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Annare ( Historyline)

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare ( Historyline)

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:31 pm

Annare's Historyline.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Gorgoth/ Gregarious

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:33 pm

Rays of the sun managed to cut through the forage above, giving the forest a more majestic appeal. It was well into spring by now, as birds flew through the branches of various trees. The wind was calm on this still day, a day that was with peace and serenity. However, not all was deemed to remain calm as soon a build-up of energy begun to mass in a section of the forest. A ripple of ruby energy disrupted the very fabric of space and time. Starting as a sing small mass of energy, it soon was compressed into the shape of an orb. After a few moments, the orb split into twelve before spiralling out to a diameter of fifteen feet. As arcs of shimmering red electrical energy lashed out from the newly developed portal, it first seemed unstable; until the waves of energy stabilized and the electrical lengths retreated back into the depths of the portal. With a few seconds passing by, the portal soon rippled and pressed outwards to the world. Five pointes pushed before passing through the crimson portal, reviling blackened finger nails upon pale flesh. Soon enough, an entire entity stepped through the portal; which he was not alone in doing. Over the course of the next hour, up to seventy-five different kinds of creatures, ranging from demonic to merely half-breeds were standing around the location of the portal which had closed itself as mysteriously as it had arrived. The first demon that had entered whom only stood at six foot, cast his piercing sapphire like gaze across the forest. Thin red strains passed by the creatures gaze as the gentle breeze carried them like wisps; the black trenching of the web weavings were clear upon the entities pale flesh, certainly not something that most creatures had. Another being in a robe with a wide brim straw hat stepped up beside the first. This one seemed more hunched over, the long sleeves concealing even its hands. “Gregarious, what does your eyes see?” More demanding than questioning; Gorgoth was curious to know of what this land held, and whether or not it was worth ransacking.

The black robes which was littered with spots of blood, along with the crude bone dressing banner that he wore across his chest; it certainly gave Gregarious a savage yet unpredictable appearance. Lifting his head back, the being opened his eyes. The moment the lids of his eyes begun to crack open, for several miles around him he could sense nearly every single life form with the exception for the odd one that were masking their life force. Briefly he soon closed his eyes before speaking in a dull tone as though he were forced and choked the words out. “Two-hundred and forty-three, elves they appear to be. Untainted, completely pure my lord; I wish for one to study. The layout is a village both upon ground while various tree structures are used for defensive purposes. Entering through the west side would be easiest, since the creatures have gathered at the east wall. ” Pondering over his words, Gorgoth turned to a demoness that walked up to the other side of him. “Iias, Take the first tactical squad and fuck the east gate. Gregarious enter through the south. Take anything of worth, burn the rest.” Stepping out away from them both, Gorgoth turned to face the pair after having giving them their orders. His tone of seemed to slipped from the light hearted tone it was before, into something much darker. The very hues of his eyes suddenly become completely black, his voice more hollow than before. “And don’t fail us or we’ll fucking eat your hearts out.” A few seconds past before a sadistic smile slide back across Gorgoth’s lips as his embodiment vaporized into a darkness that soon fled to the nearest shadow before vanishing.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:34 pm

Hidden well into the forest, in a mass of closely growing trees whose canopy sheilded her sensitive people from the light, is where her fair home of Elysium resided. There was not anything particularly special about the village but it had it's own extravagence in a sense; they were, after all, elf kind. The outer perimeter of trees surrounding the village were reinforced for defensive and scouting purposes. Houses were built inside the massive trunks of exceptionally large trees all the way up them; grand spiraling staircases of bark steps leading one from tree to tree and home to home up their lengths. However, these Elves were a bit more lavish today, decorations of various colorful flowers and other such niceties had been strewn through the trees and it was much more lively than normal, despite these Shadow Elves typically cautious and weary nature. Today was a good day, a day of celebration that had the entire small village in a frenzy; making them far too distracted and put off there typical guarded ways. After all it was the on of the Elder's daughter's 100th birthday today. Festivities needed to be had to celebrate her maturing into adulthood. Not many felt the disturbance in the wood in the slightest, and those that did brush it off as the young ones getting feisty before the party had actually started. As per usual, Annare herself was not in the village, she was off wandering through the forests on one of her many adventures. She was different than the others, in many ways, though they mostly overlooked it or kept their comments in the confines of their homes away from prying ears that would tell their secrets. She was well aware of what they thought of her, she was not blind after all. For one; her skin was a pale as those of their light loving brethren, her eyes were also not sharing in the similarly cyan irises all the others had. She was also taller than the female species of her kin, standing 5' 1" and had a more curvacious figure as opposed to the broad shoulder long limbed that most elves were. That is not to say that anomalies like this did not occur, but it was still the talk of the town when they did. Be they of a friendly nature, her type was still typically avoided for the difference. She was, however, the daughter of someone important so everyone was always pleasant to her face. Despite physical abnormalities she also had personality differences, unlikes those she considered like family, she loved to explore in the specific attempt to meet other creatures. After centuries of large kingdoms being ransacked and raided; with her kin enslaved or slaughtered, it was inherent in their nature to be reclusive, hermit like even.

Today she had decided she was going explore the higher canopy of the forest. The muscles in her long legs tensed and relaxed as she bounced from branch to branch before slowly beginning her climb towards the top of one of the trees. Her pupils strained and shrank exponentially as little bits of fragmented light began to shine through the closer growing branches that were housed near the top of one of her favorite trees. She found that this happened to hurt a bit so she deicded to surprise herself and close them, feeling her way to the very top. The tree top swayed lightly as her lithe form perched atop it, her pale skin tingly slightly as the light beams rained down on her, but that was not enough to stop her now. Despite the instinct to not open them, her eyes shot open. The pupils shrinking until they were almost not noticeable, as a soft painful gasp came from her. Her hands instinctively rising to cover her pained eyes, causing her frame to rock slightly. Her foot slipped off the branch she was perched on from the jump and tumbling down to the forest floor she went. "Ugh...noted...treetops bad." She laid there for a long while before she dared move, letting the shadows help with a higher than average recovery speed her kind only had the ability to use in shadow. Thankfully she was far enough away from the village to not have had anyone notice her blunder, and give them yet something else to talk about. That being the case, she curled up slightly and let the darkness do what it was meant to. "There party isn't for a while longer, no one will notice I am gone anyway. Things can't get any worse than this." Unintentionally falling asleep in the process. She was definitely progressing nicely into adulthood today

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:35 pm

Despite the fact that they had not made it out of the portal yet, one being could already feel the call of nature, beckoning her dryad side where she stood in a collect off seventy six others, one of them being momentary leader of sorts, as Gorgoth himself had found her wandering after the flawed reincarnation by the white demon. That had in face left her.. Short of a few attributes, such as her life before being reborn, so now she was merely anything else than a walking puppet. Her other heritage however just wished to suck the life out of the nature and feed of its energy, and slaughter to boot. And that was why they had arrived upon this realm, to take without giving in return. The inner eye of the mix breed Iias watched contentedly as the whole forests life took shape in her mind, energy traces included as she set her feet upon the rich moist soil. Strains of grass tickling her feet and the sun warming her cold skin, it was almost like a blessing. Yet they had not come to bless anything. As she stepped up to Gorgoths side in complete silence, ice blue feline eyes staring out at the nature, reflecting it despite their emptiness. Raven black hair along with the same colour tail and horns upon her embodiment. She wore nothing fancy, two simple blades made out a tantalum and two gauntlets out of the same material. What covered her stature of five foot six and a frail looking body was a leather attire, thigh leather pants and a top, along with a leather coat that moved softly in the breeze. The one with the all seeing eyes spoke, Iias did not really mind him all she was listening for was Gorgoths words, and there they were. She simply nodded and looked up to him as he stepped for and faced them, keeping morals high in his own twisted way, but such was the demon king. Iias grinned at him and Shadoween then inclined her head. Reaching out a hand to snap her fingers, calling upon her battle dogs “ Time to go hounds” Iias said as she started headed to the eat gate of the town, The first squad were no dogs at all, but Iias referred to them as such in her lack of approval of them. They would make good met shields, and possibly take down a few enemies. The only ones she would ever acknowledge were the ones that survived.

She had never laid eyes upon a elven home before, were she and the first squad now stood, not far from the canopy. Sounds leaking out and smells of food and so on, almost like it was a day of joy, oh how wrong they would be. Iias snapped her fingers as she then signalled to a few of the hounds “ Receive” she said, calmly. As in the next moment, any elf guard would be assassinated around the east gate yet they did not both to hide the bodies, why not create some panic. The hounds moving in silently and with precision. And after a few minutes they had returned to her lead. Iias tilted her head as she started to absorb energy though her feet and into her very being, as she then snapped her fingers twice, The hounds rushed past her and sett off to their massacre, screams and yells soon echoed out bouncing of the trees as elf’s all alike, young or old got killed, slaughtered. And Iias just stood back, watching as they did with no care in the world as she still absorbed the energy from plans and trees from around her, they withered and died within minutes. It was then Iias stepped forth. Drawing her blades and dove head first into the carnage, hacking and slashing all in her path as she come upon a special place within the village, the centre. Elven guards standing their ground around it as a few hounds attacked and fell back. Worthless hounds she though as one of them got killed just in front of her. Next the elven guard lounged his spear at her, taking a step to the side Iias avoided being stabbed and continued to counter, grabbing a hold of the guards spear and pulling him towards her as she grinned widely. Leaning into him and kissing his lips, before tossing him back into the ring. What she had just done was to insert a seed to him, that would in a few moments turn into a wild vortex of thorns cutting and disabling the other guards around the centre. And there he stood, blinking a few times before he fell to his knees. Hands clawing at his own throat as his abdomen stated swelling, until he pooped. And out came hell as the rest of the guards became skewered upon the vines, stabbed by the sharp thorns and some poisoned by them. It was not a centre of death, sadly for Iias her little play had killed at least three of the hounds. What would Gorgoth say? Oh that she wondered as she stood there, waiting In the midst of a massacre, blood now flowing the ground and leaves wet with the life of its inhabitants.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Gorgoth/ Gregarious

