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Basic Role-play Overview

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Basic Role-play Overview Empty Basic Role-play Overview

Post  Admin Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:07 am

The lands of the Officinale had known peace for what seemed like an era. Yet in truth it had only been fifty years since the White Demoness had returned to her realm to restore the balance. She was greeted during this time by friends and family, as was her new found daughter and sister-in-law. Over the course of the fifty years, the realm had found prosperity and more than what was needed in terms of food to supply the generations to come. However Mist knew that peace was one of those things that was not ever-lasting as it was written in fairy tales. With darkening dreams of oceans of blackness consuming her thoughts, it was her daughter that sounded the alarm.

 The Shadowcasters had once again risen, seen fit by the former leader Gorgoth. Having not wasted time in summoning his realms to that of the same plain of existence as the Officiale's. With the conjunction the realms, it expanded both of their borders. The kingdoms social structure would soon change, not by choice from either side. Gorgoth had adapted a different sort of system within the kingdom itself. While of course the concept wouldn't favour him in the longest of runs, still it played some humour to the corrupted being's mind.

 The concept of ShadowAle is the ever changing flow of role-play. Nothing is forever certain within the role-play itself. With power struggles on the way around every corner. Assassinations was not outside the sees of the public, which was often undergone to ensure power or the rise of it. With that being said, ShadowAle was just like any empire of it's era. Something while profound and beautiful, was also streaming with imperfection. While most people like places of power, within this role-play your character and you will learn what it's like to rise to become amount the highest order, from the rank of a mere worm. Storyline role-play is not an exact part of the ShadowAle role-play yet. Due to the nature of the ever evolving role-play itself, storyline role-plays will be hard to fit in and co-exist. But they will be manageable and will come in the near future.

While the role-play itself revolves around your character being able to advance in the ranking system, there are some positions that are locked. Meaning if you decided you wish your character to fulfil this position, they can not be killed for the simple motivate of rank advancement. Each of the Shadow Hand ranks are considered locked, none of them ever to advice in rank until the untimely death of the character holding the rank above. While the character can still die, it may not be done through any of the other methods used to advance in rank.

With so many ways to advance in rank. Comes with the many possibilities of how to do it and pull it off. Obviously espionage and so forth will be implied and involved to some degree. Even to the extent if one of the Diplomats decides to rewrite what one of the documents that is sent to another nation is altered. Members of the Shadow Hand using prostitutes to gain and aware information. The possibilities are rather endless.

 Slavery will also be allowed within the role-play. However these slaves are not to be used for the mere pleasure of one's character. However if that event comes to past, then it is fine. More so the slaves will actually role-play as slave/surfs/servants to their master. Doing their very bidding either it be to bring them a drink, or to clean their blades. If the need is ever to arise, the master could always use to the slave to fight to the death in their stead. Some thought was put into the slave concept and I think it would be best to fit them in as they would also add yet another twist to the ever changing role-play.

 Rankings for both military and diplomats will always be active throughout the role-play. It's only when ShadowAle goes to war that ranks take full effect and all war processors are taken to eliminate the threat, or come to terms that always favours ShadowAle. " To accept something less, is to accept nothing at all." - Gorgoth.

 For the following events to come to pass, and for your character to progress forward however you must be within the role-play for at least one month. That way it is ensured that you are both happy and content with the role-play as well as wishing to continue it.

Selection - The selection is simply if a higher rank sees your character fit to be selected for another position. If one joins the military they are instantly placed at the rank of Brid'athoria until evaluated to a new rank.
[ All assassinations are to be logged and posted under the group page section " Assassinations " and will be over looked out of character-ly to assure it is a valid kill. However if you could please for the record state before the log like the example below so everyone can keep record and follow it.  ]

Character's name:

Character's rank:

Victim's name:

Victim's rank:

Assassinations - Both diplomatic, and military positions can come into possession by this means. Assassinating someone that holds a rank higher than you, could allow you to fill the position if you get passed in through diplomatic relations. The military side however soldiers simply get selected and moved up into rank. Espionage is a great assortment for assassinations by allowing the assailants inside information on their victim. Of course rather than hiring an assassin, the said character could just do it themselves. Assassinations have two sub-classes. Public assassinations, and private assassinations (  And no, not done in Private Chat ).

Public Assassinations::  This is when the victim is slain before the eyes of the public. This is more of a brutal fear tactic used to represent the rise of power from a given character or even an organization that some of the characters form. While the assailants can get away such things as this especially if a seat of power is killed will often been looked into and followed up by the Shadow Hand.

Private Assassinations:: Done behind closed doors within one of the role-play rooms. You can lure a character into a closed area and slain them. This way it is much more suit-al and allows the attacker a better chance in not getting caught out. Of course this is far easier if the victim is asleep. Many poisons are also used in private assassinations, dispensed in liquid or even food.

Diplomatic - Generals and diplomats of the ShadowAle can be contested in the form of a debate. While this way generally leads to unnecessary blood shed, it ensures that liked minds and intelligent minds are thinking in the best interest of ShadowAle. The debate will be done in a room which will act as the grand forum. Either the emperor or the empress must be present. The choice of debate is up to either of the titles previously stated.

Challenge - Mostly used within the military, one character openly challenges another to a duel. While this match doesn't have to be to the death, what fun is there without some blood shed? The winner of the battle is then allowed to pass in rank, while the officer in charge decides the fate of the one whom lost.

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