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MistBanes Birth

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MistBanes Birth  Empty MistBanes Birth

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:09 pm

Niveus birth.
Infeci had been lead under complete silence through the Niveus woods confusion and with a frightened gaze she mostly stumbled forward, the dull shadows cast from the branches cast from above making the rather un even earth beneath her feet hard to travel and in her confused state of mind so horrid even the spectrums of light lost their beauty, the stillness in the air as the fog made it hard to see further then twenty feet forward she had no idea on where they were going or the exact location. Something was wrong as with a stabbing feeling to her gut she came to a sudden stop, it did not take long before she realized her inner eye lost the trace of her beloved, the most important person to her. Even the Ancients stopped and turned towards the castle as an eerie silence once more spread around them. What was going on and why could she not sense her beloved anymore? The panic in her chest slowly making it hard to breathe as she stared out in the fogy air, her eyes tearing up as she in confusion tried to think of a better answer then the fact that her loved one was dead, an energy trace always lingered from the person unless they were dead. This she knew and still she did not want to believe it, tears falling down her cheeks as the Ancients turned back and faced her who knew what kind of expression they bore under their masks.

:::We are sorry.. It seems that.::: that was all the Ancient woman could say before Infeci let out a heart breaking scream, it echoing through the forest as she feel to the ground in despair, the Ancients remained silent as they let her cry out, such bitter tears as her face cracked up in sorrow and heartbreak.

::: WHY?! Why?! ::: she screamed out in agony as she wrapped her arms around her belly, the tears not ceasing as the queens heart broke in pieces and her sobs filled the silence, when one love bird dies so does the other. Yet groans broke it off as the stabbing feeling in her guts grew stronger, and it did not take long before one of the male Ancient's picked her up and into his arms, only to begin the short walk to their destination without a word. Infeci did not fight she was to dulled to even have the strength to move as her tears still fell from her eyes. Not more than a few minutes later they arrived at the entrance to a cave, the stone pitch black and sharp cliffs roamed the skies upwards as black chains etched out from its tip and down into the ground, massive chains almost seeming to keep the mountains in place as a ominous presence lingered over the place, haunting and terrifying as the tinkling sound from chains could be heard from inside the mountain. Was really Infeci to give birth to her child here? By the looks of it they would not even be able to get in. since countless chains where blocking the cave opening. Infeci let out a shuddering sigh, why was it so cold suddenly? And the stabbing pain in her gut was only getting worse. The Ancients stopped just in front of the opening and remained silent, ear deafening silence as the clattering of chains begun to fall out from a silent lullaby to a echoing requiem. What was that Infeci though to herself as she did her best not to scream out in pain, the child was all she had now her and her beloved child, the through brought new tears to her eyes as she lifted her hands to her face and cried bitterly. Not noticing the chains as they moved scrapping up from the ground and opening a path into the cave, and yes indeed the chains of Adolescence and Sin had their own life, cursed? Blessed? Who knew it had been long forgotten by time and countless stories about how it actually was. Infeci on the other hand noticed as they begun moving once more, she was still carried by the Ancient and peeked through her fingers to get a better view as they entered the cave, pitch black at the start and her inner eye only blurry due the vast amount of energy in the air. After a few minutes of walking a red light mirrored through the caves walls that where concealed by chains for most part, Infeci shuddered and curled up like a ball both due the pressure she felt and the stabbing gut feeling that was going out in an almost pounding pain the further they went. Panic acted up again as Infeci did not know what to do or think at this time as they walked out from the cave path and into a chamber, black chains hanging from the roof and lacing across the walls and down onto the floor. It was rather warm and moist on the inside and not to speak of the alluring calm that swept over her mind as all she could hear was the seldom light clattering of chains. Like a lullaby as the demoness let her arms fall down to her sides, so relaxing as well as the pain seemed to dull and almost disappear, it suddenly went cold onto her back as the Ancient that had carried her placed her upon an alter she had need seen in their arrival. The kept quiet as the female Ancient walked towards the altar, holding a few black chains in her hands. A gently whisper emitted from her lips, kind off muffled by the mask as the Ancient placed the chains onto Infeci's stomach 'Heavy' she thought as she felt the chains weight upon her midsection, a soft sigh emitted from her lips as she stared up at the chains in the cave roof, the lullaby continuing as she struggled to keep her eyes open, yet the whispering now coming from all three Ancients as the female one stepped away and joined the two others. The red fog circulating in between the chains as they begun to move and stretch down towards her twisting and turning in the air almost tearing through it, the lullaby once more getting louder as Infeci found in rather hard to even try to figure out was going to happen, her red hair reaching out over the alter as she laid there completely still her with arms by her sides and the chains upon her belly. The chains from the roof stopping in their movements as circles appeared before their collected edges, thin circles almost like fine lace with their patterns and text, glowing white in the red fog as the chain after a few moments started moving once more now forming something like a claw as the pentagram was split up to each of the five edges looking like glass as the air itself broke at points, it was beautiful she thought as she laid there the light from the energy spectrums laid thick and the crystal shards falling down in a calm rain, the chains lacing further almost like drills now as Infeci whispered out the name of her child, even if it was a boy or a girl she wanted the name for the child her beloved had liked that name.