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:37 pm

: Gregarious had taken twenty five of the men with him after Iias had made off with more than her fair share of the troops. This didn’t bother him as the others kept in formation as they bounded their way through the forests canopy. The twenty-five Ra’nitas that Gregarious and his brother Atrkious had genetically mutated to have heightened senses such as increased speed, strength, and sight; leaped ahead of Gregarious as they scouted out the southern sections of the wall. Despite their pale fur and large bodies, the creatures were very capable within the forest environment. The robed entity took note of this as he too soured silently from branch to branch. As they approached the ivory walls of the elven kingdom, it was clear they had come to the residential district. The strange eyes he possessed spun and seemed to expand as several lines appeared within his eye before causing it scramble into an odd symbol. Along the southern wall he spotted a total of twenty-nine guards on alert and patrolling. The guard house contained the largest amount, a total of seven where there. Some going over paper, others simply on break and having a drink. With the others already in place to wipe out the ones on the walls, and the remaining two ready to take either door; it was only a matter of a snap of a set of fingers and the events transpired within a mere leap. The shadows emerged from the forest tops in such silence and gracefulness; it was as though a still painting had come to life. Within moments, each of the guards upon the roof tops had been taken down, while Gregarious had entered the guard house. With his entry, each of the elves looked directly into his eyes which had become their most fatal undoing. In a mere heartbeat, Greagarious had trapped them all within an illusionary world of which his eyes were capable of generating by tapping into their minds and manifesting the idea. Within moments, each in turn commented suicide via drawing their blades and slashing it across their stomachs. As the stench of blood filled the air, Gregarious stepped over the corpse of one of the elves, his foot prints being his only mark in the creatures oozing blood. After his eyes returned to normal, the leader of the Ra’nita stepped forward. There was blood splattered all over the creatures rough leather cuirass, though the beast held no wounds it was obvious that his foe had been torn apart by the beasts claws. The distant sound of screams and cries echoed off in the distance, which meant that Iias had breached the east wall as planned. Though most of the troops she leads were mere green horns, the couple of Jag’troa would of helped sustain her efforts. However, it was the presence of Gorgoth in the centre of the small city that alarmed him. The last time Gorgoth had moved to such a location in the peak of battle was merely to unleash Shadoween, the demonic parasitic demon that had become a part Gorgoth. “Take your beasts and act as shock troops and support Iias. Most of those creatures with her aren’t meant for close encounters. Iias of course would rather cut them down if they didn’t leap in head first like her. I’ll head towards the location of our master. “ Without question, the beast before gave a grunt before silently moving off towards the location of Iias while his brethren closely followed.



A soft, almost protesting, groan came from a pile of leaves along the forest floor. A pile of leaves her half conscious self managed to scurry under in attempts to accelerate the already advanced healing process before she had fallen asleep. It was successful for the most part. The fractured and broken bones were mostly healed (albeit still slightly weak and tender), and any open wounds had fully closed by this point. The only exception was the damage to her eyes, with time her vision should return to the sharpness it once was...she hoped. For now, her pupils were still far too small and had the effects similar to what happens after looking at a light bulb for too long; she saw many spots, and for once, darkness was too dark for her to see in. "Well, isn't this just great. Did I fall asleep? They are going to be so mad, what time is it? Ugh." She grumbled out. What she had the nerve to call a dress, that was in reality a bunch of cut pieces of clothed covering her important areas and draping down from her hips, rustled softly. It had been torn to shreds in many places as she caught branches during her graceful descent to the ground, it still managed to serve it's purpose though. Soft slender hands rose to her face first; rubbing her forehead and waaving in front of her open hues to make sure she really couldn't see anything, before traveling down her frame as she let out a sigh of irritation. "Welp, this is going to be fun to explain...Better head back and hope the party isn't over." And with that she went, slowly and awkwardly back towards her Elysium.

She did not trip up as much as she had expected, the forest was to her what most people's homes were. She could move through it and know what direction she was heading it and were object were placed. That isn't to say she didn't take a tumble or fourteen over branches that had very recently made their new home the forest floor. This did not deter her, however, just made her unspeakably dirty. WHich in turn put her in a near foul mood as she imagined the yelling at she was likely to get from her parents when she tried to sneak back inside to change. As she neared the northern edges of the outer perimeter her long angular ears twitched slightly. Screaming...Were they being attacked again?! The thought sent a surge of rage through her that caused her body to shake ever so slightly. "Not again...I am not moving again, and not on my damned birthday." She shouted loud enough for guards to hear, if they had been there that was, by this point though the entire city was in an uproar having heard some form of carnage come from either side of them. Guards were rushing to give aide to the east and the west and she heard a large commotion of voices coming from the center of town. She strained to hone in on it and listen for her father, or mother, or even her little sister but to no avail. There was just too much noise, and it made her cringe. One of the remaining lengths of cloth that adorned her hips was immediately in her hands now as she ripped it free from herself and wrapped it around her head, over her eyes. In their current condition they would merely hinder her ability to fight effectively, her others were more than capable to pick up the slack, so she sealed that sense for now and made her way inside the inner confines of the outer wall of trees, her hands groped at one of the trunks there before venturing into a large tear in its mass. She brought forth from it a large black composite bow that had a large detailed spider web on either end of its length, two daggers with thigh straps, and two quivers packed full of arrows. Strapping them over her frame so they met in between her breasts and made a cross shape so either arm had access to a quiver filled with a multitude of arrows with ease, and made haste to get inside the inner city.

As she neared the center of the city she met with the five creatures that had wiped out the western side of her home, at least she assumed it was them since she heard nothing coming from where they had left from. She had heard the creatures long before they would have noticed her coming, and accordingly hid herself away in the darkness that one of the nearby trees offered, still keeping her a good 60 or more yards from them as they approached. Being that they were in her domain they were at a great disadvantage. She did not move from the spot in the slightest, her pointed ears twitching as the honed in on the sounds of their footsteps. There was no sounds as she produced the first arrow from the quiver and strung it in the bowstring. "They are 5." Her ears stood at full attention now as she let loose the arrow in her grip, striking the beast directly in the neck and through the throat so it could not make any sound...just fall silently to the floor and writhe as the poison in the arrows tip took effect. Without waiting for the others to notice she simultaneously let loose another 4 arrows. Striking another beast through the eye; killing it immediately, another was lucky enough to take one to the heart; also perishing immediately, another through the stomach, and the final one in the shoulder. "Damn...guess I am a bit rusty." She quickly pulled another three arrows and strung them at once, releasing them at the creature whom had taken the arrow to the shoulder. Each arrow made it's targetted location, effectively impaling the creature through both eyes and directly in the throat. This allowed the final wounded soldier to see where she was firing from, not that it mattered. Without any sound she was already gone from that spot and moving amongst the shadows once more. How did she know? Simple, her once aching bones now were starting to dull in pain as the nerves healed themselves. As the wounded beast finally made his way to the spot she had once resided in, she stepped out on to a branch just above and behind it with dagger in hand. Without giving it a chance to notice her she jumped, her dirty self landing on the creatures shoulders, her daggered hand slithering down her inner thigh and over it's neck before quickly thrusting the arm back again. The sharpened blade of the dagger tore through the flesh and pale fur, as her free hand wrapped around it's forehead and pulled; she leaned back with what little weight she had, causing the tear to grow as the blade moved revealing it's throat completely. A torrent of blood spilling forth from it's now gaping neck as it tumbled backwards, before it did fully she had already kicked off it's shoulders and somer saulted backwards, rolling out of the way and back to her feet.

Her ears now fully healed, vibrated slightly before once more standing on end. SHe heard the clamoring in the center of town and the carnage going on to the east. Normally she would have headed east first, but the small scream of a female child, no more then 50 caught her attention first. She darted for the center of town as quickly as possible, with surprisingly more accuracy than she had on her never ending journey of face to dirt on the way to this pont. "Felidae..." Was all she uttered as her muscles strained to keep up with the ridiculous amount of pressure they were under to keep up her faster than normal pace.

