin. His rather slim face making him the complete opposite of his brother as he was also longer and thinner Darius Hamilton Officinale was his name, but was mostly called Grey due his skin color. Next to him a female responsible for the trade and such things in the realm as she rather manners tidily nodded to the Rulers as she sat down, a quiet and rather tanned lady by the name Riviera Vex Raito, known for her charm and rather sly ways as she was a marked trade's woman rather beautiful yet muscular as her horns where two sets curled back in which allowed her black curly hair to flow down on her back. Then the three seats before them where the Ancients bowed and then sat down, the quiet manners as the two males sat on the outer seats and the female in the Middle white robes and masks to conceal their faces also known for their non existing horns that had been sawed off as they also called elders as they had resigned from their names, specialist in seals, magic and what not that concluded the inner circle of the Officinale. A almost eerie silence spread in the throne room as all had seated and guards had left the room, Grey cleared his throat once as Vexus and Infeci laced their fingers and stared down at them as Vexus took a deep breath and let his grey eyes go from person to person before speaking.

::: We have gathered you here today to hand out news.. about the next heir..::: He started and a few of the nobles tilted their heads and arced a brow while the Ancients sat silent, no complains nor reaction from them as the couple whispered to each other in the back, Vexus cleared his throat before continuing as he looked over them all :::Queen Infeci is Pregnant.. and soon to give birth::: He concluded as she looked to his beloved and smiled as she looked back to him and flashed a smile, a bit too nervous to her own liking. Grey stood up from his seat and shouted out a echoing.

::: Congratulations dear Brother and Sister in law, I'm happy for the two of you ::: A sly smile playing upon his lips as he seated once more letting his arms rest in his lap as he placed his eyes upon Infeci giving her a slight sneer, then the ancients took word.

::: This we knew King Vexus, Congratulations we also have a few things we would like to speak about. :::The female Ancient in the middle stated as she seemed to stare on through and up to Infeci. Infeci on the other hand became uneasy and gripped her lovers hand tighter as he squeezed hers back and gave her a reassuring smile before looking back to the Ancient speaking. The rest of the Nobles flashed the two a smile and remained silent as their respect for the Ancients where quite big as rather more everyone in the Officinale were.

::: We have spoken to the realm.. The chains of Adolescence and Sin had been creating a havoc in the northern mountains.. As well as the spirits has been laying out messages and a rather interesting discovery has been made in mount Sarlin.. An rare metal.. The same metal that the Chains are made out of.. ::: The Ancient to the left said as he leaned back in his seat, crossing his legs before continuing as he room once more had laid with the eerie silence almost like suffocating feeling of holing ones breaths too long, the tension grew ::: And so we need Queen Infeci to come with us as she is to give birth.. ::: Vexus stared at them as his smile faded, this was not good why did she have to leave to give birth? He did not want to understand. As Infeci blinked and her smile faded along with his, her hand still upon her belly as she took a deep breath so scared, since the Ancients had always made her bones shutter in fear from some reason.

::: And what might you plan be in this.? ::: Infeci asked as she grasped her beloveds hand a mere whisper escaping from her lips yet it was enough for them to hear, Grey put a hand over his mouth only to cover up the sly smile upon his lips, things were about to fall into his liking very soon and he was already loving it.

::: Queen Infeci. You might be good at concealing energy traces.. But that child's energy trace is strong and glows brightly for our inner eyes.. As well as the spirits has spoken about her arrival as well as the guardians.. We are sorry..but King Vexus are not allowed to come ::: The Ancient to the right said as he rose from his seat and made his way over to the queen, reaching out his hand for her to take it was she watched him in despair, the bad gut feeling deepening and almost twisting inside her as she reached out a shaky hand towards him and placed it in his, swallowing her fears for the time being as she rose from her seat keeping silent since she knew there was no saying against the Ancients. Vexus face had gone from paler to pale as he felt his beloveds hand leave his, Why? Why did it have to be like this? That had never happened before he thought as he stared at the Ancient in the middle in confusions and anger.

:::Reassure her and the child's return ::: He said with a glare as he clenched the fist at his side the rage hard to hold back as the rest of Ancient's rose from their seats as they then lead away Infeci, the nobles looked down and away from the scene while Grey had a hard time stop smiling yet covered it up with a hand over his mouth.

:::We are sorry..and No one in this room is to speak of this::: was all the Female Ancient could say as they left the throne room with the Queen. Immediately Grey put on a frown as he rose from his seat and made his way over to his brother light steps upon the marble floor before taking the few steps up to the throne wrapping and arm around his brothers shoulders then pulled him close a sad expression on his face while he spoke almost in a mourning tone of voice.

:::I'm so sorry brother. If only we could so something to save her from the cruel fate..::: His eye brows wrinkled in a fake concerned manner as he shook his head. Vexus on the other hand stared at the door, his face red with anger as his fist's curled up in balls almost bone white from the force. The rest of the Nobles rose from their seats and made their way out, only nodding to the King before leaving. They knew better than to stay at such a time as it had gone from celebration to funeral. Rather tragic to say the least, and now they could do nothing more than to show their respects.

::: Damn it.. Why did it have to be her.. If we would have known.. The child would not been allowed to live..::: A moment of silence what was he saying? He literally slapped himself over the mouth as he realized it ::: What.. Am I saying?::: He questioned in doubt as his brother hugged him closer one arm around his waist and the other loosely on his shoulder, sorrow clawed his face yet he was rather satisfied on the inside everything was going according to plan after all. Such a cruel day and such a loving chance Grey thought as he slid out the hidden arm blade from in under his coat directing it so that I would slip between the disks of his brothers spinals cord and then with a shift and rather painless death, well oiled not to make a sound as he was about to kill the un knowing emperor. And not spilling any blood, yes indeed Grey had been planning this for a long time.

:::I'm terribly sorry bother so sorry..::: he said with a monotone voice as Vexus did not even have the time to react as his brother stabbed the dagger into his spinal cord and twisted it, the well oiled blade sliding through the flesh with ease and grace as this made Vexus spinal cord break in two parts and his body to fall limp into his brothers arms, dead on the spot and embracing the murderer at once, one could believe a Energy demon would heal this up in no time but no this was not the case as breaking the spinal cord was lethal even to a Energy demon. A soft chuckle emitted from Grey's lips in his moment of triumph he knew Infeci was to die giving birth he had himself brought the metal that the Ancients was to put into the child and given them spotless instructions on how to, the Ancients even knew that Infeci was going to die when binding the metal to the child but it was a one in a life time chance and could help the realm in so many ways. Uttering a simple spell Gray opened a portal to the void that surged through the air is it ripped open just behind his brother, convulsions of almost dirtied energy rippling in the air as Grey lifted his bothers dead weight into the portal without a struggle and then mercilessly dropped him ::: Fall into a faint memory brother dear.. Be lost forever as I reclaim what out father set as yours.::: The triumphing smile faded into a stern and hateful expression as Grey let the dagger that killed his brother fall into the void before it closed with a surge. He hated how his brother had been the favorite off their father from the beginning to the bitter end. Not much more was to be said as Grey now was the only heir to the throne and the actual heir was soon to die.


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