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prolouge (RP)

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prolouge (RP) Empty prolouge (RP)

Post  Admin Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:08 pm

Adolescence and Sin, a particular name for a realm but what might have caused it to be called such? The endless flow of energy forming convulsions in the bare air casting spectrums all around in the bare air, fully visible for the naked eye to see as it displayed in ever-changing colors and forms not to mention the plants that seemingly never withered where they bloomed along with the mysterious beings that dwelled upon this plane of existence, immortals? No there has never been such a thing as an "Immortal" since everything comes to an end whenever it dies or disappears. Not to mention it was created in the first place, ceasing to exist in the flow of time only to somehow be remembered in history or forever forgotten in ruins. Balance needed to be kept and the exception was just long lived beings with superior powers and their opposite and equal, as such beings dwelled in the dark realm on lit up by the moons pale light. The realm of Adolescence and Sin, energy based plants and streams of water even the earth itself consuming and releasing energy and there by the plane has been able to create its own kind of life cycle, since the energy that it feed went around in its own mysterious flow. To the west mighty mountain chains rise from the earth all the way from the south to the north, fogy and not to inviting to pass through as the sharp cliffs clothed in a ash grey color only made the mountains look like shadows through the all to fogy climate that rested in the air, almost like a bad omen over the paths that lead one through while the pale yet strong light of the eternal moon roaming in the dark skies shines through the fog and energy casting dull shadows and spectrums of light. So alluring as the next step one take might toss them down to a certain death, the Vox Vocis Mountain pass, the only way into the realm as the gates at its opening rift was the only way in and out not to speak off the northern as parts of the mighty mountain chain flowing with underground lava steams and caves, as the southern parts flood and cave systems ran by. Truly a mysterious plane, unless the being traveling could make portals of their own. In the south end of the realm laid a small mountain chain name Mount Livor rumored creatures manifested its grounds, the same fogy climate as the Vox Vocis mountain pass yet warmer, Chains manifesting from deep within the mountains seemingly binding them to the surface of the earth dangerously close to Silence pond. Two mighty forests stretched almost like a band in the middle of the realm north west to south east monstrous beings roaming in the shadows all over the realm all with different purposes and desires, the woods broken off on the middle by the Inficio Lake with its silent waters, a rather large lake with serpents dwelling in it as the protectors of the realm and it's beings along with the chains of adolescence and sin dwelling beneath the mere surface of the earth. The serpents unable to see hear or smell, yet they possesses a greater mind and inner eye as they relied on the energy flow to live and move their massive bodies and the tremendous power they possessed. Yet in under the lake there is something horrid and left since ancient times, a treat waiting for the time to finally play out. The Officinale kingdoms main castle, with its mighty towers and castle walls rising to the heights as the Imperial city dwells around it a proud façade far to the east of the lake, nobles and tradesmen roaming the streets as the royal family lives inside the castles safe walls, a rich realm full of life and mysteries as the two forests the Silvia per Caliga to the south with the city out cast laying near the Inficio waters, the Niveus Forest to the north almost seeming shielding of the cold from the warm as to the east, snow laid plains and the Mighty Mount Sarlin rose to the sky along with those frostmourn a bustling port city located in the heart of the snowy region of the realm and under the protection of the Officinale Empire. Despite the hazardous conditions and mountainous areas, this region is home to the largest population of migrants in which had sailed from the different realms. This city is home to cozy, wooden, buildings and massive marketplaces where the sailors can peddle their exotic items. A realm full of life yet so much death.

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Join date : 2012-10-31

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