Last edited by Admin on Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:37 pm

It was a tempest of death, chaos and carnage, and there she was engrossing in ever second of it as she sunk one of her blades into the head of an elf, his face contorted into a shocked one, as if he’d not grasped what had just befallen him. The resistance of flesh that all too soon gave away and ripped open to her blades, not to speak of the despair in the foes eyes as they turned dull and dead. The blood shotting out of the wound staining her face warm and moist, her lips twisted into a wicked grin while she pulled her blade out. Evading and countering only to deliver fatal wounds, Loving every second of it as her senses picked up on the groans and screams from the dying, crying of children as their parents died in front of them, their sorrow as clear as their cries of horror. Home’s getting burn down with the inhabitants still inside beating at the door to get out, to survive but to no avail. old couples being decapitated as the other watched, only to have their heads placed next to each other, in a wicked and cruel twist of fate. It was an absolute tragedy, a disaster. The demons heart was beating wildly, the energy in the plants and ground around her being drained as she absorbed it, wilting plants and darkening ground, She was a calamity as she leached of the energy and life in the things around her. Not to speak of the absolute satisfaction she felt within herself. Her leather jacket dripping with blood, her arms covered in gore yet the grip she had on her blades were still steady, and ready for more. Her bosom wet with the slickness of the blood that now had cooled in the breeze. Despite the satisfaction the demon felt she still wanted more “ More Death, chaos and fear.. We shall slaughter for the laughter and carry out our king Gorgoths orders to their absolute success and end! Those who don’t shall suffer my blade” Her words hear by all around the centre, it gave the other beings on her side a boot in morals. Letting her inner eye out for play, she picked up on Gorgoths very special energy trace in the centre of the village, what he was planning was obvious to her, all she wanted to do was to please him. Yet however she also picked up on Gregarious and his elite along with more foes to take down, as the elves had finally gotten their shit together. Then she felt it, an Odd energy trace coming from the north gate. Odd meant that it most possibly would put up a fight, Iias figured as she came to a stop in the midst of battle and spat on the ground, planting a few more seeds. Without a word to the fighters on her side, she leaped up in the air with unsuspected grace, bouncing of a tree and heading north gate, towards her new prey, looking down at the battle between elf and monster. Seeing the beauty in the carnage, it almost made her wet and way to excited as she could smell the air thick with blood. Landing at the junction leading towards the north gate the demon spat once more, and then continued her stride. Snapping her fingers as she still held onto the hilt of her blade, at the two spots she had recently spat upon, the earth would crumble and explode as it gave away for a dual furry of her killer thorns, taking down ally and foe alike. Being meet with more elven guards Iias came to a stop. Glaring at them with ice blue eyes as wild as a felines. Shining with anticipation. “ Your in the way… “ She said bluntly as she pointed on of her blades at them spitting once more in front of her and new thorns broke out as the saliva touched the ground, now creating a wall in-between them and her yet only one and a half meters high, focusing her mind on collecting energy at a still point in the air above them, collecting and hardening the air within that vicinity, creating a pressure block above them as she then let it fall down upon them, crushing them as she then released the restraints of the hardened energy, creating an implosion. Vaporizing her foes in a mere moment. Sure that had created some strain within her mind, but Iias was unhinged and did not realize such due her madness. Now waiting, for the odd energy trace to come to her where she stood silent and with a dead on stare as it came closer. The being that whit held the energy trace was indeed different from its relatives, this one was pale and blinded. Despite that Iias knew better than to underestimate a foe. “ well well… aren’t we going to have some fun my dear?” She said as she gripped the blades in her hands tighter.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:38 pm

Annare continued to bound silently from tree top to tree top at a ridiculous pace, one which would no doubt have a toll that it would take on her body at some point, but for now she made sure to remain in the shadows to delay that inevitable end from occuring until she had erradicated the intruders. She was fueled and spurred on by pure rage at this point, the echoes of her kinsmen being slaughtered rang in her mind like a bad horror movie on repeat. It bothered her more so that there was an extremely small apathetic part of her that felt if they could not fend off opponents she so easily laid waste to...they did not deserve her help. The other larger part of her wished to rush to their aid but she had made up her mind already. Felidae would come first, always, it was her responsibility to protect her. She knew her father would not fall so easily, nor her mother, but they would not be able to protect her little sister and fight at their best. "Hold on, I'm coming...I hope you found somewhere to hide, young one." To be honest, she was not one hundred percent sure that the child like scream she had heard had in fact been her sister, there was just so much other noise going on that it made it difficult to distinguish everyone's screams, especially from the distance from which she heard it from.

Her pace slowed and she hopped from the high up branches to the forest floor as a chill ran up her spine. The plants right before her a few yards felt strange...tainted, they were not as calm as the ones near her now, the area off to the east felt similar to it. Those long pointed ears perked up fully again, and her soft features furrowed as she focused to drowned out the chaotic sounds of her village's destruction. Muffled screams of her father's men before...utter silence, a soft voice...female. Someone was ahead of her, and they were much stronger than the others had been. There was something else too, shallow breathing coming from the area nearby, ones of her kin no doubt. Despite her urge to save Felidae she was gone in a blur of swiftness and at the dying man's side. He had been mortally wounded; she could tell by just the gurgled breaths, her hands reached out to the man groping over his chest and stomach to find the wound and try to help heal him. What she found was something she could do little for in her current state without causing more harm to herself, a gaping hole that felt much like something had taken a bite out of him was housed on the left side of his neck. The ground neck to it was soaked in blood, enough to make the soil tender, and more still poured freely from the wound itself. He was obviously unable to speak but when a shakey cold hand gripped hers as tightly as it was able, she knew what he would have said. She returned the grip and with her free hand retrieved her dagger, a single tear escaped from under the bandage and a strangled cry came from her as she plunged the dagger into the male's heart. Slender hands raised to tighten the cloth tied around her eyes before coming to rest directly over them and press lightly; as if to keep the tears and emotion she could feel other than rage from gushing out from her eyes. Once she was composed they readjusted the straps belonging to the arrow quivers strapped to her back. After she was cosmetically situated they fell to either thigh, brushing lightly over the daggers she wanted to make sure were still there before groping the dead male's leg and pulling a strap of throwing knives free from it.

With a more serious, instead of enraged, determination she rose to her feet. Her hand reaching back to pull 4 poison tipped arrows from one quiver. She wasn't sure what manner of beast they were other than they effected her beautiful forest and tainted its essence, but she hoped that at least if the arrows met their target it would slow them down a bit if anything. Stringing them in between each finger and along the bow string before letting them loose into the air above. She did this 5 more times as she resumed that insane speed she forced her body to endure towards the awaiting enemy, slipping into the shadows. "...You're in the way..." A monotone voice, laced with poisonous rage spoke out from the shadows of the trees directly to the left of the woman about 20 yards away, an arrow let loost from that direction audibly, the words and first fire were meant to be a distraction as the volley of arrows came raining down at the woman from the sky.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:38 pm

Waiting, Iias was watching as the energy trace stoped by a weaker one. Only to have the weaker one fade into nothing, Probable finished one of her own of. Oh how considerate of her, a smile spread on Iias lips while she tapped her bare foot into the ground and sheathed both her blades. The ground itself groaning and cracking under it, for in reality Iias was a lot stronger than she looked. As the energy trace once more started to move and this time coming to a stop 18 meters away, up in in a tree. A monotone voice echoed out from it, Iias could easily take note of the underlying emotions in the elf’s voice. . Iias glanced up towards it, as something came springing out from the leaves. Iias wasn’t stupid, not at all. And so, using the energy she had been harbouring in her body, she moved at a tremendous speed one second she was there, in line of the arrow the next, she had joined the female up in the trees, looming over her blood soaked and grime. A wicked grin revealing sharp teeth and her ice blue eyes looking down at her a hand wrapping around the bow the elf was holding with such resentment“ My oh my “ she said as she leaned down and let a bit of drool fall down on the elf’s chest. Iias had not known about the barrage of arrows that was now hitting the ground where she had just been, as well as the little elf would not know about the special seed in her saliva, despite the fact that this seed was different, it was only for binding and restricting, not killing. And she wasn’t going to activate it just yet.
Blizzard: The demons other hand that was grasping the branch above the elf, splinters forming in the wood as finally it snapped and Iias held it in her hand before man overing the branch with ease. as she now stepped back on the branch they were on, only to stop after two meters and aim the branch she was holding at the elf. Its leafy bundle snapping at the elf’s face as Iias moved it back and forth slowly “ Are you angry because we are destroying your home little one? Or is it because your to weak to do much about it? Tell me.." Iias taunted the female as she once more started to absorb energy, yet this time only from the branch they were upon. That on which, quickly withered, leaves falling off and then it became brittle and broke under their weight. This would most possibly send both of them falling to the ground, but that was why Iias had the branch in her hand, as the branch supporting them fell apart, Iias Jumped forth, raising the branch in her hand only to beat it down at the elf, hopefully sending her falling down to the ground. Iias wasn’t aiming to hurt her too much just yet. Yet.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:39 pm

Platinum white tresses swayed softly as the velocity with which the woman moved caused a gust to blow passed her. " stink. I didn't know something could smell so bad. Would you mind terribly..." As the woman landed, the vibration her bare feet felt as well as the soft sounds that came from it told her exactly where she was. She was far too close for comfort for Annare. Without a thought about it, the elf released her borrowed bow and took a step back. Though she didn't realize it, she had moved back in time for the saliva the vile woman was dripping everywhere to land on her clothing instead of on her skin. She did, however, feel it once it landed. " just reached a whole new level of disgusting, I am kind of glad I can't see what you look like." Though, as she spoke the damage to her eyes was still healing at a rapid pace, soon lack of vision would not be something that crippled her any longer. The cloth over her eyes did little to cover the blantant look of disgust that took over her features, this woman was off her shit and to be honest it freaked her out a bit. Made her worry about what other kinds of twisted creatures they had brought with them. She didn't have time to waste here any longer, she needed to save her sister and help her parents.

A soft sigh of disappointment escaped soft salmon colored lips as she listened to her initial attack thunk and stick into the forest floor. Bare feet taking a few more steps back as she heard the cracking and splintering above her head. Another sigh escaping her now as she listened to the rustling of leaves and snapping of a branch directly in front of her, this one was more out o sheer boredum. "Are all of you that are worth fighting this dramatic and talkativ-..." Her own words hushed to a whisper as she couldn't help but listen, the rage that had subsided and been replaced with logic flickered again within her; briefly. An elf was not so easily roused with emotion, granted she was enraged internally, she would not show it; she would harness it into energy she could use. "Both, if you must know...but mostly because it's my birthday." A cocky grin took over her lips as she uttered the words, not really believing in the new found confidence herself. Her toes curled around the branch as she felt the bark begin to give, she suddenly realized why the forest had felt so tainted, this woman was able to suck away it's lifeforce. Without waiting for it to give she had jumped backwards a ways, not fast enough however, to avoid the swipe the woman made at her fully. The branch connected with the front of her face, the twigs along it like whips that lashed her face. Small tears of blood forming in dots as the cloth covering her eyes fell to the ground. A hand raised to her face as the cuts closed, the blood lingering, and she landed a little off balance on an adjacent branch not far from the one they had occupied.