::: Mist..::: her voice breaking as tears broke off from her lashes once more, how proud she was over her child a mother's love radiated out in a smile on her lips even as tears trickled down her cheeks, her end was coming soon she had the feeling and knew what a sealing was on that part. Something flashed up by her side just as the chains begun their way down at a tremendous speed, the smile still upon her lips as she looked to the spectrums of lights forming her beloved while he placed a hand upon her shoulders, crystal shards emitting from his eyes as the energy made his outlines blurry and unsteady, faint hoarse whispers emitting from his lips as he knelt down by her side as the edges of the chains pierced her stomach, the black blood seeping down into the altar as she held in a scream and clenched her fists to bear with the pain of her internals being ravaged in search of a precious life.

::: Be calm my love. It seems our time has come Let's just watch our child as she is born okay?::: He leaned in and finally his whispers were hearable for her, she smiled as her eyes went down to her belly, the sight was gruesome as the chains where literally digging her child out from her belly, the black blood smearing of on them and slowly dripping down yet not disturbing the circulating pentagrams, it was becoming cold and she could not see her child at first but as the chains lifted it out of her abdomen she saw the life, so pale, small white horns emitting from the head as a white tail emitted from her back a female child. No steady form as the child grew in between the chains that held her energy filling it's inner while the seals seeming slicked to the form of the child, so silent and not even a cry. The child growing directly to the age of ten at least, this was not unusual for an energy demon at all, as they grew with strength instead of with time. Convulsions of energy rippling through the air as the chains that had been laid upon Infeci's stomach earlier had seemed to become fluid, Infeci could not feel it due the fact that her midsection had been emptied in the chains search of the child through her body, her silk dress ripped and sticky of her blood as she let out a shuttering breath. The energy feeding onto the forms of the child as her horns also grew along with her hair, black marks forming upon her pale skin as she slowly but surely took form nothing more than a hollow shell at this time, since the production of internal organs nerves and remaining muscles took a bit more time to form and render useful.

::: She's beautiful my love.. Mist was it?::: Vexus looked to his beloved and reached out a hand towards the cage of chains that held their child, he would off touched her if it had not been for the chains that lashed out on him making his energy based arm dissolve in the air, The Ancients watched and whispered to another as they noticed the chains protective behavior. Vexus looked back to his beloved and smiled ::: See.. she's in save..::: He looked back to the chains for a second and then back to his beloved ::: Chains.::: Infeci smiled at her child as she then looked back to her beloved and inched her head towards him.

