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Unuako: Draksvard Bio

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Unuako: Draksvard Bio Empty Unuako: Draksvard Bio

Post  Primus Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:14 am


Full name: Draksvard Soelslyv (Not yet revealed)

Pronunciation: Drak (as in first half of dracula) Svard (similar in sounds to bard) soul-sly-v

Nickname(s) or Alias: Primoru* (gained when he absorbed his original brethren), Unuako* (Granted after the first rites of the Blood-Moon) [*yet to be attained/named as] Blood-spawn.
Leech**, bloed/blood-mutt**, Pseudo**, ...etc[**derogatory]

Gender: Male

Species: Unuako-Primora-Strigoi

Age: Debatably brought into being at year 600 roughly around the point when Gorgoth began merging realms.

Birthday: The Spring Equinox/equivalent

Sexuality: Yet to experience.

Nationality: Nothing

Religion: Yet to be exposed to pantheonic relations.

City or town of birth: The Blood Temple- between Vox Vocis, Silvia Per Caliga and the Outcast

Currently lives: Tunnels in a 10 mile vicinity of the Blood Temple

Languages spoken: Common, Shaeyu (language of the shadows) Debatable animal tongue. (Understands what animals mean and is able to portray to them what he means very easily.)

Native language: Nothing

Relationship Status: Unbound-Single-Whole


Height: At the moment varies as his body adjusts, starts around 5’ grows about 3 more feet within the advancement of leaving the tunnels.

Weight: at full growth around 310-360

Figure/build: Muscled build, less than 4% BMI. Physiological structure competent to lift roughly 2.5-5x his own body weight and carry for a at least 3 miles before needing to take a break.* [Relative to mental ability, emotion, stress, ...etc]
Hair colour: Judging from eyebrows an ash color closer to gray than white.

Hairstyle: Bald at the moment.

Eye colour: pale blue with an red/orange Iris Nevus (birthmark in the eyes) Glows slightly when in an excited mood.

Skin/fur/etc colour: Reddish tan, somewhat similar to the color of clay.

Tattoos: He bares the mark of the Impaled Dragon across his back. Twelve smaller one of the different houses spiral sporadic points of his body, these however vanish when a New Unuako is inducted.

Piercings: None as of yet.

Scars/distinguishing marks: The Family mark of the Impaled Dragon complete with the other 12 family marks occasionally seen circling it.

Preferred style of clothing: During his Period in solitude he wore only The remains of his Earthy Golemesque shell. Afterwards he creates clothing from the remains of his meals after learning about the ways of the sentients around him.

Frequently worn jewellery: He has a Shard embedded between his 2T and 3T vertebrae upon his thoracic spinal area.


Smokes: Has yet to be exposed to substances of the sort, however later on would take to pipeweed.

Drinks: Blood, occasional Alcohol consumption but doesn’t take too much to it.

Drug Use: Blood(dead/living give different effects), further substances are unknown as he has yet to experience much. Likely to become a user of Psycho-depressants .

Addictions: Yet to be determined

Allergies: Certain metals cause different reactions to his body if they were to oxidize/corrode while he was wearing them, some are beneficial others harmful.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Has many Dormant Mental disorders.

Any medication regularly taken: Ground up remains of his Golem shell made into a paste that is both applied dermally and ingested up until the point where his body fully adjusts to the realm.


Personality: Curious, calculated, analytical, caring, naive, borderlining on sane thought.

Likes: Nature, energy, positive emotions, meditation, learning new things, adventuring, Forging armor*, hunting, exploring, Fair fights, societies ( Group of beings whether sentient or not just for the purpose of having security.) Geology, Sexual energies and any other strong pure energies.

Dislikes: Rage, bloodlusting, corruption, death, plague, going over the edge, losing himself, positions of leadership, Prejudices, Ethnocentrism, Needles, Psychodelics  

Fears/phobias: Fear of losing his mind, fear of his blood taking over, fear of being killed, fear of extinguishing the life of another, fear of Being mated, Fear of being judged. Fear that he is in fact the only one. Fear of eradication, Fear of going back to his prior state of nothingness.