As silver hues opened, and pupils widened to make up from the lack of light, she found she was able to see a bit more now. Things were still slightly blurry, but not enough for it to be as bad as it had been. "About time, now we can really begin...I also take back my comment from earlier, for as disgusting as you smell, you're not as such to look at...for a demon." As she spoke, she saw where the woman hovered in the air with her bow now in hand. "Oh well, I was about out of arrows to begin with." Her hand lowered to the throwing knives at her side; there was only 5 left but that was more than enough for her purposes. Nimble fingers unsheathed 2 and threw them with surprising accuracy at the woman neck and heart. Anare wasn't foolish enough to think that would stop her so as soon as the knives left her hands she jumped from the branch she was on to the forest floor, slipping into the shadow of the great tree they had stood upon. The shadow rippled visibly, and twisted...contorting into another composite bow in her hand, in a matter of a second. Her free hand rising to gather the remaining 4 arrows after her failed down pour and string them before quickly sending those hurling toward the woman as well from below. "It is foolish of you to think that you could ever use a forest against my kind, demon. Leave now, or you will rue this day. I have more important matters to attend to." As she spoke her own cast shadow slithered up her leg like a snake. Twisting and swirling around her thigh, stomach, breasts, shoulders, and down the arm not holding her bow. The arm lifted as if to string the bow once again, without an arrow, as the string was pulled tightly, the shadow around her fingertips slipped off of her and stretched into an arrow. Annare's torso turned skywards as she let loose the arrow way off mark of the woman and clear above her head. As it hit the tree tops and the darkest shadows there caused by the light that was blocked out, it multiplied. Raining down 50 arrows on the woman as well, covering a good 50 foot radius. THose arrows that rained down fell with enough accuracy that every one that came down above herself landed just short of her form. A serious gaze was offered up the the female, watching to see how she would evade such an attack this time, as that monotone voice echoed around them, bouncing off the trees, once more. "Are you afraid of the dark? ...You should be..."


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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:40 pm

There was no wonder that she stunk, that was kind of obvious being covered in grime, sweat and blood. But at least her nymph like beauty was recognized, although in all honesty, Iias could not care less for her face. Landing upon the ground with a light thud the demon unsheathed her blades once more, after disposing of the bow. Iias had her eyes glued upon the elf and saw the blades coming and shook her head whilst simply blocked the two blades coming for her torso using her blades. as she watched the little elf land and retort to the shadows, Iias noticed the change in the energy without as much as an effort. The little one could manipulate shadows, much like Shadoween. Watching the shadow arrows come for her, Iias simply side stepped and twisted her body so that they passed right by her, yet with a few millimetres close call. Snickering upon the comment of using the forest against its own kind. “ Own kind you say? “ I will show you something… Little one” the demon said in a dull tone as she extended her blade towards the female. Seeing the energy building up in the shadow bow the elf held. And as she fired it completely of mark up towards the tree tops, Iias understood what was about to happen. Twisting her blade in the air, ninety degree and then another ninety degrees Iias focused as the ground around her started to rumble, crack and groan. Then it happened, black plants spurting up from the ground, tainted and evil. Only to reveal white flowers upon their ends. The shivered and then twisted around the demon, just as the Arrows rained down. Surely as Iias had stayed upon the same place, she had gotten hit by arrows. Even so only dully graced in her cocoon of sorts. Iias felt as if she was burning up inside there, It was enclosed and cramped, she could not move. But soon it would be over. From the outside, black aches started to fall of the cocoon with in just moments of having effulged the demon. Energy radiating from it, and then it bloomed, beautifully white. And there she was, in the middle of it. Almost looking stark naked as all of her had turned white. Yet she was not naked, she was wrapped in a dress made out of white tiny flowers, her hair touching the ground and in its wake, white flowers bloomed in all their pride. Yet the wounds from the arrows pearling black blood that slowly turned white as it spilled. As they say, there will always be a light within the darkness, and in Iias there was as she had allowed her dryad genes to take shape, yet she still had her horns and tail. “ Then what about when the forest turns against you little one?” Iias said with a soft smile upon her face, light green eyes shining beneath the white bangs framing her face as she squatted down, touching the ground with her palm. And so, the ground started to turn white, the plants turned white along with the nearby trees in a 30 metre radius of them. All would notice the change that Iias had brought forth with her abilities. White flowers blooming everywhere now, all around Iias and the elf. The flowers were not normal ones, although the elf most possibly could not tell, beneath them spired energy building up so that they could shot out and take the form of a weapon upon Iias command. But Iias could end this anytime she wanted with the seeds she had planted upon the elf earlier so as Iias simply waited, despite the fact that If Iias stayed in that form to long, it would render her immobilized for a few hours afterwards as well as weak “ show me what you got little one, Ill give you one last attack before I end this.”

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:40 pm

: "Oh, show and tell?" In the back of her mind, Annare knew she needed to end this as soon as possible...but there was another of those traits she did not share with any of her Elven kin. She loved to fight. That could be traced back to the Elven thirst for knowledge, Annare took it farther though; she needed to know how her strength faired against others. In previous attacks, since Shadow Elves never stay in one place for long without being attacked by someone, she would chase after the enemies that retreated. Sparing the weak, obviously, but going after the leader of the group. Just to see how she faired against their strongest, after all, once her parents had passed it was her job to lead her people. All the justifications aside though, she still enjoyed finding someone to really go against seriously. Her vision repaired itself as she watched from the shadows, until the images became crystal clear. "Well isn't that a neat trick..." The tone in her voice was irritated, obviously, that she was being parried so easily once again. She couldn't, however, help but to quirk a brow at the woman as she emergerd from a flower. "Well, that explain how you know what I am even saying. To answer your question though...when the forest turns against me the darkness becomes ever friendlier. I ask you if you were afraid of the dark for a reason. Now...I will show you why you should be, demon." Granted the threat was a bit redundant to a demon, what she had planned for the woman should still work. As soon as the flowers bloomed at her feet her lithe form scaled back up into the tree they had had a tussle in earlier. Within a few second she was safely, or so she assumed, atop a thick branch, with her free hand held out; palm up. Her fingers curled slightly, but appeared to do nothing. However, her trick was similar to the one earlier, when her own shadow had begun to move and slither up her body. This time though, it wasn't her shadow she was manipulating. It was the shadow of the great flower that stood next to the beautiful Dryad. The shadows beneath the flower silently vibrated before stretching towards the woman's feet like a bunch of snakes. They had split into 5 that crept up on her from under her own flowers from either side, so 10 in total. By Annare's calculations, five concentrated shadows should hold better than one large one. Using her own flowers against her, Annare sent the tendrils to wrap around the woman's ankles. She didn't wait to see if the being had the strength needed to free herself of the restraints, while the tentacles had inched closer she had already redrawn her bow. A very tiny shadow arrow materializing in her hand. As the tentacles went to wrap around the demon, she fired the unthreatening arrow directly into the ground at the woman's feet. Much like with the shadows in the canopy above, once the concentrated arrow hit the shadow under the woman it multiplied. It took little effort for the shadow elf to manipulate what happened next, though her limit was still only 50; and 50 small needles shot up from under the demon in a 40 foot radius this time. As the needles hurled upwards from the ground, another arrow was restrung and aim above once more. "As much as I have enjoyed you company...I told you I am needed elsewhere. This is farewell. There is someone that needs me to survive this fight and that is exactly what I am going to do." Again, as soon as the larger arrow hit the tree top it sent a shower of 50 more down from above within the same radius. So whether or not the woman managed to escape the bonds, she would not escape with such little damage this time. She made a good effort to look the demon in the eye at least once in that time if she glanced over at all, the infalliable determination that was radiating from them made all the point she needed now.


