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Shadowcaster Military Ranks

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Shadowcaster Military Ranks  Empty Shadowcaster Military Ranks

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:05 pm

Military - All positions are challengable, thus changing the factor that nothing is ever final. There are two ways to advance within the military, save for the rank of Altudis. Of which can be oppsed in three respected manners. The military acts as Shadowcaster's line of defense from the outside world. With that said, there several steps taken which in all regards come after a diplomate can not resolve the matter. The rankings are as follows.

Eminta - The emperor himself. The leader of all of those below. Fullfiling his duties to both his people and in times of war, it was not uncommon to see him admist the fray. Currently held by Gorgoth Shadowcaster [ Accessable by: assassination, diplomatic relations , challenge ]

Hieh Iquista - Only two members of the highest order of the Shadowcaster's main forces. Each hand picked between the empeorer and empress for their betrow. The reasoning was the Hiegh Iquista acted as their personal body guards. But they picked them for one another, to symbolize that they could trust one another with the life of one they themselves had selected. [ Accessable by: Selection, assassination, challenge. ]

Iquista - Once more picked by both of Shadowcaster's head, these are the second most trusted soilders among the command. Selected to defend the lives of their children, the Iquista are generally power houses of power and strength. [ Accessable by: Selection, assassination, challenge. ]

Altudis - What is a great war machine without it's head? General of the army, and the first to enter battle. The general is the one who ensures that all steps are taken correctly within character to make prepartions for war. While not only making sure that this task is done, he also leads the men into battle. [ Accessable by: Selection, assassination, diplomatic relations, challenge. ]

Je'tila - Two hand picked soliders to act as the Altudis's personal escort and body guard. Typically the these two while both being skilled in the arts of war, military tactics and sleath operations ; they also contained knownlodge of medical abilities. Assuring that the general's orders are followed through without command, on the battlefield they are always at his side. [ Accessable by: Selection, assassination, challenge. ]

Protonkis - The shock troopers within the military. These are the beings that have no issue with breaking enemy lines as well as their resolve. Consisting of 1/4 of the military might that the shadowcasters posses. [ Accessable by: Selection, assassination, challenge. ]

Spel'kros - Containing mostly the arcane aspect of Shadowcaster, these dark followers have learned to harness and house their abilities to such a way they above the average solider. Many of those with healing abilities reside within this rank. Almost always seen as the first line of offense, and the last line of defense. [ Accessable by: Selection, assassination, challenge. ]

Brid'athoria - The lowest ranking soliders of which tend to usually just act as meat shields and their lives way. This is the rank of the recruites that join and bend to the will of Shadowcaster. [ Accessable by: Always open ]

War Tactics:
When Shadowcaster is oppesed by an outside interference. Such as an attack from an outsider, a war within the confines of role-play will be taken into appropiate action to assure that Shadowcaster's role-play is substained. There are two alert stages before all out war.

Unknown Emeny - If word of an unkown enemy threatens to attack the empire, all military personal as well as Shadow Hands will be expected to be online enough to support and able to mount a defence.It is rellvent to be ready for the worst if a war does come knocking. " In times of war, conquer. In times of peace, prepare for war. " - Pluto

Known Emeny - If the enemies reveil themselves, everyone will be asked to be present as possible with their character, without it interfering with their real life. Everyone should be made aware incase of an attack. A meeting will be held by the concil to decide the course of action to take.

War - In the event of war, all personal are requested to be on as frequent as possile as several raids, counter strikes and defense requirements will need to be met. In terms of lanuching a prempetive strike, a group will be formed to complete this task. While in defense, of course it will also be orgianized.

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Join date : 2012-10-31

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