Favourite colour: Aqua.

Hobbies: Botany, Herbology, smithing, mental training, camping, hunting, cooking, making small trinkets

Taste in music: thereby lacking, Has not the ability to appreciate most musical collaberation due to the way they auditory hook up is based.


Talents/skills: Analytical spectroscopy, metallurgy, seeing metals and knowing what they are/inventing their names.  Currently inexperienced in but gains talents of; collecting information, merchandising fares, forging both heavy and light with an affinity toward trinkets and armors. Fast learning, blood learning. Energy perception and minute manipulation. (When in his form with all the Family ties within him he is capable of uses of all specialization abilities, yet will not be able to use them till he has actually learned how.)

Specialization:(Draksvard by himself) Dual based Ichor(blood) and Earth. Levels are unknown until grown upon, at which point he would be able to Augment his body with armor conjured from ground, and may depending upon his future endeavors be able to pull minerals out of the ground and form them into blade without a forge this is known as Anuri Forging and is an advanced stage of blood-forging.

He may also have the ability to use his own blood to bring forth minions spawned from his blood and the earth. It is not until later on when he would actually gains competence enough to control them.

His other Abilities are debatable when it comes to if it is actually him, As his kin progresses it is likely he would strip abilities from himself that he “Borrowed” from his brethren during his spawning.

Due to the expanse of his Specialization predicament, it is unclear how long it will take for his physical body to revolt against the conflicting Specializations, this in turn will eventually take a toll on his mind. Seeing as he is an Unuako though it is unknown how long it would take under his body and minds conditions of stress before he snaps.


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore: Omnivore

Favourite food(s): Steak, potatoes*, beans*, Lamb*, energy, things of the such. [*realm’s equivalent]

Favourite drink(s): Fruit Juices

Disliked food: Bad energy (rage, depression etc)

Disliked drinks: Blood (living)


Describe the character's house/home: Wherever he feels safe, Right now it is within the tunnels of The Vox Vocis. He lives within an undiscovered site brought forth from the disruption of tectonic plates over the course of energy based displacements caused in the realm. Around him are mostly common based minerals and metals with very limited amounts of uncommon or rare material.

Significant/special belongings:The Hilt of the shattered Blade. This hilt establishes him as the leader of his kin as well as provides his body with a constant energy to nullify the effects of his mental impairment while under the uses of his Specialization powers. Unknown to him it as well offers advice into his mind when confronted with complex challenges but does not infact teach him anything only reiterates things he already knew.


Peaceful or aggressive attitude: Peaceful until provoked. When provoked it is uncertain what would occur. In his form where he is already mastered his abilities it could end in a horrible mess, in his current state a slightly more maniable mess, with a nature scene to feed from it.

Fighting skills/techniques: Gains via the art of blood memory the techniques of those inducted. Solely outside of what he gained through Blood Knowledge he is more of a reinforcer depending upon what he has around himself to use as a weapon when it comes to it He will uses his Specialization yet is only likely to do so in dire situations as the need to feed off energy increases drastically if he does so.

Special skills/magical powers/etc:

Speed Crafting: He is able to craft items (Trinkets armours, weapons, minions) at roughly 3/10th the time it takes the Jag’troa but only when he is in a state of calmed mind. If upset he could produce volatile, or dangerous results as well as causing either quicker or slower forging delay.

Anuri binding: He can forge items and equipment that not only augments, but may amplify the effects of ones specialization, however for him to do such its takes roughly a week to forge a master class item, unless he himself has already made such an item to boost his ability to forge, In which case it would amplify all his forging capabilities to function at roughly half time. From that point the amount he can augment his forging skill further but it’s benefits becomes less and less to fractions that are basically valueless in comparison.

