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Races (Active in Role-play)

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Races (Active in Role-play) Empty Races (Active in Role-play)

Post  Admin Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:09 am

These are the races that are currently used within the role-play of ShadowAle. There are a couple of races that aren't playable or rather people can not make characters based off of these races due to the factors of either the race is limited to a selected number, the race is unique in terms that a character is the last of that given race. Such races will be listed under the category " Non-Playable " while other races of which are open to anyone to create a character unless they wish to develop/construct their own race. The races will also be listed under which faction they are considered to be alined to, as this is to prevent confusion.

                                                                                          [ Shadowcaster Faction ]
Non-Playable Races:

Shadowcaster -The shadowcasters are a race of demons of which were brought into creation by the will of dark gods. These demons were originally created to serve as tools of war for the gods. The legacy of these demons is rather distant and only Gorgoth can completely recall everything that happened from their point of creative existence. They don't seem to follow any given sort of religion, however between him and his sister being the only two pure blooded Shadowcasters; it seems there was no need for religion. The abilities of the Shadowcasters differ from most, while originally they both were only able to control fire; Gorgoth's merging with the demonic entity known as Shadoween unlocked abilities to allow him to control darkness, corrupt the minds of others as well as a few additional traits not shared by his sister.

Playable Races:

Shadowcaster Hybrids - The hybrids of the shadowcasters are very few, and generally are the off spring of either Gorgoth or his sister. While very little is known about these kind of spin off demons, it was noted that they were overly powerful even to the point of being on par with Gorgoth himself. Since only two of these demons are known to be in existence, that doesn't mean that Gorgoth didn't spread his seed far and wide. In terms of abilities, they hybrids would have a wide range with only the affliction for darkness being the only known primary attribute of their powers.

Jag'troa - The Jag'troa race is a race of pale to fair skinned demons that tend to be a bit rational at given times. Their beliefs allow them to believe themselves equal to that of gods, though the gods they follow aren't the sanest ones around. Having once been the enemies of Gorgoth, it wasn't long until he finally defeated the majority of their race with the help of one of their fellow kin. With the help of Blane, Gorgoth was able to remove the threat of the Jag'troa only to enslave those that remained. For a time, Blane and his company managed to avoid and elude Gorgoth but in the end eventually gave in. Since then, the Jag'troa make up a consider number of Gorgoth's veterans. With the ability to manipulate any form of metal that they touch, the Jag'troa are capable of making themselves juggernauts when it's required of them. Blane is the only known Jag'troa that is capable of using his ability at a small radius around himself, thus limiting the range at which he can manipulate metals.

{ Officinale Faction] }

Non-Playable Races:
Tainted Energy demon: This being the tainted version of a energy demon, a specific thing about this demon is that it's blood is teal in color and they are stronger than your average energy demon due the taint that drives them. As they have only circulated as stores forgotten in books in the Officinale realm, Mist awoke the duo to aid her in the battle with Gorgoth as seh took the taint into herself the due became bound to her, yet at a fair price. As there will only be three played in the roleplay, this race is non playable.

Playable races:

Energy demon: This being one of the main races in the Officinale realm, the Officinale are lead under one hand. The hand of the queen, Mist. Yet before Gorgoth came along and merged the realms everything was balanced and as 'good' as it could be within the realm. As they have no gods or such they have a fairly strong law system consisting of the ancients, the judgement and the Queen. The judgement having their hand in every dealing in the Officinale court as the four of them are the ones to carry messages to other empires and collect alliances. Also to act as a bond between the alliances and the ones to verify and carry out the message and the punishment that the collected court makes. The main leaders off the Officinale, Made to take decisions and deal with Problems such as banishment and treachery, amongst other things. Under a democratic point of view with the queen. And of course there are the Officinale Nobles, who either are in the army or the academy branch of the realm.

Jinx: This being a sub demon race in the realm, in alliance with the Energy demons and working as the Military force. The first line, bestowing of the basic warriors and the main force of it, controlled by the circle line, this being the majors and generals standing for the basic defense, and offence training of the warriors protecting the realm. Then there is the warlords, theses being the most skilled and wise of the Jinx, They being in direct contact with the Queen to discuss strategies and so fort when it comes to the realm. Lastly the Eyes, also known as the second trace, these being a cross between Energy demon and Elemental, so that they blend in with the realms major population of Energy demons, and these are working as intelligence collectors and boarder controllers.

More will come..

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Join date : 2012-10-31

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