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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:41 pm

Iias heard the irritation in the elf’s voice and giggled child like, The sounds of battle drowned out by their battles brilliance, there were only them two now in Iias masquerade of white. And of course, Iias was not blind as she saw the shadows lurking in the corner of her eye. Still she let herself be captured by them feeling the shadow tendrils creep around her calf’s, making no effort to move as the little arrow hit the ground beneath her feet. Instead she gave the command to the flowers beneath her to only circle of a two meter radius around her and the ground. Still some of the elf’s shadow needles poked though and cut her legs in various places. But it was no major damage as white blood pearled out of the cuts, sure it stung but it was nothing that she could not heal. Iias knew what was coming, the elf really needed to learn new tricks she thought to herself. Misleading the opponents attention form the real attack usually worked, against less experienced warriors and it was also a good war strategy. The big flowers raising around the demon were of course, as all the other flowers loaded with energy that converted into energy blades upon command, and so they did. Shielding Iias where she stood somewhat, even so a few arrows leaked through and graced her arms and shoulders, a few planted themselves neatly in her left arm, making her drop on of her blades to the ground. It landed with a muffled thud as Iias eyes once more returned to the little elf’s being. “ Now let me show you, what a real warrior can do” As the white flowers had covered the thirty meter area including plans and tress, there was little escape for the elf and Iias focused briefly, only to point the blade in her right at the elf. “ Bloom” was all that needed to be said as the whole tree became effulged in daggers, blades and swords alike. Unless the little elf escaped, she would be lethally wounded. And if she did escape, all Iias needed to do was to think the though and activate the seeds upon her and bind her down.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Gregarious

Post  Admin Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:41 pm

The battle between the elf and Iias was certainly going very one sided, Gregarious thought as he studied the battle from the safety of a new by roof top. They had been hard pressed, either of which giving ground. But that tree that the demoness had generated wasn’t exactly natural. While he had never personally done battle with the creature before, he had seen her create spores and pods before to a devastating effect. Her abilities were as such, that many questioned whether or not Iias was more powerful than Gorgoth. Of course, this was something Gorgoth allowed to spread; he never gave a fuck about what others thought regardless. As for the elf, she was an interesting figure from his perspective. It was rare for them to ever cross any creatures capable of mending shadows, let alone on the level that this one elf was capable of displaying. Knowing it was going to be rather difficult to disrupt the battle without planning, Gregarious leaned forward onto the edge of the building before leaping towards the great tree that housed the elf. As the shadow of his embodiment crossed over the ground, eventually he found his footing on the tree. He had barely stepped away from the shadow of the tree to glance around to look down to Iias. While normally his abilities required his foe’s direct eye contact, the little illusion that he was about to play at wasn’t required for full contact. The mere glimpse of his eyes meeting Iias, was enough for him to be able to create the illusion that the elf was still in the tree. At the same time, Gregarious used Iias’s eyes to reflect his own ability directly to the elf. Thus he was capable of affecting them both at once. While reality remained much as what it was, the moment the energy developed blades of Iias begun to launch towards the elf; this moment was Gregarious’s chosen moment to alter everything as he usually did. The entities eyes spiralled and twisted as they changed in several ways, mainly how his pupil had now become four separate ones. Juggling two separate illusions such as this, even if only on a low level was consuming and toll taking on the demon. The first act of the illusion for Iias was already set and in motion as the energy blades of hers of which were once aimed at the elf, now had changed their course and diverted directly for Iias. Of course the energy demon wouldn’t of been able to pick up on this easily, since the energy traces of her abilities realistically never moved from their appointed locations. The illusion set upon the elf was a lot more basic, and simply Gregarious nullified her vision to the point all that she could see through her eyes was but a mere darkness. In the few fleeting seconds that he had brought pause to the assault that would of left the elf much more dead than alive, the entity had moved to close enough range to be able to pick a path through the energy blades of Iias. Stepping out, he jumped down from the branch above before landing on the same branch as the elf. Having snatched his victim, he didn’t bother to try and qual her since he had to act fast. Narrowly dodging the rush of energy blades that shredded various spots over his robe, Gregarious managed to leap down from the tree with the elf in his arms. Landing upon the ground, he soon dropped the elf before turning his attention Iias. “We’re keeping this one, and if I’m not mistaken it’s time for us to depart. Make us a portal already. I don’t want to stick around when Gorgoth unleashes hell upon this little city.” The bluntness of his tone was carried upon the wind. With the dark skies above swirling and rippling, a sure sign that Gorgoth was manipulating the darkness on a magnitude that far extended that of the elf. “I believe he is about to do his clearance special. So we’ll take this elf as the last of this race. They are stubborn, these elves, every city will reject the offer to give its resources to Gorgoth. Not that he really cares about that, just more so submitting to his will.”

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:35 pm

"Stop laughing..." Were really the only words she could think to speak as she watched the woman be uneffected by yet another of her strategies, she was really going to forced to excert all of her strength before even making it to the center of town? Before she could make sure Felidae was okay... "A real warrior huh? Show me..." Her stance changed to more of a defensive one, she didn't trust this creepy plant woman...with all her drooling, giggling, making flowers grow out of nothing, tainting her fucking forest! Despite her caution the wheels in her mind began to turn, creating different attacks she could make with her shadows, calculating how best to come at a woman that had such a defense. As she heard the words, things clicked, 'Bloom'...the flowers, just as she was about to jump everything went dark. Panic struck her from the immeditate losing of the sense she had so recently acquired back, but if things were as she suspected she needed to get out of range of this area, as she braced herself to jump; blindly, she found herself wrapped in a warm embrace that carried her away. For a moment, her body relaxed... Thoughts of it all being a dream still, that she hadn't really awoken from the fall to find her home on the brink of destruction at all. That someone, her father; Luthien had found her and wrapped her up in his warm arms to carry her home, to her party. That dream was all but crushed as she heard a dreadful voice that made her skin crawl. It was coming from the one holding her, her ears twitched violently; lashing at the air, no doubt smacking the creature if he was close enough. The shadow in what little remained of her clothing being ripped forth before it began flailing about her captured frame. Lashing like the tails of a whip wildly, as she struggled and squirmed in his grasp to free herself. "Release me fiend, I will kill you...I will kill all of you..." Her words were harsh and to the point of schreeching, albeit not understood by anyone else unless all of the ones that attacked came from the racial background the female had. As the male continued to speak Annare's heart felt like it sunk into the pit of her stomach, the overwhelming dread causing pools to of water to form in her frantically searching orbs, to the point of being at the brink of streaming down her youthful face. Her words were quieter now as her mind reeled through such a vast amount of emotion that even her cold Elven lineage could not keep it back for long. "Let me go...Why are you doing this? Leave us be...I can make everyone do what you want just stop." The last bit of her foreign words came out in more of a squeak before ceasing completely until she got an answer. She used that time and sheer force of will to keep the wells in her eyes from falling. The reality of her loss finally something she could no longer deny.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:08 pm

Everything was going fine, perfectly, Iias would soon have her prey in the grip of death and slowly squeeze the blood out of her veins. Yet even so, something was seemingly off as she gave the command to her flowers, almost like she had something in her eye’s. A Shimmering broke through the black arrows the elf’s had hailed down upon her on the ground in front of her a few minutes ago and her energy blades grew through the blackness, threatening the pierce her. As they would when they entered her body and skewered the demon, there was no pain, no blood and no fading life. This made Iias stop dead still in her thoughts, a distraction. Thus the energy blades she had aimed at the elf had been cancelled half way from their bloom. Rather stunned for a moment Iias finally noticed Gregarious’s energy trace, closely followed by the elf’s. “…Illusion huh? “ Iias had seen him make demons cringe in agony and cry in sorrow upon the ground by only looking at them, it was a curious ability that Iias had plans on exploring sometime. Hearing his voice Iias glared at him a chill going down her spine, silent for a moment as she started at him bitterly before uttering “ fine. And yeah… Neither do I ” Iias shrugged as she released the dryad genes, disappointed in the least that she had not been allowed a nice price from her play, the white flowers upon the ground scattering in a sound similar to glass breaking, white petals flowed up in the air swirling around with the winds only to slowly and gracefully rain back down cold to the touch before evaporating. This was Iias favourite part as she stood there, watching the magic as the white draining of her and her demon appearance returning. Even so they had no time to waste as Iias focused, creating a portal back to Rift’s and the Shadow caster castle. The portal opening up just before her, like a ripple upon water before reality twisted and shattered only to reveal a rift in-between realms. The little elf was terrified Iias concluded as she watched her struggle, without much success. Flailing any limbs she could and shouting obscenities, Iias giggled as she batted her eyes at the elf “ your not going to be able to kill us little one. So pipe down, Your only alive because Master Gorgoth commanded it “ Iias snapped her fingers and willed the seed implanted earlier to release, vines shooting out from various places upon the elf’s clothes only to wrap around her and ensnare her tightly. “ Now be still and silent. Little one” a smirk spreading upon Iias lips as she motioned to Gerg to enter the portal, She didn’t was to dwell to long since fatigue had already begun numbing her limbs “ come now, let us.. depart this wonder of death, I value my life enough not to let it be wasted for my master Gorgoths little play” Iias waited for Greg to carry the elf into the portal and then, she entered it herself it would after all only take them a few moments to arrive in the Rift realm, Iias did after all know it like the back of her palm.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Gregarious

Post  Admin Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:34 pm

Losara: Gregarious raised an eyebrow at the demoness as she referred to him by a nick name of a sort. After a short silence, his eyes once more twisted and reshaped themselves to form a single pupil which meant that he had released the blinding effect he had placed upon the elf. However, he didn’t wait very long in doing as she had asked; reaching down the demon had picked the elf up by her bindings before merely lobbing her head first through the portal. Turning his attention to the sky briefly, he noticed the great change that was unfolding. Several spirals of darkness were descending from the sky, like twisting black tentacles mindlessly in search of their prey. Even this act of manipulation was beyond Gorgoth, the Jul’vin knew this; he also knew that this was one of the tall tale signs that Gorgoth had invoked the demon known as Shadoween of which inhabits his embodiment. “They always had a talent for showing off, yet it is never something that gets dull to watch. I recall the last time we stood in a city more, lively than this; the desperate screams and pleas for the slow creeping death to leave.” Gregarious dull tone trailed off with the last few words causing them to almost sound fragmented. Without lingering any longer, he leaped through the portal that his fellow comrade had created. As he pasted through, reality seemed to stretch then reshape itself, before suddenly appearing before a wall and the elf he had thrown through. The portal that Iias had made certainly was above the ground. However Gregarious wasn’t impressed when he ended up face first into the ground due to the direction of the portal. Rolling off to the side, he stood up slowly as several loud clucks and bangs emitted from underneath his robe. His body as different that most, with the odd left shoulder that was higher and more off set than the other which appeared more normal. Though he had never taken the robes off during any of his conflicts, nor had it ever been torn away; thus the sounds were something that someone could only wonder. Casting his gaze over to the elf, he noticed the blood running down along her forehead which then he made the assumption that he had knocked her out cold when he had hurled her through the portal. Even more so, it was no surprise to him when he had saw Kendra neatly tucked away behind the elf; the only thing Gregarious could see was Kendra’s fingers caressing certain exposed parts of the elf. “Kendra, she’s not yo00ur whore to toy with.” Was all he could state before a loud high-pitched giggle filled the room. The woman known as Kendra soon rolled over into view from the other side of the elf. In the same motion, using the same momentum, she had gracefully brought herself to her feet. A chuckle slipped from her lips as she spoke in a taunting yet lively tone. “Oh she’ll be mine. Gorgoth always lets me have the girls”, her childish smile played upon her lips as a girlish giggle followed her choice of words. Shaking his head, Gregarious turned his attention to the portal and waited for the others while mumbling under his breathe, “I can hardly even believe you’re second in command of entire legions, second only to Gorgoth himself. Fucking wench, you need to start acting the part.” Obviously, there was a fair bit of tension between these two. Then again, everyone held tension with Kendra and that was simply how she preferred it.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Gregarious

