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Forum rules ( everyone read)

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Forum rules ( everyone read)  Empty Forum rules ( everyone read)

Post  Admin Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:22 pm

Rules Of The RP's OOC community , Please Do Sign.

1. No Drama! AT ALL.kthx

2. Respect between members is a must. If there is a problem then come to Blizzard/Losara or sort it out by yourself with the person in question like an adult, and remember NO hardcore feelings OOC'ly for what a Character does IC'ly, those are two different things and most RP'ers should be able to separate and understand that YOU might control your character, but you also control the fact that the character is not you and have/has a different view of things than you do, so don't be butt hurt.

3. Do not share the groups info with other groups. If find out.. <.< ill make you regret it, just kidding but it prevents meta gaming. LOL
There is people for everything, and some race information is copy righted.


5. DON'T mix IC and OOC for god sake there are other rooms or PC for OOC, remember NO hardcore feelings OOC.
Okay, Since people are going up each other's bums over this lets just play it nice and tag along shall we? So My point is.
No Mixing.
OOC to IC = forbidden
IC to OOC = forbidden, this meaning to referring to others as brother or sister or Mother of father and stuff like that OOC wise. Let's keep it IC.
Also, No Drama OOC. I'm pretty sure most are sick of it and if you don't have anything good to say, shut up. I do not wish for this RP to leave a bitter taste in people's mouths.
Let's just keep it friendly even thought we might have different views on things. Let's not destroy the joy of Rp for others.
Now sign and follow the rules.

6. ..well what more? This group is for keeping of IC information/ such as Logs of the RP. Where the OOC must be cut out of the log and log keepers will be needed.
Please make sure that the text is readable, and that it all goes in order.
If story lines occur, those will be kept in separate threads.

7. Since this in a GA group, sexual content will be cut out from logs, and just not displayed on the group page, if you wish to have the sexual content to read or so on ( flappers<_< ) you will have to keep it in a document on your own computer.

8.RP is for fun.

9. Try to always have your facts right. There's nothing more confusing than fucked up info. So always double check your source before saying anything. Yet most things are open for discussion. Wikipedia is a great resource for info and such.



If one would fail to follow these rules, and Drama occurs for bs reasons, or any reason at all. The person/people in question, will get ONE warning, after this, if it happens again..
:: Disappearance of Character::
This means that you are kicked from the RP for not being able to act as an adult.
You character will not be killed, just disappear what you do with that character afterwards, It is solely your decision as well as it is your character.

Please just comment, so that I can make sure that you know the OOC rules abiding here and if you have questions surrounding the OOC Rules, please ask them in this thread and we will see to them as soon as possible.

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Forum rules ( everyone read)  Empty I CAN READ GUIEZ

Post  Primus Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:22 pm


Posts : 6
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Join date : 2013-10-03

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