:::Yes. Mist is safe.. Bane Verus Mist Officinale.. ::: Infeci said as she reached out a hand towards her love, he took her hand in his a last moment of love before the death as she drew her last deep breath and as she did, Vexus faded. Surely an energy demon could have survived but as one love bird dies, so does the other. Meanwhile the chains that had been fused with the child's body where taking their place around her spinal cord as the Ancients watched it form, not bothering with the now dead king and queen.

::: Well then. Since it seems that both Rulers died.. Darius Hamilton Officinale is the next heir.. Until Bane Mist Verus Officinale has grown.. That was her name right?::: One of the male Ancients asked as he inspected the cage that held the growing demoness the seals where regulating the flow of energy and kept her safe. The female Ancient tilted her head slightly as she crossed her arms under her chest pondering over what to say.

:::Yes.. Her mother wanted her to be named that.. And so be it::: She answered as she glanced around someone would have to clean up the mess of Infeci. :::Let us guard this place.. Until she is ready.. Then send her to the adoptive Family.. We don't want Umbra to get his hands on her..::: She said as she let out a sigh in slight frustration while she turned to the last Ancient they had come prepared for most, but had not counted in the death of the two rulers. He nodded at her before walking over to the altar and using the energy to make Infeci's body dissolve in a cloud of energy shards. Now the waiting game was on and a day of sorrow was boarding out over the Officinale kingdom.

Meanwhile in the castle a hustle was taking place, both the rulers where gone and claimed dead no one knew what had happened and the Officinale kingdom was in speculations and doubt. Grey was as happy as ever as he stood before the door to one of the castles balcony's the one reaching out over the court yard ready to shout out to the mass that had gathered on the court yard also pinching himself under the eyes to get out a sorrowed look to his grey flesh, the murmuring of the crowd ear deafening as they discussed different theory's on what happened, yet all came to silence one after another as Grey slammed the doors open and revealed himself to the crowd, narrowed eyes as he placed his hands upon his chest while he let the silence become eerie.

:::My dear friends.. And Family.. I'm saddened that I have to bring out this message to you, that the king Vexus and queen Infeci has both been assassinated::: A short pause to let the news sink in but not long enough to let the whispering to begin. ::: And it has now come to my knowledge that I am the only heir to the throne.. In this time of betrayal I swear my pledge to the people that I shall hunt down the traitors and aid the kingdom..:::Grey gave of a proud but saddened tone, completely fooling the citizens as he bowed to them and yelled out ::: Aid me and allow me to become the ruler as I will aid you my fellow comrades..::: Let us rule these lands together!::: the murmuring in the crows begun and soon enough as people had actually considered what Gray had said let out a triumphing applauds and screams of joy the sorrow forgotten in the false moment of played out glory. Salvation for the people and the kingdom many saw this act, yet the nobles that had been at the meeting held their sorrowed faces, this was not right. Something in the air, like a calamity a ridiculous joy was spreading making the tragedy that had occurred seemingly forgotten.