Post  Admin Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:07 pm

Gregarious raised an eyebrow at the demoness as she referred to him by a nick name of a sort. After a short silence, his eyes once more twisted and reshaped themselves to form a single pupil which meant that he had released the blinding effect he had placed upon the elf. However, he didn’t wait very long in doing as she had asked; reaching down the demon had picked the elf up by her bindings before merely lobbing her head first through the portal. Turning his attention to the sky briefly, he noticed the great change that was unfolding. Several spirals of darkness were descending from the sky, like twisting black tentacles mindlessly in search of their prey. Even this act of manipulation was beyond Gorgoth, the Jul’vin knew this; he also knew that this was one of the tall tale signs that Gorgoth had invoked the demon known as Shadoween of which inhabits his embodiment. “They always had a talent for showing off, yet it is never something that gets dull to watch. I recall the last time we stood in a city more, lively than this; the desperate screams and pleas for the slow creeping death to leave.” Gregarious dull tone trailed off with the last few words causing them to almost sound fragmented. Without lingering any longer, he leaped through the portal that his fellow comrade had created. As he pasted through, reality seemed to stretch then reshape itself, before suddenly appearing before a wall and the elf he had thrown through. The portal that Iias had made certainly was above the ground. However Gregarious wasn’t impressed when he ended up face first into the ground due to the direction of the portal. Rolling off to the side, he stood up slowly as several loud clucks and bangs emitted from underneath his robe. His body as different that most, with the odd left shoulder that was higher and more off set than the other which appeared more normal. Though he had never taken the robes off during any of his conflicts, nor had it ever been torn away; thus the sounds were something that someone could only wonder. Casting his gaze over to the elf, he noticed the blood running down along her forehead which then he made the assumption that he had knocked her out cold when he had hurled her through the portal. Even more so, it was no surprise to him when he had saw Kendra neatly tucked away behind the elf; the only thing Gregarious could see was Kendra’s fingers caressing certain exposed parts of the elf. “Kendra, she’s not yo00ur whore to toy with.” Was all he could state before a loud high-pitched giggle filled the room. The woman known as Kendra soon rolled over into view from the other side of the elf. In the same motion, using the same momentum, she had gracefully brought herself to her feet. A chuckle slipped from her lips as she spoke in a taunting yet lively tone. “Oh she’ll be mine. Gorgoth always lets me have the girls”, her childish smile played upon her lips as a girlish giggle followed her choice of words. Shaking his head, Gregarious turned his attention to the portal and waited for the others while mumbling under his breathe, “I can hardly even believe you’re second in command of entire legions, second only to Gorgoth himself. Fucking wench, you need to start acting the part.” Obviously, there was a fair bit of tension between these two. Then again, everyone held tension with Kendra and that was simply how she preferred it.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:08 pm

She continued to buck as the tendrils flailed wildly around her, stopping briefly as she cringed from the sound of glass shattering. Her last ditch efforts at freedom were abruptly halted as she found her entire frame wrapped in vines that seemed to constrict further if she tried to free herself from them with movement. The shadow she had been manipulating from her darkened clothing returned to it, to undoubtedly be used for later gain and possible escape. One of the pools that filled her illuminating silver hues fell, rolling gracefully down the side of her features; her ears ever vibrating and jerking, as the sounds of her fearful people filled her. The screams, cries for help, soft releasing of breath as death took them...all of it chilled her blood. There was only two commanding voices she could discern through the chaos, her parents no doubt, shouting commands to try and keep the order before everyone lost themselves to despair. Felidae's voice still alluded her and the reeling of horrible ideas as to why that swirled in her mind tore her apart inside. As her ears flattened against her platinum locks, at thier wretched words she felt the rage returning...the urge to snap the bonds and let loose all her power was strong but she held her tongue, surely there would be an opportunity to escape yet and liberate her kin...right? They would not fall so easily...not all of them. As the effects of the blindness wore off, blurred visions of leaves and branches; no longer tainted by the evil bitch that stopped her in her quest in the first place, was all she saw briefly before another darkness consumed her again. She allowed a few more shimmering tears to fall as she travelled through the void, her mind racing with strategies and scenerio for how to kill whatever was on the other side and flee before the other two arrived. They were all really good plans...except when she left the rift she felt the sensation of falling. " can't be serio--Mmf." Before she had time to adjust her returned vision or even manipulate enough shadow to create make-shift legs to stand upon she plowed face first into a hard unidentifiable surface. A loud cracking sound, that made her own ears quiver, resounded as her forehead met with an ill end. Her mouth opened to cry out, even scream, in pain...but all that came from her was an almost woozy and pitiful whimper. She found solace and comfort in the warmth that began to trickle down her soft features and up into those ivory tresses above, the cold feelings of dread seemed to fade into them. She felt safe for the moment. Soft moans and whimpers continued to come from her slightly wriggling form as she lay on the cold ground. THe feelings of safe quickly fleeing, replaced with goosebumps that captured every inch of her exposed flesh as she felt something begin to touch her. Slender fingers? A soft comforting, almost haunting feminine whispering...A woman. As the phlanges wandered along her exposed body it was made quite evident that this woman was not one to help her. "" Inaudible words and grumbling spilled forth from her trembling lips, a few curses and swears in her foreign tongue also thrown into the mix, but non of it made any sense. Despite the regenerative abilities granted in shadow allowing the gash in her forehead to heal, the jumbling of her brain had yet to follow suit. Her frame twitched softly and nearly leaned into the unidentified female's touch as she heard the distasteful voice of the man that had so rudely tossed her into this place, but the touch was soon gone as the woman left her side. She rocked a few times, and failed more than that, before she managed to end up on her side..tired eyes blinking an obnoxious amount of times as she tried to focus on the beings and watch as they bickered.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:08 pm

Watching the black tendrils Iias let out a sigh, she was getting more and more tired for the second. And as soon as Gregarious had gone through the portal after tossing the elf in, Iias Jumped in and had the portal close after herself as she went through, to ease the toll on herself, turning around whilst traveling through she watched the portal close, it was like reality was being torn away and with that, her ass hit the ground just as the portal closed before her completely. Dust flew up around the demon as she landed with a thud, her ass taking to most toll off the fall. “ aww fuckinghellcuntofa!” Iias exclaimed as she rolled over on her side and put her hands to her butt cheeks, holding them as they pulsated with pain. Taking a deep breath she rolled over to her other side, huffing it out. And that’s when she came to be awake of Kendra. Iias eyes lit up and the pain was gone as a smile spread on her lisp “ Oh darling” Iias giggled as she got back up on her feet. “ come to play with me? You know you like it when we play with my.. seeds” Winking Iias looked to the elf as she spoke. “ your not going kill anyone, gee calm yourself little one” the demon said as she waved a hand at her, dismissing the elf’s distress. Hearing Kendra and Gregarious bicker Iias placed her hands upon her hips, her suit dirty with dust and dried up blood. “ Now now you two.. For once, I want this one. “Glancing in-between the two, Iias knew that Kendra was a hard one to get along with due her.. way of being. But Iias didn’t mind her much, and loved the play time they had. That in which must have been surprising to Kendra when Iias wanted more. Licking her lips Iias spat on the ground, of course there was a seed in it. Yet as it bloomed, the tendrils shot out heading straight for Kendra before they changed directions, picking the elf up. Once more winking at Kendra ias shifter her focus to the elf that was brought to her by the vines, that then shaped into a bed with a cage like top on it. The elf lay inside as Iias placed a hand upon it, This was a handy seed in this moment, since it allowed someone to be closed in, healed and then put to sleep. As Iias placed her hand onto the vines they parted and her hand entered the cage, coming to a rest upon the elf’s head. Focusing on closing the wound upon the elfs head as she let her own energy seep into the efls skin, that in which as she directed it to the wound, started to regenerate the calls and closing it from the inside out, not even leaving a scar. Whilst Iias was doing this, she felt the exhaustion creep up on her again, numbing her fingers and toes and slowly making its way up her limbs. As the healing was finished, Iias willed the pod to put the elf to sleep. As she herself sunk down on the ground, leaning against it where it stood, closing her eyes for just a moment.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Gorgoth/ Gregarious/Kendra