Blood Forging/Binding: After much training in his skills of the forge at a point he would be able to forge weapons other capable of being used by only the being in which the blood came from instead of just the same genotype. These aswell could also serve as seals on certain abilities and if given enough time prisons for the being whose blood was used. How ever the later requires a blood sacrifice to maintain the energy needed to contain any Higher class entity. The levels of blood needed make some entities pointless to use this ability on.

Fertility’s Touch: When he has assumed the Title of Primora of the Unuako; He gains an Anuri based ability to enable the ability within the Moroi and Strigoi to conceive. Whether this is from blood manipulation, or energy alteration it is not really known.
It is however only useful for the conceiving of two babies. 95% of the time it is one of each gender, twins are very very rare and have yet to be produced.

Induction Rites: Once the Apex of a Union is Birthed/Awakened If the being is of appropriate strength they receive a Branch of the Blood Curse (The need to feed increased with the amount of energy used) which thus is dependent upon the New being’s mental and physiological prowess. After which They gain the insight to the mental affairs of the kinship.

Family Assimilation: The more beings assigned to the Family that he is in cause the more spread out of his mental issues thus reinforcing his ability to continue with his arts. As well as a larger blood pool for him to draw upon the energies needed for larger scale projects. as well as contributing to his other abilities.

Weapon of choice (if any):
Blade of The Lost Shard: Under normal situations this blade remains as a hilt, for up until the point of his learning how to access and implement using it he mainly just sticks with Katars and other close ranged weapons. However once he is established as an Unuako He would learn how to implement his Blood and Earth abilities to reforge the Blade of his origin from his likeness. Seeing as all the shards are likely to never be in the grasp of a single family member the likelihood of its complete reforging are inprobably minimal. Equipped with the single shard of the knowned blade  It staves off his hunger in rampant times of exacerbated energy usage, without such a tool he would quickly divulge into a state of psychosis making his past worries rather irrelevant to him.  In this described form the blade is limited to only him and his family type in effect. If more shards are added it is unknown if its abilities would stretch to the other families. It is theorized that a member of the Unuako whom possess a shard would be able to produce a similar blade of uses. How ever since The hilt of the blade is held by Draksvard that counterfeit blade would be of much less capabilities.

Weaknesses in combat:Distracting He is intrigued by the slightest of things, throwing off his concentration during most of his abilities could prove to be either beneficial or dangerous. He is also very empathic and emotional making him an easy target from manipulation as many of the other families do use him with. He is no idiot though He can tell when  he is being used as he is not that gullible. How ever when it comes down to it he would hesitate if he was in him own mindset before going for a death shot.He is hypersensitive to experiences he has yet to feel.

Strengths in combat: He is very dexterous, works rather quickly under pressure and is rather difficult to break through his mental barriers to cause his emotions to fly. Has a natural affinity toward wildlife making them try to help him at time even when they are more of a hinderance. His Specialization being ichor and Earth make his abilities to reinforce his body and equipment rather great. When working with another he has a tendency of setting his attacks to benefit his ally, his role in battle is more so as a Support seeing as he as well has a limited amount of power over plantlife and can in turn heal some manor of injury through this.


Parents names: Nothing and Something

Current lifespan: Debatable what would you say nothing and something’s lifespan are?

Siblings: The twelve formless Unuako he absorbed

Pets: Debatable

Enemies: The closest thing he has to an enemy as far as he is concerned would be the opposing house to his. However if one shall arise it is likely they would become enemies of all his Kinship.


Newborn - age 10: Well seeing as how that period is right now it would be rather redundant to reveal my plans for him that I have yet to enact would it not?

Teenage Years (11 - 19): Eh……………’re dense read the entry above this.

Adult Years (20+): I’d slap you at this point but from where I’m from we don’t strike small dogs. Learn to read.

Posts : 6
Points : 10
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2013-10-03

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