After a few weeks had passed back at the far north of the realm and the prestigious mystical mountains that rose from the ground seemingly held to place by massive chains that echoing out into the ground, Such eerie pressure was building up, the chains trembling under it as the trees around them almost bent down, Soon the seals on the heir was going to be released as mean while waiting the Ancients that had been guarding the heir of the throne had also collected the adoptive family she was supposed to be living with until the time of her adulthood and observing the development of her, they had laid out the plan perfectly while waiting, As Mist as the heir was named now with fully developed organs and a complete and fully functioning body, yet one thing they where fearing was the titanium in her body and also something that had come to life after just a few days of developing, a rather odd coincidence while the double nerve system that a Energy demon had a rather high potential of electrical charge rather much making her sparkle as momentarily arches of electrical energy emitted from her skin, this enough to keep the titanium fluid in the Demoness body as the titanium had due time laid in a thin coat around her bones, this made her heavier but die the fact that she had been completed with that titanium in her body, her body itself had adapted and made her muscles stronger and more endurable, this was something that worked to their liking since it meant that the heir was most possibly going to survive. The red gloom in the air of the cave and the black dried up blood from Infeci was time after time lit up by the rather random flashes of light that came from the heir, the chains still warping around her ten year old form and her white hair going down on her back as a few strains of her hair had slipped through the barrier that the seals had created to let the absorption of energy go slowly, the seals where still glowing upon her pale skin. So seldom and silent she was, she had not screamed once even though some energy demons got into the habit to scream thought their sealing, how lucky they had been with this one. The chains of Adolscence and Sin wrapping around the body of the heir, yet now they where trembling and beginning to unravel, the Ancients took a particular interest to this due the fact that this was a onetime even. It was beginning and the Ancients had been patiently waiting for this, the unsealing that came by itself due the newly born Energy demon had gotten used to the flow of energy and their body’s fully created. The spectrums in the red gloomy air casting shadows and light upon the heir as she chains slowly but surely unraveled, just above the altar that was stained with black blood as the Ancient woman placed herself next to it, the heir slowly being released and convulsions of dispensing energy formed on the air as the seals broke one after one, the pressure outside the cave raising with the pace that seals broke, shards of the text that made the seals shattered from her body and like the crystal shards flowed through the air only to fade, two had broken so far and the heir was slowly lowered down onto the altar, the chains unwrapping and revealing the long white hair that flowed down in cascades from her white horned head, the young and childish features yet devastating beauty in such a pure way even if black marks unwired upon her smooth skin she still looked so pure and fragile.

::: The time has come..::: The Ancient woman said as she carefully held out her hands to catch the heir while the other two stood behind with blankets and clothing, ready to step in when needed, the chains wrapped further as yet another of the seals broke, the electrical arches flashing out for a moment only to seek back to the heirs body and conceal themselves in the nerve system of her not threatening to hurt anyone else at the time, the fourth seal broke after just a few seconds and the pressure weighted down upon the area around the mountain, chains chirring in a symphony that sounded like a pained scream while the Ancients also felt the pressure upon their shoulders, the air vibrating as the fifth and last seal broke, Mist feel down into the Ancients woman's arms with a loud scream emitting from her lips as the chains of Adolscence and sin pulled back seemingly frightened as the scream died away from Mist's lips, her eyes now wide open and starting up at the chains, a moment of silence as the chains and Mist's deep blue feline eyes stared at each other, not that the chains had eyes to see but they surely had a mind, soft clings emitting from the chains as they moved, and in a almost singing whisper the Chains of Adolescence and Sin spoke, the voices of females, husky and whispering with alluring yet wise voices, the feeling timeless.

:::The pure one, the White Demon Bane Mist Verus Officinale has been born and bounded with the Chains and the Bane of the Officinale.::: soon as the whispers had emitted from the chains the pressure dropped off and they went silent and still, soft breathing echoing through the cave as Mist stared up at the chains, the mind of a child still even though her body was more grown then usual Energy demons, such a odd child.

::: The Chain and Bane of the Officinale..::: The Ancient woman said as she looked down upon the heirs naked body, she held a high temperature and not to speak of the static motion that she gave off upon touch. ::: Clothes and blankets..::: The ancient woman said and immediately the two others stepped forwards, the one to the left placing the blanked upon the altar as then the one to the right handed the Ancient woman the clothes piece by piece as she helped the Heir to dress, a simple white dress along with slippers of every kind of shoe, they had chosen slippers. The heir Niveus Mist Verus Officinale now sitting straight up upon the altar, dangling her legs over the edge and glancing around while holding a firm grip with her hands onto the blanket. The white horns upon her head glimmering in the red dull light as her tail slowly snaked around behind her, her expression calm and rather innocent, she was after all just a child. A newly born mind stuck in a ten year olds body? No no, they could not have that could they?