Post  Admin Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:41 am

The sly words of Iias played upon Kendra’s mind as she watched her heal the shadow elf. After she was done and had put the elf in a sleep, Kendra’s embodiment vaporized for a mere moment only to reappear right next to the slouching Iias. She wasted no time in pushing the exhausted demoness to onto her back before sitting on her chest. Placing a foot on either side of Iias’s head, Kendra peered down to her with a smile. Even in such close proximity to the entity, the tattoo like feathers that littered her body slipped from her flesh and within seconds thousands were spinning around Kendra so close that they threatened to shred Iias If she even so much as moved. The markings were one of the sparrows gifts from her evolution through Nazirous, a trait of which moved on its own free will; as such it was separate from the entities mind. “You want to play? Oh just lay and stay. I’ll eat your fucking heart out, without even a doubt.” The thirsty lust for violence was profound in the creatures giggle as the words slipped from her silver tongue. She had ignored what Gregarious had stated as a couple of Jag’troa stepped in the area. The platform area was the arrival area for those that returned from missions, the grey washed ground and iron clad walls didn’t seem like much to look upon. However this was to keep the environment stable for those that did use portals or devices to generate stable rifts. One of the armoured demons stepped forward before reaching up to remove his helmet. Tpolemos had arrived to greet them with a nod, with the flames flickering from nearby blazers this caused his armour to almost glitter. A few moments later, a shadow burst into reality where the portal once stood. As the darkness lashed out and expanded it, it repressed just as quickly to form the being known as Gorgoth. The blackened hue of his eyes signified which entity was truly in control. “My lord, commander Blane, commander Aktrious, and the clan leaders Rytra of the Claw clan, Furita of the Fang, and Hiatosya of the moonlit demons have swept across the majority of the countries southern and northern areas. Scouts have reported beyond the forest is a series of oceans with lands in the distance, do we intend on raiding the entire world my lord? “ Tpolemos had broken the silence since he had been placed in charge of relaying messages this time around. Gorgoth cast his gaze around, staring into the eyes of each being in the room. The hallowed yet dark voice crept out of his lips as his stare finally fell upon Tpolemos, “Take the timber from the main land, send the flyers and scorch the rest of the world. The majority of the middle island where we went has been eradicated. Kendra begin preparations for the next world, we won’t waste long with this one.” The blackness that had consumed Gorgoth’s eyes previous had vanished once he had finished speaking. Taking his leave, the demon king was soon halted however by the voice of Gregarious. “My lord Gorgoth, we secured a prisoner for you. She showed promise in the shadow arts such as yourself.” The piercing sapphire gaze of Gorgoths drifted over to the elf which he took a mere glance at. After a brief couple of seconds, he turned his attention away as he begun to walk towards his resting place. “We have no use for a toy, Gregarious. Consider her yours, carry out whatever twisted experiments you usually do. Shame to waste such flesh however, oh well we all must die somehow. “ Even as Gorgoth made the attempt to leave, Gregarious next set of words brought him to a pause. “I intend on using your DNA and splicing it with hers my lord. Is this agreeable?” A long silence followed as Gorgoth considered the option. Finally deciding, he spoke with a light hearted laugh; “If she lives, only if she lives.” And with that the demon capable of levelling entire nations walked away as though he has done nothing more than asked them to get him a mug of ale.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:10 pm

"I'm....not some....prizzzzzze." Her words slurred but were finally becoming coherent as the fatigue began to wear off. "Releassssse me, at oncccccce." The spunk and sassiness also returned as the creatures started to become less far off and more...personified with their interactions. She had finally decided to attempt rolling away, still a bit too weak to use her shadows effectively at the moment, she'd likely lop off an arm trying to cut the vines. As she began to rock, however, she found herself comsumed by another set of vines and dragged to the strange woman. Would there never be an end to her ridiculous games? She blinked a flurry of times out of confusion as she found her petite frame lying atop a surprisingly comfortable bed, albeit caged like a prized bird, with the warmth that flooded from the woman's hand washing over her like the gentle roll of a wave. The restitched cells on her face had already healed fully, save for a tiny scar that Iias handled with ease, the woman's abilities mainly healing her mental fatigue and any damage such a fall may have caused her brain. That calculated clarity returned to her mind, finally, and her words came forth reflective of such...with a bit of confusion thrown into the mix. She wasted little effort, however, to release herself from her bindings. Concentrated string like tendrils slipping from her clothing to coil themselves around the vines that were strung tightly about her frame, tiny serated thorns; as irony would have it, dug into the flesh of the plant as the tiny strings began to move feverishly against the plant. Granted they were not anything other than just a plant made of energy, her actions would shred it into pieces that fluttered about her like falling rose petals. "What...are you doing? You just wanted to kill mmmm." Before she could finish, a blanket of sleep suffocated her despite her waking minds furious struggle against such, and she curled into a ball on her side. Finally letting dreams take her from her horrid reality that was only bound to get much worse, surely.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Iias

Post  Admin Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:10 pm

Iias was dimly aware as Kendra placed her heavy ass upon her chest, groaning “ fuck you must weight a ton dear” Iias cracked her eyes open, eyeing her off for a moment before looking up at the vine chest with the elf within it. Kendra’s hair falling down and tickling the side of her face, smirking Iias laid still and looked back to her as the tattoos upon Kendra’s skin started their deadly dance. Deadly if you made a mistake and moved, But Iias didn’t particularly care of she was alive or dead, she had been dead before after all as her hands moved up from her sides only to take a lust filled grope on Kendra’s firm nice ass. Sharp nails digging into fabric as Iias leaned forward a little bit before coming to an stop as the clicking of armour against stone filled her ears, the Jag’troas had come back from their mission. Iias nodded back before, still with Kendra’s ass upon her chest, squishing her boobs. Releasing Kendra’s ass Iias made the effort to sit up, whenever or not Kendra landed in her lap. Iias mind might have been exhausted, and her limbs a tad numb, But she could still move and lift stuff without much problem. Al though she wouldn’t feel if she broke an arm, nor could she control her strength as she would usually be able to. And there it was, Iias eyes lit up as Gorgoths presence filled the room. Hearing the Jag’troa fill Gorgoth in on his report, Iias eyes travelled in-between the two silently watching. She wasn’t one to interrupt such, nor did she expect any praise from Gorgoth for obeying his orders. But that was just one of the things that Iias liked about him although she did not love him, as she was incapable of feeling such things being flawed like she had been made. As their eyes meet Iias gaze remained strong and cold, refusing to show the exhaustion her mind felt as Shadoween was gazing at her. Since showing weakness meant that one was no longer needed. As Gorgoth spoke out his orders, Iias listened intently if there was any new ones for her. Sadly there was none at the time being, and then onto the subject of the elf. Iias once more remained silent as she watched Gregarious fight for his cause of his.. Entertaining experiments and Gorgoths mild interest of his proposal, In which made Iias snicked a bit too as Gorgoth made his way into his chambers. “ I might be able to help on the surviving part of our little one Greg.. At least keep her alive long enough for you to have your fun” Iias said as her eyes fell upon Gregarious, a sly smile parting her lips.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Gorgoth/ Gregarious/Kendra

Post  Admin Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:39 am

Gregarious wasted no time as Gorgoth departed, in walking over silently before reaching down and picking the elf up by the bindings of Iias. Turning away from Iias, he said simply in a firm tone which he didn’t use often. “She will be fine without your assistance Iias. You know the Juv’lin don’t allow outsiders into our section. Besides, I highly doubt Gorgoth wishs anyone to interfere with the progress of his pupil.”, With that, Gregarious took the elf down the corridor with him. Kendra on the other hand reached down to Iias and lanced her fingers into her hair before tugging on it sharply. “Come on, we’re going to go have some play time.” The sly words crept out of Kendra’s lips as she leaned over Iias and reached her hand out towards a nearby shadow that was cast from one of the Jag’tora. With that, Kendra’s form as well as that of Iias seemed to be sucked into the shadow before vanishing completely. Gregarious had taken the elf back to his lab, but not before shredding the bindings of Iias before passing into the Juv’lin wards. Over the course of the next fourteen days, Gregarious and his brother, Artkious has genetically altered the shadow elf by subjecting her very cell structure to that with Gorgoths. It had taken them some time to get the process correct, since they had to continually test various levels of each blood t ype before finally finding a balanced reaction that would amplify the elves abilities. Another seven days passed after the brothers had finished their experimentations of the female, and as such it was time to wake her. Having wheeled the elf on her bed from the Juv’lin area and past the wards, Gregarious followed his brother as they made their way to the throne room. As they passed another set of Jag’troa guards, Artkious turned to his brother before saying in a joking manner yet dull tone. “So, should she provide to be another failure, think Gorgoth will finally give me your position as field marshal?” Gregarious however dismissed the remark, having already gone over all of the data that he had collected on the elf twice before finally considering her a finished product for Gorgoth’s legion.

Leaves constantly fell from the canopy above, the long snaking branches of willows lazed about without a breeze. The small underground forest refuge of Iias and Kendra’s had been something they had held dear to them for several years. It was here in this very place that Kendra had taught Iias how to remaster her abilities now that she had become an entity of the risen. Together the two had endured long hours of battle and lust within the forest, making it much and less their home when Gorgoth didn’t have any need of them. The little remote location thrive from a small opening above the jungle like canopy tops. Never to no wind ever reached the small confines of the their forest, though the underground springs gave the vegetation plenty of water; this also provided the girls with just another playground for their wet sports. Kendra had brought them to a branch which hung over the pool of liquid below. Leaning over Iias, Kendra soon brought herself to rest against the other creature; her self-defence ability quickly retreated back to their resting place as she became more comfortable and at home. “So how was your day? I see you brought us home something to enjoy later.” The slick words rolled off of Kendra’s tongue as she spoke to her lover.