::: Bane Mist Verus Officinale?::: The Ancient woman asked while tilting her head at the heir, her mask spotless and in pure white, as all of their masks where. Mist on the other hand glanced up to the woman and tilted her head, blinking a few times while one of the other Ancients just shook his head.

::: It's obvious she's a newly born trapped in a child's body, her brain has not been learned how to speak and such yet ::: He explained as he walked towards the two, crossing his arms under his chest before stopping in front of them. As Mist on the other hand looked to him with a rather dumb found face as she then let out a childish laughter before sliding of the altars edge in a rather clumsy way, yet the slight kicking of her legs made her somehow land on her feet as she left a hand upon the altar she wasn't dumb enough to just throw herself out over a edge after all, it was hard to keep the balance upon two feet when the weight upon her head was hard to balance, not to mention the tail calmly rolling of the altar and swaying down just before the ground. Mist blinked a few times as she opened her mouth, moving her lips as if to speak yet the voice was not the easiest to grasp. During her sealing the Chains of Adolscence and Sin had provided her with the knowledge on how to do certain things, such as speaking and movements. Yet also on how to control energy fully and a slight grasp on how electricity worked. Everything needed for her to be able to live and think with the same knowledge of a ten year old. The first steps wobbly and how to control the muscles fully was hard, and how to keep the feet straight while at the same time not trip on the tail that seemed to be all over the place as she carefully took step after steep while holding onto the edge of the altar, only thing now was that she was closing in on the end of it, the cold stone chilling to her touch and hard almost un inviting in a way. Mist could not help but to let her curious mind and eyes to wonder while she kept on walking straight forward so many thing she never had seen nor felt, releasing the edge and slightly focusing on keeping her balance while leaning forward with her upper body and letting her tail follow with her hip movements, It was easier that way. The Ancients looked to her and remained quiet, just watching before one of them shuddered out.

::: how?::: he asked while looking to the two others, the only kept their eyes upon the heir " she should be crawling around.. at the very least" He said as Mist stopped while turning her head and looked towards what looked like statues in white to her. Quiet at first before she slowly opened her mouth, forming the words with her lips before pressing out air only to let out light :::ahh's .:::
:::W.. why w-w-would You ::: Was all she got out as she took another breath, starting to understand how to speak ::: Think.. T-that? ::: She asked, stuttering as her childish features turned towards them, carefully not to fall as her tail swooshed behind her and her deep blue feline eyes fixated upon them with an ice cold expression. The three Ancient's remaining quiet in mere amazement mixed with a slight fright before coming to their senses they had not expected the Chains of Adolescence and Sin to teach her anything nor to give her such a cold gaze.

::: We are Sorry Mist::: the Ancient woman said and bowed to her, the two others followed in her lead while Mist just stood there and stared at them, not really knowing what to say nor why they did it. Her mind was still that of a child's yet she could not help but to explore as she released them with her gaze and stared up in the roof, the weight of her horns shifting her whole body weight and thus making her fall over and land on the ground with a thud back first, the first pain Mist felt was the one of hard stone against soft firm skin. The impact was harder then Mist ever would have believed and made her yelp in pain and tears to flow to her eyes, before she curled up to a ball and placed her hands upon her bum where the worst impact had been made. The ancient woman walked up to her, dragging the blanket along with her before placing it upon Mist and then scoping up in her arms, a warm tone to her voice almost caring and very calming emitting from behind the mask. ::: There there Mist.. Calm now::: she whispered while wrapping the blanket around the Heir who cruelled up in her arms and sobbed un-happily still with her crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks as she slowly drifted into sleep. She was nothing more than a child after all, with a glance to the others the Ancient woman nodded to the others ::: It's about time we bring her to them..::: She said before turning to the cave opening, heading out with the two others following her closely behind.
They now heading back the same path that they had taken to the cave from the imperial city, yet that was not where they were going, they were heading towards the little village just to the south west in the realm, there lived the family Mist was to be tucked away in. Hidden from society and raised to with happiness or so they hoped.

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