Gorgoth was looking over the elf as Gregarious explained each part as to what he had done to her. “The runes carved into her arms are to act as a form of blood seals, as are those located on her chest. Due to the factor we had to transplant and mix a large portion of both bloods together to get a stable mix, we also had to insert a secondary heart just after the first while taking different arty lines obviously. All and all, she should be capable of manipulating her given field of study more effectively with your blood linage amplifying her own. However, the down side is we don’t know how sane she will be. She responded well to treatments but that’s not to say she won’t wake up and be like Kendra the second.” The sly joke didn’t go unnoticed by Gorgoth, he turned his sapphire gaze to Gregarious before saying crudely. “You’re only questioning her insanity because she gets to fuck something off limits to either of us. Now wake the elf up already. “ There was almost a taunting laugh lingering in the very core of Gorgoth’s voice. Gregarious however did as he was commanded and soon took a tazer like device and shocked the elf a couple of times. With Gorgoth, Artkious, Gregarious, and several of the Jag’troa present, it wasn’t as though she would get far if she did attempt anything.
Blizzard: awww yeah IIas be gettin' dat bootey.

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Annare ( Historyline)  Empty Annare

Post  Admin Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:40 am

“Annare...Child wake up. Look at you, you're a mess. Only you would dare be late to your own birthday celebration.” Long pointed ears wiggled slightly before jerking up as the soft male chuckle was what finally awakened her. Soft silver hues fluttered open as a gentle groan escaped her, she winced quietly as she squirmed...her body still sore...from what though? She had already healed from the fall and trip through the tunnel, that crazy plant woman had healed her...Didn't she?... Her vision was blurred again, but the voice she knew well enough. Her father carried her closely in his arms like a bride. “You are an adult can't keep running off on these adventures. You need to start taking responsibility, who can I trust to look after things when I am gone?” A choked sob came from her as she wrapped her arms tightly around the warm figure that held her. More emotion than normally shown by one of her kind, but he was real...she was touching him, had it all just been an awful nightmare? “Father! You're alive. I'm so sorry, I won't go on anymore adventures. I promise. Where is Felidae...and mother?” Her wiggling and excited squirming nearly caused the man to dropped her, managing to catch her lithe frame as he stumbled forward. “Patience child...well I suppose I cannot call you that any longer, hm? Annare it is. We aren't even back in the village yet. They are busy settling the last of the preparations for your celebration.” Once they arrived at the village, her sight fully healed, she took care to inspect every corner and hole to make sure it was real. Despite multiple orders to go and change out of her dirty clothing. Once she was satisfied however, she did head off to her room and changed into suitable attire for such an occasion. The party went well enough, it was what she expected. Dull, boring, with lots of talking. She had spent most of the time playing and dancing with her beloved Felidae; occasionally stopping to grasp at her chest and near buckle over from the pain that shot throughout her entirety. It didn't happen often enough for anyone to notice but she made note of it. She made sure to kiss and hug her family more than was acceptable for elf kind. Everyone chalked that up to more of her strangeness though.

Days, weeks, months went by peacefully. As time passed her overly affectionate ways diminished and things returned to normal. She kept her word, and stopped wandering out to seek out adventure...but something was off. Everything was too peaceful, to mundane. She didn't like it. Her dreams were plagued with visions of that strange eyed male the woman had called Greg, and another creature just like a room full of instruments. Things were being injected into her, her blood felt like it was on fire. Her chest hurt, she was being cut open, everything hurt; her blood was all over her and them but she couldn't move. Like a patient whose anesthetic wore off so their mind was awake and alert but they could not cry out or move their body. Every night this dream came to her in some way, the experiments further along than the last time, and every night she would awaken with a toe curling scream once the pain became too much for her to bear any longer.

It was on one such night that her father was at her side when she had if he had knew what was happening and to come. He caught her trembling body in his arms, holding to her tenderly and rocking from side to side like she were nothing but a child, as quiet tears threatened to fall from those magnificent silver orbs and stain her pale cheeks. “I need to speak with you. There isn't much time left. It is important that you listen to me. We won't be here for much longer.” His words were soothing but were dripping with impending doom that made her ears and the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Her chest was hurting again and her temperature was beginning to rise, she felt almost as is her mind would leave her body at any minute...She did not wish to go back to sleep and so she clung to him, desperately, her shaky words rolling out in a hushed whisper as if others with prying ears were nearby listening. “What are you talking about, you can't leave me. Please stop talking like this...let's go for a walk, I don't want to go back to sleep. Elves don't even sleep or dream...what is wrong with me?” … “Silence Annare, I told you to listen. I don't have any time left I...” As he spoke the shadows began to slip like tentacles from the dark corners of her room, wrapping themselves around his limbs and neck, their grip ever tightening and ripping him from her arms to the middle of the small room like a display. “Father! No! What's happening? Am I...Am I doing this?! I...I can't make them stop.” She shrieked as she jumped from her bed. Her feet never even hit the floor as she found herself wrapped in the same tendrils of darkness, their grip on her was less harsh, but the touch of them caused her blood to literally boil. Her chest hurt again, something was dreadfully wrong. They felt like they were her shadows, in a sense a part of her, but she could not control them...they responded to a foreign part of her body, her blood. They made it pulse and flow faster in anticipation for the horror that was to come. “List...en...Annare...Felidae is...” As he spoke the grip of the darkness tightened, tendrils wrapping about his head in a few strands. Blood began to flow from his eyes and all other orifices in steady streams that did not give. His features began to distort in an unpleasant way as the pressure forced his eyeballs to literally “pop” out of their sockets. Giving way to much more of his precious blood to flood down his face as it began to cave in. Loud cracking sounds coming from him as his skull gave in to the struggle and shattered. His body followed the same path as noticeable tears began to form, revealing muscle, and torrents of blood began to fall upon the floor.

The tentacles of obsidian were merciless and did not stop until he was a mangled mess of unidentifiable flesh, at which point they dropped him to the floor and retreated to her frame. Wrapping themselves about her limbs and entire body, loudly ripping the clothing already adorning her small curvy frame until there was nothing, and she was wearing a catsuit of darkness more or less. “All and all, she should be capable of manipulating her given field of study more effectively with your blood linage amplifying her own.” ...Those voices from her dreams echoed in her trembling ears now. There was no time to mourn what she had just seen as her flailing and clawing at the tentacles proved futile, there was no time for frustration either. Her blood was on fire, her chest felt like whatever foreign object that was housed there was going to burst forth from within her. “However, the down side is we don’t know how sane she will be. She responded well to treatments but that’s not to say she won’t wake up and be like Kendra the second.” More echoes haunted her...though a part of her knew what was coming...this peaceful life was about to be out of her reach once more. She had just killed her own father. The tears that threatened to stream down her youthful face fell like a waterfall as her soft pink lips parted to give way to a scream. As soon as the mandibles parted however, she found herself choking. The darkened strips slithered up and began to consume her features and head, forcing their way down her throat. “You’re only questioning her insanity because she gets to fuck something off limits to either of us. Now wake the elf up already.” Terror filled her as her air flow was cut off, and then darkness took her.

“No!” Her eyes shot open. Crazed, bright, silver orbs fierce with despair darting around the room as she lay there. Her feet immediately were up over her head in a backwards somersault that landed her in a squatting position upon the floor. That pain that seemed so phantom this entire time filled her, though she doubted there was any waking up from it this time. The realization that it had all been a lovely dream turned terrifying nightmare hit her as another strong surge of sharp pain washed over her body like a wave that wouldn't dissipate. It felt like being trapped under the current of the ocean. Slender hands rose to her hair allowing ten slim digits and nails to clamp down on her tresses before slowly sliding down and digging fully into the flesh upon her face. As the sharp nails continued they left pooling blood in their wake, blood that began to flow down around their barriers upon the rest of her countenance. A blood curdling scream ripping forth from her as the hands began, that did not cease even after her hands had fallen to her sides limply; leaving a mess of deep gashes and blood upon her once rather resplendent features that slowly began to close themselves, leaving only the fresh sanguine liquid. The shadow beneath her frame twitched slightly before around three hundred dark tendrils shot forth from it at the creatures in the room. They were wild, with little note of direction and lack of discrimination of the targets. When they met with a living object they splattered like liquid and that liquid grew, consuming it's target mercilessly into eventually a spherical dome that held them like a capsule. The darkness itself malleable and fluid in consistency, but solid nonetheless, making sheer force ineffective as an attempt of escape. The neat little trick about these balls was that when there was room to decrease in size, they did, further making struggling useless as you would entrap yourself all the more. Though, no one knew that little fun fact, not even her...yet.

The majority of the tendrils headed for the Jag'troa, devouring their form until they were similarly sized orbs of black that pulsed and bulged as they fought to escape. An illuminating flash came from behind silver eyes as the scream continued, the once limp hands now with fingers that curled into fists as her eyes rolled back and the eyelids fluttered shut once more. With one hundred tentacles now gone and melded into the spheres, it gave her one hundred more to use and she did, reflexively. The struggling in the orbs ceased as the spheres condensed slightly, making it impossible to do more then crouch. With them completely without guard the real magic began. Sharp, completely solid; fully concentrated, like diamond, spikes poked out of the orbs in various places. The interior of the sphere shooting around twenty five solid spears; around 3 to 4 inches in diameter, through the inside towards every vital point on the body that were allowed to pierce through the orb itself. The sharp objects stationary for a moment before retracting once more, leaving gaping holes in the orbs themselves to let loose the blood of the creatures within. Whilst that had all transpired in a matter of seconds, the remaining two hundred whips of darkness headed for Gorgoth, Gregarious, and Artkious.

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